How to loop 10 seconds to 8 hours of video in Adobe Premiere Pro

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hey what's up everyone welcome to camboy rt3 and today i'm going to show you a very basic entering video with premiere pro i am creating and actually is learning how to loop a video for a from 10 second video to 8 hour video without anyone knowing how you do it it's very easy very simple and this is you going to to learn how to do it okay i'm going to adobe my adobe is have some issue with my computer so it's a little bit weird to um open it but um i hope you guys don't have any issue like mine um all right look so i get into the adobe right now and then what i want to do is this is adobe look like this so you want to go to editing okay editing and then get into file import okay so go to imports like okay what i want to import for my video to um all right so i'm going to import this video i do a relaxation video i have a bunch of them you guys want to check it out is um cambodia 3 relaxation um channel i have like more than 100 video for relaxation video help you for sleep meditation and yoga and stuff okay all right so we get it in here this is inside the adobe if you are basic learning how to editing adobe this is for you too but it is someone wanted to learn how to loop video for from 10 second video to eight hour video this is also for you okay so this is the windows right here i just drag it okay this this tip it will show you a lot of stuff okay i show you a bunch all right so just like that so this is the widow that i have right it's all the snow the other day it's for relaxation so if you when you do a relaxation video you don't want to have the sound okay so the sound is just unlink okay and then you add sound whatever you want later on so i have it over here over here sometime when i click the camera the first time we're like moving camera for a little bit so i kind of like cut it out for a little bit and then play and fly out to see what the color looks like all right maybe i want to add a little bit color to make it look you know somewhat blurry okay um maybe i want to see what color on this one looks good so the color you just put the color you can put it the one at automatic because i'm lazy um one that's already been made for you or you can create it yourself this one look cool right look at this yeah all right look at the color and color blue and yeah so does it look cool i kind of like this one all right so keep that color oh my god helps look beautiful i'm gonna make this like about you know eight hours video and put the music behind you and so people can play so so many people love watching relaxation music so all right so okay and second step is go into this one click somewhat in the mirror over here okay don't have to be perfectly but and then you move this with the top move this one in and then you just move this one put next to it i have and i applied this one so if you don't have i have it like um already in the um so if you go to um over here to effects and then you go to effects over here and then you go to um transition so go to widow transition okay so and then you go to this soul grasshole okay cross this soul so you go over here i already have mine over here or if i don't want to have it i can just take it off and i just grab it and put it right there okay and look how easy it is it depends on widow so is the widow that are still in just one spot um you can just do one and you don't even tell you cannot even tell okay here you go come over here click it right here and see this okay so this is like kind of a little bit move for a little bit right look at this move so i wanna i wanna like cut out a little bit that's my video maybe i do like the pull this one in a little bit pull this one in a little bit and then see it because the camera are not still at the same spot these look perfect this is a very easy one so but if you have any questions um you know you will learn it by yourself like you can stop this one a little bit longer to to make it smooth or you do it short or sometimes it's just it's a weirdo snowfall or rainfall like this is a lot easier and i'm making sure that widow that you take uh on the camera is stay still in one spot don't move the camera put in one spot and making sure the light is not changing so when you're making a video when you um put the transition the video is not look different but when you change like this look at this okay my um like i said my my adobe have a little bit issue so you see it's like sometime my um and let's skip like this yeah so sometime the video has been skipped but this is good smoothly now but if this one have an issue that we'd all have been skipped and do you see this one it's yellow right you go to over here um this um sequence and then you go render into out and then it will run for you for a little bit and then and then after that we'll go a lot faster for you for um renting your video from adobe so this is another different tip that i included in this one and i hope you guys learned a lot and if you have any question or please let me know and if i do or say something wrong i apologize this is my first tutorial being honest guy i just want to help people out there and that's what i have been learning for a long time and you know if someone like it like it and if not it's up to you guys okay um okay so i put it all the way to over here okay go back all right look at this so if you come to ob here and you see this all right see together make it bigger so you can so you can see clear okay so from here see is anything look different watch not really right they look great i think i like it right what do you think i think they look great right it's just a little bit yeah it's like this one this time was a little there's no less than the other one you can tell i can tell but i don't know it's other will tell can tell right so they look perfect like you cannot tell i see watch it again i like that this is my favorite part like when i'm making video i want to see it's like oh my god dear looks don't even you cannot even tell all right okay so you have that and then you know what you do so you click all of it okay you click all of it control alt okay so put no not control just put alt on your keyboard okay so the um alt right so you click on it you drag it so you copy it okay and then you move it oh no okay and then you move it right here and then you put the crossover again one more time in there cross this cell okay so yeah so you keep doing that okay so you keep um keep click on your keyboard like the all the alt key yeah so you click on the alt key you subtract all that you click on the alt key and put it on the top and you just click on it highlight it and then just continue to do that like just like that here you go see you even can tell yeah and you keep just keep doing that and for 10 hours 20 hours whatever you want it's up to how your computer is um can handle the rent so you see this a little bit yellow thing it's gonna take me like a problem when i rent so i'm gonna go to um sequence and then run in an hour again one more time is it really quick and then it's done and now all you need to do is just go ahead and go to file go to import go to media [Music] and then my video is really big and i don't want to have that big so i want to use small so i'm gonna go to maybe i can go to high quality of 80 180 hd and yeah so that and then go ahead and export and then you're just waiting for expert for mine it is about three minutes to expert and you can watch the video so yeah thank you guys i hope this tip is helpful for you to whoever want to make a relaxation video and i would love to make more if you guys give me more support i will find a way to teach you trick and tip to helping you to um create more video okay so this video that's all any question please let me know and i will see you guys next time okay all right bye guys
Channel: Artistry Info
Views: 36,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to loop from 10 secon to 8 hour's video in adobe premier pro, creative cc, simple way, infinite loop, infinite, ahlapot, bitesizestories, project, video effect, technic, visual effect, Premiere, how to make a 10 hour loop video, how to make a 10 hour video, how to loop a video for 10 hours, how to make a 1 hour loop, how to make a loop video, how to loop video in premiere, how to create a video loop using premiere pro, how to loop video playback in premiere pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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