How to Integrate Custom GPTs into Your Website, WhatsApp, Messenger & Telegram (No Code)

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in this video I'll show you how to connect a custom GPT the one that you can create in chat GPT directly to your website then I'll show you how to integrate it with WhatsApp then with messenger and finally I'll guide you on how to connect it to a telegram bot this method requires no coding at all just follow me step by step and by the end of this video you'll know exactly how to add a GPT to any website or messaging app I assume you already know what a GPT is and how to build it in chat GPT with no coding if you don't what watch my video on GPT creation first and then come back to this tutorial previously we had to use assistance API to do this but now we have a solution to build a chatbot based on a GPT directly from chat GPT interface instead of using assistance API from open AI developer platform for this Method All You Need Is chat GPT plus to create your custom GPT then bot press to connect that GPT to a chatbot and metap for developers to integrate the chatbot with WhatsApp and messenger all the links and Mater materials used in this video will be provided in the description below so let's Dive Right In This is a sample GPT that I created for this video it acts as an e-commerce store support agent my goal is to add this GPT as a chatbot to this e-commerce sample website to test that our GPT is connected I have added a knowledge based file that includes some product categories and prices whenever we ask the GPT about products it should provide the information from that file so product categories should include home decor children's clothing and health and wellness to connect our GPT to a chatbot we are going to use the botpress Chrome extension called deploy gpts just click add to Chrome and the extension will be installed to use it you'll need a bpress account just go and sign up and I have an account already so I'll click sign in and now we are going to activate the extension it is very userfriendly it guides you step by step on what needs to be done and every step is supported by the URLs required so it's really hard to get loss here we'll Begin by setting up an open AI developer account although the deployment of the GPT will be through the chat GPT website and API key is still necessary and can only be obtained through the open AI developer account it is important as mentioned here in step two to ensure that there are sufficient credits in this developer account this can be checked and managed in the settings and billing section just make sure you add some credits otherwise it won't work next we go to managing our API keys I am going to create a new one which I'll name gpt2 website after creating this API key I'll copy to my cboard and then return to the extension here I'll enter the API key and click next the next step involves setting up a botpress access token since I have an existing bpress account I can directly manage my access tokens for those of you without an account the extension will prompt you to create one and then following a similar process as with the open AI key I'll generate a new token named GPT to website generate it and then copy it to my cboard then I'll go back to the extension input the token here and move on the next step is to select the GPT that we want to share just open your GPT and the extension will recognize that you are on the correct page it will ask you to choose the botpress workspace to place it into if you're new to bpress and have only one workspace like me here it's perfectly fine just choose it and allow the extension to construct the bot once the bot is set up let's test it out I'll click talk to your Bot and send a message to check its response what are your products it provides me with a product selection that was included in the knowledge based file of my custom GPT home decor children's clothing health and wellness so it is successfully connected when you return to the extension there are more options available the add to your website option provides a custom code snippet enabling your GPT to be integrated into your website via a small widget that's what I'm going to do in a moment Additionally the bot can be linked to other messaging channels by configuring these options through the bot press dashboard which I'll do later in this video as well and the bot can also be opened directly in botpress where you can see how it's built or edited Etc and if any changes are made to the GPT and you wish to update it there is an option to redeploy the GPT now let's add it to our website I'll copy this piece of code and paste it into the HTML of my sample website then I'll save it refresh the website and a chatbot icon appears that's it let's test it again to confirm that our GPT is connected here as well what are your products it takes a moment to process our our request and the answer is correct the product categories are as per our knowledge based file so we have successfully connected a GPT to a chatbot and added the chatbot to a website now we are going to integrate that same chatbot to WhatsApp to do so we need to use meta for developers go to developers. and register if you don't have an account once you've registered go to my apps and click create app select other click next then select business click next and here name your app and click create app re-enter your Facebook account password and submit here you can add products to your app you need to find WhatsApp and then set it up select your meta business account if you have one and click continue on this page click start using the API and before we can set it up we need to switch to botpress dashboard and configure our chatbot here on the left hand side we can see the chatbots created store helper is the one I just created using the botpress Chrome extension let's go to Integrations and we need to find WhatsApp integration click browsing hub and find WhatsApp here we need to click install to your chatbot and in my case it is store helper once installed go back to your Bot and make sure to switch the toggle enable integration otherwise it won't work verify token is just a unique string you can come up with for example 1 2 3 4 5 then we need to get an access token from meta switch back to meta and copy your temporary access token then we need a default phone number ID again switch to meta copy this phone number ID ID paste it to bpress and save configuration now on the left hand side go to configuration and click edit copy and paste the web hook URL from bpress the one you've got here and then verify token the one you've come up with right 1 2 3 4 5 in my case click verify and save