How to Make $100,000+ Per Year With FREE Google Certifications Online

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hello my friends and welcome back listen in this video i'm going to share with you guys how you can make 100 000 or more with free google certifications now make sure you stick around and watch this entire video guys because i'm going to share with you not only where and how you can get these free certifications but i'm going to share with you tips and tricks on how to get started right away start earning money see i myself started this way over six years ago making money using google pimping out my services to local businesses and that's how i got started online making money and working from home guys before we get started listen if you're into work from anywhere work from home positions tips tricks opportunities all that great stuff please consider subscribing hitting the bell notification because i have new videos coming out every single week also if you like this kind of stuff hit that like button let the youtube dudes know that hey people want more of this information and if you do that for me i'm going to show you a horse wearing roller skates all right so without further ado guys we're going to jump right into it there is a website that is called skill shop okay skill shop dot with i'll pull it up on the trusty mac right now now there's a couple things you need to know here there are tons and tons of free certifications online okay but you need to know what the heck to do with these certifications in order to actually make money from them also not all certifications are alike some are better than others some make more money than others so let's take a look when you come to skillshop.with the first thing you're going to do is click this good old get started button you'll see this dude chilling on the couch and you're just going to click get started now when you come here you're going to see tons of topics okay so there's only a couple really that we're going to focus on right now uh to start making the mucho dinero and now that's not to say if you're really motivated go back get certified in all these great all the power to you but if you want to do it smart okay you want to do it the right way you want to provide value you want to start making money this is what i recommend this is where the money's at guys okay google ads all right analytics um google ads manager um i wouldn't worry about this stuff right now if this is stuff you want to learn go for it cloud and youtube you can worry about this maybe later but right now focus on google ads analytics also google my business we're going to talk about this this is actually a very niche way to make good money so stick around i'm going to share a little bonus trick with google my business but right now you're gonna focus on ads manager analytics google ads okay these are free certifications guys okay there is no excuse if you have no job if kovid left you broke if your spouse left you if you're down in the dumps guess what i don't give a crap because there's no excuse click on this google ads and what you're going to do is you're going to come here you're going to see all these different certifications now the hungry ones the ones that really want this the ones that are going to take action they're going to go through and get all these certifications but for now you can start with the simple google ads certification okay and what you'll do is you'll click on the top one here so this is for say display ads let me go back because there's all different types of google ads right you have display ads you have search ads uh measurement certification video certification shopping ads uh google ad app certification really primarily right now guys only focus on uh the top two so let's take a look at this here so google ads display certification validate your expertise using google display to deliver results that get the most from your display advertising investment certified users let me say that again certified users will demonstrate their ability to to develop effective display strategies and campaigns that achieve specific marketing goals okay so why is this important this is important for a couple reasons number one you see this big google ad display certification you get a certification from google having the word google should be enough right google is the biggest and largest search engine in the world if you've been living under a uh moldy rock certification is huge because companies want to see that now here's the thing we're not going after the coca-colas we're not going after the teslas we're not going after um i don't know who else is out there but you know what i mean we're going after uh bob's pizza parlor we're going after joe's bar and grill we're going after friends and family that have businesses okay so we want to start small and start to uh hone our skills after we get certified okay but take a look here so what as you go through this training you're going to learn everything from how to translate a vision for online marketing right these are things that small comp business owners have no clue how to do you would be amazed at the millions and millions and millions of companies out there that have no freaking idea how to advertise your business i'm telling you it is there people say oh it's too competitive it is not too competitive people you got to get off your butt the money is out there i promise you so you'll be able to develop a google display strategy okay meaning you'll be able to put together strategies and plans for these businesses um teaching them how to reach new customers because that's all these people want is new customers new customers in the door more money okay so here's what it is you come here you're going to prepare for your certification basically you're going to take a short assessment uh you're going to pass the assessment a google ads to play display assessment is about and 1.3 hours uh the google uh study google ads display 15 minutes identify campaigns reach users and create efficiency deliver the right message so we're talking 12 15 guys you can get this done in a day okay now how do we put this to use and how do we start making big money well there is a couple ways to go about this okay now a couple things that i recommend my first plan of attack and this is what i did is i simply uh wrote down a list of all my friends and family that own their own businesses um i had friends that i knew were doctors uh that owned small bar and grills i had some friends and family um that owned uh you know small businesses insurance things like that and this could be a friend of a friend okay um you have to determine right how close that relationship is and and make sure you have a good enough relationship also