How to install GNS3 VM and IOU images on Windows

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[Music] today in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to install genus 3 the VM and iou layer 2 and layer 3 images so the first thing you need to do is actually go to genus 3com and you can google genus 3 and then just say download or something and it'll take you to this page you need to have a login to download it it's free so sign up or if you already have a login go ahead and do that and then you'll click free download and then choose your your iOS or your operating system now I've already pre downloaded it so you don't have to watch me download it and I'm actually running it in the background right now all you do is you just click double click the exe file click next next next if you already have gns3 installed like a an older version it'll ask you you're gonna have to delete the old version do you want to do that just click yes and then let genus 3 do its thing ok so right now this is downloading all the components that it needs Wireshark microsoft visual c++ things like that when this is done I'll come back and I'll show you these other files that you need to download alright while you're installing genus 3 SolarWinds is gonna come up and it's gonna say put in a valid email address if you don't want to put your valid email address just do something and just make sure it matches because you without doing this you can't get past it that SolarWinds thing I believe is the last piece of software that it's trying to install once this is done then gns3 should be installed and then we can have it automatically open after all right so we once completed gns3 says that it is done so just going to click Next you can get a free SolarWinds tool so that if you want to just click no and I'm gonna click Next and then let's start gns3 all right so gene history's gonna start up and the next thing we need to download is the VM the genus three VM if you go back to the gns3 software download page you go to download vm for a gns3 and then choose which type of vm software that you are using you could use VirtualBox or VMware Workstation I'm using VMware Workstation 12 don't use 14 use VMware Player 12 because 14 is incompatible with the latest genus 3 version all right go ahead and download it and again I have already done that mmm should be it's right there so it says do you want to run the IOU so when genus 3 started the setup wizard automatically came up and this is basically the server section of genus 3 so whenever you run iOS images or any type of image it's gonna ask you do you want to run it on your computer or do you want to run it run that process on a vm genus 3 suggests that you run it on a vm so before I click Next I actually need to install the VM on my machine so I downloaded it it came in a zip file I showed you where it was it was right here download whatever one you had and then unzip it and then here it is this is the genus 3 vm dot OVA file which is I'm using it for VMware so if you have VMware Workstation player like how I have it this is a free version all you need to do is open a virtual machine when you open a virtual machine you are going to basically just open that OVA file all right let's go and do it import it and it may take some time to import it then from there you're allowed to give it extra RAM how many virtual CPUs you want to give it basically how powerful do you want to make this genus 3vm while that's installing I'm gonna pause the video so we don't have to wait for it to load all right so the genus 3vm just installed and if you see here says genus through VM and it has two gigs of ram if you want to give it more RAM because you're gonna be running bigger topologies then just go ahead and up it you know we can change this to you know 4096 so we can give it four gigs of ram if you want to give it more processors you can you could also chain give it more network adapters if you want to as well more NICs okay just a click okay and then now we have gns3 vm installed in our VMware Workstation 12 player let's go back to gns3 and it says run modern iOS iOS V or IO u appliances from now it says you'd be up that's what we want does gns3 vm is available for free showed you where to get it go and click Next and your host binding just do one 2700 130 80 tcp is should be fine go and click next and the service is not installed please install wind cap or p cap and then reboot okay gonna start local process okay so maybe the local server i cannot do can i get past it mm hmm maybe I need to fix that before I move on that wind pcap okay so we got an error here let me see if I could click through it I'll see if I could fix this server issue but I need the gns3 VM to work so maybe there's a firewall issue maybe I need to change this port number this binding so we'll figure that out and it won't let me get past it so let me go back let me see if I could change something here this was the first one times if I do that the NP cap service is not installed okay all right let me work this in the background and then I'll come back actually restarted my computer and hopefully that fixed everything so let me open up gns3 again and let's see if that fixed our issue wait for this to boot up all right came back up back to that setup wizard so let's try this again one 27001 next it's sweet setup boys are not responding no I did reboot the NP caps service is not installed alright so this stuff should have been installed when gns3 was installed so I'm probably gonna have to go back and make sure I install it so let me close this closed unis tree either that you know what I'm gonna start it in administrator mode see if that works shut down come on there we go yeah okay holy crap let's start this right click right click run as administrator and let's see what happens no still won't okay well let me go through okay let me try to reinstall gene history all right so when I try to reinstall genus 3 it was yelling at me that I need winpcap and NP cap so I'm going to since all of these things are installed and I just want these two to make sure that they are installed let me click Next and just install those things and then let's see what happens all right that completed hit next no I don't want it all right let's start Eunice 3 again come on third time's a charm actually I don't even know how many times this was if I have these problems I'm sure you guys are having these issues as well I actually installed this earlier on my laptop and actually had zero problems but now I'm doing it on my other machine this is like my desktop machine and it's having issues so let's find out what the problem is ok so here it is next let's try this again come on good alright so all I had to do was just a restart reinstall in pcap and then win pcap or win cap whatever it was okay so now this is where we are actually going to be using that gns3 vm that we installed earlier so right now gns3 is trying to find it so it may take a little while and it should pop up under vm name right here so hopefully it won't take much longer alright so that took about a good minute under the vm names you just click this drop down menu and then it will show you all the VMS that you have if you don't have it or you just added it at this screen hit refresh and it should be there now this is where you tell genus 3 how many CPU cores you're gonna have and what's the RAM size so I want it to have 4096 if you downloaded the VirtualBox one then you would