How to knit a short row heel for a sock by ARNE & CARLOS

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we're here with our pairfect yarn if you didn't  see our previous episode we've designed a yarn   for Reggie uh called pairfect which allows you  to knit two identical socks without looking for   the beginning and the end because it's all there  it's marked with the yellow thread that you cut   and throw away and today we're going to show you  how to do the little the short row heel that we   do because we're knitting usually I mean we like  knitting socks from the toe up because then you   can do a really easy heel that we've shown you  already we've done a few tutorials that you can   look for on Arne and Carlos YouTube channel but  now we're going to do the short row heel because   for the perfect you have to start from the toe and  that I was sorry from the top and then go down so   it's a top-down song and then you need a short row  heel so rner has been gracious enough to agree to   show in so it is like one way to do a short row  here is probably this many ways 100 way let me   show you one way which is easy I just want to make  two rounds of blue before I do the heel and we   do the like the Norwegian play with five needles  we we never do circular or Magic Loop some socks   we like to work on four needles or with meet with  five so now you see I'm the sock is ready down to   the heel and then when we do the the heel we work  on this is the beginning so we work on two needles   for the heel so I will work on these two needles  and what I do is I knit from this side and over   to this side and I what you call that you skip one  stitch on every every needle kind of that's hard   to say in English so I'll show you I just start  knitting so I knit the first needle like this I need all these stitches then  I go on the other needle and I   need all of them expect the last stitch another one more that I don't need  the last one then I turn it and I   go back and I slip the first off then I purl back then I come and I come to the next needle I  purl all of the stitches but not the last one and then I go back again on the  knit side and then I again I don't   need the last one all the remaining  stitches so then I have two leftovers so and it's this one I'll leave the last  one and then I go back again with knits so I slip the first and then I meet the rest then I continue knitting knit and purl  like this on two needles and then when   I have like for this I think like six stitches  left on each needle like in the center then I   stop then that's like that I have enough  for the heel that depends on which yarn   you're using or the thickness of the yarn  I think on this one I think six is good there and I have two left on them on the  needle but then you see there's a hole   in between so then I leave this and I go  back slip this off and I go back like this and I got on the next again nice now  when you've done so many like a few   needles then you see where the hole  is on your sock so you know when you   are one stitch before the hole it's time  to turn the work and work your way back so there's there's the hole  so I turn and I go back slip one and knit and then when I'm when I finish this these needles with skipping one stitch I will  show you how to how to fill the hole or knit   so you don't get a hole in your sock again you  see there's the holes that had me two more then   I turn it now I have three on this needle  and I slip the first one and I purl back now you see I've been I've been knitting  back and forward and I have these stitches   that I didn't it so I slip 1 purl 1 2 3  4 5 & 6 then I go to the next needle I   knit to the last stitch before the hole  so three high flyer three and then when   I'm going to finish this seven then  I turn it again then I can't start   because now I have no I have six I have  to do one more so I slip a knit the next I'll go on this side to six and now I  have six on this and I have seven so   let's let me go back and make six on the  last needle also so I slip purl the five go to the other needle and I purl the six and now it's I have six left on each needle  then you can see the heel is coming let's see   oh that's a gorgeous here I know so now I have  to go and meet these holes I made because you   don't have to close those holes because you don't  move that on your heel and now I mean now lift it   up to the stitch before hole and this stitch  after the hole so I need these two together I   lift the stitch below the last one and I make  one and I turn it around and I purl back to   the other side and I purl all the way until I  have one stitch left before the hole and then   I purl the stitch before the whole width stitch  after the hole and I make one easy but really no I pearl from this side to the stitch before level furl these two together okay so how are we doing or now it's coming let  me see oh wow look at that he'll discover that's   a fabulous he'll I know and it's just knitting  two together and you make one so well my sleep   I meet the rest of the stitches all the way to the  other side I think you've said I got a couple of   times nice there's nothing else to say that's the  way to do the heal basically you sleep you knit to   the other side knit two together make one turn  it around and purl back yeah and if you haven't   gotten that go onto our website there's a pattern  there we've written it down for you because iron   hasn't said it enough times have you so it's there  I can say it again just watch me okay look I have   to I need one more that is one stitch before the  hole one after so I need those two together I left   the stitch below the last one like last under I  couldn't lift it whoops that always happened it   happens in the best families you know come on  I lift it and I'm it okay and while you keep   knitting that and I go back yeah while you keep  knitting that gorgeous heel and I just want to   say a few things again about the perfect as long  as you're knitting from the top down because that   is actually the only thing that you have to do  so that perfect works as long as you do that   it doesn't matter which heel you choose the heel  will come out anyway and the pattern is going to   be identical if you're using the same heel pattern  in the in the other sock both socks are going to   be the same the tension doesn't matter whatever  tension you use you're going to get two identical   socks anyway it's all amazing technology from 2016  basically and nobody else has this so you know the   people that do it they really know what they're  doing otherwise they wouldn't do it you know so   so really perfect is the way to go if you're  an advanced knitter and you just want to knit   something mechanically without thinking if you are  an intermediate knitter that doesn't like using   two or three colors do the perfect and if you're  a new beginner trust or suddenly let me tell you   something very interesting okay if you look at  this now I'm purling yes and what's happening   I'm paralleling all the way through this stitch  before the hole yeah what's so funny how I said   this oh now I get there you see there's the whole  sign purl this one there's the whole one stitch 1   stitch purl these two together and you block the  hole oh you say that you've closed yeah you kind   of yeah you get rid of the whole base and I pick  up a stitch and I make one I purl new one and I   turn around and I go back again and now I'm almost  there and then what do you do beyond that beyond   what do you mean you go yeah well you do when you  do all the twisting and purling and whatever then   I do the foot ah that's what I was after and  we will put the whole thing I mean the whole   pattern is is on the website anyway so you can  just go there and see the rest of what happens   and if you have any doubts come here look at the  tutorial then go back to the pattern in peace and   quiet so let's see the heel put it on the table  put it flat let's have a look and let's show our   viewers what the heel is looking like yes the heel  is coming yeah that is an amazing heel basically   I have to say it's beautiful and yeah there you  see and you can see another one here this is done   in a slightly yeah looser tension but it's still  another he'll be easy now isn't it yeah I think   with this you can do any socket one pile yeah  and we hope you enjoy the perfect nobody else   is doing this because only Roger can do perfect  right now so yeah just enjoy it and hopefully   next time we will have all these socks on our feet  and remember when you finish the heel every time   you need two together you should make one to fill  the holes I have to put okay it's purl that's my
Channel: ARNE & CARLOS
Views: 285,662
Rating: 4.8206978 out of 5
Keywords: short row heel, How to knit a short row heel for a sock by ARNE & CARLOS, how to knit a short row heel for a sock, arne and carlos socks, arne and carlos, ARNE & CARLOS, arne og carlos, valdres, regia, sock, how to knit, regia pairfect, pairfect, yarn, easiest sock, etnedal, norway, knitting ABC, lifestyle, learn to knit, knit, how to, knitting tutorial, knitting tutorials, short rows wrap and turn
Id: IxVxsmP58_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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