How to make $1000 Every Day Selling A Digital Product

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i'm gonna teach you how to make a thousand dollars a day as a digital artist hi my name is thomas and i've built several successful online platforms over the past few years that have allowed me to quit my job and become financially independent this is the final part of my three-part series where i teach you how to build a passive income online so if you haven't watched the first two videos i'll leave a link in the description where you can go and watch those ones first so now that you've watched part 1 and part 2 you've created a viable product after conducting a ton of market research and now you've also started to grow a formidable online presence in your community but you're still not seeing any sales yet now why is that in this video i'm going to share my experience with you and show you how you can start properly marketing your product to dramatically increase sales this is going to be by far the most important step in this process and how you market your product will make or break its success these steps are ones that i have done myself and tested to double and sometimes triple revenue and sometimes even more if you implement these basic steps properly then you will see success now there's a ton of stuff i could cover and this video would be an hour long but i'm just going to give you the three most important changes and the easiest changes that you can make to massively increase revenue of your online product writing good copy on your sales page is by far one of the simplest and most effective ways to increase sales and a lot of people are doing this wrong so let me explain how you can write good copy but first i need you to understand something about marketing and why it is all about provoking an emotional response i want you to go back and think about the last time that you bought some sort of course or product once you press that buy button how did it make you feel probably pretty good right if you bought a course you probably felt like you're bettering yourself you felt excited to start a new chapter of your life and to learn new things you're becoming a better person a new person that product you bought had elicited such a strong emotional response from you that you felt completely compelled to buy it this is one of the most important lessons i want you as a business owner to remember you aren't selling a product you're offering a transformation an opportunity for your customer to better themselves to open doors that were once previously closed to them i want you to think about this how is your product going to transform the customer how do you want them to feel when they press that buy button i have doubled and tripled sales overnight just by changing my copy to elicit an emotional response so talk to your community start learning what frustrates them their likes their dislikes their hopes their dreams and fears you can channel all of these emotions and build your sales page around them every single person that views your page has their own set of fears insecurities and hardships and are looking for a way to alleviate that stress and this is where you come in empathize with your audience and that's when you can really begin to help them let's use my coloring book sales page as an example when i first released the coloring book the sales page just had basic information on what you can expect in the course just facts with no flavor and surprise things weren't going so well at the start i thought the idea of the coloring book was good enough that people would want to buy it but that is almost never the case and it won't be for your product either you need to form a connection with people in the few sentences you have before they get bored and move on to the next piece of content so here's what i did i talked to my community i learned why they're so frustrated with substance painter and why they're afraid to open up the software every day and start learning and practicing i learned about their struggles and why they wanted to become artists in the first place in a few hours i had written three simple sentences that completely changed the entire trajectory of my career and allowed me to leave my full-time job and pursue stylized station full-time i created the 3d coloring book to empower artists who are struggling with texturing in substance painter and show them that anyone can create beautiful pieces of art with just a little bit of practice and guidance i truly believe that you can drastically transform your texturing skills and become the artist that you know you can be no more stress no more confusion the 3d coloring book is a resource specifically designed to take the stress out of texturing and to give you the confidence you need to texture any asset i came up with copy that properly reflected the pain and frustration that my community feels and showed that by purchasing the coloring book they are going to start a journey to becoming a better and more confident texturing artist after adding these three simple sentences my sales tripled overnight i couldn't believe it i had successfully elicited an emotional response from my community they understood me and i understood them the sales started rolling in and they haven't stopped ever since after this revelation i went back into my other products and updated their sales pages adding a few sentences of that emotional connection and sales increased in every single one it was a life-changing epiphany and it took me way too long to realize so i want you to ask yourself this how is my product going to provide a transformation for my customer how are you going to take advantage of the few fleeting seconds of attention you have from them and connect with them emotionally if you master this question you might just change your life for the better now if you want to learn more about this topic because there is a lot more to learn about i would highly recommend checking out this is marketing by seth godin i wanted to take a few minutes to cover something that isn't talked about too much but is extremely important how to properly price your product most people selling a product are missing out on a ton of sales and income simply because they haven't done the proper research in their market if you watch the first video i made in the series you know that i originally priced my 3d coloring book at around 300 us dollars but once i dropped