How To Install Pi-Hole | Block Ads

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hello everyone and welcome to another video now in this video what i want to talk about is how to set up your raspberry pi uh to run pi hole um now you might have seen in my last video uh which is about why you need a raspberry pi i kind of covered the pi hole and how it works if blocking ads on your home network so what i want to do today is kind of just show you how to set this up so there's a couple of prereqs for this i'm going to assume you have a raspberry pi or you don't need to have raspberry pi um it just needs to be something that can always be on running um a supported operating system uh distribution um i'll cover those as i go onto the playhead website um and i just you need to have if you are using a raspberry pi you need to have it set up to run raspberry pi os i'll leave a link in the description to raspberry pi os and some tools to write onto an sd card but i'm not going to cover it in this video otherwise it's going to be a very long video so we'll be starting off um with connecting to the um raspberry pi so make sure you're at that point and i'll walk you through it right so what you're currently looking at is my existing pi hole setup which is running on a different raspberry pi compared to the one i just showed you but i'm going to set it up on a new raspberry pi that i have here and what the end goal will be is that you would have a raspberry pi running pie hole of your own that will be filtering ad traffic on your home network so you should have something exactly like this at the end of this video so first things first what you're going to want to do is actually connect to your raspberry pi um i'm going to keep connect to mine over ssh if you have yours set up on a screen with a mouse and keyboard you can follow along as well that's fine you just need to connect to your raspberry pi so once you're connected to your raspberry pi what you can do is you come to the pie hole website and you can see here that it's a pretty much step-by-step guide on how to follow it through so what you can do is you can come down and you can follow along if you install into docker and also you can see the supported operating system so let's just quickly cover those supported operating systems so you can see that raspberry pi os uh which is formerly formerly called raspbian and that's how i was not i've known it by um this is the right the new name is new to me um you can run on ubuntu db and fedora and centos so if you can't run it on the raspberry pi maybe you could just have it on like a laptop that you can leave on running or something um since this is going to be your dns uh your local dns you need it to be on at all times otherwise your internet will stop working so what i recommend is if you are going to do this install raspberry pi os um because it already has all the dependencies to run pie hill you don't need to install anything else it should uh the automatic installer for pi hull should just work cool so once you've got uh a supported operating system and you're ready to go and you're connected uh like we're just doing before you can come down to install pi hull so if we just click here this will take us to the github page and you can see here that they actually have a one-step automated install if you don't like doing those sort of things you can clone the repo repository and do it yourself or there's manually download the installer and run it that way but the automated install is a piece of cake and since we're on a supported distribution it will just work so what we want to do we've copied that link from the github page and if we paste it in it's going to pull down the installer for playhold and as you can see as i've just copied and pasted it i've gotta cancel it here is that if you just copy and paste this in um you need to run this at elevated privileges otherwise this will not work and you can run it at elevated privileges by using sudo or sudo or however you want to pronounce it so if you just do that and then put the command in this will then be able to install pi hole correctly so now what's going to happen it's going to make sure that your raspberry pi is up to date and then it's going to check your raspberry pi for any dependencies or if you're missing any software so if your install does cut out halfway through and it comes up some errors or something it was 99 of the time it's because you're missing a dependency and normally pai hall was pretty good at telling you which one you are missing and which one to install so once it's gone through the dependencies check uh you will get the pi hole automated installer pop-up so this is pretty much a tick box installer we say yes or no to things we do and we don't want so let's just go through them but most of them we are just going to accept as default so from here we'll just click ok and that's all just done by pressing enter so here you can see that the playhead was free but powered by your donations i really do want to express you that you should donate to this if you do use it quite a bit and it is helping you um i definitely am going to join the patreon um because it is something i use a lot and i really do want to support uh this this project it's great so what are you doing here just hit okay now it says here that your pi hole is a server so it needs a static ip address so remember what this is doing is you've got all your computers on your home network they're going to this ip address because they know that's where they go uh you know externally that's the route to go to the internet now if that ip address that the non is the way out changes they don't know where to go right so this is why you need a static ip address set on your raspberry pi now so as you can see here it's going to allow you to do it manually sorry automatically through this installer but then it's also encouraged that you go into your router and set the ip address as static as well now i can't really walk you through that because each router is different but generally they have a little spot there where you just go into your lan network and set static ip addresses so what we'll do here is we'll just hit ok and here we now can choose our dns provider so when you think of dns provider you might know the typical one like which is google but i am just going to use opendns again you can look through this list here and choose which ones you want you can even specify your own custom one but this is your dns provider for the actual internet um so i'm just going to use opendns for mine now here what this is is a block list that can be pre-provided for you so this here has a lot of demands i can't remember how many it's like 50 000 or something of blocked uh advertising domains and stuff like that um so this is a great one to get you started and then you can just kind of add to it and remove as need be so if you're happy with using the default one just hit enter and here you can select the protocols that you want to support so ipv6 isn't that supported yet things are getting up there but there's no reason not to enable it so i just leave both the ipv4 and ipv6 enabled so i'll just hit enter and now you can see here do you want to use your current network settings as a static ip address so that ip addresses the current ip address of my raspberry pi and yes i would like to so now it's saying that there could be a conflict that if it's not set statically in the router my router could maybe give that ip address away that's on my raspberry pi to another device on my network that's telling me i should probably go into the router and set a static ip address just to make