How to Configure Hyper-V Replication on Windows Server 2019 - Video 18 Windows Server 2019 Training.

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hey guys welcome back to another video with infosec pad in this video this is video 18 of the windows server 2019 training in this video what we're going to be doing is setting up a secondary hyper-v server and have replication between our primary and our secondary site so if one if our primary host goes down we can automatically fail over to our replica server so we're gonna get into it so if you're ready let's go [Music] hey guys welcome back so this is video 18 how to install and configure hyper-v replication so in the previous video it was only one hyper-v host so if that goes down then you're screwed right so the main purpose of having replication you can have plan failover meaning if you want to do maintenance on your main host you can fail over to the secondary host or god forbid your server goes down then you would it be screwed in the water and how would you recover that so this is the best way to do it um this is how i'm going to show you guys how to configure this and as you see in this little slide here you have virtual machines in host one right over here and you have host two and you're gonna have the virtual machines replicating and over here you have you know different kind of types a type 1 hypervisor and type 2 hypervisor i just forgot to take that out but you can ignore that for now so i did a few things in the background and i'm going to explain what i did and um how i did it i just didn't want a video to be an hour long but you know if you're up to this point into video 18 you watch video 17 for hyper-v you should know how to join a computer to the domain you should know how to do all of that so in our lab in this infrastructure right here if you see win2k16 and win2k19 these ip addresses these are the vms that reside in hyper-v and i want to show you that shortly and this is our primary hv01 hyperv01 this is our primary site and this is going to be our secondary that we're going to be setting up today okay and pretty much i already changed the computer name i already joined it to the domain and i rebooted it i moved it to the the current uh the correct ou i i we're going to be starting at um step three obviously adding the hyper revo hyper-v roll on hp02 and then we're gonna you know con configure the rest okay cool deal so let's bring this bad boy over here and so i'm gonna show you what i did so we have our hyper-v 0-1 this is i only installed i think 16 in the last video i installed 2019 as well so i do have two vms as you can see here and this is uh win2k19 and win2k16 all right these are joining to our domain they're right here i didn't move them yet um i wanted to show you guys so these are the two virtual machines that reside in our hypervisor environment all right so let's go ahead and bring these bad boys to the server ou okay so now we can see here we can see these two these two are the ones like i said that are in hyper-v and i want to show you that right now so let's go ahead and go back to our hyper v01 and we can go to win2k16 and we logged in let's log in and we can log into 19 as well all right let's just log in here i just want to show you guys what i did in the background so you're not like what the hell is that so on this box we have win2k16 it's joined to my domain i assign the ip address outside my dhcp scope that is the ip that you saw in that slide those two ips and over here is okay it's joined to my domain infosec pack.local and we see everything here these are just vms that are just hanging out all right that are just sitting on in our vm environment so they've been there for about 40 minutes i had them on for almost an hour all right so let's go ahead and get crack-a-lacking so this is that when um i went to khb02 so let's go ahead and add the hyper-v roll all right let's go start next next next we're going to go to hyper-v i want to try to do this a little quicker because you know i'm trying to i want to explain as much as i'm doing as much as i can while i'm doing it but you know i like you know people have short ex ex you know attention spans and i just want to make sure that it's you know it's good and that that i can get to the point and not just go on about you know tinkerbell and butterflies so everything here is going to be defaulted we're going to make the changes once the the server's up we can go ahead and reboot yes okay go ahead and install and this is going to install all right so like i said in the slide i want to bring the slide over for a second so in here this is where the two ips right here one and two want to take that 50.10 and that 11 those are for those two vms all right so let's bring that back over here so while that's doing that so what we're gonna have to do let's go to hb1 hv01 so in our there's one more thing i did just so you guys are like what the hell is that um actually i can't talk in and manage so let's go to virtual switch manager so remember in the last video we had three switches we had we had our external to get out to the internet outside of our private network and then we had internal then we had private i had removed internal and private private and internal because we don't need them i just wanted to show you guys how to set them up um the main the main one that we're going to need is the external v-switch so we can get out to the internet so that's how my vms are getting out to the internet and on the new server once it's up and running we're gonna have to make the same exact setting changes and you know i added a a d drive so we can do exactly the same thing um obviously we don't have isos because we don't care about that because this is our primary