the price down to 50 my sales skyrocketed it turns out there was a ton of interest in my course way much more than i thought but it was too expensive so once i lowered the price the sales came flooding in and again haven't stopped i misunderstood my audience a very costly mistake but why did this happen and how do you use this knowledge from my own experience to properly price your own product well the first thing i would tell you is definitely do not be afraid to experiment with your pricing especially if you're early on i talked to a lot of artists who are selling their own products while i was creating this video and a lot of people had the same issue they were just afraid to change anything they were seeing a low amount of sales but they were sales nonetheless so they were afraid that changing their pricing or doing anything with their project would drop those sales to zero now i get it but you are never going to grow if you don't start challenging your own previously thought notions start experimenting with the pricing of your product you can always bring back the price your original point and the sales will continue on as if nothing happened the fears we don't face become our limits how will you find your limits if you don't start searching for them now there are a few things i want you to consider when dropping your product to a more affordable price point because things will change as your customers will change as well so let's say you drop your price of your course or product here's what's gonna happen while your sales volume will increase selling a cheaper product brings in customers with a lower budget and these types of customers will often ask for refunds when they're even the slightest bit unhappy with the product and that's okay it's important to understand that these customers aren't being mean or they aren't out to get you not everyone is in a good place financially so someone who spends their precious and limited funds on a product that they find wasn't worth their very valuable 20 they will be much more inclined to request a refund so they can make better use of their money they're not being cheap or difficult they just have to be smarter and more conscious of where their spending is going so remember that a customer with a higher income may be a little more lenient and just let it go if the product isn't that great so this is something you do need to consider as well however having a lower priced product will increase your sales volume so if you're fine with the increased refunds and the increased time you have to spend on customer service then this might be a really good idea for you especially if this is your first product it'll be a great way to practice your customer service skills and you won't have to deal with the stress of having your 300 product refunded three times in a single day pretty stressful trust me so with that being said there are more or less two ways you can go about this your first option is low price which would make a high volume of sales but would also equal more refunds and more time answering emails you could also go the route of a high priced course with low sales volume you would get less customers and it would almost be more risky and the refunds really hurt now these are both viable options and either one may work for you but it really depends on your niche and your audience so don't be afraid to experiment with both because you're not going to find out what works for you until you try it now if you want to try something other than a fixed priced model you can try and dip your feet into a subscription-based model if you're creating new content on a monthly basis this might be a great option for you to set up some recurring revenue however in most situations a well-priced fixed-priced payment model will almost always outperform a subscription service however if you have a very committed and loyal fan base this may be a different case as a loyal fan base will be more inclined to help support you from month to month now speaking of a loyal fan base building an audience that trusts you and your brand is one of the most effective ways to massively increase revenue for your products think about the products you buy aren't you much more inclined to buy something off amazon when you recognize the name of the brand of course you are now since you've watched the second part of my series building an audience you'll now understand that it's no secret that building an engaged and loyal audience is one of the main keys to creating a successful and high income product but this is way easier said than done so how do you actually achieve an engaged and loyal audience let's go through some ideas that you can implement to build trust in your audience and your product that i have done myself let's talk about communication and it's important to remember you aren't just this massive faceless brand you're a person with your own hopes fears and dreams and every single person in your audience is as complex as you are being able to build a personal connection with your audience is key to establishing trust between you and your current and future audience and will help you sell a product when the time comes but your audience is never going to know all of these things unless you start communicating it try to engage your community in meaningful and empathetic discussion not only will you start learning about your audience but they'll start learning about you what makes you tick and why you created your brand and product try taking an extra 10 minutes out of your day every day and start thoughtfully answering instagram comments and engage in thoughtful discussion and joke around with your communities during live streams there's tons of stuff you can do that extra 10 effort will have a massive compounding effect as people start to learn about your personality and want to hear more and more about what you have to say they'll start engaging more they'll start asking more questions and attending events that you're going to all because they know that they are going to get a thoughtful response in return they know that they are a part of this community that you have thoughtfully built around your product these people have taken valuable time out of their day to engage with you and your brand out of all the noise take the time to return the favor now before you stop and say this is all generic advice i want you to take a second and actually think to yourself sure this advice