How to install Immich on a Synology NAS using Container Manager / Docker Compose

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hi let's install image on a anology nass let's start by going to images homepage which is IMM doapp so image. I don't know why I did those in such a weird order image. apppp is where we're going and then let's head to the docs install and then Docker compose which is recommended so that's a good thing for us okay so then I'm just going to go in here and then I'm going to download two files which is a Docker D comp . yaml and an example. EnV file okay I've got those two files downloaded this is awesome this is fantastic and then I'm going to continue to not follow any other instructions guess I could I guess I can come down here populate the EnV file with custom values um start the containers okay yeah going to ignore all of that because that's the kind of guy that I am okay the next two things that I need stop saying okay are container manager and text editor so if you don't have those you can go to package Center type in container manager and then install I will say if you happen to have a volume on your Synology Nas that has an SSD or an nvme that is a great place to install container manager because it'll make these programs run quite a bit faster some of them not a big deal something like image you might see a pretty decent um speed upgrade the other program that you want is just text editor so you can just type in text and text editor should be the first thing that pops up and then you just hit stall and the magic of installation happens okay so let's pop into container manager and then oh if if it's not there for you you can actually just click on these shapes up here and container manager should be somewhere in here and if you always want it to be on your desktop just drag it and it'll always be there sometimes it'll be there twice going to remove that okay so in container manager I'm going to scoot this over because I'm going to have to go to file station soon I'm going to click project create and I'm going to call this image- app for for path let's let's work on the path so I'm going to click on file station and then I'm in my Docker shared folder here which should you should have if you install container manager and then I'm going to create a new folder and type in image- apppp now in this folder is where I'm going to put those two files that I just downloaded so let me kill time by babbling until I can find those two files and then I have them all right so I'm going to drag them in here overwrite and then I will have a EnV file and a yaml file so Docker composed. yaml and example. EnV yours probably don't have a parentheses and number in there so I'll change mine to look like what I imagine yours looks like okay so the first thing I want to do is change stop saying okay first thing I want to do is change the docker composed. yaml file so I will just right click and hit open with text editor I want to do one thing and that is I want to get rid of all of these volumes which uh basically what this is saying right now is hey I'm going to store all of these files somewhere else on your sonology Nas that's going to be pretty difficult to get to unless you're in command line and since you probably don't want to mess with command line and I don't really want to have to mess with the stuff in command line I'm going to say hey instead of that just put these folders where I want them to be and in this case that's going to be in this image folder this image- app folder that we created so I need a folder called PG data so I can just copy that and make a new folder in here called PG data and then I want another one called model-c I'll copy that make a new folder called Model cache and then TS data so I'll copy that create a new folder and now I have the three folders that I need from the CML file I willon need to make one more but that's a surprise for later and now I can actually delete all of this don't want volumes and then I just need to look for them here so that first one was model-c I know you're staring at this one right here but I'm going to do this last because I don't know why so let me look for where that volume for model cache is and that's going to be under image machine learning so under image machine learning there is a section called volumes and then you can see the model- cach all I'm going to do is put period forward slash in front of that and period slash it's basically shorthand for wherever I am um look for a model cache folder that's where I'm going to put things so that's what this period stands for and where I am is in reference to the file that we're editing so in this case it's this Docker compose file which is in this image app folder right I've got that Docker composed file here and then that model cache folders in that same folder so that's what that period shorthand for and then the other two that I need are PG data which I think is a database thing and typ sense data so I just found typ sense data I'm just going to period slash it's there here's the type sense volumes and then TS data so I just put period slash and it's there and then under database probably we're going to find this PG data volume a volume you are no longer you are now a folder okay then I will hit file save I will close out of here and now I want to edit this example. EnV so if I right click it won't let me edit it with text editor so all I have to do is rename this to. txt now I can just double click and it's really nice the gals and guys over at image have actually supplied us with pretty good instructions so we can change the location where your uploaded files are stored so when I drag and drop drag and drop drag and drop a picture into image this is where it's going to land so in this case it's using that shorthand period SL Library so I'm going to use that and in here I'm going to create a folder called Library if you have a library somewhere else of photos that let me let me rephrase this if you have a different place that you want image to put photos you can rightclick whatever location that is hit properties and under location just copy that cancel and then just replace this Library you might run into issues with permissions and stuff and I'm not really going to get into that in this video so I'm going to keep this real simple and keep it in its folder that it's in now um the other thing that I want to create or uh correct is here it's asking me to change these things to no it's asking me not things let not use the word things environmental variables that sounds right it's asking me to change those to some random text so I'm going to type in some random text I'm going to undo this actually I am going to just use numbers and letters for