How To Join The TikTok Creator Fund (Signing Up & Getting PAID)

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what's going on fellow creators it's joseph here welcome back to another video i've seen a lot of questions lately regarding tick tock's creator fun program and the technicalities of signing up so in light of that in today's video we're gonna be clearing up any confusion and i'll walk you through the entire application process now this video is gonna detail the setup process of getting started with the creator fun program but before we get into that i've actually just released another video here on my channel sharing my opinions on tiktok's creator fun program we discussed some of the drawbacks of it some of the benefits as well as things you need to know about this new edition of tiktok and i would highly encourage you to check out that video before you make the conscious choice to be part of the program because we talk about what content tik tok is likely to pay more for and some of the pitfalls to avoid when just getting started with the creator fun program with that in mind let's begin the video here and let's talk tik tok so first off let's talk about some of the eligibility requirements before we actually participate in this program now unfortunately for the time being the creator fund is not an open gate to everyone because the company tick tock does not have unlimited resources so here's what you need to keep in mind before joining number one according to tick tock you do need to have a pro creator account to apply number two you need at least 10 000 followers number three you need to be at least 18 years of age number four you need at least 10 000 legitimate views on your videos in the past 30 days so no buying views no artificially manipulating or inflating your metrics those aren't gonna count number five you need to be located in one of the countries the program is supported in so currently this list includes the us the uk germany italy france and spain as of this video tick tock has made it very clear on its twitter status updates in its newsroom that it's actually rolling out the creator fun program or has plans to do so in many many nations beyond this list so if you don't find your nation on this list or your country here that i mentioned just stay tuned because tick tock likely is going to be coming to your region sometime in the near future with its creator fun program so how do you actually sign up for the tick tock creator fund program well there's fundamentally two ways that you can submit your application number one tick tock is going to reach out to you automatically send you a notification in your notification stream and invite you to participate in the creator fund program or number two you can go to your account settings go to your pro account section and you can actually join the program there if there is the ability to do so so what i'm gonna do right now is i'm gonna throw my phone here up on screen so you can follow along on the actual application process as tradition of this channel i'm starting the screen recording with a low battery so stay tuned for later in this video and we'll actually explain how the payout process works so let's go ahead and start now i'm on the for you page and what you're going to want to do is number one go to your notification stream and what you're going to want to do is click on all activity go to from tick tock and click on this week or previous updates let's click on this week and you're going to scroll down to where it says turn your creativity into opportunity apply to the tick tock creator fund right here we're going to click on this and what this is going to do is take us to a page that lets you know if you're eligible or not for the actual creator fund program so if you don't have 10 000 followers you don't have at least 10 000 video views or you're not 18 years old these check marks aren't going to be green they're going to be gray and you're not going to be able to apply until you meet those thresholds so this is actually a dummy account that i have and i've referenced in previous videos it does have over 100 000 followers on the profile but we're just going to go ahead and apply anyway so i'm going to click apply make sure that you are 18 years old and i'll walk you through the process here it's going to ask you about your local currency and most likely based on the actual country that you've registered your account in it's automatically going to fill in all this information as it's done for me in the u.s i will say too it's going to ask you to link a valid payment method which we'll actually talk about a little bit more in a few minutes but i will say if you've gone live on tick tock and you've accepted donations or gifts and you've already have a payout method linked such as a paypal account this is already going to apply here and you're not going to have to do it since you already have a valid payment method linked with your account essentially so it's going to save you a step if you've already gone that route i will say too be sure to take a look at the tick tock creator fund agreement because there's a lot of questions here um that you can actually get answered and just look for feedback and health if that's something that you need a little bit more information on so we're going to click next confirm currency type and after that it's going to give us a little bit of an acceptance matches message we're going to click view dashboard and this is our creator fun dashboard so what i want to note about this is that the creator fun dashboard actually takes about three days to update based on the views you're receiving so if today you get a video that has one million views you're not actually going to see that money reflected in your creator fund dashboard until up to three days later so don't be alarmed if for whatever reason you sign up to the creator fund and it takes several days and for you to actually see yourself turning a profit on the views that's just part of the process as far as getting your hands on this money goes for example it being reflected in your paypal account or whatever method valid method of payment that you choose