sure that my router doesn't give the ip address away with it okay and now it's saying that this ipv address will be used to block ads because it's as you can see at the top here ipv6 is supported we're happy with that so we'll hit ok and now it says do you wish to install the web admin interface now the web admin interface is this that's what the web admin interface is that's one way you can see a nice little graphic in the face of everything happening i do suggest that you get this otherwise you can get other ones as well that are just pure command line based which i can show you um on after this as well kind of what that one looks like but you probably want that one so i would select yes so if you are wanting it just select and hit enter or uh leave it on now do you wish to install the web server so if you're going to have that web admin interface and stuff leave this as on so hit enter do you want to log your queries so the queries is every network thing that is happening uh all the network traffic that's happening on your network do you want to log it yes you generally do um so i'm going to hit enter for ok now here you can see the privacy mode so uh what this means is you can see what domains people are searching for or you can hide those so you can only just see the traffic and not what the traffic is and you can also hide as well what the client names are on your network um i like to see everything so i just leave it as show everything so hit okay and now i've done the installer it's just going to finish up doing the rest of the checks and installs that it would do that i don't need to put any input into and then after that we will have pi hole installed so i'll see you after it's installed cool so you know that your pi hole has been set up correct when you see this so don't just skip through this so what this will give you is that um this is the ip address you need to configure as your dns server i'll show you how to do that in a second and if you change your ipaddress [Music] for this then that needs to be configured as your dns server if you want to see the install log you can just go in your raspberry pi and look at this here and it'll just tell you everything uh the whole installation process and you can access the web web interface like i was showing you just before at this link here and this is your initial password here you can change it if you like um but this is your initial web page login um password so don't lose that make sure you copy that um into a notepad file so i will quickly do that so once you've copied that password just hit ok and now you can see down the bottom installation is complete so now what we can do is if we go to this link here on our browser we should see the web page so on a new tab i'm going to paste in that new ip address i'm going to hit enter and now you can see that we do have a brand new uh buy hold set up so now if we click login and we copy and paste that password in that was given to us at the installation and hit login and we can see that we are now in and by default we have a domains on block list 59 000 um and now what you want to do say if you just wanted the specific computers to use this as a dna server what you could actually do is change your network configuration uh just for the one computer uh and that looks like this so if i hit the windows button and hit ethernet and then go to settings and then change adapter options for my ethernet um you get everything as well as your wireless and stuff like that but i am on ethernet so if i clicked into here and then went properties and then went to ipv4 and then down here you can see that i have four nine as my preferred uh dns server but if i change that to two one two and hit ok and close that that means that my new dns server is now my raspberry pi um and you can see now look at all these queries coming through so if i start loading up some web pages and stuff like that we'll see so let me just visit like a news article page and we'll see how many queries and stuff we get one second so let me just look up uh uh usa news or something because they always have like a lot of ads like cnn look at this can you see that 96 97 queries block 23 straight away just from visiting one page um now if i click on something else um bam look at all these things all these advertising things are trying to get onto my page and it's all just been blocked um i'm just going to close that and that's how easy it is now if you wanted so let me just fix my screen here now if you wanted this to be on everything so what you can do is you can actually go into your router and change your dns server to this ip address let me just show you what that looks like on my router just so you get some sort of an idea so on my router under settings and then lan where you can see here it says local dns server and what i've done here is i've just changed this was originally so that was my router was my dns server but what i've done is i've told it my dns server actually is 49. and then if your router is generally your dhcp server as well so that means that it's handing out the ip addresses for your network so it will hand them out the ip address and the dns server so it will hand those out to new devices over time so over time the devices on your network will get that in your dns server and they will start being on it uh if you want them on it now you can set it manually as i was showing you before so you just have to go onto all your devices and point it to them otherwise just wait for that to come through um now your raspberry pi uh your pi hole can actually act as your dhcp server as well for handing out ip addresses and stuff like that as well um that's pretty quick and easy to do let me just quickly cover that for you but in terms of the actual uh setting up pie hole that's done now so if you're interested in the dhcp part just stick along and i'll quickly cover that so if you want to set up dhcp on your pie hole what all you got to do is be logged into your playhole and then go let me jump onto the new one actually so we're on the new one here so what you need to do is go to settings and then click on dhcp and you want to make sure that the dhcp server is enabled and then you want to choose a range of ip addresses that you will hand out so you could maybe go from 50 up to 251 and then you would save that i'm not going to save it because i already have another pie hole as my dhcp server and once you would save that you would come into your router and then within your router you would turn off dhcp server so your router is not trying to give out ip addresses only your pi hole will as easy as it was that is essentially how you set up pie hole on your raspberry pi um a little long this video it does take a while to cover this sort of stuff but i'm hoping you are able to get this sorted if you have any problems any questions please feel free to ask me in the comments below and i'll be more than happy to help you out but yeah guys i'll see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: Techdox
Views: 3,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pihole, pi-hole, pihole docker, pihole setup, docker pihole, pi-hole docker, pi-hole setup guide, pihole setup guide, pi-hole install, pihole 5.0, pihole youtube, installing pihole, pihole 5, pihole dns, pihole k8s, h.a. pihole, pihole in ha, pihole dhcp, wifi pihole, setup pihole, pihole linux, pihole on omv, unifi pihole, backup pihole, pihole 5 setup, pihole on omv 5, pi-hole raspberry pi, stop ads pihole, install pihole, pihole proxmox, pihole ad block
Id: 8pMa3FDXsuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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