this example because sometimes I'm afraid if I use special characters that it messes it up with the code and it sees things as other things um not a big deal I could fix that later if I wanted to but for the sake of this so this video moves on I will use just numbers and letters but a lot of them oh I put commas in there that's not good okay a lot of them a lot of different ones let's hit those letters on top and bottom okay and that that's all that I need to change here so now stop saying okay all right file save exit and then I need to rename this to this is just going to want a EnV file so instead of example. env. text I will just type in EnV okay cool um and if you're wondering if that's referenced if I go into this Docker compos yl file you'll see it all over here where it's looking for a EnV file so right here EnV file. EnV so we'll find that I'm going to close out of here path let's set the path to Docker image app select use existing and Docker compose yaml to create the project yes let's use and Docker compose yaml and you'll see it'll just fill it in with everything that we just did so I'll hit next I am not going to set up a web portal hit next start the project once it is created done it's going to pull all these files and extract them and execute them and everything it's got to do if you are on an SSD or nvme this process I guess it would be the same time as a spinning drive but when the program has to launch and stuff this is a big one this is a lot bigger than any of the other videos that I've done and both subscribers to this channel might notice that so expect this to take a bit longer than those ones image has a lot more going on than something like um than a Docker container like LinkedIn for example okay project image- app was successfully built pretty good sign exit code zero that's another good sign I'll close okay and I haven't done this in the previous ones but if you click on this container tab here you can see all the different containers that image is running and what's great is that they actually named everything image so you know that everything belongs to the image program this is also where you would update image if you had to if there's an update available you should get something saying update and little button that you can click on just bear in mind with image in the very top of their page they have a little warning that basically says this is under a lot of active development so if if you upgrade image or if you download the app on your phone and upgrade that app but your server isn't running the same version so you don't upgrade your server but you update your phone app or something like that you could run into issues so you might want to familiarize yourself with how to run Docker how to go through their documents how to edit stuff before you start playing around with updating certain parts of image just a little heads up so now we want to access image and see if it's up and running I'm going to go to Project double click image app and then in the amamble configuration I just kind of want you to get an idea of how Docker stuff works you're going to see a section called ports images got a lot going on here there might be more than one section that says ports but a lot of these will only have one section that says ports and we're just looking for the port number on the left because this is how we access image basically everything a lot when you see a colon in a lot of these Docker compos files everything to the left is something that's going to be a reference that you're concerned with it's something on your machine whereas whatever's to the right is in your Docker container's own file structure system so on the left what this is saying is how I'm going to access this is whatever device I'm installed on go there and then I'm on Port 2283 so in this case I'm going to type in the IP address of my sonology Nas which if you don't know your IP address you can actually just come up here to widgets and then under system Health which if you don't have you can just click this plus sign and check system Health you will see your Nas's IP address so mine's under Land one if you have multiple lands it might be a different one but mine is just under this first one so 1 I'll just use that as an example so I'm in a web browser I'm just going to type in Colon 2283 that first port number that was to the left of the colon and hey image is up if it's not running for you um I would suggest oh don't say I'm just give it a couple minutes especially if you're on spinning hard drives even though it might show up in the containers tab even though it might show up in the containers tab is everything is green that that might mean that it's just going to take a minute to to uh launch so give it a little bit of time if that's the issue if these are starting to turn red and gray then you have a problem that I probably cannot help you with other things that you can check make sure you're not typing https because if you're doing https it's not going to work you will just get in error and then if you are using a sonology firewall it's also not going to work so I mean it it can work all you have to do is go to your sonology firewall and make sure that you're allowing Port 2283 to be accessed and then the other thing is you're not going to be able to access image from outside of your home home network so dramatic um yeah yeah so just make sure you're on your home network when you're trying to do this which you probably are because you're messing around with your sonology ass right um and there are ways to access it outside of your home network I just don't think I'm going to get into it quite yet but you got it installed so you can just go to getting started create an admin email so I'll just type in admin and then the password is not going to just be admin it's going to be something much more secure than that and my name is image and then sign up and then just type in your email which is probably not admin and then your password which is probably not just admin and login and hey we're an image you want me to test it out we can test it out let's put in a picture you want a picture of Scorpion and Subzero from Mortal Kombat let's go ahead and upload it upload success refresh page to see your photos let's click refresh hey all my photos are here and here is Scorpion and Subzero and yes it's the greatest moment in my life was seeing these two dogs
Channel: VolumeData21
Views: 4,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: synology, apps, docker, container-manager, docker-compose, self-hosted, immich, photos, google-photos, google photos, self hosted
Id: eDpA3d4xi18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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