How To Install Oracle 19c On Oracle Linux 8.4 ? #oracle #linux | Kayyum698 | @kayyum698

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so hi everyone in this video we're going to learn about how to install Oracle database 19c on Oracle Linux a right so first of all we need to we need to show about the system is ready for the installation for that first of all we need to see that the mount points are there and there is sufficient space on the mount points like you can see that okay the photo directory is obtain JB U1 is of 75 GB U2 is of 70 5gb then 10 plus 20 GB right then home is 15 GB likewise so basically we will going to install the Oracle database on the u02 mount point right so you can see that only one percent of u012 has been used so we are good to install the Oracle database on this right so again this is okay so let's see that whether the Oracle data Oracle user is installed on the Linux or not so you can see here Oracle is installed on this right so first of all let me get the other things also done so the first thing is that the first thing is that we should install the Oracle database pre-installed RPM so that all the required packages now let's see that whether this will going to install data mode so here guys we are reinstalling the Oracle data is pre-installed so it will create Oracle user and other groups like where I installed osdba automatically and it will also install the required packages for installation of Oracle database on the Linux motion so it's currently running right so we need to wait till it's completes so it's completing all right okay so it has been sorry installed okay so this way guys uh we can install it now see that whether Oracle user is there or not so you can see that Oracle user oh I installed okay and all packages are installed on this let's see that whether the packages are installed or not so for that we can fire this command for getting the list of packages that this has been installed on okay so you can see that uh these are the packages which are those are installed so this is very helpful pre-installed Oracle database pre-install 19c okay so this will automatically create all this like a users and all packages which are required so we don't have to manually install them on the system so in this way the the load for the installation it becomes less than this right so these are the manual strips okay by which we can install the Oracle user so now we don't need to do this now when we add installed Oracle user we need to give the password for the Oracle user right so now we have given the password to the Oracle user also okay so likewise we need to edit some limits okay on the Linux machine so that the system will smoothly work so for that will do this so in the ETC directory security and the limits dot configure we need to we need to add these okay these are the emails for the Oracle user so we need to add these so we have added these limits now we need to save the file right and you can again Rectify this whether the limits has been applied or not so you can see that here okay we have the limits right no problem so what are the next steps okay so we need to see that whether the firewall is disabled so first we need to stop the firewall then we need to disable the firewalls service so that this is for the connectivity purpose okay so if the firewall is open okay either firewall is running in the background so we could not login or remotely to the server cases for that uh disable the firewall service right so it will synchronize the timing okay on This Server so it has been done right so let's test a CDL status for the firewall you write whether this is running or not so you can see that the firewall is dissolved right now correct again need to rectify systems with your status Chrome ID right so you can see that Crown yd NDP server is running in the background right that's what we want okay so this has been done now let me show you that the Hoster file okay so we have to mention our host name as well as the IP address okay public IP address okay this is the public eye batteries inside the Hoster folder okay so that we can connect to the server and we can pin the server okay so let me show you that when I ping the server what it will show it will showing us the same IP address which we had included in the ATC hospital so in this way right so let me also show you that host name is this okay and this is the Alias for this right so you can remotely login to this server using this alias so this has been confirmed right so now what we need now we need to first of all okay so first of all guys let's see here so we are going to install the 19c right 19 cm and we want the Sid to be Pune right so this is what so this will be going to be this what we will going to copy it inside The Bash rco Key of the batch profile of the Oracle use okay so this is the in the sooner steps we are going to do this so first of all okay let me create these characters right so first up we need to replace the 21c with the 19c right so we added a replacement okay so again we don't need this one grid right so this one we don't need so this one we don't need also this one we don't need also this one we don't care right this one also we don't need so we are left with u0 u0 to write okay okay that's it so that's it guys actually both are the same White so what is the difference or inventor is not there so we need to copy this and then paste it okay so Rectify it okay e02 okay this one also okay this one also okay so this has been done okay this has been done this one also done this one also done again this one done this one also done so what is the required what is there okay this one also done this is repeated so okay guys everything is done right so let's see here so you can see that the u02 so guys you can see that u02 having permission of 755 as well as the ownership is in the head of Oracle okay the group is also everything is set right so this has been done directly has been created now we need to login as an oracle user right so we are in the Oracle home directory currently right so here what we need to do is we need to go inside