How to load a dirtbike without ramps the easy way
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Channel: silverman6602
Views: 131,336
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Id: ulJziJa5TMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 42sec (102 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2018
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I feel like most recreational riders hardly have the strength to pick their bike up off the ground, much less lift it off the ground and in to their truck.
Could have at least put the rear wheels of the truck at the end of the driveway where it should lower the bed to ground height.
Yeah most people can't deadlift 200 pounds, let alone deadlift it safely. A 8' 2x4 is less than 5 bucks
I thought I was going to see some amazing trick here but itβs the same thing Iβve been doing for years when I donβt have a 2x6: picking my whole damn bike up haha
Damn dude thank you, now that I've seen it I'll have to give it a shot til i get a new ramp.