How to Install SPIFFS uploader Plugin in an Arduino IDE

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[Music] hey guys today we will see how to install esp8266 esp32 sp ips file system uploader plugin in arduino ide it is very useful in web server coding for esp8266 and esp32 spi ffs stands for serial variable interface flash file system so both esp32 and esp260s contains and support a spi fps sp ips is a lightweight file system created for microcontrollers with a flash chip microcontroller with flash chip support spi plus this tutorial shows how to easily upload files to the esp8266 and esp32 file system using a plugin for arden id generally we include html webpage code in a sketch itself for web server coding so this makes our code very hard to read and you will run out of memory rather quickly so spi vapes lets you access the flash memory as if it is a normal file system like one of your computer file system but much simpler of course you can read and write files and create folders so with spipfast you can write html and css separate in separated file and save them on a esp8266 flash file system for esp8266 there is a plugin for arduino ide that allows you to upload files directly to the esp8266 file system from folder in your computer this makes really easy and simple to work with the files so let's install it first make sure that you have latest ordinary installed and esp8266 board installed into that arduino ide and then follow these next steps given in this following github page on this one we will give this link in the description of this video go to this this github page where all this procedure is given in a detail here is open the github page here this one page here is the procedure is given for esp82 file system uploader for arduino ide as shown here is the installation procedure first make sure you use one of the supported version of arduino ide and have esp8266 code installed on it then go to this release page we have to download tool archive from this page here here is that page you can you have to download tool archive from this release page here just click on zip file it will pop up or download or save you can just click on save and click ok ok it will get downloaded then it will get downloaded any new in our arduino sketchbook directory create tools directory if it doesn't exist then in sketchbook directory you have to create this tools folder unpack this zip file in the directory it will look like such that directory slash tool cspips and a tool slash jar file and then restart your arduino id let's get started just find your arduino ide go to preferences then go to sketchbook location you will find the installation directory of arduino there here is the arduino installation directory you can find your tools go to tools you can see here make a new folder here okay what they have said you have to create a tools directory if it doesn't exist yet okay and unpack that zip file we have just downloaded into that directory so here go to folder downloaded folder here is that zip file just extract it click on extract here okay extract it okay it get extracted here is that folder named esp8266fs just click on it folder that is in that folder there is a tool okay now what they have said you have to put that esp8266 fs folder in tools directory directly so copy this esp8266 folder or you can cut it just go to your arduino tools for director and tools and paste it their esp8266 file system in tools you can see here what so here and restart the arduino ide okay just close the arduino ide and restart it usage okay now open the arduino ide here verify is it correctly get installed uploader plugin just go to tools and you can find here option of esp8266 is gauge data upload you can see here this one so it get if it gets successfully installed plugin then you will find this option on there so this procedure was for esp 266 now let's go for esp32 click on the another github link as shown in go to this github page here it is for esp8266 we have seen earlier now it is for esp32 now go to release page of that archive download that tool yes you can see your file name esp32fs okay same you have to check for you have install arduino id and esp32 development board score and you have to follow the simple same procedure we have followed earlier for esp32 just download that zip file okay save it yeah save it it got downloaded go to that folder esp 32fs go to that folder okay you have to extract it it will get folder get generated esp32 fs just cut or copy that folder and go to same directory where we have pasted the esp8266 directory folder and just paste it there here like this okay all right in arduino tools here now you can verify your installation is successful or not you have to just restart your arduino ide and then check for it uh tool get installed or not reopen the arduino ide okay now our denoit is reopening just go to tools and you can find here both esp8266 and esp32 sketch data upload option when you click that option you can upload the data into spiff exploit system all right now we will see how to upload web servers data into uh esp32 lora development board using spi fps plugin so we have already seen how to install spi fps plugin into an arduino ide web servers date is saved in this data folder so you have to first create folder named data into your sketch folder so this is your sketch folder and into that sketch folder this is your sketch arduino sketch of esp32 lora web server code here so you have to create a folder named data into that folder you have to put web servers code which is index.html and background image jpg file so these two files you have to save in that folder here in data folder so this folder will get uploaded into flash memory of esp32 development board lora development board let's see how to upload that first we will in we will open this sketch this will open arduino ide you can see here okay now this co our sketch is got opened let's see how to upload it so first you have to connect the esp32 development board so i have already connected it you we can check here it is connected to the com6 you can see here the board name is ttigolora oled esp32 development board it is connected to the com6 here okay you can also verify here it is on com6 let's see how to upload that data here you have you will get option when you install esp ips plugin here the option will and get enable option is esp32 sketch data upload after you click on this option you whatever in your data folder you just have seen whatever in this folder these two files will get uploaded into flash memory app so let's see just click on this hold okay now esp tool you can see here it is connected to com6 okay now uploading is started spi fps uploading image okay it is 100 all right all right you can see here log that auto detected flash size okay flash size of esp32 is we are using is 4 mb and we have uploaded the image and all these files using spi fps plugin into flash memory of esp32 development board all right this is the procedure i will again show you where is the option here is that option this option will get enable only you have first you have to install the spi fps plugin into this arduino ide all right
Channel: make2explore Systems
Views: 10,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, DIY arduino, diy, school project, mini project, Arduino uno, Final Year Project, Engineering Project, IEEE Project, DIY Projects, Electronics Projects, Electronics School Projects, Electronics Engineering Projects, Diploma Projects, IoT Projects, ESP32 Projects, ESP8266 Projects, ESP8266, ESP32, NodeMCU, Embedded Systems Projects, IoT, Internet of Things, Do It Yourself (Hobby), How to, SPIFFS
Id: 7EhbJLX92y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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