How to Install VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 6.7 on VMware Workstation 15

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hello youtube and hello world welcome back to infosec patch channel in today's video what we're going to be doing is installing and configuring esxi 6.7 if you guys aren't aware with 6.7 vmware is it's a type 1 hypervisor bare metal install you would install this on a server on vmware workstation like we're going to be doing today that's pretty much what it is it's a very awesome probably the best hypervisor out there vmware is massive so without further ado let's get started it's going to be a fun little video [Music] hello guys welcome back to my video as i said when i was intro introducing the video what we're going to be doing is installing and setting up esxi 6.7 within um vmware workstation so let's get started so for our network setup we're going to be using the subnet of 192.168.200.x but in our situation we're going to use 210 as our last octet and the network we're going to be using is vmnet2 and then we're going to get into that in a second so again vmware hyper a vmware esxi is a type 1 hypervisor that sits and installs on a physical server in your data center in your company and then once you have esxi installed on your server what you can do is log into that host and add vms on top of that so you have one big giant server as your hypervisor and then you can install many depending on your capacity your resources that you have that resides in your computer or on your server and it's an awesome thing so you don't have to have 10 servers if you want to active directory server dns server dhcp sql exchange you know qualis or maybe a nested server for vulnerability assessments or whatever kind of applications or business application that you guys use you don't have to have 10 physical servers you're going to have maybe one or two hosts that replicate or in this case we only have one host and have a couple vms that reside in there so let's get started i don't want to go off on a tangent i want to get configuring so let's go so let's go to our vmware um this is going to be our labs so let's go to home we're going to do file we're going to add a new virtual machine okay we're going to do custom install hit next from the drop down from the hardware compatibility we're going to drop this down and install esxi 6.7 u2 okay so let's go to next our um our iso this is my iso that i'm using and in order to get the iso you should go to your and log in you can download it you can it's a free download you can register for free it's very simple just go to actually i can show you guys really quick let's go to this is the url and you can just log in search for it or you can just go to google like google's everyone's best friend vmware download esx set and then you can go to download obviously you see this is where i downloaded mine and then this is the download right here okay so right here download download vmware vsphere hypervisors esxi 6.7 and i would download the first download here the hypervisor iso including with vmware tools okay and that's what i got here so let's get started okay so i'm gonna name this 6.7 host one okay but i'm not putting it here i'm going to actually put it in a special location where i like all my vms to be so let's copy that let's paste that location this is where i like to put my vms you can put them wherever you like for my for my processors so for me i'm going to put four processors and one chord that's fine because this is just a test environment and for mine i'm going to put 16 gigabytes for my for my ram because i have about 128 in here so i have a quite a bit to spare okay let's hit next we can just use nat for now because we're going to change that later that's fine recommended is fine create a new virtual disk is fine i'll just create 60 gigs and i'll have this a single file so it doesn't so what split um split multi-disc uh split virtual disk into multi-files so it's pretty much like you know while it grows while you install files it grows i just want to have the single 60 gig drive right from the beginning okay so let's hit next here and we're gonna go that's fine that's the vmdk and let's power this bad boy on okay it's gonna go down here let's throw this in vmware so this is the install file this is the install process and let's just give this a few minutes to go through it the install is fairly quick it's not a very long installation by any means it's probably about five to ten minutes and then we can configure it log into it set it up do all the things so let's get started come on all right this you should see this on your screen if you're following along so hopefully everyone having a wonderful day today it's a beautiful thursday it's thanksgiving so i'm thankful for you guys for watching this i'm thankful to be alive today so we should all be grateful for that right so let's um let's just be thankful for that all right so this is going to take a few minutes okay so once this pops up you're going to hit enter to continue f11 to continue this is going to scan the available drive this should be the 60 gig drive that we just set up yep so that's the 60 gig drive that we're going to be utilizing to install our vms on this is going to be our data store it's local hit enter you as default is my keyboard so that's fine for me next and this is going to be the password for the root account this is when you log into the esxi host iphone f11 and when you install it and you log into it from the ip address when we'll do that in a few minutes once this is done in our case it's going to be 192.168.200 and it's going to prompt us to log into the esxi host once that prompts us to log in we're going to put root and that password that we just set up so that's a pretty critical password to save when you put it down when you write it down and type it you should just write it down and definitely remember that okay so okay so now we're just going to remove the media the way we remove the media is we're going to go right click on our vm if you're using vmware on cd-rom dvd-rom and disconnect okay now that's disconnected let's hit enter and the reboot process will start so once this is done rebooting we should get the information about the vm and we're going to do a few things to modify the network settings like in my case let's go and check out the network settings that i created for this specific lab so while that's booting we can go into my network virtual network editor let that load up and i