How To Install SPARKA Fire Door Hardware onto a Fire Door

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[Music] hello i'm mark today i'm going to show you how to fit some sparkle hardware to a fire door this particular one we have is an oak faced solid fire door one important thing about fire doors is that sometimes they're made so one side is the lock side and one side is the hinge side you must make sure it's the right way round also the other thing to notice is if it's a panel like this you have a large base plate and also the top piece is smaller so that obviously the smaller piece goes to the top and also on the top of the door you'll find there's a label this clearly states it's an fd30 fire door very important when you're fitting fire doors that has that label [Music] we're going to have two hinges at the top it's very important on a fire door because all fire doors have three hinges some are equally spaced but particularly when you have a door closer on a fire door it's important that two are near the top so we're going to fit two hinges one at 200 down then 200 to the next one to the center and the bottom one is fitted at 300 up as per the instructions in our leaflet now also today i'm going to fit these hinges the top two i'm going to do with a router and the bottom one i'm going to do with a traditional hammer and chisel but first of all before you start the hinges it's important that the door fits in the frame now i've got the door in place what we need is a gap between two and a half to four millimeters on both sides and the top what i tend to work to is a three mil gap with a three more pack on one side i've got three more space on the top and i need to check the other side to make sure i've got three mil all the way down so this will want planing in if required so by doing this i put my three more spacer in to where it touches mark it with a pencil and playing the rest so run that up until it's tight little pencil mark [Applause] i can now plane those top and bottom in to make it fit neat all the way around now i've got the door marked top and bottom i know where to start the planing from i'm gonna plane it in so the door edge and the door frame run a nice even three millimeter gap all the way sometimes door frames are just slightly twisted sometimes they're just slightly out or the door slightly out whichever way around it is it wants to be neat so you don't want it to catch later on once you've planned your door down to the amount you want you'll find that you've taken the harris off this door comes the harris on it already which is the corner of the door has already been taken off a little bit that helps for decorations later because a sharp corner can't be decorated the paint doesn't stick or the varnish so i like to take the harris bank off again so just take the little edge off just as simple as that to blend it in and same the other side and also on the bottom corner we take a little bit there just stops it getting caught and it can be decorated once you're happy with that it can be sanded in but before i sand it in i always double check it back in the doorway i might just need to trim again or we might be happy at that now we've got the door all planed and sanded in i've double checked to make sure the capsule around it are nice and neat and clean three millimeter all the way around top and two sides now i'm ready to put the hinges on [Music] [Music] on a fire door it's a minimum of three hinges often fitted at equal distances but on this door we're having a door closer fitted as well so it's very important because the extra strain that's taken on the top of the door is taken by the hinges so we fit two hinges near the top the first one being 200 millimeters from the top of the door to the center and the second one from the center to the center is another 200 millimeters these two hinges i'm going to do with a router on the bottom of the door we're going to fit a hinge at 300 millimeters up from the bottom of the door to the center of the hinge that hinge i want to do with traditional chisel and hammer chipping away in a traditional way to give you an idea as to how this is done when using a router you need to set out the hinges to match the instruction leaflet on the hinges that is to say from the top of the door to the first hinge is 200 millimeters from the center of that hinge to the next one is 200 millimeters now when using a router of course you need to set the jiggle not the door so we've marked out and made a jig already this one i've made to match our template but you can get jigs off the market readily available to use and adjust to match as required [Music] on here we have the thickness of the hinge don't forget when you have a hinge pad for fire doors which is common you do need to make sure allowance for that thickness so we have a three mil hinge a one mil hinge pad which gives you four mil so i'll set my router up to four millimeters deep and we can route to the hinges out accordingly just before i start make sure i got my goggles on and my gloves [Applause] so now we're on to the second hinge is still set up so where we go [Music] using a router of course will mean that the corners are rounded which is quite normal so when you take the clamp off you can use a corner chisel to remove the corner or traditionally you can use your chisel hamsters off [Music] simple as that make sure clean in the corner cleans it out [Music] [Music] when fitting a fire door it's important that the hinges have hinge pads on them these are available pre-cut self-adhesive and just stick on the back very simply on the back of the hinge pre-cut to size one on each flap or leaf and it fits neat to the size of the hinge [Music] like so so they're ready sparkle hinges are a five knuckle hinge two parts are on one side and three on the other the two parts go on the door so check they fit in the slot neatly pilot drill the holes and put the screws in i use one of these