click this VirtualBox button but I did the VMware and it's recommended so that's what I'm using go and click Next click finish and then now we should be good to go now every time you start gns3 and you have the gns3 vm every time you boot up the genus 3 vm is gonna boot up automatically so let it do its thing and then we'll yeah then you can start creating your topologies so my computers are really slow I should think about upgrading but once this is all booted I'll bring you back okay so now I have gns3 up and then I have the genus 3vm notice here there's an IP for this VM there is actually a username and a password that is key when we make our license file for our IOU images so now that I have genus 3 up what we're gonna do is we're gonna import appliance now where do you get these appliances you actually go to the gns3 website and download the io u l2 and io UL 3 images let me pull that list of that link so you go to genus 3 marketplace and then you could google it to actually genus 3 marketplace go to appliances and then choose the IOU l3 in the i/o UL 2 appliance so I owe you l2 go ahead and click download it's a small image but I already have it there and that's the direct link to it but if I go to genus 3 that's all I'm doing it's a genus 3 a file go and click open and then it'll say oh you're trying to add an appliance cool you can only run it in the genus 3 vm click Next now it's going to search your directories to find these certain versions ok if you want to have a newer version going click create a new version and then apply that filename but you can see here it's looking for this l2 15.2 Delta file it's a hundred point two mega bytes big said it was found it's because I have it right there it's in this genus 3 folder that I have if you want to get this copy this whole entire file name put it into Google and then download it okay so now that it's there and click Next would you like to install the io UL - yes I would click Next and then now it is going to upload it we're gonna do the same thing for the layer 3 iou image ok click Next and then you'll see that the the appliance is now installed and it should be in the switching area change it to installed appliances and then there it is if we were to drag this out and try to start it we're gonna get an error says license section not found that is what we are going to generate but first let me do the i/o UL 3 image we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna go to import appliance go back to our genus 3 this is the IUL 3 in appliance go ahead and click that and then it's going to search my directors again it's looking for this one 55 - 2 t dot bin file which is this file right here again google this click next install it and then this is the fun part where we're actually going to generate our IOU license okay so if I go to our router you can see that it's there the image bin is missing you know you just configure template browse open it was just uploading I don't underst I will understand why it's missing let's see if that happens all right there you go for some reason it didn't take but a simple reading it fixed it okay so we can create it but again if I turn this on it's gonna say oh you're missing a license file all right so now the fun part in my little links page are my little links that I have this is where you're gonna get the Python key generator okay take a picture of this and then put it into your web browser okay now when you get to this page download it as a zip file okay once you download it it's gonna be a TDD something something something I already downloaded it it's right here okay double click it unzip it and then it's gonna be this Cisco key gen dot Pi file all right so I already unzipped it it is right there now what we have to do is we need to transfer it into the gns3 VM run it and then it's gonna spit out a license file so to do that we need winscp okay go ahead and download win SCP and then install it now when you install this just do typical installation to the commander interface and let it install then it says you have stored sessions in site in your putti client do you want to import them no no we don't okay please read a message from our sponsor okay next launch it open getting started page okay finish okay so now this is where we want to log in to our gns3 VM and the hostname is going to be this IP address 192 168 - 2 . 128 and then user name is gns3 password is gns3 so let's move that over 1 9 2 1 6 8 2 2 2 128 gns3 gns3 login since we're using a state just like hey what about this key just say yes and then BAM now we are in the gns3 folder so now what we need to do is we need to move that Python script that key Jen into a certain folder on the gns3 VM so we need to go to opt genus 3 images IOU and then move it over now all we do is we just click and drag click OK and then BAM there it is ok so now we need to go into the gns3 vm and we need to execute that python script all right so now we need to get into the genus 3 p.m. if it if it sleeps just go ahead and hit the enter button then we are gonna go into she'll go to shell and we need to navigate to the folder of this right here ok of opt and gns3 images and now you sew it in the genus to reap and we'll say CD opt tab it out gns3 images io you hit enter then we need to run this python script and in there we need to say sudo python 3 to run Python 3 and then the key gen file so we'll say Python three space Cisco and then tap it out hit enter boom now it's running now it just created its own license file and what we care about is this I'll write it out over here we need this thing that says license and then underneath it it's a gns3 VM space equals and then you could write this down or I think it spit out a text file but if not you can create it yourself so I am creating it myself so what you actually need is you need this let's create a new one paste it and it needs to be in the format of i/o URC and it's in a text file hit save and then BAM that's all we need but if we look in the winscp if we hit refresh okay it could have spit it out there but it didn't but I put it over here in my gns3 stuff folder now what we do with this is we go back into genus 3 with that IOU RC file going to preferences and then go into IOU on iOS on UNIX hit browse and then search for that source file the IO u RC dot txt file hit open puts it in there click OK click OK and now let's start I only not ending with oh I needed to : I missed the : so let me go back in there I like how it told me what was wrong just go ahead and click that and then start it and then BAM there you go so there are our IOU images okay so let me recap some things here you need to have all of these files you don't need these these too but you need the winscp you can google that you need the python script which is on that github page you need these IOU images so go ahead and google that you need gns3 updated to the latest version you need genus 3vm get that to its latest version install it and then combine it all together at the end okay this may have been a long video but I was troubleshooting with you and I was taking you step by step on how to do this so I hope this was informative for you and I'd like to thank you for viewing
Channel: CCNP Seth
Views: 15,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gns3, gns3 vm, vm, cisco, IOU, L2, CCNA, CCNP, CCENT, CCIE, Windows
Id: N70G0LgulbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 24 2018
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