bash profile right bash profile go in the end then insert so this all we need to insert inside this batch profile okay so these are the oracle environment variable right like a team directory Oracle base Oracle home Oracle Sid which we are going to use path then path then LD Library Okay so this path and the early level is very important and the class path also for the JD cancel as well as for some utility like R1 SQL plus so without these we cannot execute the utilities right so this is done for the Oracle user right so we have changed our dashboard right now uh we need to execute our brush profile right bash profile Okay one minute this one is incorrect right now this is correct so it will go into execute now execute the bash profile so it will take place right so when we do Eco and Oracle home it will come up like this right it will come up like this so this is the for the Oracle is all right so we have installed Oracle database pre-installed so using this we are this using this Oracle pre-installed okay package it will automatically install all the created all the users as well as the required packages on the Linux machine okay so then we then we given the Oracle password okay then we added the limits configuration right then the next mod we're done we look inside the ETC host right and we added our public ip2 there okay so remote login is enabled by using the ATC Hoster file okay uh in the final we did the disable firewall okay and enabling command yd Services right then we go then we go and make up and made the directories on the Linux okay and given the permission to the Oracle as well as the Y installed group okay then we come up then we log in as a Oracle user okay so when you log in as an oracle user after login there we are at it and inserted these environment variable inside the batch profile of the Oracle user right so before doing this make sure that you have login as an oracle user then only you can edit the batch profile of the Oracle use okay then we execute the batch profile so that all the exported Oracle environment variable will take place on the connection okay so here we can Rectify using the crotchet using the variable names like Oracle Oracle SIDS is also it's showing right so this is done so till this we are good now we can start our so first of all we need to open the okay okay so inside this login as an oracle user okay give the password so you can see all right now first of all we need to see that so we will choose that same location right no no we cannot okay let me come up here so we will choose the u02 location right inside this u02 we will go inside the product 19c then DB home so we will here copy the database form right so this one is installation right so we will first transfer the uh as if downloaded installation file two hours ago so uh when this will be done this will when this is done we will unzip the installation folder and then afterwards we will install the Oracle of pipe there is one more step inside but first plate is complete then we see so we need to first see the pre requisite okay so you can see that whether the server is having enough space okay for the installation also make sure that uh the required package is also installed correctly on the Linux machine so that it uh won't give you any problem when we start our Oracle database installation okay and after that you can verify the Oracle user or install group and other OSB or likewise a group and users created by the Oracle database pre-installed 19c 21c uh RPM based package installer right and after that we can uh create diabetes for the Oracle database then we need to show that all the directories is having correct permission like 755 okay so 755 actually means the owner which is Oracle having right read and execute permission on the directory right and volume is the group user which is over installed is having a let's see him right and execute permission okay and this is uh this is for the other also so in this way we need to rectify all these tips has been done before proceeding for the installation of the Oracle database so so we can be sure and casually can be casually the installation can be done okay if anything is missed so the installation becomes a mess right if anything goes miss anything or Miss so the installation becomes a mess during the installation so this is where we are on the test server right we are on the test server so it won't have any effect it don't have any effect but in case of production and last or whatever we need to be careful while installing the Oracle database or upgrading also in the upgrade if you want to update the Oracle database also for example you are having to answer you want to upgrade the database to the 19c in that case also you need to create an another database home for the 90c and then afterward the process comes up right so this is done so we have copied so we have copied the folder okay let's go inside the let me show you let go inside the oregano home right so you can see we have copied all this then we need to change the permission right you can see okay let me show you this is now we need to unzip this okay so we were going to unzip it just wait for the unzipping after that we will going to start the installation there's one more straight there we need to make sure that okay so it will be work like this so in this way okay in this manner we can also install the Oracle database using RPM based the RPM if you're going to install the Oracle database using the RPM so it will be smooth and easy okay but but there are many steps in the manual installation of the Oracle data device right so it will be applicable to the rack installation also so in the case of track installation first we need to first we need to install the grid software on the nodes like for example we are having a four node so we need to uh we need to insert the public IP private IP and scan IP on each node file okay and then uh you can choose any node as a mother node and from there and from there you can start the installation of the grid infrastructure okay so there while you are proceeding for the read installation you will get a menu