ticktock has made it very very clear in its creator fun agreements that you're going to receive this money usually at the end of 30 days now you do need a minimum threshold of at least 50 in your creator fun dashboard so i would encourage you to go ahead and take a look at the tiktok creator funds terms and if you scroll down to section number four where it talks about payments you can see that it reflects the idea of of 50 right here and it also stresses that every 30 days you're actually going to receive that payout now for any reason if you actually want to leave the creator fun dashboard and there are circumstances in which i recommend creators do do that and i know that sounds a little bit odd you're going to want to check out my other video for context on that recommendation but what you're going to do is just click those three dots and at the very bottom you're going to see the leaf tick tock crater fun there's a process of leaving that now you can actually completely the next day resubmit your application um and if you were received before you can actually be part of it again um but again i would encourage you to check out that video to know the circumstances in which this would be a recommended course of action now i know i mentioned there's a second way to actually apply for the application process to the creator fund program and here's what you're going to do so versus going the notification stream route what you're going to do is you're going to go to your profile you're going to click the three dots in the upper right hand corner go to pro account this is why you need an actual pro account to actually apply and then you're going to see an option to join the creator fund program now of course when we click this it's just going to take us to our creator fun dashboard since we're already a part of this but normally would take you to the eligibility page where you can see whether or not you're a prime applicant for the program now i've had a couple of you message me and say that for whatever reason you're not seeing that invitation in your notification stream or you're not seeing that ability to join the creator fund program on the pro account section in your settings and there's a couple reasons for that number one tick tock has made it very clear in the articles that it's put forward on the creator fund program that the reason why one of the reasons why this is being introduced is to drive creators to to introduce more originality onto the platform more original content and when i say something's original tic toc says something is original it means original visuals and original audio new audio new visuals being introduced on the platform by you as a creator and so if your current content strategy is utilizing a trending song or sound in every single video which isn't a bad thing if you're looking to go viral but when it comes to participating in the creator fun program unfortunately you're going to make very very little from that kind of content if nothing at all because tick tock is paying the artist not necessarily the creator that's duplicating this idea over and over and over again because if you think about it from a tactical perspective it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense that the platform is willing to pay creators to put out the 3 million you know 577 000 version of something that already exists it wants more originality and that's what the creator the fund program is really driving uh creators to implement more of secondly if you're not actually receiving that tick tock invitation to the application form for the creator program be checking the actual for you page exposure on your content you can take a look at the analytics on individual videos and see what the for you page ratio is make sure that it's relatively positive on a regular basis if your profile is an unhealthy state and for whatever reason your content is primarily being shown to your existing fan base no new eyeballs on it it doesn't make a whole lot of sense from the platform's perspective to partner with someone and pay someone who's not bringing in new views every single day so the takeaway here really is to make sure that at least the majority of your content or a good percentage of it is actively getting out onto the for you page every single day a good percentage to shoot for from the traffic on a particular video is make sure at least 75 of it is from the for you page if that's not the case there's a couple of videos on my channel that i would recommend that you check out that hopefully would give you some hopefully will give you i know they will give you some viral structures to help you get your videos out there a little bit more and some things to keep in mind so i would encourage you to check those out which i'll link to below this video but that being said this video really was an overview of the creator fund application process some of the nuances of joining the program so i hope this was valuable if you enjoyed this information please be sure to leave a like down below this video and all i ask is that if you want to see more information like this consider hitting that subscribe button down below also i'm available and active in the comments every single day so if there's a question you want me to clarify something a little bit further that i maybe didn't provide enough light on in this video let me know down below and i'll try to get back to each and every one of you thank you guys so much for watching this video hope to see you next time take care cheers
Channel: Joseph Todd
Views: 640,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on tiktok, make money on tiktok, tiktok creator fund, how to join the creator fund, tiktok creator fund application, apply tiktok creator fund, how to set up the tiktok creator fund, creator fund tiktok, creator wallet tiktok, creator fund tiktok payment, creator fund dashboard, creator fund views, creator fund problem, how to set up payment tiktok creator fund, joseph todd, creator fund, make money on tikok creator fund, paypal tiktok, tiktok, tik tok
Id: kNOCcIB4-Dw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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