Upgrading The Ender 3 S1 With Professional Firmware

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a couple of months ago we reviewed the ender 3 s1 which felt like a really nice step up in the ender 3 line with the introduction of the sprite extruder and the cr touch i do still plan on swapping out the stock magnetic surface for a powder coated pei bed as well as the ptfe line heat break for a bi-metal heat break but other than that i am pretty content with the hardware on my s1 hardware is only part of the story though and like many other budget 3d printers there's definitely room for improvement with the firmware we installed community firmware on the cr6se gyres firmware on the nd3v2 and today we are going to be installing the professional firmware on the s1 there are some super cool features like bed tramming firmware retract pid tuning additional g-code support and a mesh viewer to name a few that i am really excited to use in today's video we will go step by step through the process of getting this flashed onto the ender 3s1 and luckily this is a fairly simple upgrade so with all that being said and without further ado let's get right into today's video [Music] huge thank you to microswiss for sponsoring today's video microswiss manufactures hot ends extruders and nozzles for over 30 different 3d printer models and is constantly expanding i've been running their upgrades on a wide range of creality printers for over a year now and i've printed everything from standard pla to carbon fiber nylon with them i love that they're a us-based company and that all their products are machined in-house this helps them to maintain the extremely high level of quality that their customers have grown to expect another huge perk is that their upgrades are made for specific machines making them drop-in replacements in most instances this helps to expedite the upgrade process and allows you to get up and running again very quickly links will be in the description to find out more about the various upgrades they offer or to pick up your own before we do anything we first need to find out what chipset or mcu version is on our ender3 s1 to do this we will remove the nine screws on the bottom of the s1 that hold the panel in place be careful when lifting the cover off there is a case fan attached to the panel to help with removing heat from the main board i ended up unplugging that case fan so that way i could set the panel off to the side and not worry about damaging the wires with the cover off we can now see the main board and can read the version of the mcu that came with our s1 the two versions are stm32f1 and stm32a i recommend writing it down or taking a photo of it so that way you can reference it later on once you know the version on your board you can plug back in the case fan and install those nine screws again we won't need to access the board again with the specifics of our mcu in hand we are ready to head over to the github repository for the professional firmware to download the version for our printer at the time of recording the latest version is 2022-0527 links will be in the description over to the repository and you will want to make sure that you download the latest version scrolling down to the bottom of the release notes we will find three different compiled firmware versions for the s1 there is f1 f4 and f1 ubl the ubl version is for marlin unified bed leveling which there is some information about in the version notes and i can also link to the official marlin ubl docs if that's something that you're interested in i don't have plans of using the unified bed leveling so i downloaded the f1 version which pertains to the f1 chip that was on my board you will want to download the appropriate version based on the chip that's inside of your s1 once downloaded we need to transfer the firmware bin file over to an sd card formatted as fat32 i used the sd card that came with the s1 and it didn't have any issues the dot bin file needs to be transferred to the root of the sd card and be sure that there are no other dot bin files already on the memory card once transferred eject the memory card from your computer and insert it into the s1 with the printer powered off all that is left is to power on the printer and it will automatically flash that bin file which should be fairly quick in my case it took somewhere between 10 to 15 seconds if all goes well you should be greeted by the professional firmware and have way more options and control over your s1 than you did before if you run into any issues double check that you downloaded the correct version of the firmware for the chip that's on your board and i would also try either flashing or formatting the sd card or trying a different sd card altogether unless you're running another custom firmware you should not need to update the screen to use the professional firmware i've only been using the professional firmware for a little over a week now but i've really been enjoying it and the creator or the developer behind this does have a patreon which i have linked in the description down below so if you do enjoy this on your s1 and you do want to support the development that is a really great way to do so i hope that you enjoyed this video and that you are now successfully running the professional firmware this is one of the easier firmware installs i think i've done even the gyres had a little bit more of a step and the community firmware so this should be something that you realistically can get up and running in no more than like 15 minutes if you do have any questions about anything that i covered in this video in this guide or maybe did not cover let me know in the comments down below and i will do my absolute best to answer your questions on that note don't forget to like and subscribe for more great videos we make a video every single week so there's always fresh content coming your way and if you do want to support the channel furthermore i'll have links placed down below in the description over to our patreon where there are some really awesome rewards huge thank you to all of our existing patreon supporters i appreciate each and every one of you for allowing me to come back every single week and spend more time doing what i love which is making content for you all to enjoy on that note this has been dana from modbot and i look forward to seeing you guys in my next video peace guys
Channel: ModBot
Views: 123,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ender 3, ender 3 s1, s1 professional firmware, professional firmware, marlin firmware retract, bed mesh, bed tram, tram wizard, s1 mods, ender 3 s1 mods, ender 3 s1 upgrades
Id: yu_99x7Z23g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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