How to learn languages with YouTube. #youtube #languagestudents #learnlanguages

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what are the best features in YouTube for language  students I'm on my fourth language I'm studying   polish at the moment and there are certain  things in YouTube that really help me when   trying to study polish and I've also used the same  techniques for studying French and for studying   Spanish in the past as well so I'm going to show  you five excellent features that YouTube offers us   as language students and then I'm going to show  you how I actually use them so this is a really   practical video for any student studying a  language but also for useful for teachers to   know about they can pass these ideas onto their  students really hope you like the video and as   always if you do please like it please share  it please subscribe to my channel and of course   love to know out of the five ideas which ones  you think is the most useful let's get started this is the first feature I'm going to show you  let's do it by searching for some uh videos for   learning English so we're going to put English  learn okay let's go shopping in English so we're   going to search for shopping in English and  obviously what's going to happen is loads of   videos are going to come up onto the screen now  what you can do what you probably don't realize   you can do is that you can actually filter so what  I can do is click now and say well I actually want   videos that are for shopping in English but I want  them with subtitles that's really going to help me   a lot so I click here and that immediately  helps me to find videos that are only with   subtitles which are really useful for example in  polish I always look for videos with subtitles   now I can even take that further I can  click and add extra filters and I can   say well I only want videos if I was a low  level I might do but up under four minutes   but these days I normally do between four and  twenty minutes so the first thing is learn to   use the filters because it can really help  you to find exactly what you're looking for so let's just take an example so if  I click on this video the next thing   I want to show you is that this is  really useful let me just jump the ad   okay now you've got the subtitles here but also  look at this I can click here and I can actually   open up the transcript of that video on the right  hand side so it's really useful because it can   be playing the video and kind of following the  transcript from here or following it from here   but look at this I can also click on the  transcript and jump directly to that part   of the video again something I do in polish a lot  particularly for example if I play a part and then   I want to repeat it so I play a part and I think  I want to hear that again then I can just simply   click on the part that I want to hear again and  it will jump back there and play that part again now perhaps my next trick is my favourite one I'm  gonna toggle the timestamps off and let's say I've   got a particular sentence and I'm not quite sure  what it means I can click on it I can copy that   sentence so all I need to do is just click and  select it copy the sentence and I'm going to jump   over to google translate and now I'm on google  translate I can paste that sentence in let's   say that I'm a Spanish speaker and I'm learning  English and I can see exactly what that sentence   would mean in Spanish now google translate isn't  perfect but it's pretty good and it's got better   and better over the years as there's been more  data on the internet I use it a lot I use it a lot   to if I can't understand a sentence in polish I  put it in here and I get the English translation   but there's even more I can do when working  with google translate I'm going to show you now so what you can do with google translate apart  from listen to the audio of the sentence that   you've put in you can actually save it  you can click on this button here and   save that sentence and then you can have a  collection of all the sentences you've saved   but just by clicking on this star you can just see  all the sentences and then of course what you can   do is click and listen to them and go through  them so you've got a collection here of all   the sentences that you're currently learning  from the video that you're working with   so I've got a real example on the screen here  of some sentences that I'm currently studying   I've got them obviously in polish and in  English so I can always click and listen but I can also do something else that's really  useful so I can click here and I can bring these   into what we call a google sheet and it's really  handy because I've got these sentences and I've   normally got about 10 sentences when I do this  but what I can do now is just copy those sentences   okay really quickly jump over to quizlet which I  know a lot of people use for studying vocabulary   and it's super fast particularly particularly if  you've say got 10 words just click on create study   set and I'm going to call these ones um Brach  because I'm practicing a particular verb in   polish and then I'm going to click  here and just paste in those words   and immediately I've created for myself a new  set of cards that I can then start to play with   so then I can click on flash cards and actually  play these and I've got the sentence in polish   and on obviously if I click on the other side the  sentence in English and I can move to the next one   sentence in polish in English and in fact if I  click here I can turn on the audio and what I   can do is I can set it so that I've got the audio  on for polish because that's obviously important   but not for English and then what I can do is  YouTube your slope and I can go to the next one okay and then don't forget to take your medicine   okay and then next one uh in the mornings  he or she takes a shower brilliant way of   working with the phrases that I've taken from  the YouTube video and that's exactly what I did if we jump back to this video there's a  couple of other really useful features   in YouTube that can help you one if you click here  and I use this quite a lot when working in polish   is I drop the speed because I like trying  to listen to kind of normal videos normal   videos videos that have actually been made made  from native speakers I really like working with   those but obviously I need them a bit slower  so I often slow the speed of the delivery down   and you can do that just by clicking here on  the settings and changing the playback speed now another technique I sometimes use is that I  switch the languages and what I mean by that is   though I've got the transcript here in English for  this let's say I'm a Spanish person and I actually   want to have the subtitles in Spanish so I want to  be listening English but seeing what that would be   in Spanish I can click over on subtitles and I can  change the language that I'm working with so if I   click on auto translate and let's say for example  that I just want to follow this in Spanish if I   click here notice now I've got the translation  into Spanish on the screen if I play this   but then I've also got the English version coming  up on the right hand side in the transcript now   this translation won't be perfect but it can be  really helpful and again it's a technique that I   sometimes use when I'm working with videos in  polish so just to give you an example of what   I mean when I'm studying polish I can have  the polish here but the English here if the   subtitles have been provided in English I can  have the polish translation by setting the auto   subtitle language to polish but I've also got the  transcript here because I searched for a video   with transcripts this is really really  powerful for me because sometimes I do   need to quickly check and see what is being  said in English and so this can really help me   and it's a technique I often use okay really hope  you found that video useful if you're a language   teacher or a language student please come over to loads more free videos   there's a special section on languages and if you  want to follow my work and get lots of updates and   tips then please sign up to the newsletter and  for teachers at the moment there's a 12 part   free video course in how to teach online with  technology the other thing is of course that you   can sign up to my YouTube channel I think we're up  to around 65 000 subscribers now please remember   to click on the bell so you get all the updates  and finally if you want to contact me about doing   a presentation for your organization then you  can contact me from the website and thank you   very much I'm going to put a few other videos  on the screen now that you might find useful
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 1,331
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube and language learning, autonomous learning, language learning, study with YouTube, useful tips for language learners, youtube settings, youtube features, youtube tips, youtube features settings, youtube tips and tricks, youtube tips and tricks for beginners, learn language with youtube, youtube features you should know about, quizlet tutorial for teachers, quizlet for language learning, youtube tips for beginners, how to learn language with youtube, learning languages
Id: 8zptDIun-Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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