in that menu we need to mention the grid installation or we need to mention the IP address is okay and the node names also so once when that is done so it will start installation of the Oracle structure on each and everywhere it will take a lot of time right so it will take a lot of time and it will also depend upon the bandwidth of your network the speed of your network also and the processing power of nodes so for example if I'm if I want to install the Oracle breed and Oracle rack database on this PC on this laptop so it will approximately take a eight to nine hours it can also take 10 hours also so it is not a good idea to install the Oracle product database and then laptops because the Oracle is a very heavy heavy resource hungry software okay it won't tell you anything other than yourself the most important thing while you are installing the Oracle database is that you need to have at least 16 GB of RAM on your laptop okay so at least 16 GB of RAM so you can able to install the Oracle database as well as at least you can install a standalone server or we can see that Max you can utilize your processing resources on available to your laptop on the basis of those you can utilize all these and then you can install two node rack system okay only two node rack database you can install it if you have a 32GB of RAM installed on your laptop if you have 16 GB so it is not a good idea to install the Oracle rank database because it will consume enormous amount of resources like it will consume the disk space as well as the ram consumption is increase you need to have you need to give give at least 8 GB to each and every node okay available okay for example if you are okay if you are running a two node Oracle database on your laptop so you need to give at least 8 GB to each node okay so eight and eight it will become 16 GB right so the 16GB Ram will be taken by the two VMS running on your laptop and what about the operating system is running so if you are using Windows as your host operating system so it needs at least a 5gb ram Okay so it will not satisfy the requirement right so 16GB will be taken by the Oracle database VMS by themselves and you don't you left with no RAM for your host database host system so in that in the in that case your laptops become stuck or it will become you need to restart your laptop in that case it was happened with me also so instead of installing the operator rack database you can practice the commands Okay on your production environments or laptop site so you can see here so we have installed you unzip we unzipped hour beyond your power over Oracle database now let's see that oh yes or it is so here see the 8.4 okay so this is 8.4 yeah right now we need to go inside the CV right see now where we need to go we need to go inside RBM admin now here we need to change some parameter inside this cvu going to be okay so it won't uh now where it is so being able to okay here okay so we need to change this right 8.4 right so we have to change this so this will be in sync with the OS okay operating system is at 8.4 so it also become 8.1 right Oracle right so we are ready right now so now we are doing so now guys we are going to run the Run installer okay now we will start the GUI installation of the Oracle database right so it will open up just to do it for a minute and it will be open the window for Universal installer you can see on the screen that's open okay so it's opening right so here it is so so you can use x extreme okay for getting this so we need to set up only software only okay so here single instant database installation now Enterprise Edition then we need to choose the Oracle base from the which is already been set up on the batch profile so we don't need to do it manually inventory directory also group is over inventory there so you can see the speed okay so we need to emptied we need to remove all the files lock files from the over inventory okay so we will create we have just opened a duplicate tab for that okay so now we need to be there so here it has been open now we need to go inside Aura inventory okay now inside the over inventory CD or inventory now inside we need to remove this log file okay okay it has been opened now we can continue our installation okay so you can see our installation has been proceeded for the we need to select only oi installer group okay for all these steps now we need to give root password for uh executing on the root uh talking so it will be perform a pre-check now so so we already having 12 GB uh RAM on our VM so we don't need to uh care about it okay so I just ignore all of the swipe okay so you can select yes and then further we need to uh so this is what basically the um status okay screenshot snapshot of the how the installation will be going on okay so now the installation has been started so yeah our statewise it will be completed okay so first of all the configuration of the local node will be prepared so you can see here the processing also happening right now so it's preparing in progress you can see it so you can see here okay so yeah now we can see that linking the binary binaries are in progress okay so binaries mainly are like a u02 apps okay product over a data so these are binaries okay so they are doing it and we need to we need we can use those binaries for getting the stop down right uh like a backup taking using the R1 okay so here it will take one hour actually it will take one hour here on the side why we can see the resource utilization of the VM from our host machine okay so using the task manager so you can see here there in the task manager window you can see the CPU is Spike at the 39 40 41 42 percentage the memory is going up like 10.9 GB under displays your usage also there 100 okay so likewise so actually Oracle is a very heavy resourceful database software okay So currently we only installing the Oracle database software okay after that we can install we will start the installation of the database only okay so first of all the database software will be installed on the Linux machine then we can start with the DBC okay DBC is a utility which will help us