How To Install ComfyUI And The ComfyUI Manager

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with all the hype around comfy UI today I thought it would be a great idea to start from the beginning and show you how to install it along with some supporting plugins let's get started the absolute first thing we need is something called git and basically what this does it pulls files from GitHub which is sort of the main site for a lot of stuff for stable diffusion and we'll be using this in this video and future videos to come it's very easy to install so don't worry about it click on the link and when you get to this page you want to download the version that pertains to you for most of you it'll be this one so click on that and save it to your downloads folder in your downloads folder you'll see this icon here all you have to do is double click it you'll get a notification if you want to install it just click on yes and then when you see this window just simply click on install then it's going to run through the installation process that's all you really have to do next we're going to install comfy UI so head on over to this page and scroll down until you see this section here installing for Windows click on this link to download it and also if you don't already have 7-Zip click on that link to download it this will help extract comfy UI depending on your system if it's 64 32-bit most likely it'll be 64. you want to download this version once a file is downloaded to your downloads folder simply right click click on open with 7-Zip file manager select the file and click on extract at this point you want to select where you want to install it so you can click on three buttons here and pick a drive of your choice you could even create a new folder if you want I'm just going to leave it on my C drive and click OK this should only take a few seconds depending on your system next you want to go into that directory in my case it was my C drive you'll see a folder here called comfy UI Windows portable double click on that this is your main comfy UI folder that will hold all your other assets we'll come back to this in a second but for now what I want you to do is hover over this icon that says run Nvidia GPU bat right click share more options and we're going to send it to the desktop that will make it more accessible whenever you want a startup comfy UI back to the installation page you want to scroll down just a bit here here and by the way if you're an AMD user you can run it only on a Linux environment you want to follow these steps here for NVIDIA users you want to highlight all of this line here and click on control C back to the comfy UI folder so you want to double click in the main comfy UI folder highlight the URL and put in CMD once again will be in the command window and we want to paste that information and click enter this is going to install xformers that helps speed up the generation time as well as Pi torch which is needed to run comfy UI leave the window open we'll go back to the main instructions here highlight this line here and simply paste it in the command window now before we test it make sure it's working you need to download a model either from hugging face or civet AI this is the standard stable diffusion one so if you're new starting out this is always a good start starting model however I do recommend the custom models from civit AI this will also be linked in the description below so you want to just scroll down and you want to download this one that says pruned EMA only safe tensors we'll click on that and you might as well download it directly to the proper location so in my case it's my C drive comfy uis Windows portable comfy UI models and you'll see a folder called checkpoints we want to click on Save there now if you want a custom model the place to go with civet AI again I'll leave a link in the description below but any of these top ones are great to start with now we can finally test it out and see if it's running properly so you want to double click on that icon that we saved on our desktop when it opens up you'll see the default interface now you could zoom in with a scroll wheel or control plus and minus and you see the checkpoint here the model is all already loaded let's open that up a bit and to navigate you just have to click on the workspace and move around it has a default prompt already so we're just going to run this and to generate the image we're going to hit Q prompt here and you'll see as it passes through the process and there's our image so congratulations you've installed comfy UI if you happen to be new to stable diffusion basically comfy UI is like looking under the hood of all those other platforms like automatic 1111 invoke AI or even some of the online ones that you might be using now this is a very basic setup but the way it works is that you load your model here and that model contains all the data that will create your image in this section we see clip text encoders for our positive and negative prompts this is how we tell the AI what image we want and the text encoding is really just converting data in 10 numbers and then at the bottom here you see something called empty latent image so think of a blank canvas so depending on what you type in here it's going to pull information from the model it'll go through something called a diffusion process where it creates all this noise and there'll be layers upon layers of that noise then it'll go through this sampler process and this is what helps to do the denoising to create your image the VA decode here is sort of like the final steps and it'll convert all this information back into pixels to create your final image I definitely want to go deeper on this process in future videos