How to Look Smarter | Advanced Communication Skills for Both Native and Non-Native Speakers

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mutation training Connor with Connor training and I think it's time for add I have a talk soon don't wanna sound like a goon you got Sarah right I've been seeking a word to replace what to me is a danger phrase the word Wow I keep saying it though as soon as I do my ears cringe that's quite a trick any ideas Sarah yes I have the answer for you first of all don't be too hard on yourself there are a lot of people that I know who have a word that they say a lot such as oh my goodness that's what I didn't say and when people think of you where people are imitating you for example in a good way and they say things like Oh Sarah wow that's not necessarily a bad thing you know if you are known for being experienced that's okay however with that said if you do want to purge that word because let's say you have been practicing your communication skills and you're listening to yourself which by the way if you aren't doing that it's the best way because watching yourself on video or listening to yourself on tape is torture it's one of the most difficult things that we can do and it immediately helps us purge the things that we want to purge because it's such torture listening to it that you will remember so yes that's what you're doing or if you already know it's torture for me to hear myself say Wow remember visual cues truly are key and I've mentioned that before my videos and I know that you watch them so thank you Sarah if you put it out on a list I think as a matter of fact you had asked me as you did for a danger phrase empowered phrase list and I recommend printing up my template but it's a real simple T chart you just put a big letter T out of piece of paper on the left hand side you put day in here on the right hand side you put power and if you kept that out and available so that you saw the word Wow on a danger phrase list sitting in front of you all day long it dramatically increases the odds that you'll start purging that from your verbal repertoire and what I recommend you do is start stopping when you're about to say wow stop and think what am I while about what is it is that I'm looking at a picture that's beautiful then say that instead of the Wow describe what it is that you're finding to be so impressive for example if somebody did a great job let's go back to the picture if somebody shows you a beautiful picture instead of simply saying WOW you could say that is beautiful photography the lighting is incredible or let's say that somebody did a great job instead of like if I were to say to use Tara's hero come look at the at the stand that I made from the trade show and you were to see it instead of saying WOW think to yourself at that moment because you know there's isn't this liver in time between event and response there's this liver and time between when you're witnessing something that's impressing you and the words that come out of your mouth and if you have taken the time to write down that WoW is a danger phrase and you put it in front of you so that your brain can visually see it as your brain sees it that's your eyes then you're much more likely in that sliver in time to remember wait a minute I'm supposed to comment on what is making me want to say WOW for example if you were to look at my trade show display and think wow that's awesome instead why would you think wow that's awesome and try something like this you put a lot of work into that you really spent a lot of time that is the most creative booth I've ever seen you know things like that if you were to watch a great movie at the end of it that was so well directed I can't believe the casting people chose those people the writer chose those words you know what I mean so in that sliver in time if you start getting used to stopping and thinking what is making me stay Wow and then saying that I'm noticing you know is that something you wouldn't say but I'm noticing you really spend a lot of time you really invested a lot of time in your children you really worked hard on that that is a fantastic use of light in color you know whatever it is that is making you say wow state that and if you have the visual cue out to remind you to do that it'll increase the odds that you will do that you will notice quickly that verbal pattern will be purged and people will start recognizing you as somebody who is a savvy communicator but they won't know why you know what I mean it's those people who learn to do things the right way you know it's like when you uh it's like I don't wanna say when you wrote a bike because that's so cliche but if you oh you use the computer you may have forgotten that there was a time when you did not know how to use the keyboard but I'm sure that now you just go put it then you type away without really thinking about it and if somebody who had never used a keyboard saw you do that they would say wow or if they practice their communication skills they'd say something such as you really do that quickly and people don't know what is it about Sarah that makes for such a savvy communicator that when I communicate with her it has such an impact on me but it will be those little things because everybody has these verbal repertoires that we fall back on you know our Wow's or our oh my goodness or our I think that's better those little words that we could replace with the reason it's better you know for example I think maybe you've seen this video where at work instead of saying yeah I think I like that idea better we could say something such as that appears to be more customer focused solution to me and all I'm doing is thinking to myself okay purge the word or purge the phrase I think and purge the phrase better and instead say why it's better oh it's more customer focused or it's more economical I believe that appears to be a more economical solution for the challenge that we're currently facing you know when you start to just do those little tiny things that's what it's really about because those little things clarify the message that you're sending with laser precision and you will be seen and you will feel like a much more confident savvy polished communicator so I hope that helps Sarah and keep watching these videos I'm sure you subscribed if you haven't subscribe and I'll see you next time here at dan o'connor training and again for everybody watching this i'll put a link to the template where I have a danger phrased in power bracelets started below that you can click on and download that print it out and enjoy that for yourself and the other resources that are on my site make sure to check those out while you're at dan oconnor training comm if you have not yet subscribed to the site make sure to subscribe to it share this video and like it or don't like it tell me why in the comments and leave your comments and I'll try to respond to as many as I can as soon as I can I'm getting more of a handle on them along with if you send in a video question I will respond with a video answer so everybody this is Dan O'Connor with downer counters writing thanks for watching and I'll see you next time dan oconnor with Dan 100 training hi everybody like to say
Channel: Online Communication Skills Training Courses
Views: 24,349
Rating: 4.9335346 out of 5
Keywords: effective communication skills training videos, communication expert, communication keynote speaker, onsite communication skills training, communication expert keynote speaker, communication skills, communication training, effective communication skills, how to sound smarter, how to be a better communicator, communication course online, improve communication skills, free training videos online, communication workshop, communication courses
Id: WNyNsOO4whM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2016
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