is common because it is and you've heard it before but are you actually doing it are you actually engaging with your community thoughtfully are you learning from them are you learning about their likes are you learning about their dislikes are you learning about their hopes and dreams now i'll put a wager that the vast majority of you aren't actually doing this and i say this out of love i can talk about these tips all day and you can say back to me well i've heard that before i'm sure you've heard a lot of things but are you actually acting on these things that you've heard i doubt it if you are amazing you're one step ahead of this rat race remember action is the foundational key to all success if you want to start generating a large income you need to start acting this advice is common and generic for a reason it's because it works but the difference between someone who listens and someone who does something is the difference between making no money online and making hundreds of thousands of dollars online now this isn't the first time i've mentioned this i actually have mentioned this in most of my videos it's almost uh pretty repetitive right repetition is another underutilized tactic that most people tend to overlook when it comes to establishing trust with your audience and generating sales remember those annoying tv ads used to see all the time as a kid i'll bet that there are some brands that are just seared into your brain whenever the song or jingle comes on you just can't help but sing it even though the last time you heard it was 10 years ago now you weren't blasted with the same ad over and over again because the ad company is trying to reach a new demographic the real reason is because the more a product an ad is etched into your brain the more you begin to trust it and the more likely you are to purchase it this was the true intention behind all of those ads you used to see as a kid canadian businesswoman elizabeth arden owner of the massive elizabeth arden beauty and makeup empire once said repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers and i absolutely could not agree more let's use stylization as an example as most of my community knows i'll always start off my technical and breakdown videos with if you want to learn how to make ghibli style textures in substance painter the coloring book was made for you now here's the interesting thing i've been so consistent with running this ad that the one time i forgot to use it i had people in the comments asking where it went concerned that i was moving on to another project people have become comfortable with the ad and began expecting it in every video and were almost upset when it went missing repetition becomes reputation and reputation makes sales now this also works for your products when you're starting it's way better to make one product and promote the hell out of it and improve it over the course of a few years as opposed to making as many courses as possible to cover as much ground and cover as many topics as you can i've seen a ton of great creators and a ton of great digital art platforms all fall flat this year because they were more concerned with creating a large library of courses as opposed to building trust and nailing the first one just don't spread yourself too thin so the next time you start to get self-conscious about promoting your product or course or if you're afraid that people are going to get annoyed just remember that you are building repetition and showing your community that you are consistent and reliable when someone clicks on your video or reads your blog post they know what they're going to get that is comforting to people never forget that there's so much more i want to cover like giving away free content how word of mouth works how to acquire social proof quality versus quantity how to generate hype measuring sales analytics like conversion rates and gathering feedback and how to iterate but there's only so much time i have to make these videos every week so let's cut it off here for now however i've really really enjoyed making this financial independence series and the changing content and getting to talk about financial independence as an artist has been so much fun then i know i'm going to be making a ton of more videos about this in the future i've already got a ton of fun topics lined up for the next few months that i'm really excited to talk about so make sure to subscribe so you can be a part of the community so now that the series is more or less completed i just wanted to leave you guys with a few final thoughts if there's anything i want you to take away from this series is that i just want you to stick with it you will not see results instantly you just won't this is a process that will take at best months but most likely will take years and a lot of people who have the potential to make a ton of money and a ton of income will just give up way too early after facing their first or second roadblock there's going to be a lot more than that so remember stay flexible surround yourself with like-minded people make quality over quantity and show that you care about your product and your audience so if you learn how to write really engaging copy if you learn how to properly price your product and if you learn how to build trust in your audience there is nothing stopping you from making a thousand dollars a day online thanks for watching guys i'll see you in the next video also before i forget a huge congratulations to evo for winning the random subscriber challenge evo will be using the money to pick up substance and several other software to help with their transition back into the game industry i hope it helps if you enjoy my videos or if you just want to support me feel free to check out my patreon i'll leave a link in the description [Music]
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 42,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passive income, passive income ideas, passive income online, art online, making money with art, digital art passive income, nft, making money, selling art, tutorial, making money with blender, make money online, digital product, entrepreneur, how to make passive income, art income, make money online 2021, how to make money online, how to make money, how to sell a product, how to sell a product to a customer
Id: lLkOeuStQOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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