How To Level Your Bed on the Ender 3 S1 Pro

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in this video I'm going to show you how to level the bed on the Ender 3 S1 Pro having a level bed and the proper nozzle height set will allow you to get better first layers better layer adhesion and actually just less failed prints so let's get into leveling the bed on the Ender 3 start by clicking ready and then wait for your printer to go through the auto home process once that's done we'll touch manual and then preheat pla this will heat your bed and your nozzle now let's hit settings and leveling the reason I heat the bed before leveling is I want to level it in the same state that it's going to be in when I'm printing the reason I heat the nozzle is I just want to melt any plastic blobs that might be sticking at the bottom so I can set a proper Z offet Now touch ax level to enter the manual leveling process take a regular sheet of notebook paper or printer paper and slide it up under the nozzle you might have to raise the Z offset to get it to slide up under there once the paper's in place raise and lower the Z offset until the paper moves freely but you can feel the nozzle dragging on it once you're happy with it touch two to move the print head to position two once again we want to get the paper where it's dragging on the print head slightly but this time we'll use the adjustment wheel directly under this position turning it clockwise to make it tighter and counterclockwise to make it looser once we're ready hit three on the touch screen to move to position three and repeat the process clockwise to make it tighter counterclockwise to make it looser when you're happy with it touch four on the touchcreen to move to position four you know the drill clockwise to make it tighter counterclockwise to make it looser until we can feel a little bit of drag on the paper when you're happy with it touch five to move to position five last time clockwise to make it tighter counterclockwise to make it looser until you feel a little bit of drag on the nozzle okay that's all there is to manual leveling now let's switch to the auto level Tab and touch start I mainly use auto level but you need a manual level when you first set up your printer anytime you make any adjustments like change nozzles also anytime that the auto leveling fails I'm going to Speed the video up a little bit just to save some time now the printer will run through and check 16 places on the bed and record the Z offset it'll use these values to adjust the print head during the print jobs once the auto level is finished if you have the latest firmware you can see all the values here on the screen and you can edit them if you need to we're just going to hit save to complete the process if this video helped you out give it a like also it' be great if you subscribe to the channel
Channel: Dan Designs
Views: 6,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printed, 3d printer, 3d printers, 3d printing, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printing time lapse, affordable 3d printer, creality, creality 3d, creality ender 3 s1, creality ender 3 s1 pro, ender 3 s1, ender 3 s1 pro, ender 3 s1 pro assembly, ender 3 s1 pro build, ender 3 s1 pro review, ender 3 s1 pro setup, 3d printer bed leveling, 3d printing bed adhesion, creality ender 3 bed leveling
Id: U7cTvLpXL6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 27sec (207 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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