plunge drills you can line it up [Music] [Music] using one of those type of drills it just helps to get this drill in the center pilot hole go [Music] so as this is an oak lipping it's very important that you do pilot drill a hole because you don't want the wood to split so that's the one hinge second hinge double knuckle on the door um [Music] so that's the top two hinges ready now for hanging in the door frame [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] on the bottom of the door we're going to set the hinge at 300 millimeters to the center point measured up from the bottom at this point we can mark then round the hinge set the depth gauge and chisel it out the depth of the hinge is obviously the thickness of the hinge and the intermediate hinge pad so [Applause] [Music] [Music] i like to take the bulk of the material out first on the on the chipping out and this gives it somewhere for the wood to go when you chisel the back i'll show you in a second [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] what remember to pilot drill it as before because the the wood is a very hard wood here so it helps to get the screws in without splitting [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] sit down [Music] now we've got the hinges all fixed on the door we've offered it back into place we've got a three mil spacer at the top to get the right height but the top two hinges of course we're done with the router and a router template so we don't need to mark those two in this case we're just gonna mark the bottom hinge where we're going to traditionally chisel it and hammer it out [Music] [Music] so i've just marked the top and bottom of the hinge put a little line between that's not the depth but just a little line so i know where to chisel out so i can now take the door up back away router out the top ones with the template and including putting a three mil spacer in the top of the template to the right height and i'll chisel the bottom out and we're good to go put the back door back in again the top two hinges we were done for the router so i use the same template on the top of the door frame when you lift it up you have to remember you need a three mil gap between the door and the frame so we'll put a three mode packer in [Music] then clamp it on [Music] just double check the packet is correct not come loose [Music] templates form ready to go and we can put the router through so now we can start routering out the hinges on the top the template is all fixed firmly and [Music] we need to first of all need to make sure we've got the right depth [Music] so i'm happy with that i'm going to router it out me see how we go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] as this has already got a groove down here for the intermessant to go through you don't need to take the corner out as it's already taking the cut out ready i can clean that up and fit the hinge [Music] what i like to do is take another spare hinge if you have try it in the hole pilot drill the holes first before putting the door in [Music] so the bottom hinge we're going to fix the door frame position it where it was from the marks [Music] top and bottom and also with the depth gauge [Music] if you want your pencil down the depth gauge mark makes it easier to see where it is one thing to bear in mind is the size of the leaf is 30 millimeters this is the same dimension on the door frame the 15 mil piece of wood there is a 15 millimeter groove so it takes it exactly to the edge of the groove which is really handy [Music] [Music] [Music] so now having got the hinges all cut out i'm going to pallet drill the holes it's a lot easier when you put the door into place [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] now we need to offer the door into place and put a couple of screws in to hold it and see how it swings now we've got the door into place just adjust it for level get make sure the hinges are in properly i'm going to put one screw in each hinge to make sure it's working correctly [Music] [Music] [Music] so having got one screw in each hinge and i want to check the gaps around the edge are all looking good yeah they're good so now put the rest of the screws in [Music] following on the next thing to do is to install a three-lever sash slot this one is a 76mm lock case so we measure from the bottom of the door to the center of the spindle one meter mark that on the door offer the lock case up to the door and mark the top and bottom of the case this will give you the amount you need to take out for the drill you can then mark the side of the door pilot drill it and drill it through [Applause] so always drill in the center of the door and the diameter of the drill bit is to match the thickness of the lock case however this is a fire door so we need to add the fireproof gasket this is self-adhesive and fastens around the lock case ultimately giving its increased thickness that thickness instead of 16mm lock case becomes an 18mm lock case so we fit the drill bit in to suit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so having got the old chisel out clean we need to mark we need to mark the face of the door so it's clear where the spindle goes through where the keyhole is the center of the spindle we said is it a meter so you can put a paint mark on there and then using a square you run it across i'm putting the lock case on the side you can look through the center and make a mark [Music] of course don't forget when you do that to allow for the thickness of the face plate when it's all flush on the face of the door face plate on there that will give you the center hole to drill out the center there then you can mark out where the keyhole is the keyhole is in line with the center there there's also a set distance down from there having marked out the face of the door i can now drill i'm going to put a pilot hole through then i can put a big hole through so in the center pipe that i marked [Applause] and