6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid On The Bike!

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we all make cycling mistakes even as perfect gcm presenters [Music] when i first started cycling i used to wear underwear underneath my cycling shorts which i soon learned is a big no-no and i even forgot to unclip at a junction and i fell flat on my face we live and we learn but us here at gcn we have made pretty much every single cycle mistake under the sun and hopefully you can learn from our mistakes and not do them yourselves but in this video we're going to chat about beginner cycler mistakes that we have all made in our cycling lives so let's get into it now imagine wearing shorts or jeans and not wearing any underwear underneath it it's a bit weird isn't it and when in our whole lives we've been told to keep our pants on but as soon as you come into the cycling world everybody encourages you to take your pans off but there is actually a good reason behind it let me tell you so cycling specific shorts have a padding in them called a chamois and this is basically going to make sitting on a saddle a lot more comfortable and they're designed to be worn without underwear and it might be a little bit bizarre but but trust me you do get used to it and if you do happen to wear underwear underneath your cycling shores you will basically shave a lot and it will not be very comfortable or pleasant on the bike but if you do see someone with underwear lines on the bike just give them a little nudge tell them they don't need to wear underwear take them off although i still haven't quite found a way to tell someone politely take your underwear off you don't need to wear underwear underneath your cycling jaws i know it does seem weird but as i said cyclists are a weird bunch just go commando be free [Music] now this next one has to be the worst feeling in the world when you can feel yourself falling in slow motion and at some point in your cycling knives you'll fall down the hole of clipless pedals now they're great when you remember to clip out you're just riding along enjoying your ride and you come to a junction and then you completely forget that you're pretty much attached to your bike you try and unclip you unclip your foot from the pedal it just won't budge next thing you're falling over in slow motion you can feel it happen the panic the fear it rushes through your body but there's nothing you can do it's too late now and then you're laying on the floor and everybody's looking at you and it's quite embarrassing they have to get up i miss the beanbag now if this has happened to you do not worry we have literally all been there anybody who has tried clipless pedals has fallen over whilst trying to figure them out but little piece of advice before you head out on the open roads using your new clipless pebbles have a little whirl around in the garden learn how to unclip quickly knowing how the maneuver kind of works and it also helps to do it on grass gives you a bit of a softer landing speaking from experience now when you begin cycling a bike's a bike but very soon as you grow to love our sport of cycling more and more this bike will become your pride and joy it's only a matter of time before it does happen but one of the biggest mistakes that we see in beginners is when they do this to do any sort of mechanical thing to their bike they'll flip their bike upside down and rest the bike on the saddle and the handlebars no no no and to me this it doesn't really make any sense everything's upside down which confuses things i mean i'll be honest i can't even put a rear wheel in when the bike is upside down like this but not only that your saddle and your handlebars are touching the ground they could scratch and plus a gust of wind could come and it could just knock the bike over then you have scratches all over your bike you do not need to do this if you do need to do any mechanical assistance to your bike you could lean it up against a fence or a wall that doesn't scratch it you can get a friend to hold it or you could even just hold it up yourself and do some tweaking just just don't do this so confused [Music] now once you get the hang of this one you won't even need to think twice but in a lot of beginner riders we see a them not knowing the difference between their front and their back brake b just using one brake at a time and see not knowing how much brake they need to use to come to a stop but it's especially important to know the difference between your front and back brake and you can do this by standing off the bike and just spinning the wheel and then just pulling one of your brakes and you can figure out where is your front and what is your back and it's kind of different on every bike depending on where you are in the world basically if you pull your front brake and just your front brake very hard this is essentially what's going to happen and you're going to fly over the top of your bike and that's not going to be very nice but on the other hand if you just pull your back brake very hard you're going to be scaredzilla and that's not good either and also how much pressure to put on the brakes to come to a stop and this one you kind of get used to it the more and more you ride and you literally get a feel for it most of the time it's more of a feathering technique to come to stop you don't need to you know take a big handful of break and pull them to stop because you will stop very abruptly it's more of a feathering technique and i tend to use both the brakes i'm just going to feather them at the same time but if you are riding a new bike or you're not very used to the brakes on the bike i recommend just having a ride round on the flat and you know just getting used to them see how sensitive they are before you go zooming down a massive descent because that's a recipe for disaster as well gears are your friends and when you learn how to use them they make cycling so much easier but you do see a lot of beginner riders riding around in the long gear they'll easily be riding in a massive gear like this one grinding their way through the lanes or they'll be an easiest gear spinning their legs really fast like a catherine wheel but the sooner you learn how to use them properly the easier the riding will be and i'll be honest i had no idea how he has worked when i first started cycling didn't know how to change gear and i had no idea what gear i needed to be in when i was going up a hill on the flat or anything so let me try and explain but to keep it nice and simple if you're going up a very steep climb you need to be in your easiest gear and this is pretty much having your chain in this one here but if you're going on a flat road or a downhill road you need to be in the smaller cogs down here going uphill in the little ring going down the hill or on the flat big ring simple it's not actually that simple there's a lot more to it you can then go into rpm leg speed all that which is um a whole another cattle fish but if you did want to learn more about that we've got other videos on the channel now don't get me wrong stopping at a cafe on a ride is always a good idea but one mistake you can make at the cafe is ordering too much food because eating a massive meal like this for example when you get back on the bike you're going to be very full very sluggish and very sleepy and you're just not going to want to ride a bike so try and keep it light at the cafe a little sandwich and maybe a cake that'll do a portion of fish and chips is not a good idea not a good example um of what you should eat but i just had to test it out today just to make sure it's a bad idea and um well i'll soon find out i'm going to check into this lovely fish and chips but thank you very much for watching this video and the biggest mistakes that we've all made in our cycling lives but let me know down in that comment section below what the biggest cycling mistake you've made out on your bike and i'm now going to eat this chip and stop pointing at you and i'll see you in the next one there's no chance i can even ride a bike right now
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 732,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner, rookie, error, errors, mistake, mistakes, wrong, beginners, starter, rookie error, rooky, avoid, mistakes to avoid, top tips, beginner tips, tip, tips, pro tips, pro tip, beginner tip, top tip, how to, top 10, don't do, how not to, change gear, shorts, cycling clothes, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Cyclist, Road Bicycle, Top 10, GCN Cycling, velo, sec-top-10, sca15, ꗧ, r1, ꗶ, Ղ, n1, ሙ, ସ, ଙ, ホ, ළ, Ꮽ, ꚢ, Ա, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, Հ, ፕ19, ェ, ጎ, 4819
Id: snuOLrUBnls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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