we're going to be failing over but we're going to have the hv data virtual machines and virtual disks okay let's just let's go check up on it now all right so it's i guess it's done it's rebooting now so we'll give that a few minutes and once that's done and we'll we'll continue i'm guessing t oh yes no t for me all right so let's go get it ctrl delete let's log back in with the i knew i fingered that with the hyper-v admin so we're going to log in as hyper-v admin and we're going to go ahead and open up the server manager and this thing should continue its process installation progress it should be done in a second bada bing it's done we can hit close here we can go to tools hyper-v manager minimize that we can like to pin this to the start to the taskbar so there's no vms here obviously not yet so what we're going to do is we're going to do a few things let's go to the virtual switch and we're going to go ahead and configure a external virtual switch let's hit create and we're going to name this the same exact thing which is i have it over here ext dash v-switch okay and this is the nick that it's going to be utilizing that should be good hit yes here pending changing yep that's fine it's going to create that nick and we should be good here all right so that's that's it for there so now we're going to do a couple more settings we're going to go to hyper-v um hyper-v settings so the first thing is we're going to do the same exact thing we're going to go ahead and see for virtual virtual machines and virtual hard disk we have a a d partition that we don't have anything yet so we're going to create a new folder called hv data and then in here we're going to go ahead and make this virtual disk copy that let's go back here right click new folder paste boom boom boom boom boom all right so let's copy this we're going to put this here for the virtual disk for virtual hard drives and here we're going to do the same thing but we're going to eliminate the virtual disk okay that's going to be the location okay i think that should be good and let's see let's see okay cool deal let's want to make sure everything is is set up correctly that i that i um okay cool so the next thing is we're gonna do um vmware settings real quick i want to make sure everything is good okay cool deal so now we're gonna go ahead and go back to hv1 now we're going to enable the replication okay so we're going to go on actual host we're going to go to hyper-v settings and down here we have replication configuration okay so we're going to enable this on this computer and we're going to use kobros http all right and see here we have allow replication from the specific servers we're not going to use that we're going to replicate um from the authenticated server so this is what we're going to be utilizing okay so hit apply here that's fine um we have these listeners open because we created that group policy in the beginning of the course that's the reason why we did it because so we don't go through any of these little bumps in a road all right cool deal so that should be good here now we're going to do the same exact thing on hb02 okay let's go here properties replication boom boom boom boom okay should be good okay so now we should be good all right so now we can start the replication so let's go back to hb01 and we're going to go ahead and do win2k16 so what we can do here is go ahead and let's go to settings really quick i just want to make sure everything is good to go okay perfect all right just wanted to make sure it's on the right to v switch all right so on here we can do is right click go to enable replication okay so this is for win2k16 and we can go to next and the replica server what is the replica server if you think this if you think about it what is it think about that for a second what is a replica server so i'm assuming you would say hv02 right i would hope so we can just do win 2k 19 dash hv hv02 and check name it's there boom hit ok and let's hit next we'll verify that make sure it's good to go oh man like that oh near stretch well that does this thing all right so it's just going to verify the connection to make sure i can see um hp02 hopefully it sees it hopefully gonna break anything okay i know a little bit all right so here we're gonna go ahead hv02 i want to communicate let me just make sure i didn't put it over to https let me just let me just go ahead and just check this really quick uh digital server replication nope it's it's hp http okay cool i just wanted to make sure because i don't know why it's looking for um 443. so we're going to do this is 80. my num lock is off 80. 80. okay cool so that should be fine i want to compress the data over to over the network that's be good hit next this is the this is the the replication vhd's so this is where the um hard disk is going to replicate to that's fine that's where hours are and this is for the the frequency of which changes so if we make a change how frequent do we want to replicate this data from our primary to our secondary i'm going to leave it you can have it 30 5 and 15. i want to have it five minutes you should be fine go ahead and hit next and this is for a recovery point how many recovery points do you want to hold so you can pretty much only have the last one which i don't i don't recommend that because i would just do at least i normally do 10 that's just me and you can do whatever fives i i like to do ten i'm gonna go with my my way of doing it so so right now our initial size of the disc is 12 gigs so if we look at our um our disk nope not there and we just go here properties we should see it's about 12.3 gigs should be fine cool and we can see it right here as well so that's fine we're going to replicate immediately so before we hit anything let's