How to Install Vulkan on Raspberry Pi

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hey guys what's going on it's don here from nova spur tech and welcome back to my channel and today we are going to be installing vulcan onto our raspberry pi 4 so let's get started [Music] so you may or may not have known that recently the broadcom vulcan drivers has been upstream to misa which means one it's definitely easier to find when you want to install this driver into your board two since it's gonna get upstream that means in a couple of months from now it's gonna be part of our repository which means we don't need to compile it it should just be able to grab the vulcan libraries directly using apps and three much easier bug tracking so this is huge news for us because having vulcan drivers unlock a lot more possibilities on what you can do on the raspberry pi so before i show you guys how to compile everything i'm actually going to show you guys what's the difference between this and opengl so here's my desktop it's fully compiled with everything that you need to run vulkan and i'm going to show you a couple of examples starting with glx gears so glx gears now this is a opengl version of gears and you can see if you give it a couple of seconds it'll show you that it's about like 60 frames per second right around there and it's like a little tiny window all right now i'm gonna pop into my vulcan demos that we have and let me see build bin and here i have the vulcan version of gears so you could see it's a much bigger screen but it's also running 177 frames per second and if i was to shrink this down to similar size to what it was before 700 frames per second now this isn't a real good example it does show that vulcan does run it is on v3d 4.2 but the comparisons are so different so the best way to compare this is in a real world test so i'm going to show you guys quick three now i quake 3 i have on this version right now is with opengl so and i'm going to pop into a game here we go i'm just going to put it as i can win because it's the easiest way and i have the fps popped in the top right corner here we go so i'm walking around it's actually not too bad i mean it's kind of playable it's 20 frames per second around 30 frames sometimes it dips down to like tens or single digits as you can see and let me see if i can find a spot to stand on when i'm passing the mirror that's when it's like the worst so i'm gonna stand right here without moving you're gonna see the door like almost everything moving around it's like 35 36 frames per second and i'm aimed towards this little rocker here so let me get out of this i'm going to show you the vulcan version this way you guys can see the difference and here we go yeah look at the fps on this this is like double what you were getting before 90s 70s picking up a weapon was like 70. and if i was to stand on that same spot like right over here you can see it's doing literally about 60 to 70 frames per second double of what you are getting on opengl and that's what i mean it's a huge difference running vulkan versus opengl and once a lot of game supports that we could compile to vulkan we're going to be able to get a lot better gameplay especially now that there's a ppsp a playstation portable emulator that has vulkan i saw a nintendo switch emulator that has vulkan you probably can compile it against this and get better frame rates playing switch on the raspberry pi 4. so let me show you guys how to compile it and you guys could play around with it on your end so if you've been following me for a while you know that i recently broke my 120 gigabyte ssd that i usually use on my raspberry pi but i ended up picking up one of these guys off amazon for a couple of dollars actually was pretty pretty cheap a 500 gigabyte ssd looks pretty cool it's silver compared to the black and gray ones i'm used to seeing but yeah so i'm going to pop the raspberry pi os into this little guy and pop it into my raspberry pi so we could start from scratch first i'm over on my linux desktop it all looks very very similar because i've been using the same background for everything but yeah i'm going to go over to my raspberry pi imager uh choose the latest os which is the 32 bit wait is this the desktop yeah desktop version choose 500 gigabyte and i'm gonna write shouldn't be too long since it's an ssd on usb 3. so yeah i'm going to give this a few seconds to let this write and we'll jump into our raspberry pi 4 as soon as this is done all right here we go i'm gonna unplug this so here we go this is a fresh install raspberry pi desktop and as you can see i'm actually gonna leave this at 720 so you guys can see the fonts a little bit better but i do have the black borders i gotta fix and i gotta go through this menu so give me a second let me get through this and all right so the first thing we want to do right now is sudo app update just to make sure we got all the libraries and if we're missing anything we might as well just upgrade it as well yep so sudo apt upgrade once the upgrade is complete now it's time to download the stuff that we need to download to get everything working so the next thing we need to do is unlock the ability to um use the build dependency on app so to do this we would have to do sudo nano etc apt sources list in here you uncomment that one that deb source hit control x y to save and sudo apt update again this way it'll grab those repositories from the sources next we do sudo apt build dep like dep misa this will actually grab the list of dependencies that you need to build so instead of having to like actually manually type all this out on what you need that way it will just know what it wants and what it needs to build misa and that's what we're going to be building right now so i'm going to grab all this all right now that's done we're gonna go grab misa library so i'm gonna head over to the chronium i have a little notes here that will actually just give me the link to freedesktop.misa which is much easier to find but i don't want to do any typos here so once you grab this you're going to see that this is the whole misa library you actually don't even need to go to the website i could just get this so i'm just going to show you this is basically what you need to do with a little bit of change so i'm going to grab that again and i'm going to head over to my downloads directory and get clone that folder itself now that we grabbed everything that we need from misa before we check or install anything what i'm going to do is sudo at install vk now vulcanutils i think or vulcan tools and i think that gives me vk cube and you could see that because i don't have anything installed it doesn't even work right so i've just tested the program and yeah it's not even booting up all right just just confirm it so now i'm going to go over to misa and i'm going to make a directory called build and inside build i'm going to change over to that i am going to do neeson now this is the string that you need to actually compile the broadcom drivers for raspberry pi so i'm going to grab this and i'll leave all this literally you're going to see this notepad down on the description down below so i'm going to paste this here and then dot dot because i'm going back to the previous directory where all the sources are once you hit that it's going to find everything it might run into a little bit of a problem i don't know yet because it might need a different type of library for libdrm but i'm not sure if they have updated that yet nope i do need to install xbc shim okay so sudo apt i'm just running into the same problems you guys might run into and not solving it ahead of time just to show you guys what i would do install lib x cb shm zero dash dev you need the dev version when you're compiling stuff so once that is done i'm just gonna re-run that previous command and see if any other errors come up it seems to be okay found ninja everything's okay once you see this type of screen that means you're ready to compile so there's actually two ways to build it well one way but you could either type ninja now and have it everything built and then install it later or you could do sudo ninja install this will build it and install it so i'm going to do that now it's going to take about 15 to 20 minutes to build so i would just like you know grab a cup of coffee or something and come back in a little bit all right so there we have it everything is installed everything is moved to the correct directory like user local lib and all that other stuff so now we could actually test out vk cube again and it should start if everything worked out correctly and there we have it that's it now if i do i don't think i could do this right now vulcan info i could it pops up and it tells you all the information that you need let me do pop it into less and you kind of could see that we are using uh v3d 4.2 right there gpu id now having this library installed allows us to try a lot of things games that support vulkan like quake and stuff like that all the stuff that i have will be in these demos like i was playing with open arena before and i had this quick demo so if you want to learn how to build some demos to test it out also play um a quick three arena on vulkan you could do that as well there's probably other games that you can look for that supports vulcan and hopefully hopefully when box 86 starts adding vulcan implementations we should be able to get some real linux games into our raspberry pi and that would be amazing thanks for watching guys i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys did please hit that like button if you guys have any questions or any ideas what i could do with this vulcan thing i'll leave it down in the comments below and if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing also hit that bell notification icon so you know when the next video is going to be out and as the same minor cave hack to lit hearts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 47,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, raspberry pi vulkan, vulkan raspberry pi, raspberry pi, rpi, vulkan, opengl, mesa, v3d 4.2, vkquake, quake, compile vulkan, raspberry pi gaming, rpi4 vulkan, how to install vulkan, how to, vulkan api, rpi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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