How to install NVE and Reshade for GTA and FIVEM | May 2024 update

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do you want the best graphics on GTA RP and 5m let's dive into it so the first thing we're going to do is go to the raise patreon where we'll download mve for 5m make sure you download the 5m package not the single player not the ren 5m package download the 5m package I already downloaded it for the sake of this video uh it does take it's 11 gigaby so depending on your internet it could take a minute and we'll open that file so then we need to go to our 5m um open file location and then 5m application data now we got our two folders open that we need open so first let's open up the main package open up mods and then you're going to want to select every single one of these go over to your 5m mods folder and you're just going to drag them over now I already have my old mve in here um if you have also been uh using MV in the past and this is an update for you then uh you'll just need to replace the files in the destination but when you go to yours yours is going to be empty all right so next we're going to take our plugins folder from the main package of mve and we're going to drag that over to our 5m application data where we will need to replace the files in the destination again because we already have it all right so next we're going to open up optional add-ons in the mve package and we're going to go back to our mods folder now you only want to use specific ones of these some just aren't relevant and some can definitely uh mess you up a little bit so first we're going to go with brighter emergency lights on the brighter emergency lights I highly recommend medium I feel like anymore it just gives too much of that glare effect and it's I don't know it's just not as enjoyable I like it to look more realistic so I can use the medium intensity uh next we're going to go animated gas stations and animated TMS this one is probably my favorite it's especially when it comes to like getting photos of your car or anything like that all you got to do is go to a really cool gas station and yeah you you're going to get the best pictures with the best color so take both of these and drag them over as well then we're going to get the Parallax roads which apparently just got an update as well uh to where I guess they go further up north we're going to take that pack we're going to drag it over all right next one we have is high quality Reflections use this at your own risk if you're not on a big boy rig I highly recommend going against it um going against it just because it is heavy on your system and I haven't been using it but for but for the sake of science we're going to throw it in today but uh the high quality Reflections you're actually going to go back to your plugins folder open up the plugins folder and then you're going to drag Reflections into there now once again if you notice you're dropping crazy FPS just remove it just delete it take it out all right the next one is going to be extra vegetation I would just leave it out weather override leave it out weapons overall pack you can drag this in it's going to just make your guns look a little bit more realistic back into the mods folder uh hide weapon reticle leave out night vision leave out more car engine smoke we're going to drag that one in rolling coal effect we're going to drag that into our mods folder darker Knights nine out of 10 people are not going to want to use darker Knights it's just too dark but it does look good and it also tanks your FPS Vanilla Unicorn interior overhaul we don't need to use Mission Row police department overall we don't need to use realistic license plates if you want your license plates to be California license plates then throw it in if you just wanted San Andreas then keep it but they actually look just like California license plates it's pretty cool Northern Lights and bla County this is a must you got to go see your beautiful Northern Lights in blank County you guys are going to love this one sandstorm weather effect leave out mve 2020 weather filter leave out reduced snowflakes intensity leave out snowflakes lens effect leave out spring season pack so they have these different packs for spring autumn Halloween Christmas I usually always use whatever season it is just so my foliage and you know all the basically all your trees and everything it looks like it's spring so we do keep the spring pack in but I already have it in so I don't need to drag it over so next we're going to go to our reshade shaders pack in the mve package and we're going to open up our plugins and 5m application data and we're just going to drag over our oh whoops let's and then we're going to open up reshade shaders and then we're just going to drag over all of this replace files and destination and we're good so all we're going to do now is we're going to open up our browser we're going to go to we're going to download the most current version of reshade which I actually have installed but we're going to just go ahead and go through it again real quick open file so what you're going to need to do is Click your GTA 5 exe then click next Microsoft DirectX 101112 and then uncheck all check all next and it's going to install everything all right and then we're finished all right so now let's check our 5m and see how we're looking everything should be done and working properly once you open up 5m press insert to make sure you have everything installed which as you can see as soon as we open it up you see our mve installed right here all right so we're looking pretty good it looks like we got everything installed correctly let's hit insert here dang we're looking good this new update is looking amazing all right so you see we have what all we have actually turned on now when we go to Natural oops I turned it off now when we go to Natural uh Vision evolv color I personally like using the color booster filter um you can see this one is just a little bit more washed out and this might be the look you like but for me personally I like the color boost filter under mve color uh once again you get to this menu by pressing insert if you've done everything right this menu is going to pop up and that's the only thing I change I just turned color booster filter let y'all see it one more time it just really pulls out those colors Man Press insert again and you guys are good to go man I hope uh hope this helped you out a lot I hope your game looks nice and gorgeous and you're just like oh my gosh this is a whole brand new experience yeah man it really is if you're not playing your GTA like this guys you're missing out um yeah stop playing that 2012 looking game and and jump into this beautiful vibrant textur detailed like look at this guys the colors are just amazing especially at nighttime but guys I hope this video was helpful I hope you love the way your game looks and it just helps you immerse yourself even further in GTA RP and 5m make sure you subscribe and give it a like so you can stay up to date with all my videos and see y'all next time
Channel: CLEE IS MAD
Views: 3,153
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Id: eJAYySjlKng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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