go on to here you see there's nothing here there's no vms on hv02 there's nothing there so let's go back here and we can start immediately okay let's hit next and then enable replication hit finish now we're gonna see this replicating okay and while we do that we can go to task manager more and we can actually open up the the internet that ethernet so you can actually see the traffic going over the wire just give it a second it'll it'll stop like uh fail to replicate connect replica server that's weird let's see uh try to make sure everything is good for 80 everything is it was there let's go ahead and just it's really weird okay just try to do this again yeah that was really weird um alright timed out all right so now you can see the win2k16 on the secondary server it's receiving changes and if we go back to here you can see this network going crazy right now you see this we can see that it's pushing it's sending 300 megs so if we do the math it was 12 gigs running at like 250 300 megs it'll probably take a few minutes um i would say all right so we're gonna do the same we're gonna do the same exact thing for uh let's just give this a second that's gonna take some time so we're gonna do the same thing for for win2k 19 enable replication we're going to go to next replica server we're going to do same one win 2k 19 dash hv02 hit check name it's there okay next same thing now it recognized that's going to go over port 80 perfect go to next this is the the location for the vhds for the virtual hard disks this is all good hit next five minutes is perfectly fine and maintain we're gonna do i'm gonna do create additional hourly recovery points do 10 because that's what i like to do and we're going to send it immediately this one's about 10 gigs so it's probably not going to take as long but let's go to next let's go to finished enabling and there it goes now so now if we go on to hv2 we can see them that they're both replicating over you see that which is pretty cool right so that's pretty much how we can get the the machines from hv01 to hv02 all right so we can check out the the task manager on hb02 and see what it's cracking lacking at and the performance and the network so you can see here oh man that's itchy so we can see here that you know everything is moving um we just did the same thing for win2k19 and let's see let's give this a couple seconds it's probably going to take a few minutes to do this and once once this is done we can go ahead and let's go back to hv01 we can go ahead and write i don't want to do that ah come on um we can just go ahead and right click go to replication we go to replication health check or replication health let this do its thing and you see it's normal it's going from uh wind wind to k19 hv1 to hv2 so we're good here and let's see if we're good on win2k19 obvi is still replicating so it's probably going to be a little slow and it's the same so it's normal everything is good in the hood all right so and once this is done what we're going to do is we're going to do a plan failover so what is a plan failover versus an unplanned failover just how it sounds right a plan fell over saying i want to maintain or do some maintenance on the primary host when i have to you know where i have to turn off my vms and do some maintenance update maybe patch the the host or hard drive failed or something went bad with the server right so now i know this is going to be excuse me you know this is going to be planned at nine o'clock at night on a friday because everyone likes to work on friday nights and once this is good to go you know we can shut off the machine we can move it to hv02 in our case from our primary to our secondary and then boot it back up and make sure everything is working and the next one what we're going to do is an unplanned what is an unplanned that means the host died you won't you know you walked in monday morning or friday morning usually friday morning that's when the best things happen you walk into your office on friday morning you get your coffee or whatever you drink and you go in like oh my crap what's going on the server's down and now this is an unplanned right you didn't plan to have your primary host down and then hopefully you have a replica because you're setting this up on your secondary host and you can bring up everything on your secondary host while you recover the primary okay so that's the two distinctions between the two so we're gonna be doing both of those planned and unplanned and see it all in action everything running on our secondary host and make sure everything is running we can boot it up and then we're going to wrap up the video all right so this is at 72 so we'll give this a few more minutes and let's see yep it's still going 74 and once this is um once this is all good we should we should be golden so like i said let's bring this um let's bring this bad boy over here again just to let you know what we're doing so this is you know um let's just make this a little we can make this a little bigger and we can bring this over this way a little bit so like i just said this is the primary so we're moving everything over to the secondary right so in a minute we're going to be eliminating this server this whack we're going to whack it we're going to shut it down and we're going to boot both servers up on the secondary right and make sure we can get on the internet make sure we can get to the network we can ping the domain controller we can ping that's the only server that we have up um or we can ping the host right we can ping from um win2k16 win2k19 to our physical host hv02 and to our domain controller make sure everything is working so when we recover the primary we can move everything back in the future right so and these are obviously