the key way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so clean out the hole again drop the lock in and we've now got to mark out the face plate so we can sink that in so it's nice and flush when it's finished and that should be in line with the holes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] as i said before when you put the case in put the face plate on and make sure it's flush with the door just needs a little bit more trimming [Music] [Music] now i can just pilot drill a hole and put the fixings in [Music] [Applause] [Music] inside the cake plate you will have all the fittings required for the the door lock and the key plate itself now i'm not going to fix that in yet because i've got to fit the handle and when i fit the handle i need to put further fixings through for the handle so apart from that the lock is now complete the only thing to do is the latch but i always find it easier to put the handle on first then you can work the lock make sure it's all working and then fit the keep plate to the door frame the only other thing you need to check is that the latch itself is going the right way this is very easy to do [Music] remove the face plate turn it around put the face plate back that is now complete [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you're fitting a lever on rows it's very important that you check first the size of the lock case in our example we have a 76mm lock case so on the fitting instructions for the handle you'll see two dotted lines when you have a 76mm lock case you need it along the distance so you fold on that line if you had a 64 mil lock case you'd fold it on the other line so we'll stick with this one for this example a little trick i've taken a piece of paper out there a little hole because at that point there we fit the handle at one meter from the bottom of the door so i've measured up one meter and put a mark and before we fix the handle in we have to do some drilling so it's very important you take the lock case out [Music] so then we can put that on the side the door line it up to the correct height and pull a pilot hole through where the center is and where the fixing positions are so i can do it this side and then i'll do the same the other side wow on this lever handle the first thing to do is to fix the bolt through fixings if needed or if preferred you can also fix extra fixings on the position where the little e is they're extra fixing positions a lever handle takes a lot of pressure and there's a lot of pull on it so while i've got a little pallet drill out i'm going to drill my extra holes to the extra screws [Music] [Music] so the holes for the bolt through fixings the first two are marked should be a five millimeter hole and that needs to go all the way through the door [Music] having drilled out all the holes for the handle they're actually including the extra pilot holes on both sides of the door and i just need to finish off the keyway a little slot in the bottom so the key can fit in [Music] [Music] obviously clean out any debris that's in the bottom there and we're right ready to put the whole thing back together and in doing that first thing to put together is the intumescent gasket that goes around the door case so that is going to wrap around the lock case and we can slide it inside and fix the lock then we can fit the handle and then we can fit the heel escutcheons now we can put the whole thing assembly together the lock and the handle and the keyhole descriptions as we put the lock case in it's important that we put the intermessant gasket around the lock case this comes pre-stamped with all the shapes out so it's ready to go straight onto your lock case the hole in the bottom is for the keyway hole in the top matches where the handle is it's self-adhesive and we stick it onto the lock case [Music] wrap around onto the other side [Music] don't forget the top and the bottom is all wrapped together [Music] and that can now be slid [Music] into the hole make sure the latch is the right way still face plate on [Music] and fix into place [Music] so with the handles first to remove the rose [Music] then you can put the spindle in [Music] and put it into the handle through the lock case and do the same the other side so remove the rose and keep handy put the two handles together now you will notice the shape of the handle it has to go that way around for it to work you can't check it on there it has a spring inside so it'll go like that way around [Music] there's two bolts who are fixings one for this side and one for the other side [Music] line them up and tighten them together so that's got the two bolt through fixings done and you check make sure it's all working nicely and you can now fix the additional screws when you fit the roses on make sure it's nice and flat so [Music] [Music] [Music] the kiosk cushion comes complete with a rose so first remove the rose and put the keyhole with the key in the lock this helps to line it up so holding it nice and central square you can then put the fixings in okay square the key fits put the other screws in when you've got the fixings on put the rose on and do the same the other side the door [Music] check it all works there you have a handle and a keyless cutchen all fitted [Applause] [Music] when it comes to fitting the keep [Music] it's important to get the right height to match with the latch and and the deadbolt so if we put the door to the door frame and mark the top and bottom of latch and deadbolt that gives us the height having got the height i can then measure from the face of the door to the position of the latch and that measurement we can mark on the door frame so from the front marks we take these across onto the door frame and with the measurement from the face of the door frame we can measure back then we know the key will go in that space line it up mark the top and the bottom top and bottom of the plate there because we're going to make a