How to Install So-Vits-SVC-Fork on Mac M1

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first thing we want to do is install Homebrew we're going to go to our web browser go to copy this command then we want to open our terminal we're going to paste it it's going to ask for our password type it in return press return to continue alright so you'll see there's some next steps here to run this command in your terminal to add Homebrew to your path so it is going to be this guy here copy paste it all right next thing we want to do is install mini conduct we'll do that with Brew install dash dash cast mini 4. now we want to initialize our condo with conda in its zsh so we're going to want to exit our terminal and open it up again so now with this space here we know that we've successfully installed conduct so now what we want to do is create our own conda environment in which we're going to use the program we're going to do condo create dash dash day whatever name you want I'm going to go with box then python equals 3.10 so we're creating a combat environment with python 3.10 proceed yes all right now we want to activate that environment call the activate box so now we see here box before our username then we know box is currently activated okay so now we want to upgrade our pip set up pools and wheel packages so we'll do python-mpip install Dash capital u pip setup tools wheel so I already have those requirements satisfied but just in case we're going to make sure we do that next we want to install Pi torch so we're going to do pip 3 install porch space torch Vision space torch audio okay and finally we want to install soft BC bits singing voice conversion Fork so we're going to go pip install Dash Capital Uso Dash vid svc-4 so now when we want to run the GUI the command is svcg and there you have it foreign [Music]
Channel: CooleyMac
Views: 8,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: so-vits-svc-fork, singing voice conversion, mac m1, audio software, real-time audio
Id: x7fuywEjclM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 1sec (121 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2023
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