How To Backup A Wordpress Website In 5 Mins ~ 2022 ~ A WordPress Backup And Restore Tutorial

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if you're looking for a really easy way to backup and restore your WordPress website that's easy and safe to use then you've come to the right place hello I'm Yoda and welcome to my youtube channel now there in this course if you run into any trouble just leave a comment below the video and I'll be more than happy to assist you and don't be shy about asking for help I've been a webmaster instructor aka the web yet for every 20 years and I'd love to hear from my students but if you could please pay it forward if you could like the videos subscribe to the video share the video tell your friends about the video those are the kind of things that help get the word out there so other students like you can find this video let's go ahead and get started and review the wordpress website that we're going to back up and restore today and we're gonna go to create a blog calm now this is the website we want to backup and then we're going to show what it looks like when it's broken and then we're going to restore it of course there could be many reasons why you need to restore your website well we want to look at the worst case scenario suppose you go to your website and it comes up with this message one of those common and frustrating WordPress server errors is the 500 internal server error but one of the easiest ways to fix this error is to simply restore your website with a version that didn't have this error unfortunately many of the backup and restore plug-ins for WordPress require you to use your WP admin to get to it so for example in our case let's say we tried to log in and then we ended up with this error so we're at our WP admin and we still ended up with this error well we can't see our website and we can't get to the backend so what are our options the solution we're going to use today is not going to require you to have access to your current website at all so the first thing we need to do is we're going to go and open a new tab and let's just go ahead and go to web Unicom front slash backups this page tells you a little bit about backup buddy which is the wordpress plugin i've used to backup and restore all my websites for many years i'm sure people will be quick to point out that there are free methods of backing things up however you get what you pay for and when it comes to being able to get access to my website in case i need to restore it that's very important to me so I really didn't want to put myself in a position where I potentially compromised my ability to restore our website simply because I chose a free product the main takeaway from this page is the coupon codes in fact we're going to try this one today now I've copied that coupon code I'm going click on purchase backup buddy if you notice here at the top they have save 30% through the end of this month but if they don't have a promotion running and none of the codes I have work simply join their email list and they'll give you a code and you can use that so the next one want to click on buy backup buddy a typically I have one site for all the stuff I do I actually have the gold plan but for you you probably only neither one site just price is for one year worth of parts and service however it turns out at the end of that year your plugin continues to work indefinitely even if you don't renew your plan so let's go ahead and click buy now and it's already got the 30% plugged into it see right here so we're just ready to checkout so I'll click on checkout and now you want to create a count so we'll put first name last name I'll put Yoda Yoda company Webb Yoda Inc email Yoda at web Yoda calm use your name Webb Yoda and a password and we'll create an account and we need billing information scroll down continue with checkout scroll down I'm going to go ahead and pay with PayPal and now my payment is complete and I'm ready to download my products so I'll click on download your products and there's my product and once you use download and that went to my downloads folder so I can show it in the folder and now there it is now we can close our tab for that and now let's go back to our admin for our website that we want to backup and we'll login you and now we want to install the new plugin so we'll click on plugins add new upload plug-in choose file there it is in our downloads folder we can click on it and open it install now and activate plug-in now down here you'll see now here's the backup buddy that has been added so we can click on that and the first thing we're going to do is the quick setup so if we scroll down so this email addresses where any error notifications go in case the backup had a problem I'll put that one in there and then you want to choose a password that's associated with your backups and then you confirm it now I can't stress enough how important this password is because once you've backed these up later when you go to restore if you don't have this password you're not going to be able to restore now if you have an annual plan that you continue doing you can store your backups on their server but I don't really want to rely on that so we're going to store them in two places the first way is we're going to do regular backups on our local storage only that basically saves all your automated backups in a folder lives inside of your own hosting account so we're gonna click local storage only and then how often do we want to do backups so unless you're doing active updates all the time of your website the starter version is probably gonna be fine it does a monthly complete backup and it weakly backs up your databases this is the only automatic side of things and later we'll be able to make a manual copy as well so let's choose save settings and I'm not gonna save that password and now this is automatically set up to do those backups on a regular basis but at this point I want to make a manual backup so to do manual backups even though it's right here the steps are go to backup buddy and then choose backups and that brings you to this page so to backup