hole that size it's important when i'm fitting a fire door key that you don't take more material out than necessary as of course this is a fire door we don't want to take a bigger hole than needed so you measure the depth of the lock the latch and the deadbolt make sure we get the right the right depth [Applause] so [Music] when you're happy that all works you can then fit the face plate onto the door frame measure mark around it and trim it in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i like to put a line down the face just makes it simple and clean and flat you see where you're going [Music] sometimes the wood crane can play tricks on you this grain is going inwards so that's why i keep chipping it from the top [Music] [Music] as you'll notice there's always a bevel round on the face plate the face bet has a curve to it you have to take a little corner out of the face there [Music] [Music] so once i've got the uh chiseling done i have a piece of intumescent that goes in the bottom of the lock keep hole it's very important this goes in so that was in the bottom self-adhesive sticks in there i can now put the face plate on which is very simply goes in there pilot drill my holes and i tend to put this in with a hand screwdriver so it's just nice and flush nice and flush there and double check the door works [Music] when that's closed like that the door should be flush with the door frame which it is [Music] i'll make sure the key lock works i'm good to go to the next step [Music] when installing the stop lap it's a good idea to shut the door against the latch put the stop lap cut to size into place and between the door face and the stop lot put a little packer of one millimeter this is for decoration purposes late state so we'll shut the door with it there and tuck it in place [Music] one product of a fire door is an intumescent strip it's self-adhesive and fits into a groove very simply lift into place trim to size pull off the tape and fix in so the rest of the intimacy has all been done that's the final bit and it's ready to go [Music] [Music] fitting an s30 door closer from sparker it comes with two fitting instructions the one with the dotted lines on is the one for fitting on the push side of the door so when you push the door open the plane one comes for fitting on the pull side of the door when you pull the door open or pull towards you so today we're going to use the plain one when you're fitting on the pull side of the door you have the plain instruction the black plain line fits between the door and the frame so if you fasten it onto the door it makes it easier for pilot drilling the holes fixing screws for the arm into the frame and the body into the door itself [Music] so the top line runs along between the door and the arm the sideline runs down where the hinges are [Music] [Music] so there's the picture of the body you can see which way around it is with the pinion towards the hinge before fixing positions that's the body in the door and there's two fixing positions here for the arm [Music] [Applause] if you fasten the template on a little lower on the door it helps to get the door closer body and the arm the right way down so we've put the template on it's numbered one two three four fixing instructions put the template on you now fix the arm to the body so there's the body if it's that way around the alarm has a square drive that fits at 90 degrees the door closer so on the top at 90 like that the fixing screw goes inside and fastens into the pinion with the four long wood screws you can fix through the body into those pre-drilled holes [Music] the secondary arm has a long shoe plate the long side goes towards the hinge and is fixed to the door frame at the bottom of the plate there's two fixing bolts these are to be removed now so you can fix it together in place so the long side of the shoe long side of the shoe towards the hinge put the fixings into the door frame [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we need to open the door and make sure the two arms go into each other [Music] then re-close the door so the arms come together in the top there's two fixings that we've taken out previously these need fixing in tight but when you fix it in tight that part of the arm that needs to be 90 degrees from the door frame so that secondary part of the arm 90 degrees to the door frame so just tightening both bolts nice and firm now the door closer should be ready to work straight from the factory settings it'll work and want just magnet adjustments we have four valves on this door closer two are the main ones the closing valve from 90 degrees open to a 15 degree and this latch valve which is from 15 degree to closed now we've fitted the door closer we can try it from 90 degrees open from to close position just between five and seven seconds the latch at the end can be adjusted that's closing nicely if you need to adjust it the closing valve you turn it clockwise to slow it down anti-clockwise to increase it and the latch valve on the end is the same closing clockwise to slow it down and anti-clockwise to increase it then you're ready to put the door closer cover on the cover has two pop-out pieces depending on which hand you're on take out the correct one that matches where the arm is and then it has clips on the bottom to stop the vibration also it has a fixing in the top if you want for extra security [Music] and that is the door furniture finishes apart from justified or creature signs or similar so that's all the hardware fitted including the fire docket shut signs or appropriate signage if you want any more help please give us a call or visit our website thank you for watching [Music] foreign
Channel: SPARKA UK
Views: 21,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LpR285Koi_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 23sec (3923 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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