to create a new database okay so likewise we can use that adbc also database which is which is a short form for the database configuration assistance okay so use using DBC we can modify as well as create and delete the database okay you can do all the three things okay so now it's linking the arm and utility okay so likewise it will going up and up you can see on the side while the task manager that the CPU spikes up to going 30 percent memory is utilizing 14.4 GB so guys uh I am having 32GB memory installed on my lap so there is no problem but only the problem is that this installation will take much more time because of I'm having uh as a hard disk okay so if you are having a SSD so it will quite quick okay so this procedure this operation will be called quick and your installation will be faster than mine okay so this way [Music] so it will be taking a lot right so it's currently in progress likewise okay so linking the binary is also succeeded now the setup is in progress so likewise stages stages why stages everything will happen so you can see there 46 percent CPU Spike right your Knights asking about uh the for executing on the road script okay so we already given the password so we just need to click on as water and it will it will perform the operation by its own self okay so here we have successfully installed Oracle database software okay so that's it we will now going to close this window and we'll start the database installation okay using DBC now this has been completed right you can see the logs also now we will start the database installation using the DBC utility right just click enter there in it will start the installation the double database configuration assistant in the graphics user interface mode right you can see spice again Spike up so here you can see that we can create another template currently we don't have any database installed so it will only show us two options there okay so now just create click on the create now here we will select the advanced configuration so here we will check the Oracle single instance database right general purpose or transactional processing only other two options also there but we just want to make it simple now here in the global database name and Sid I will uh type Pune as in database name okay we will see uh we will also need a pdb here pluggable database also so we will create pool A1 as a pdba right so now just click next here we will simply select use template file for database storage attribute right so here we will select the frame where the backups store so it will be of size 12gb approx right enable archiving so uh RK loss will be generated from the video box okay so it will keep the database in the same mode right now now the Creator new listener okay so in the place of listener we will select listener Pune right and it will be listen on the 1521 port number eight so just click on next so this is the Oracle home and this is the listener this is the port just click here we don't need world right now so just click next yeah we will keep the database to the minimal okay so we will select use automatic shared memory management okay I will keep the AG and PJ okay at minimal okay now in the sizing you can see in a only 300 users can log at the same time on the server okay here select the AL connection mode will be dedicated okay now here add sample schema okay so like HR Sim on all that if you want those also installed with the Oracle database so you need to check this otherwise you can uncheck it but it is beneficial like for the practice one now we just need to click next okay so because all this stuff has been done configuration now here for the Oracle Enterprise Manager we will select the five five double zero port number here we need to give this system and pdb admin password okay so we will give same password to all the three okay so it will be good for not having anything very complex okay so it is good single password for test user again this just click on the create database it will simply click create the database for you okay so these are all the uh ready messed up that has been provided by the database DC DBC database configuration resistant so this is what we will get after our installation okay so just click on finish it will start the database installation so you can see the progress also so in this way guys we can create a database so it will it will take another half an hour right for the installation of this database [Music] so guys if you are having SSD so this process will be quite fast okay as compared to mine because I am having hard disk necessary will perform much better in the radian right operations we just need to wait for the completion of the database installation you can see that preparing for DB operation is succeeded now it's on the stage next stage like copying the database files okay so these are the steps which are included in the installation okay so this will be same if even if you are installing installing in a rack database okay so in case of right database we first need to install a grid software okay on all the nodes for example if you are having two node uh rack database okay so two note track database so you need to have installed the grid infrastructure software on both of the nodes okay so you have to choose one of the node and start the installation so in that installation when you start you need to give the IP addresses and the host names of the next to nodes like a second node in that after that the installation will start copying the installation binaries and all the stocks to the to both the nodes okay so it will approx takes uh five to six hours so it it's actually very lengthy process and after the grid installation has been completed you can start installing the rack database there okay so likewise guys we need to have it so you can see that 31 percent has been completed copying the database file is also succeeded so just for the practice call first we can install the Standalone database on the single server it is not a good idea to install the in uh three node for node rack database okay and the laptops and PCs because uh these octaves