our website we're going to click on complete backup and now we're gonna scroll down you just simply watch the progress until it completes it doesn't take very long okay backup is complete and once it's complete if we scroll back up there's a button right here that says download backup file we're going to click on that backup file and that downloads a copy to our downloads folder that does two things one we have a permanent copy on our computer and two it means that we're not relying on our website to get access to it if something goes wrong so your last step would be to go to your download folder and find a convenient place to save these so when you need them later you can go back and find them but outside of that we're done with a backup portion of this video however I would encourage you to watch the last few minutes of this video so you can see how easy your website can be restored using backup buddy and now let's look at the steps required to restore your website the first thing you can do is you can go to backups and if you have access to your admin you can simply choose a backup click on restore and then restore and you're done but it's never gonna be that easy particularly if your life is like mine it's always gonna be something a lot worse than that so let's look at the worst case scenario we'll go back to our website and let's say you're working on your website you click on something and all sudden you get this error oh no 500 internal server error what do I do how do we fix this how do we upload a previous version of our website to solve this problem step one is to log into the control panel or the cPanel for your hosting account in our case we're using Hostgator but this should work for any hosting account so I'm going to log into my cPanel and then from here you're looking for something called file manager and it's usually going to be in the main section at the top or there's a files option over here we're going to go to the file manager now on the left hand side you want to find the project you're working on in my case I have a whole bunch of them here so I have to scroll down a little bit but we're going to work on create a blog I choose that one and now in this folder is where my website lives and we're going to need to upload our backup from our local computer so we can do a manual restore so the first thing we'll do is we're going to click on upload and this is where we're going to put the files we're going to upload now in our case we're going to get the Downloads folder and we're going to drag this file over and that's going to move a copy of the backup of our website to the server now there's one more file you need and that's the file that's going to allow you to actually do the restore turns out that file is stored inside of our backup so we're gonna have to dig down into our backup to retrieve that file so we need to go back to our downloads folder if you double click on your backup file you're looking for a folder called WP dash content you're gonna click on that and next you're looking for a folder called uploads and then you want to choose the folder backup buddy underscore temp and from here there's only one folder and that folder will have a random name but you're going to double click on that folder and inside that folder is a file called import buddy PHP and we need to get a copy of this file so in my case I can just do copy and then we go back to our downloads folder and now I can do paste and now we have a copy of that file now I can take that file and drag it over here and now we have everything we need to restore our website so I'll close these extra tabs and now we're at our broken website from here we want to use our domain name front slash import buddy PHP all lowercase and we hit enter to authenticate simply use the password you selected when you set up backup buddy so I'll copy that and then it already has selected the one that we uploaded see it was possible that we could upload one here but I like to do it through the file manager we can scroll down and choose restore back up now when you come down here you just need to copy everything from the left to right by clicking these arrows if you just click the one at the top it'll copy everything from the left to the right you can choose delete all choose next step it's the same name if you were changing URLs you could choose a different one here I'll choose next step now we can verify that our site works by opening it in a new tab let me come back and look at our site and now we click on about and our website is back it's fixed it's complete its restored so we go back to our original tab and since everything was happy we can scroll down and just say finish clean up it's finished we can close that tab and everything's perfect it works like a charm and now our website is fully restored just like that now I truly hope I covered everything you needed in this tutorial now if there was something I didn't mention or you had additional questions please leave them to Allah be more than happy to answer them for you but if I don't know the answer I'll go hey I don't know but if I do know the answer I can find the answer I'll give it to you and maybe we can work on it together so I really enjoyed doing this I hope you had a great time as well the only real payment I'm looking for if I could possibly get a subscribe out of this possibly a like out of this I'd be super helpful but outside of that I just hope you have a great day peace out
Channel: WebYoda
Views: 92,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to backup wordpress website, backup wordpress, how to backup your wordpress website, wordpress backup, backup wordpress website, backup wordpress site, how to backup a wordpress website, how to backup wordpress site, wordpress backup plugin, restore wordpress, wp backup, backup plugin, backup buddy, how to backup your wordpress site, backup and restore wordpress, wordpress database backup, backup website, Backup WordPress Tutorial, backup website wordpress, backup site
Id: wGyZvNupHV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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