but that's basically how it works before we get into some other housekeeping stuff I do want to show you how to install the plugins manager that we're going to use quite a bit in future videos once again click on the link in the description below and you'll come to this page as we scroll down here will come across the installation section and the method we're going to use is the second method here so the first step is to install git we've already done that the second step is to download this into the comfy UI Windows portable directory now instead of clicking on it we're going to right click save link as and we have to find this directory here come for UI Windows portable and save it into that folder head on over to that same folder and now you'll see this icon here install manager for portable version we're going to double click and it'll do the installation let's shut down comfy UI you also want to close this window too and then we're going to restart comfy UI when you restart comfy UI now you're going to see this manager option let's click on that you'll get this menu now and there's quite a few things we can do here but this one is the most important install custom nodes at this point want you to go to your menu here and click on the gear there's a few options here that we need to select here where it says save menu position that basically saves the right menu here and keeps it in the same spot if you want to move it around you can uncheck that the invert menu scrolling by default it's like opposite if you scroll up when you're in a drop down it'll scroll down so I have mine checked on personal preference of course now the color palette you can choose light if you wanted more of a lighter canvas or a solarized i quite like how this looks the only thing with solarize if you change the colors here it's hard to see the text sometimes right so speaking of colors you can assign colors if you right click anywhere here there's an option for color so if I wanted to make this green then I can make this one red for positive and negative for K sampler I tend to use yellow and this is what what I was saying where it looks more great it's a little bit hard to see but it's okay I'm quite used to it but if it bothers you just use the default settings next we're going to install two custom nodes for today so let's head over to manager install custom nodes in the search area here I want you to type in fail you'll see this one called fail fast comfy UI extensions this is really just to help organization and stuff we're going to install that and then the next one I want you to type in Impact you'll see comfy UI impact pack let's click on install there in order for these to kick in we gotta restart comfy UI again so let's shut down and restart and if you want to know where these custom nodes are located go to your main comfy UI folder and you'll see a folder called custom nodes if we open that up you'll see all the custom nodes that you have installed so here's fail fast The Comfy UI manager and the m impact pack back income for UI let's click on the gear once again and you're going to see some additional options that we don't really have to worry about right now the one I want you to click on is for SNAP to grid and just to show you if we change this bottom one you see how it says link render mode if we change this to Hidden and close that see all the noodles have disappeared they are still connected in the snap to grid let's say I move this over here you see that little nudge let me move in closer it just keeps it nice and tidy there so you can get really close to it if you wanted to make it more organized or if you want it further apart it just snaps to the grid right now if you're like me and you use other platforms like automatic 1111 how you can redirect your models to comfy UI it's pretty simple so first go to your stable diffusion models folder if you're using automatic 1111 it should look something like this you would just have have to right click copy address text in my case I have a dedicated hard drive just for my models so I'm going to do the same right click copy address to text then you'll have to go to your main comfy UI folder then look for this file called extra model paths yaml example you can open it with something like notepad I've got notepad plus plus and within this file it tells you what to do so for your checkpoint models you can paste your directory here so we're going to right click paste and then you would do the same thing for all your other files like your vaes your loras your upscale models whatever the case may be you can paste your links here and then if you look at the top here it says rename this to extra underscore model underscore paths.eaml then on the top right you want to click on save so you can right click select rename or F2 2 and just remove the example from here in the period hit enter click on yes and now let's restart confit UI if we go under our load checkpoints now I have all my stable diffusion models coming up in the next video I'm going to show you how to build your own workflow from scratch and how to use some custom nodes for some further customization now make sure to check out that next video up here if it's not there that just means I'm editing it until the next video my friends I'll see you when I see you
Channel: Monzon Media
Views: 11,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comfyui, comfyui manager, comfyui installation, comfyui install, stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, local comfyui, custom nodes, comfy ui, how to install comfyui, how to install comfyui manager, comfyui model path
Id: z8efDtdBZn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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