Installing Foam Board Insulation on my 24 by 50 Metal Work Shop

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hey it's Steve welcome back to the channel I'm finally getting around to insulating my metal building this is the building right here it is 50 by 24 and uh we just got it concrete there's a video on that if you want to see that it's uh it was pretty decent video okay so here's my installation I only got 25 sheets to start with I want to see how it goes before I get I think it's going to take about 90 sheets to get this taken care of but uh here's a look at the barn real quick and I've already got a start on it I already started on it down here a little bit um it's a learning curve for sure so what I'm doing is I'm going with pressure fit I'm pressure fitting these in and it seems to be working so far um but the cut has to be almost perfect so yeah they're in there nice and strong so they're not going anywhere same with up there that that sheet right there I made a little bit too big I got to trim that one down and how I'm trimming it I'm just a lot of people have different opinions on this but my table saw seems to do a good job with it it does make a mess though definitely makes a mess so the reason that I'm going with the foam board right here instead of spray insulation is because I got a quote to do a 24x 50 Barn I got a quote for $10,000 um if I buy this foam board I'm going to have about 2500 in it so it only makes sense to me to go with a foone board and save a little bit of money plus it just seems like once they spray all that in there you still got a lot of work to to get it where you want it cuz eventually I want to put uh some kind of wood on the walls in here so enough of enough of the talking let me get cracking here and I'll put a little bit up so you can watch and I'll probably do a series on this um there's no way because I'm going to take my time on this and I'm this it's probably going to take me a couple weeks um I'm an old guy so I'm not going to bust my butt or anything I'm just going to work nice and [Music] steady [Applause] [Music] yeah it's a I think it's a good way to cut this stuff took a little bit off on the corner right here you got to be careful about the corners just a little bit right there all right um I'm going to get this one hung this one's a little tighter than I like but we'll uh we should be able get you there it is a little tight but I got it in there hey guys welcome back to channel it's been a couple days since uh I've been out here just picked up another load I got I picked up another 30 sheets and just so you know these uh these sheets run uh let's see they're $28 and then if you buy bulk you get them for um $23 so that makes it a little bit more reasonable I mean it's still out of size I remember when you could buy these things for like nine or 10 bucks eight bucks 2 inch I remember that I guess I'm an old dude I'm going to go ahead and put a I'm gonna go ahead and do a couple of these here so you guys can see how I'm doing it and um I had a couple questions about how they're staying up I'm pressure fitting them and I don't know if you can see that right there it's a strap keeps it from falling um because I did come in here and uh I found a couple of them on the ground and so I had to go get these straps right here and what I do is I put a hole right here I got these screws so I use that screw right there when they built the building they left me a whole bunch of them so I figured well might as well just use them so yeah I just screw screw right in there self tappers and um and that works really good for me so far these because it's two sections I have a8f footer here and then this this one's 57 in from here to there to the top and I don't know if you can see there's a strap right there that right yeah so I try to put straps every every one and it holds those down I'm thinking about taping those seams but I I'm not having any luck with the tape uh it's sticking all right there well it's trying to come loose but see that one yeah right there yeah that one uh came loose I did seam this one and it seemed to do all right but this is vertical but it seems to be all right yeah so and the reason I did that is because I had the extra piece so instead of I I don't want to waste any of this stuff it's too expensive to waste but these are all single 8ot sheets and then I got to put a little piece up in here yet and this is going to be a series guys there's no way I can do this very fast um I'm just doing this by myself and uh taking my time I put a couple sheets in once or twice a day three times uh three sheets maybe um so let's uh first thing I have to do is I'm going to have to figure out a a place to put this trailer I got to saw a couple sheets up so put this up here there we go it's a little cold in here I would say it's probably close to uh 35° maybe so uh I'm going to go ahead and uh unload the rest of these sheets real quick stack them against a wall yeah like I said I'm going to I'll do this in a couple about three or four videos um this a 24x 50 24x 50 bar and so it will take me some time cuz I want to get it right I haven't started using any spray phone but I plan on doing that in the corners where over there's gaps what what little I've got done believe it or not it's making a huge difference on we live close to a h a big road and it's starting to quiet the traffic down a little bit yeah we just got back oh about a couple hours ago they actually ran out of these they gave me seven I ordered 24 and then about four or five days later here they came up with the rest of them good old Home Depot so I'm pressure fitting this stuff and then uh and then I strap it so I'm trying to make it towards just a little bit bigger can't be too much or it ain't going to go in there so 40 and an [Music] eth so we go 40 and an eigh here set this at 48 bump this up a little I'm sorry bump it back 40 and an eighth right there okay [Music] [Music] [Music] I get a bunch of these little strips and I have an idea what I'm going to do with those all right so nothing think Cuts really good I kind of shorted myself some space there but it worked all right this is the fun part I'll be glad when this ceiling's done all [Music] right [Music] just like that I mean that one's not going to go anywhere and uh it goes up in there quite a ways and fills that void so you don't have to fill it full of expanding foam or anything like that so that's how that one goes although I don't like how high it is let see if I can't push it down I don't think I can I think it's too pressure yeah all right see the diff what I'm talking about here is this is the distance right here from the last one comes right here so when I cut this next piece I'm going to cut it about an inch and a half 2 Ines shorter so they line up down there doesn't really matter on that end any cuz it goes way up in there yeah so look forward to the uh next couple of uh videos I'm going to put out um because I'm going to keep working here right now but I wanted to get a little video out before um Thanksgiving or you'll probably be seeing this on Thanksgiving so um everybody have a good Thanksgiving and we really appreciate you hit that like And subscribe button and uh we'll uh we'll update you on the next couple days on another video all right thanks everybody have a good holidays bye
Channel: Blood Sweat and Tears
Views: 15,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nFz0zpDJf7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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