are extremely resource only they will take a lot of resources like they will take a lot of ram a lot of hard disk and other stuffs and in that case uh like I'm having a Windows host okay so Windows also needs five to six GB of RAM okay reserve for itself so if you're having at least 16 GB of RAM you can consider to install a single standard single instance database or the single VM okay so that that will be a good idea for the practice purpose only but uh the rack database is very AV and resources okay they that will not take care of anything okay that will really consume a lot of the resources apk Android if you consider that I am having 32 GB Ram okay so uh assume that 6gb is allocated for the host machine windows and I need to give to LGB and 12 GB for each node okay like having two node rack database and uh each of them having 12 GB Ram allocated to them that means 12 GB plus 12 GB is equal to 24 GB Ram has been taken by the both the nodes okay and 12 GB that means or 24 GB in uh Ram has been taken by the both the VMS and plus a you had allocated 6 GB Ram to the Windows machine okay so in that case you are left with the 24 plus 6 30 GB only 1GB RAM okay or 500 gig ram so that will not be a good idea that will be not a good idea to install the right database on the laptops because it will heat up your PC A Lot quickly this also take a lot of time on the production servers also even though the production servers have a lot of ram a lot of RDS Right storage space allocated to them even though it will take a lot of time so we installed on that okay so likewise this will be same for the uh if you uh you are going to upgrade the if you are uh upgrading the database also so for example uh the pre-existing database version is of 11 or 12C and you want to upgrade the database to the 19c so in that case you need to install the binaries of the 19c to the another folder in the same directory tree and then you need to start the upgrade assistant dbua which is a database Upgrade Assistant it will take care of that okay it will upgrade and copy the file okay so likewise it will take so you can see that the CPU is continuously on the 32 GB 32 percent 30 percent usage and the memory is also going uh approx to 16 GB even I am having a single instance okay because I am I have been allocated Trail GB to the VM okay so I just done the 12gb I'll just set the 12 GB RAM on the VM for the only sake of the installation okay so it will take less time if I allocated much RAM for the installation purpose you can reduce the ram after I will going to reduce the ram of this VM after this uh for example I will only set 5gb of ram to this view after the installation of this Oracle database has been completed so likewise you can do also you guys could have a better processor and a ram also okay so for example if you are having a 11th gen or 12th Gen processor then it will be quite helpful along with the 16GB memory so it is sufficient for installing the single instance database standalones database on the laptop so all these three has things are in sync then the installation will be quite fast okay so beta CPU plus better Ram plus beta storage like ssds so this will all be contributed in the faster installation and your processing of the database so but uh so you can see that how much time it it has been taking okay so it is taking a lot of time even though our editing this video at uh see 1.5 times the speed is still slow give up I need to wait a lot so you can see that memory Spike memory is still at the usage of 16GB then CP also 22. uh I have not opened any other application like heavy usage because he only these are the things open in the background and in the program so the installation is at the stage of creating and starting Oracle instance okay so it is in progress 36 percentage has been completed right now let's see that how much it will take so it will take another 15 minutes as I hope it should not take more than 15 minutes foreign 43 percent the installation part of the Oracle database is quite filled okay so it is struggling part like so if you uh if there is any issue occurs while installation and doing other configuration steps so that will be a mess that will be a mess you need to you have to start doing the installation again if something happens okay so that is what so it should be better to do the pre-checks before starting the installation so there will be no struggle no issue occurs in the installation for the part but it's quite difficult as compared to other softwares okay like we can simply do it so Oracle has also provided an RPM based installation but uh that will be automatic automation stock right so just you have to download the RPM for the Oracle database say 19c you need to download the RPM and then you can simply start the installation but in that case you don't have to uh you don't have freedom to do manual configuration like uh if you want to do some additional stuff there or some changes that like you don't want the default Sid and the listeners so you can you can't do it using the RPM base installation you need to do uh so you need to do the manual installation so in the manual installation we do have freedom to do whatever we want okay so all the steps are in our control like amount of ram you want to give to the instance or say the name of the the name preference also in the hands of us okay so we can choose whatever name we want to give as well as the other configuration steps we can give by our own serves so overall the manual installation is good for the overall control Butters quite difficult to do it okay so you need to practice a lot before doing it so after some time you will be familiar with the installation process so you will need you will know that whatever you can take the notes that whatever difficulties uh once in the past and you can you can prevent those difficulties in the future also so likewise you can practice the installation but uh after doing a four to five times it's enough you can take a clone or you can export the virtual machine to your artist so you don't have to install the Oracle database again and again you can