created vm host 2. like i said in my video i mean in my slide here the network is vmnet2 and this is the subnet for that and i can let i can show you that here if i double click here you can see that is the network that we're going to be utilizing for this lab and it's definitely reachable uh if you're using vmware workstation uh you can hit it you should be able to hit it from your host so we're going to get cracking and installing that just in a moment so let's wait for this student to boot and we should be on the way to go okay all right perfect so it's giving a 192.168.119 address because it's this specific uh vm right now is using nat network address translation so if we go here we go to settings we're going to see this in a second that the network adapter is using it's nat okay so we're going to add an adapter network adapter finish and if you guessed it what are we going to use for the second adapter we're going to use the custom virtual nik 2 because that's the nic that we're going to utilize on the subnet of 192.168.200. okay so let's hit ok that's going to restart the services and reboot restoring and doing all its magic behind the scenes okay so now what we're going to do is f2 to customize and we have to log in because you don't want anyone just going up to your host and tinkering with it right all right perfect so with this now we're going to go ahead and configure network management and then network adapters and why don't we see the other adapter that's weird let's go back here escape there escape here escape we should see two adapters let me make sure nothing got funky yeah it's there unless it's just taking a minute you know what let's just reboot this bad boy real quick just to make sure this changes take effect okay all right that's fine f11 we're just going to reboot it because we should see is two network two network interfaces now we should have the natted one which we're going to disabled for now and then we're going to we should have vmnet2 which is going to be on the network of 192.168.200.x but we're going to assign 210 to the host okay so let's give that a second i'm not sure why it didn't populate but it's technology it has its mind of its own so let's give it a second okay so this is back so now let's go ahead and hit f2 let's go back into here and let's check the settings now so let's go ahead and configure network network adapters now we see the two perfect toe so vmnet2 i mean via yeah vmnet2 is going to be our vm nik one so we're gonna disabled in that one and enable this bad boy okay so hit okay here we're gonna configure ipv4 settings we're going to use a static ip and we're going to use 192. whoops 24 bit mask is fine and we'll just change this to 200 okay enter and we can change the dns to 200 just because you want to have it all in the same network and now hosters be esxi one okay enter let's escape that to exit yes we want to apply these changes and give that a second and let's escape to log out because never have this logged in because you don't want someone tinkering with it like i said all right so now we have the the address of sorry still early we're on that okay so let's just clear this and what we're going to do is ping and bada bing bada boom we're able to ping it okay so now what we can do is we can open up and go to and this you should get obviously we don't have a certificate installed so that's fine for now because this is the lab and this is the login okay so with this we can hit root because that's the username and this is the fancy password that we created during setup okay so we log in and voila doesn't this look pretty all right we don't have to do this now okay so initially when you install it and download it you'll have a 60-day evaluation when you download it you should get a key to install with this product i do have it but i'm not going to install it right now i just wanted to get you guys up and running on esxi 6.7 okay so in this case i'll show you how to do one thing before we go so in our data store at least the way i set up my esxi hosts and environments for all my isos if i want windows server 2019 2016 2012 linux operating red hat any kind of systems i want i normally create an iso folder in my data store and upload all my all my images into my data store so when i install a vm i can just browse to my data store and it's right there so let's get to it and i'll show you how to do that all right so let's um database browser so let's create a new directory in here and we'll name it iso okay create in okay so in here we'll upload an image that i have i think in my downloads elementary so for example elementary os is a linux distro we're going to install that in a pre in a next um video so this is pretty much how you would do it and i'll upload one more i'll upload 2019 or 16 whatever i hit first on my windows servers okay so let's go ahead and that's fine let's do those two so we had 2019 server and elementary os okay so let that do its thing and we'll upload those files once they're uploaded they should come here and then when we install the operating system it'll be very easy to do that and we'll get to that in a in the next video okay now it's complete so that is pretty much the full process of uploading images configuring esxi on a vmware workstation environment but this goes with if you have a physical server or if you have blade servers however you guys want to install it it's the same process just have that iso load it up reboot your server boot it up and install it it's very straightforward so hopefully this been helpful and please like subscribe show your friends and family these videos if you have any requests anything that you would like to see in the future let me know and i'm more than happy to get this done i'm enjoying this journey because i don't get to do these every day so to me it's just fun exciting i learn as i go and i'm loving this journey and i thank you guys for truly supporting me appreciate it thank you so much and today is thanksgiving so happy thanksgiving to the world you
Channel: InfoSec Pat
Views: 13,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pentester, vmwareworkstation, VM, virtualbox, linux, kalilinux, windows, server 2019, windows server 2016, windows 10, exploit, metaploit, youtube, youtuber, let us grow together, how to, learn and give back, hypervisor, esxi 6.7, esxi home lab, esxi installation and configuration, vmware, vmware vsphere
Id: XKG5q_T-3kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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