and one more thing here is to click manage And subscribe to messages go back to API setup and at this stage we are basically ready to go let's let's give it a try you need to select a recipient number so just input your WhatsApp number and click Send message I received the welcome message instantly so it is working let's let's test it out and see if our GPT chatbot is working correctly what are your products and we got a response that includes our product categories so it works well and it took us only a few minutes to set everything up remember that this is just a development mode of the app to make it live you need to replace the test number with your own phone number provide a valid privacy policy URL and then you can go live now I know that many of you will ask me about the costs of running a chatbot like this one it is hard to say exactly because it very much depends on your business obviously the volume of messages might be different for WhatsApp there are different conversation rates per country but there are three potential costs to keep in mind open AI API calls and token usage WhatsApp business fees per conversation and also there is botpress subscription fee I encourage you you to visit the pricing pages of both meta and bpress and check out which rates apply to you I'll attach the links in the video description but the good news is that both WhatsApp business and bpress offer very generous free plans with WhatsApp you get a 1,000 free service conversations each month and with bpress you get 2,000 free messages per month so you basically don't pay for it until it really really works for you okay let's now integrate that chatbot with messenger we will use meta for developer again create a new app select other than business add an app name click create app and this time instead of WhatsApp we need to find and set up messenger the two steps we need to take are configure web Hooks and generate access tokens let's start with the second one we need to connect our Facebook business page first click the connect button and you can either opt in to a current page if you have one or if you don't you need to create a Facebook page and then connect it here I have a a few pages so I'll pick one of them click continue and save now we have to configure the web hooks first let's switch back to bpress find the messenger integration here and install it then go back to your Bot please do not forget to enable integration and now let's fill in all the fields here the first two are the app ID and app secret just head back to meta click on app settings then basic and there you can find your app ID and app secret copy them from here and paste them to bpress the next one is verifi token this is just a unique string let's put 1 2 3 four five and then we need page ID and access token go back to meta click on messenger API settings and below your page name you'll find the page ID on the right hand side you can generate your access token copy and paste that over and that's it save configuration copy your web hook URL from here from bpress go back to meta and click configure on the step one paste it as a callback URL then paste your verified token H in my case it was 1 2 3 4 five and click verify and save this time you also need to go to manage And subscribe to messages let's add messages subscription on this second step as well and once all of that is configured we are ready to test it out I go to my business Facebook page and ask what are your products it takes a few seconds to process the request and then we get the correct response the chatbot provides us with product categories as instructed in our initial GPT created in chat GPT that's it the messenger integration is complete the last integration we are doing today is with telegram I am going to create a telegram bot and connect it to the same GPT chatbot that we created in botpress so let's go to botpress dashboard once again browse for telegram integration and install it to our chatbot the only thing we need to input here is our telegram boat token to create a boat go to telegram. me/ botfa click Start then select the new bot command and then just follow the instructions from this bot F we need to give our bot a name it says it must end with bot okay let's call it agent store bot and yeah that's it our telegram bot is created we can copy this token in red and paste it to bpress save configuration as always do not forget to enable integration save again and done okay let's test it out here's the link to my bot I'm going to ask it what are your products and once again I get the correct response according to my GPT instructions so everything works well think about it for a minute in less than 1 hour you can set everything up and have a complete customer support AI assistant or you can instruct your GPT to be a lead generation agent for example or something else entirely and unlike a real person your AI assistant will be able to speak any language work 24/7 across the most popular channels at the same time and the quality of their job will depend only on your instructions and knowledge base and it will be cheaper than hiring a real person or spending your own time which is also very valuable I think that's a great opportunity to boost your business with AI but also since you are now capable of doing this there are thousands of businesses out there where business owners spend hours daily replying to customer inquiries on WhatsApp on messenger Etc and if you understand the niche and how this can help the business you can reach out to those business owners and sell them this kind of AI automation so that's a real opportunity to either boost your own business or make some decent money helping out other businesses I've got at least 10 more videos planned that will show you how to use AI to automate outbound SMS messages for example or generate leads with AI chatbots or have chat GPT run your social media completely for you and much much more so make sure to subscribe stay tuned and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Bo Sar
Views: 8,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: add gpt to website, add gpt to website tutorial, add gpt to website step by step, custom gpt guide, How to Integrate Custom GPTs into Your Website, integrate custom gpts to whatsapp, integrate custom gpts to messenger, integrate custom gpts to telegram, gpt to whatsapp step by step, integrate gpt to website no code, no code gpt guide, gpt tutorial, how to add gpt to a website, gpt to messenger, gpt to website, gpt to telegram, gpt to whatsapp, gpt to meta, botpress extension
Id: CmFuiiuLpk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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