make sure you have this this skill set under your belt and really it's as simple as picking up the phone guys don't send a text message right maybe you send a a you know a pre-text or a pre-email hey this is what i'm doing i just got certified as a google ads display i'm looking for people to practice my skill set on okay it's as simple as that and you start contacting people and set up a zoom call let them know what you're doing hey and you say listen for the next 90 days i would love to run google ads for you for free and show you what i can do now they would have to pay for their ad spend of course but you show them what you can do and guess what you start to build up your skill set you start to build up reviews okay and then after that 90 days you have something in place saying listen if you're satisfied with my services maybe you know um and you'd like to keep me on retainer to keep growing your ad spend um my fee is 500 bucks a month or a thousand bucks a month okay and here's a trick if you're bringing them in ten thousand dollars a month you could charge a thousand dollars a month if you're bringing in 20 000 you could charge two thousand dollars a month okay now imagine if you had five ten of those clients this is exactly what i did for eye doctors okay here's another key thing niche down don't try to be everything to everybody you've probably heard me say it a million times maybe you maybe your thing is all the pizza about all the pizza locations maybe you handle all the uh bagel deli contestants maybe you handle all the barber shops maybe all the beauty salons maybe you do all the small gyms all the crossfits something like that niche down become the go-to person in that niche okay let's look at some other ways this is called people per hour now you can simply come in here and type in google ads hit that button and look at this all these people charging let's let's go over a hundred okay just to kind of show you here all right i might need to put on my special glasses for this guys all right look at this so 362 reviews which means that guy or girl has probably done well over a thousand of these at a hundred dollars now what they're doing is simply reviewing that person's google ads account so you can also contact people who have existing accounts and say listen i'd be happy to review your account and tell you what you're doing wrong and how to set it up so you're doing an audit okay it's another great way to get started 115 bucks this person 870 reviews uh which chances are they've got well over fifteen hundred two okay of these done google adwords set up highly optimized google ads boom boom boom now look at this you can go to the 20 to 50 people okay so these are probably people like you getting started but still look at this 745 reviews google adwords mini audit so you come in here you do the same thing maybe you charge 40 maybe you charge 20. again you're building up your skill set this isn't about making money in the first few months okay we still want you to make money but we want you to build up your skill set get your reviews uh find your niche right hone your talent this is your craft this is your livelihood this is how you're gonna make it to 100k plus there is no reason you can't do well over 100k if not more okay now there's also good almighty fiverr this is just another place to kind of hone your skills think of people per hour and google ads as getting ready for the pros right maybe you're in the minor leagues you're in the canadian football leagues no offense to my canadian friends out there so you go new seller hit apply you'd come in as a new seller right and if this guy's charging 180 95 maybe yours is 50 bucks for a google account setup and management again and you start working your way up that is it okay that is my recommendation to you now you have to think of this as a business okay you have to think of it as a business to go through the training get your certification start reaching out to friends and family okay think about what are the thing where can you see yourself doing this right uh do you like the restaurant industry do you know people in the restaurant industry maybe you already work in the restaurant industry maybe you're in the in the fitness industry right now you know some gym owners you know people uh personal trainers okay here's my bonus way of making money for you guys okay so as i promised before when you go to the get started button you're going to come down here to google my business this is a little secret most businesses okay and this is something you can do right now google my business okay get this certification when you go into google all right so i go into google and i type in um dentist chicago okay i'm a chicago guy and i go to matt i'm going to see all these dentists okay right these people are paying to be up here so i'm not worried about them but i'm worried about this guy associates for dental care chicago dental studio peterson park what i would do is i would take my location wherever i live i don't care where it is and i would type in and i would start going through here and i would start to look at all the dentists and if i see that there's not a dentist listed on here i'd contact him on the phone i'd say hey man i just went to look up dennis and you're not even listed on google maps right i tell you what for free when i go ahead and get you set up get you listed on google maps and if you start to get some people in the door over the next 30 days then let's talk and we'll work out a retainer and i'll i'll maintain your account keep you at the top of the list for two three four hundred bucks whatever it is that's nothing to them and then hey by the way do you know any other dentists who may want to rank high on google maps so they get found and they can fix more teeth of course i do get the idea so just a bonus tip for you guys check it out listen if you like this stuff you know what to do like the video also comment let me know what you think are you going to take action leave me questions i will answer them i want to help you you guys rock you guys rule i will see you next time
Channel: Judd Albring
Views: 293,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make money online with google certifications, are google certifications worth it, best freelance jobs, best google certifications, best online jobs, digital marketing, earn money online, google certification, google certifications, how to make money online, judd albring, make money at home, make money from google, make money on google, make money online, make money online for free, online freelance jobs, should i do google certifications, work from home jobs
Id: nlgAZzxg6i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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