How To Lay RUSTOLEUM Epoxy Flooring In A Garage // Dream Shop Series - Episode 6

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in this episode we're going to be doing the flooring in my shop now i have concrete flooring and i'm going to be doing an epoxy pour floor so this is from my friends at rustoleum this is their epoxy kit we're going to prep the floors first there's a bunch of overspray on the ground we need to acid clean it etch it several times get them perfectly ready for the flooring so let's get these boxes open see what we have sort what we got in and then prep the floors [Music] [Applause] but first we need to test if my concrete floor uh sweats and has moisture issues so we're going to take some pieces of plastic and some uh duct tape and what we're going to do since my floor is actually my shop has two sections i'm going to do this on both sections to ensure it's the same on both sides so we're going to lay down a piece of plastic i'm going to get some duct tape i'm going to take this open and i'm going to duct tape this to the floor like so i'm going to try to cut out all moisture uh we're going to what we're really trying to trap start if it exists underneath this plastic so tape four sides like this just like that and make sure it's pressed down really well and we're going to leave this for 24 hours make sure it's sealed and we're going to see if the plastic traps any moisture and condensation if it does we'll have to use a certain product first before we start the epoxy floor if it doesn't then we'll be good so i'm gonna put this on the other side of my shop do both sides come back tomorrow at this time and check if there's any condensation all right so it's been 24 hours now we're going to pull off the plastic and see if there's any condensation so let's come in here and check it out look underneath and that's dry as a bone on this side i'm going to repeat for the other side and see if that's dry i already know it is because i pulled it off so i don't need to put that pre-conditioning thing to stop the moisture from wicking you may need to do that if you do this test but i'm not going to do that step i'm going to go on to the next one all right i just blew the shop out as best i can although with the doors open and my house is really windy there's not a lot of trees around here the wind really blows everything back in so i'm gonna shut everything off make everything closed all the doors closed and from here out doors are closed so nothing blows in and i'm going to vacuum up every thing that i can off of the floor first so that won't lay down into the paint so vacuuming is very important and then we'll etch [Applause] [Music] all right the floor is vacuumed now i need to use this etching powder to some sort of acid um a citric acid that will uh basically prep the floor and we need a two gallon bucket and since it's easter time we're going to use the easter bucket it's really all i have in the new house because nothing's moved over here i'm going to fill this up with water mix the etching powder and then spread it out on the floor the first step we're just going to wet the entire floor with the hook garden hose just making it moist and then we're gonna spread out this etching powder and then you're gonna watch me with a scrub brush scrubbing my floors it's not gonna be super exciting but in time lapse it might so let's mix this stuff up [Music] supposed to use a watering can again i don't have that but we'll start back in here just get it spread out all right just finished the first etching on this left side you can see it looks very different now i also didn't get on time lapse because my battery and my camera died so i'm going to do a second time on the left side i have one bag left over so this is the bag they give of etching the acid in here this is the concentrated cleaner it will uh get all that crap and grime off of the floor it also almost when it comes off it almost looks like sand the the junk that comes out i got one bag left so i'm gonna do a light etching because i've already used three to do like the deep etching i'm gonna do one coat over here and then if you look and compare this is the first coat of etching then on the right side you can see i haven't done any etching on the floor here see so this is going to require a deep clean so let's finish this side off which with the last bag of etching do a light etching over here just get the rid of whatever's left and then we'll do the other side [Music] once you do that etching you're going to start to squeegee now i bought the biggest squeegee in my town which is about eight inches maybe i got a crack right here so it's all going down that crack but you want to make sure you get the squeegee all the water out you don't want any standing pools you'll also be squeegeeing a lot of the sand out so it's important to get the squeegee and do that step [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right we're finished with the etching part we gotta allow it to dry completely before we move on to the next part which is painting the epoxy down on the floor it'll actually start looking like something then um this part i think is gonna be the toughest uh buy a bigger squeegee than i have and a bigger brush and get some friends if you have a big area like me to help you out because this took me literally about six hours to do and it doesn't look like it did but it did golly uh the over spray is probably something that not uh that you're not gonna deal with like i did uh if you can tape down overspray bun uh tape down before they spray you'll be way better off but this is as far as i've got i used every packet of etch that i have so i can't etch anymore and i don't want to frankly because my back is killing me and uh 38 is when i'm starting to feel it well we're finished with this step that's day one day two we'll come back and we got some cracks over here that i need to fill in this side is crack free but then i think i'm gonna fill in the step area because that's kind of janky so we're gonna do the step uh crack filler that's gonna be day two tomorrow and then