How to install oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux

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welcome to my new video in this video I'll show you how to install Oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux 8. for doing this I'm going to follow the documentation from for doing this we have to download Oracle database 19c home for Linux from Oracle official website viewers I have already download downloaded the software from the official website okay let's go a little bit down okay we have to start from here here as you can see host file so first of all we have to edit our host file for doing this we must go to our root okay so I'm going to my root user and password okay now I'm going to open my host file and just follow the documentation and press I are going to edit mode and first part is IP address second part is fully qualified machine name and last part is machine name okay so my IP address and show two space I'm going to copy this and machine name well it type in 19 okay skip just write and quit okay now we are going to change our host name for doing this I have to open the file okay and we see just copy it and paste it here okay our hostname is modified here is the two option one is automatic setup and another is manual setup obviously I follow the automatic setup for doing automatic setup uh we must use Oracle database pre initial 19c packets if we if we do this it will perform all our PD quizzes set up okay so issue the following command and just I'm going to copy it and just paste it here okay viewers then we are going to do a full update okay just type em update iPhone why press enter okay viewers it will maybe take much more time so I'm going to pause my video so guys at last my update process has been complete successfully and now I have to install more packages see it I am going to just copy all of this and paste it here just press enter foreign now uh I'm going to create a new groups or users for doing this I am going to copy this okay copy this and paste already exist now I'm going to set password for Oracle user and command Maybe pass work Oracle and new password okay next okay next I have to set secured Linux to permissive by editing the configuration file okay I'm going to open config file Linux and config okay and here Linux let's set enforcing just permissive okay next and next set and of course I miss it occupying now we have pressed up firewall so just copy this and paste it to enter and then disable this okay file next we are going to create uh some trajectory our Oracle home directory and just copy all of this and okay first two one for creating directory and then this one for change ownership and last one change mode okay change mode here we see our user will get redirect and execute permission and also or install group will get read write and execute permission and other user will get only a read and execute permission okay so copy all of this just paste them here okay our directory and permission created then actually we don't need this command to run uh because we are on the server machine and actually I am on a graphical user interest report so that is why I don't need to set up any X host okay foreign so this directory in the scripts okay we have created a skip directory now we are going to create a environment file a name set e and V Dot sh and Export all of this okay for doing this I am going to edit so for doing this I am going to just um modify the code Oracle unique name I'm going to set it orcl and profile and Oracle Sid orcl and pdb orcl pdb uh and other will be default okay just copy it again and paste it here press enter and okay and we are going to add a reference to the set e n betus ss12 at the end of the home Oracle dot dash profile file okay for doing this I'm going to just run this command okay here we are going to create a stat underscore altered sh is for stat database and stop underscore all dot sh for shutdown our database okay so let's do it so I'm going to copy all of this and just paste them here enter okay and now our primary setup has been completed next we are going to move our uh database into our Linux machine so for doing this I am going to connect my winscp with my Linux PC so create new session and just type hostname one nine two and one six eight and seven and 32 okay let's our user Oracle and password that I have already set okay save it and I'm going to log here okay okay fine we don't see uh any uh any home or download folder here so I have to login with my Oracle user okay just close this terminal and the introduce that my Linux PC okay let's login with regular user we have to go through some steps because I am going to login for the first time next next Escape find now I'm going to refresh we see uh list of folder here and click on downloads and our Oracle database 19c DB home I'm going to just move it on download folder okay our DB home okay or database chip file has been successfully transferred and now I'm going to my Linux machine and open my terminal and just check dollar home okay fine it has been successfully saved now I'm going to go to DB home folder okay so CD home okay let's take it file and and Chip and chip hyphen or Q and our uh database zip file foreign okay I got it and just press enter okay fine and Jeep is completed now let's check okay and I have to copy this command and just paste it okay and last one just run installer okay paste press enter thank you okay proper 19c Oracle agency window has come okay I'm going to leave it default and click on next button and server class click next leave it default as Enterprise Edition next and Oracle base okay Oracle base u01 app it's fine and click on next inventory directory it's fine click on next and it will be general purpose and transaction processing click on next and here Global database name is overseer and pdb will be overcl Ock pdb okay and click on next next and specify database file location or database file location and database file location maybe we can browse it I don't know root root e02 for a data this verb just select and click on next okay and next enable recovery Okay click on next and I'm going to use the same password for all accounts and it will be click on next just click next and I'm going to check it automatic run configuration escapes we will use our root password password Okay so then click on next okay it's verifying the environment and minimum installation now we can just go through this documentation if we want and I can save response files now I'm going to just install click on install button and it starts okay fine when this window comes and then we will just click on yes button okay that's it okay viewers our Oracle database 19c installation completed it's completed successfully so now I'm going to just close it okay fine now I have to edit uh TNS names file so just going to get the file so click on it and other location computer and u01 product ivity and you tap on here Network folder and just click on admin uh here you see TNS names.oraphile I'm going to just right click and going to open with the other application and view all application yes technical click on text editor double click and you see our TNS them.ora file open I'm going to just copy orcl block and just paste it here and replace it with orcl ass DB or simply DB orcl EDD okay just save it and I'm going to close it I don't need it anymore and now I'm going to just clear it and net MGF net manager uh okay our net manager click on local and service naming you see orcl RCL pdb okay I'm going to just click on listener and listener and select database service add database and click on test Global database name orcl or cm okay and our home directory TV okay click on file and save network configuration network configuration okay just close it okay now I am going to check our listener for doing this LS and LS and f c t l just statistic okay it's running fine I'm going to check my uh check my orcl it is clear it and TNS ping orcl okay let's open file and check TNS ping or CL EDP okay if is working fine and just clear it and SQL class this is GTA Center okay so it is okay our orclpdb is all open mode is retractable okay and I'm going to just try to connect it outside my Linux server just just connect it from my host okay so I'm just trying it okay for doing this I am going to create a user for doing this all alter okay first of all I'm going to check my container database so sure name and it is on Route okay so uh I have to change my session alter set session container orcl pdb oh sorry alter session container or CL pdb okay just check it again and okay now I am in Virtual pdb okay now I am going to create a user normal user so create user in its muscle identify by one two three I love okay and okay fine and again create session where or just DBA today okay now I am going to try to connect it from here on password one two three and after it or CM PDP okay it has been connected successfully and try to create a table where table test and ID ENT name maybe 100 fine just enter inside and go test and values on um okay yes select the rows test okay it's working fine okay now I'm going to connect this from host okay so just minimize it all of this minimal and I'm going to connect it by the uh I will connect with a tone okay uh you can connect it with the SQL Developer or other developer okay so okay find our user machine password and host maybe 132 everything is fine okay it has been connected successfully okay let's check our table data that I have already insert it so select on from tests okay so maybe it does not show because I don't uh do a comment format okay so let's so let's to comment okay now I can see it from here okay just enter see our data okay viewers I have successfully uh installed Oracle database 19c on Linux it so guys I hope that you have enjoyed the video and so viewers I hope you have enjoyed the video I think you will we will you will easily can install and configuration Oracle database 19c and uh um by the help of watching my video so thank you very much for watching the video see you in the next time okay bye bye
Channel: Nurul Anwar Masud
Views: 2,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oracle database installation, oracle database 19c installation, oracle database 19c installation on linux, oracle database 19c installation on oracle linux, how to install oracle 19c on linux, how to install oracle database 19c on oracle linux
Id: YEVLRm73M1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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