and i i didn't put all these steps in here because i didn't want to have a big thing but i do have things written down like different steps that i want to approach so um so yeah so like we're going to be doing an unplanned failover a planned fallover and and all that stuff all right so this is about 90 92 let's go back onto primary and we'll give this a few more seconds it's almost done when 2k19 looks like it's going to win the race and if that wins the race we'll let's start with that one whatever wins we'll do a plan failover all right sorry excuse me i just need to itch my foot let me just get a drink of tea while that continues actually i wanted with my notes i wanted to actually do the plan fell over with with um win2k16 you sorry about that i'm gonna throw this in the garbage and um so we'll give this a few more minutes and like i said this is the reason why i didn't want to go through the whole joining into the domain doing that whole process that we normally do because i knew this process would this specific point will take several minutes and if i walk you through setting up the ip address turning off um uh the the um internet explorer security and doing all that stuff it would have took another five to eight minutes to do all that process and that's why i like i added this i added this um servers and i joined them to the domain i did everything you know in the background but cool so now it's now this is done now we're on host one if we go back to host two it should be off now the the network should calm down because things are calm there's no more replication so now we're good to go so let's go back to hb1 we're going to go ahead and right click on here i want to show you something remember if we do a planned failover we plan this right so i want to show you a before and after so let's go to replicate plan failover right here boom all right so plan failover this is the settings we're going to start the replication virtual machine after the failover right so if we hit failover come on let's bring it over to hv2 so the virtual machine is preparing you know it's not prepared to for failover the reason being is because if we're planning it it should be shut down right that's a plan failover so what we have to do is just shut this down shut down okay attempting to shut down okay operation step let's go ahead see what's going on here come on you can do it let's give this a few seconds this is what's uh the bummer when you when you um have virtual environments and but i i did allocate what let's see the memory i do have 32 gigs allocated to this vm so let's try this again shutdown all right let's just power off this thing just do a whole boom it's off he gone all right so now we can go ahead and replicate plan replication now it technically it should work there he goes and now this is going to go start replicating to d um hv02 and now it should start running on here so now if we go ahead and connect to it in a second once it allows me to we can go ahead and connect all right so we're up here do a little control delete log in this bad boy and hopefully my skills all right this is fine because you know we just said whack it unplug the cable we don't need this damn thing so now the server's up we're probably going to get some some little events here like you know it doesn't really matter we can hide this alert okay hide alert okay this one hide alert alert it doesn't matter i don't care so let's just make sure we can actually get on the internet we can get to you know everything ping make sure that we can get out to the internet on hv02 i'm assuming that we should be able to hit our server um 192. what we can just do win 2k 19 dash dc01 that's 201 we can get to the domain controller and we we're good here we are we're a golden right now we're running on our secondary host even though you know now we're on so now the next one is the big one this is going to be unplanned this is saying i just whacked your baby you know i mean like so if we do replication and then we do um failover all right so this is going to actually look for a re a restore point you know a recovery point where the server was last good right so we had we should have two yep so at so this is the last one so if we hit failover it's not going to work it's probably right watch it should not work because the server is on so now it's trying to connect to it and all that stuff so just give this a second and hopefully it'll fail soon how is this thing working i don't know how that just worked that shouldn't have worked but it's really weird how did this work usually when you do failover it should want to take the recovery point that's really strange because it's still up here all right so let's uh let's go ahead and connect to it it's when it's i want to see something it's really strange because this one is on how are they on at the same time yeah you see let's probably hose this one yeah i knew it so yeah and that makes sense because this one should be off it probably hosed it which is good so we'll wait for this one comes up and what we'll do here just for grins we'll turn this thing off like we'll just power it off like shut down power off like you know we lost the host we just said whoop we just lost it let's make sure we have dc still on all right now we lost our host our primaries gone and now both of these should be running on our second so the reason it did host it did hose our primary that when we hit the failover but normally the failover would be to you know the servers down or something like that all right so let's um right let's go ahead and come on let's go all right so let's go ahead and see if we can get to the internet and we can have everything running on here wow it's warm in here it's high and hot in here all right so