How To Install Insulation and Vapor Barrier

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hi guys and welcome to our channel on today's episode we'll be showing you how to insulate balloon framed walls on our 100 year old home that we're currently renovating to flip we'll show you guys how all the tools that you need a few techniques on on how to do it and it's an overall view of everything you need to get the job done in x-acto knife you need a stapler you need red tape you need an acoustic seal and a caulking gun all right so what we did in in these walls here is we install r12 bath insulation so um the r12 means the r value and typically the r value uh will start around r5 for rigid insulation on the outside and then r12 on the inside this is r12 is for a two by four wall in this house here we have two by four wall so we can't go any bigger than r12 so um this is fiberglass bath insulation basically the idea here is we're gonna we're gonna cut it to size put it inside the walls do the vapor barrier uh on top of it seal up everything and then the job is done putting insulation between the walls so you got to make sure that your insulation is the same width as your wall opening or your stud opening in order to fit this in so this is too too big for that too small for this one so i'm gonna have to cut it so the best way to cut it is just to put it in and then cut it right on the stud here it should hold on its own that's how you know and you shouldn't have any of any like folds in the insulation so it should just hold on its own so the vapor barrier on your outside walls and on the ceiling and everywhere where there's insulation the vapor barrier is a plastic that makes sure that there's no air or humidity or anything coming inside the house so it allows really a separation between the outside wall and the drywall that way there's no humidity or the drywall won't get you know soaked or anything and if there's ever water coming through let's say the roof technically the water coming through the roof shouldn't go into your drywall if the vapor barrier has been installed on the ceiling like we have here right so it's important that all your joints and everything on your vape barrier are all taped and sealed when you do your vapor barrier and then once that's done you can do your insulation in the attic for the walls it's a bit different you got to do your installation first and then you put your vapor barrier on top all right over here what we did is we wrapped our plastic um so we elongated the plastic from the uh from the wall vapor barrier all the way to the ceiling and we taped all the seams together so that we have a continuous air barrier so when we do our vapor barrier don't worry about the windows the goal is to go right over all the windows and the doors and then you cut your door and window opening after the fact much easier so i'm going to cut this window opening here what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to cut on the inside i'm going to leave a bit of plastic here just so i don't make my cut too short it's always easier to cut twice and have it perfect then cut once and cut it too short so around the windows here what we did is we did the acoustic seal uh the equivalent is basically a non-drying sort of caulking and you put that around the windows so it's going to seal the the air it's going to create an air barrier basically so that at the edges of our plastic we don't have any air penetrating this stuff is pretty messy so you don't want to put too much okay so we've done our acoustic seal around the window so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to stretch my plastic so i just pull on it and then put a few staples on the inside of the of the acoustic seal that way it's all sealed up look at this and then it just can actually make sure so this is gonna seal the plastic completely so when you're done it should look like this you should have the insulation in between the studs and then the only thing left on here is to give it a put a couple of staples in so it holds all together but at the end you should have all your joints all sealed up the bottom of your vapor barrier is sealed to the floor or to the bottom plate of your wall with the acoustic seal make sure it all holds together make sure your plastic is tight and there you go so if you liked watching this video please give us a like and put a comment below and you can also hit subscribe button if you are interested in seeing more upcoming renovations and how-to projects you
Channel: Flip This House
Views: 4,551
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: insulation, vapor barrier, how to insulate walls, how to install vapor barrier
Id: 6gnP0E6K64Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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