How To Fit Door Closers

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I am alright today we're going to be fixing a dog cause here to adore so just instruction you know when we look at the door in question we're looking on where the hinges are so you can see the hinges on the right hand side so we actually need a right-hand marking up sheet okay so what we do you can clearly see I'm gonna Shores where the top of the door is so you put your line level with the top of the door and you pass it over because it shows you where the hinges to the edge of the door okay and then we simply Brad all our all's into the door um can you see the two for the receiver section on the top yeah okay so once that's done we know there are markings which we're going to fit back to the door we've showed you both of these so you can see the difference between right um bed and the other ones opposite to left and if you're struggling you've only got one key you can also turn it around and use the other side anyway okay we've now got the main body in the arm okay first of all we need to work out which hand the arm needs to go so please remember the main bodies there if it's on the right hand side these arm goes to the left so when the door opens it moves that way and then it releases the dog bark so we need to attach the bolt and I'll just nip that up just with me adjustables onto that side if this was the opposite um then that would be that way up and this arm would fit on the top always keeping that yeah above it because that's the bit that's one is brewing directly to the top of the door okay the next thing we need to do is make sure the arm is exhausted at the correct length so if we just rest it on the door where it's going to be screwed on and we have that they can you see it's not quite touching the doorframe they personally alike of just a little bit because if there's any movement in the doors I just like a little bit of tension on this arm so I always do it just slightly less so when I screw that up to the brings the arm slightly over I find it works just that little bit better that's more only my personal opinion okay so we're going now now you screw it to the actual door itself okay sucks the door Claudia no fixed once I just put the other screw it okay mommy okay okay okay no our daughter oh jeez no fitted just gonna test the door I'm going off in the door gonna let it go on and to be fer that's more or less perfect than quite looking with that but if we need to adjust it you've two adjustments on the side no depending what hand you've assembled it - it will rather be adjusting on that side are the other one of them actually does exception so from when you open the door for that - about I said about 1218 inches of the other one is just to adjust the final so if I want to slow that down you can alter that then - sue okay so that's all I'm testing but that's absolutely perfect okay good all right just showing you some different door closures this is a Britton 2003 probably the most common door closure over if we need to adjust these I'll take them off it's same principle applies when you fit c1 no difference detect its cover play a tough though if you look outside there you've a little grub screw and the same on that side you undo that little grub screw you slip that off and then inside are the standard adjustments I know again a different type of britain door closure various different ones I'm showing you this because it is slightly different than the others well most others are adjusting vienna sorry this one has a color plate on that actually shows you John the first player rather than on the side so I'm just showing you now because it's it's one of the few that is different from Milas okay thank you
Channel: Train Locksmiths Ltd
Views: 80,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GbQ3-9lxIeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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