now let's go ahead that's fine of course we we whacked it over there it probably just was saying a running state but meanwhile it wasn't running just like before it was like took a minute to shut down i mean this is all in a virtual environment so and nested networking so um so what we'll do is make sure we can get to the internet which i'm 99.99999999 sure we can ping google make sure dns is working that's working and let's go ahead and make sure we can ping win 2k 19 dash dc 0 1 which we are because dns is working okay cool so that's all good so now let's go ahead and x out of here and let's see something on our replication health what do you think it's going to show what whoa i like this so the reason why it has a warning is because this is not our primary this is not the primary um host so the reason just now like our our secondary our primary is down we're like replacing hard drives or motherboards or whatever else you know i've worked places that the host the motherboard want that but um we'll say that for another day so now let's go ahead and check the health on 2k19 it should say the same thing because like it says chose a replication to a resume replication blah blah so this is the reason why this is getting a warning it does not have a green check so now we we replaced the hard drives we did all the bells and whistles that we needed to do now it's time to to power up the primary backup okay so we'll give this a boop and we'll give that a second wow it's warm in here i'm in south florida and it was really hot today it was like 900 degrees no joke it was like super hot i was like when i came home my air conditioner was like at 78 because normally when i leave the house it's like at 78 or 77 but i have a big unit so it keeps the house cool and it was like even at 78 the air was just like running i'm like whoa this is crazy but now it you know it's probably what time is it eight o'clock at night and i guess the air obviously i'm not gonna like hey guys hold on a minute let me go put my air on because my air is pretty you know a couple steps away about 30 feet away and i'm not gonna do that because we're almost done with this video anyway so and um let's just wait till this primary boots back up once we boot back up then we can fail everything back over to our primary and um make sure we can check the health and we can go on from there let's see how long this video has been going on for yeah 30 minutes so that's exactly why i didn't want to do the whole domain thing and and this thing would have been an hour so let's log back in we can hopefully do this really quickly i can cut the video here because our replication is working but i wanted to show you guys how to bring it back to the primary host all right i think that's pretty important to know and um hopefully you guys enjoy these videos you know subscribe to the videos or subscribe to the channel hit the bell so you guys get alerts uh if you've made it this far hopefully you made it this far in the video um and sorry for the long long video but i just i just want to you know get the point across that you guys need to you know need to do we can just kill this event because you know we know we shut the machine down all right so let's open up hyper-v manager okay we'll let hyper-v manager so connecting to the to the machines all right so this one's running i don't know how this one's running let's just turn this shut this turn this thing off all right i think because i had it reboot on reboot like turn on reboot so now the first one we do is win2k16 so let's go ahead and let's go back on to hv1 we're going to go ahead and cancel plan failover yes cancel now we're going to cancel it and let's go back on here replication and cancel failover yes now it's a turn off now to the merge now it's going to stop moving back to the primary and we'll give that a second now which now we should be able to go settings resume replication and then now we should be able to just go ahead and look at the health it's green bada bing here we go now we can turn this bad boy connect and we can start it start this guy okay and then let's do the same thing really quick with um win2k19 all right so on winter k19 that's pretty easy on x out of here and we'll just hit resume resume replication okay successful now we can just go back on hv2 hit here right click replication and cancel failover yes okay so now everything is moving back to the primary all right let's go back in here and we should be able to just connect to this start it and everything should be up and running like normal so if we go back here connect so this is win2k16 and 19. so both of our stuff we replicated we brought it back so now you know how to do a plan failover and a unplanned failover so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video sorry for the long video but i would like to go through every step with you guys so you guys make sure it's working you test it you can follow along so until next time thank you so much for watching please like subscribe share and i really appreciate every one of you guys thank you take care you
Channel: InfoSec Pat
Views: 3,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HyperV Replication, Hyper-V Replication, Hyper V replication, Hyper-V Windows Server 2019, How to configure Hyper-V, How to enable Hyper V, Configure Hyper-V 2019, Enable Hyper-V 2019, What is Hyper-V Replication, Windows Server 2019 Hyper V, Windows Server 2019 Hyper-V Replica, Hyper-V Replica 2012 R2, vmware workstation, microsoft certification, microsoft server 2019, infosec pat, networking VM, VM technologies, ip address, how to install, how to configure, how to
Id: xCg0lq6u_6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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