just import the virtual machine to the say VMware or virtualbox so it will be uh quite safe or smooth and quite uh fast and easy I just we need to take the copy of of our virtual machine and Export it to a hard disk so it will take a process GB of our displays to get a exported the entire virtual machine after the installation of the Oracle database so in the future if some if you want to have some Hands-On on the database you can just import it and likewise it it will save a lot of efforts right you don't have to repeat the process like this you can simply import the virtual machine and you will go to start practicing that's all Oracle also introduces some virtual machine with the pre-installed Oracle databases and other stuffs also so they are much better for practice foreign foreign now completed right completing the database Creation in progress so 19c is a current long term version available from the Oracle database okay so we can so all the things made by the oracle is supported on the 19c so we don't have to care about like uh OEM is not supporting or golden credit is not supporting or say any other stuffs so you can take it apart the new version will be coming after 20 uh editing so 23 is your okay so new version is 23c so his developer preview is currently available but uh I don't have any experience about what is there so there is one a great thing is introduces in the 23 see so now they have replaced the from Clause from the 23c you can simply select anything from the table without using the from clause in the select over UK like a select column name we use now in the current versions like select column name from table name okay so in the 20 in 3C in 23c we can do like select column name and then the table name okay directly from then the table name without measuring the from Clause so this is what the additional feature is there and that there also lots of other features also here like uh uh on the SQL plus you can run the JavaScript also okay you don't need any other API to introduce there that already been inbuilted in the 23c as well as XML Json support there another incremental enhancement also there so this is what 23c upgraded but uh the stable will Is Yet To Come okay so it will be Rio after this year I think so so it is 54. completing the database creation okay now it's on the stage of creating pluggable databases right you can see memory is still at 17.5 and say 6G okay 17 GB approx right so out of 32 GB 17 GB is consuming in the installation process so you can see that now our installation has been completed okay Global name database name so this is how we can install the Oracle database okay so database also created so you can see that Cs and system are unlocked but other all the users are locked okay so you can check what are the users those are locked so you can see all other users are locked except system analysis so if you need you can unlock them from yeah okay giving the new and new password right so that's it we don't want to unlock the so now you can click on close so this is how we can install the Oracle database now we can check the databases running in the background you can see here now we need to check the DNS that means listener also running okay with the listener underscore opponent okay you can see here is ready also and that's listening there also Pune one which is pdb also now we will login inside the SQL plus you can see okay now we will select name open mode from we need our database right so you can see here phone is the database name an open mode is read and write also we will see host name and then instance name from the very dollar instance so here you can see almost Dynamic screen shape right under instance name is so here in this way we can see it right now I'll create a simple script using which we will we can start The Listener and database automatic uh listener automatically or reboot okay so here auto start listener is a shell script by which we will going to do the auto start listener operation on reward okay export Oracle first we need to export the oregano environments so that the shell will know that where is the utility is there okay so here export Oracle on then export Oracle is writing S4 then export part here you go we exported now finally the LD Library path okay so now simply we can mention our lsnrctl Command that will start the listener on the report okay so this is what the script is look like now simply what we will do we will take the directory in which the auto start script is there and here in the Quran tab we will see it so this first script will be for database start okay at the reboot of the server and the second one will be for the listener so here this is for the listener so this will start the reason at the remote okay so that's it we need to receive it done so guys on reboot both the database and listener will be auto start okay so we don't need to manage starting you can see for that we first need to do some edit in the over tab file so instead of n we will mention here why why will ensure that the database will start on the remote okay so that's it guys this will be auto start the database on the reboot we will save it so using this command we can check the database and listener is running okay so you can see that both are the are running right so you can connect with the database while The Listener is running uh using the U.S uh [Music] or told anything any utility awesome someone technology so now we will shut down the database okay our work has been done so this is how we can do it right guys and then we will stop the list so that's it guys this is how we can install the Oracle database on the virtual machine so guys this will be helpful for you okay now we will shut down the data server so thank you for watching guys okay yep
Channel: Kayyum698
Views: 381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #oracle, #database, #linux, #oraclelinux, data, installation, database installation
Id: El-DWf93zbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 52sec (3472 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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