we'll let all that dry and then we'll come back and on day three we'll actually paint so day two here we come all right day two i'm back everything looks dry there's one spot in the center on the other side that's not quite dry but that is not anywhere where our crack is so we're okay so we're gonna do some crack patch and repair this is their rust-oleum concrete patch repair kit it is a two-part epoxy like stuff uh we're gonna mix two to one that's why one is bigger than the other we're gonna mix that up with a putty knife like this you only mix up enough uh of what you're gonna use i have enough cracks i'm gonna use all of this plus i don't know four more boxes probably um so we're gonna mix that up and we're gonna stick it in the cracks make it flat and uh get the cracks done today then we'll move on to the actual painting tomorrow so let's mix this stuff up i'm just going to use a cardboard box to keep it all in my hand and one i can actually hold in my hand so i can scoop it out so let's mix it up make sure you get a thorough mixing of this so mix this up and we'll go spread it in the cracks say crack again crack okay we got it all mixed up i have no white in there anymore so that's good so all we're going to do is take it and we're just going to apply it to the cracks just making sure we get it down in there this is an epoxy so it won't crack when the concrete moves and we're just going to fill in all the cracks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right i just finished doing all of this side i said earlier there wasn't a crack on this side but there is there's one kind of right there and one going across here and in the front nothing back that way i am going to mix a full new batch um because i want to get into this as well make that a little nicer but let's mix another batch and i'll do this side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right i just filled in all the cracks now we're gonna wait till tomorrow sand them down i think it says wait about eight hours i'm waiting all the way till tomorrow after i work killing bugs so we'll come back and sand it down we'll clean up that sand sanding process and then we'll be ready to paint so that's pretty easy with what i did today this is pretty simple like i said the first part that i did that etching that was the hardest part i'm ready to roll some color on the floor and i am really excited to see how it turns out so this is day two be back for day three tomorrow when i sand and actually start rolling the floor all right day four this epoxy crack filler has hardened very hard so i'm going to use my dewalt uh angle grinder with a four and a half inch half 120 grit flap disc on it i'm going to see if that works for this i brought my festool rotex i think this will be faster so let's see what happens [Music] this is having uh near zero effect of the epoxy with a 120 so we're going to go to a 40 see if that makes a difference and then maybe if that doesn't work i'm going to go to the grinder so all right we're at a uh 40 grit so let's see if that makes a difference you can see 40 grit definitely makes a difference filled it right off works really fast i'm gonna have to suck up this dust though but we're gonna do 40 grit on the rest of this uh flatten it down just so our crack is completely smooth and filled and then we'll start painting all right once we smooth out the cracks we're ready for the epoxy shield actually painting so this is what it looks like it comes in a plastic uh kind of like kool-aid what is that capri sun that's a lot like what it's like it's got two different sides and you squeeze it together and they mix together it says for a certain temperatures you want to mix this up first and let it sit let's see it's got best results best results paint midday afternoon i'm at night the induction time if you're brushing you want to mix brush 30 minutes after mixing and if you're rolling it's 45 minutes so i'm gonna do that now so i'm ready to go ahead and brush it on but uh let's open this up and put it in our paint mixer all right we're just gonna cut it open and it says lay down the two sides placing the pouch on the ground and rolling it from part b side to part a so here's b and we're just gonna roll it oh and you saw it kind of separate here and now the epoxy bag has uh joined the two parts thoroughly mixing material by shaking the pouch back and forth squeezing the edge and the corners for two to three minutes so i have four bags of this per side so i need to i know i need to get a fourth of this uh on coverage to make sure i have enough so it doesn't seem like there's a ton in here but i guess we'll see all right i think we're mixed so let's pour it into our container so now we'll go we're going to start in that back uh room and on this side we need to go ahead and paint like the upper wall down the bottom so we'll hand paint that but we're going to start back in that room [Music] first [Music] something [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bangladesh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] big [Music] [Applause] back day four this sucks my back hurts thankfully brian helped me uh but we're done with the actual base coat this is some people stop here but this is a one coat deal we spread everything out i'm gonna give it two days so this is day four day five is gonna be just drying day six we're going to come back and do the high gloss clear coat on top so day four we done and we out day four we literally watch paint dry i'm gonna rest today day five fifth and final day the epoxy has cured and i can walk on it we do have some flakes that didn't quite adhere and when i walk across it you can hear kind of the flakes coming off if this was your last step and you're not going to put a clear coat on it you'd want to like scrape off those loose flakes but i'm going to put the clear coat on it with so it'll be a high gloss and i'll have some anti-skid material in it so that's just going to get all the loose flakes just right down onto the ground so we're going to open up the box of the clear we're going to start by painting the walls again the side walls and the strip around the wall and then we'll go ahead and do the floor and then we'll be done with the last step and hopefully in 24 hours we can move in some stuff at least all right this is our epoxy shield clear garage floor coating the premium stuff we have a bag and some anti-skid additive a mixing stick and that's it for in here basically the exact same way we applied the gray epoxy floor got a dual pouch a and b we're going to mix one like that and it separates and then we start mixing this for about two minutes again all right we're thoroughly mixed [Applause] get rid of what we don't use the anti-skid it's kind of like a salt and now we'll just mix it up i'm gonna brush on the sides and then roll the floor i only have four boxes of this so i have to make two boxes last half on each side so let's go ahead and start brushing it all right day five clear coat is on it's been drying for a while it's dry to the touch right here tiny bit of stickiness but i'm gonna go ahead and wait 24 hours to be ready to walk in hopefully day six we can start moving things in we'll see how dry it is tomorrow so uh see you back for day six all right guys it's day six about 11 00 am it's actually easter sunday went to church this morning and came over afterwards we're gonna check and see if it's dry so if it's dry we're done final part of the process is finished so let's uh check it out let's see if it's dry oh yeah and it is beautifully dry it's perfect i think i can walk on it and i'm not hearing that textury squishy stickiness like you normally would so we're dry after about 24 hours less than 24 hours we're dry we're drive to light foot traffic right now which is fantastic everything is dry in the shop i did put in some heaters last night just to get that temperature up a little bit it was a little colder last night so i had the heaters going i do have two footprints right here because i snuck in plug the heater and put it on the stove to get the heat going uh so that'll forever be there to remind me that i walked in and put the heaters in let me bring in and show you up close so this is what the floor looks like with the clear it's not a high gloss it's a clear i'm actually happy about that because the lights would be extremely reflective down on the bottom but you can see it kind of diffuses into the ground which i'm glad for so that is what it looks like it is just beautiful really transform the space and uh it's gonna be hard to find dirt on the floor now if i make any so this is what it looks like final coating everything's finished six day process to get here but i think it's absolutely worth it and it really transforms it the walls going white was great but doing the floor is as equal if not maybe a bit more of a change to your workspace so if you're looking to really transform your workspace this is a great way to do it it is a lot of hard work especially if your space is as big as mine but it will really transform the way things look i went pretty heavy on the flake um i think it looks good that way i did miss a spot or two with the glaze it is hard to tell when you're putting it down i missed a little bit over here but overall i'm extremely happy and the little cubby came out really well too really nice and now my floor is protected so wipe everything up vacuum everything up you don't see any of the cracks that used to be here so i think this is a great floor and i'm excited to start moving in this is the two and a half car garage kit i used about seven of these kits for my uh 30 by around 50 shop i used five of the clear epoxy shield kits if i didn't have to do up the wall and it was just like this side i would have gotten away with four but uh definitely grab one extra of this clear and you can paint it on right away so if you don't use it then you can return it but my temperatures were below what they recommend but i had to get this done because we have to move so it can be done in a lower temperature this is proof everything came out really well and nothing is scratching up off the floor at all i did put the anti-coating skid in there i do recommend it because you're gonna slip on the clear so put that in there it's like sand mixing in with that clear coat anyways rust-oleum product check it out this is the after and i think it looks fantastic especially when you compare it to the before right here which looked crummy and dingy and terrible so so stay tuned for the next episode thanks for watching we'll see you on the next one no more white well no more a lot of white they're still white but the floor is etched finally all in here this is day one day two will be uh the crack filler sander side right here that i need to patch and then i think i'm going to patch in that step because it's got a little bit of crumbliness and stuff so we'll patch those two spots that'll be day two and then day three we'll actually put the color epoxy down and that will be the first day when it actually looks like we did something so we're getting there we are noticing all the lights are up and hung so that's cool uh episode two say crack again crack but remember on that side i had to paint up the wall a bit if i didn't have to do up the wall and it was just like the right side this was the two and a half car garage kit i used four for my shop so keep that in mind when you're pouring it i used four and a half of the clear to do the top wait did i use six of these eight
Channel: Myers Woodshop
Views: 45,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, diy, cnc, garage floor, how to, garage floor coating, epoxy, rust-oleum, epoxyshield, garage, paint, rustoleum, epoxy shield, garage finish, garage floor finish, showroom style garage floor, diy garage, garage floor painting, garage floor coatings, garage floor paint, garage flooring, garage floor epoxy, showroom floor finish, how to finish a garage floor, how to coat a garage floor, polycuramine coatings, polycuramine, garage flooring ideas, rustoleum garage floor
Id: SsaKIB41sH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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