How to configure and Integrate GNS3 VM, VIRL, etc. with Physical Network integration on ESXi

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hey what's going on YouTube and welcome to this video on configuring the virtual appliances of gns3 and fiscal viral and ESXi 6.0 now just to get our bearings this is a continuation of a previous video I posted a few weeks on how to set up ESXi 6.0 or six decks for home lab use from scratch for fiscal viral gns3 etc and last week when I try to record this video I ended up finding there's a issue with the physical server so even though the viral installation from before is functional now I wasn't able to get DNS 3 installed on that so this is attempt number three and I've got a new server that we'll be using and so just as a review if you want to see it installed 100% from scratch check out the other video otherwise we're just going to pick up here where we have a baseline install I'm just going to do some basic configurations to prep it and then we're going to go ahead and install gns3 get it all configured for topology use and integrate it with a real Network environment just like we did with viral so we can have some cross-platform interconnections so to begin again we have our viral topology and we went through let say I want council we want on our configuration under networking we had set up these different interfaces and we're using one knit card so instead of having everything all on this server I'm essentially going to do the same thing to this one so first let's take a look at the switch that it's plugged into I'll bring up the switch here we'll login this is on 422 so currently right now we can see it set up as a access port just a regular switch port but what we're going to want to do is actually make this a trunk port so we'll go in here to the interface and as you can see here this was my study lab 1 and this one is study lab 2 so I can just give it a description of Seve lab 2 server something like that and then switch port mode trunk apparently so 3750 apparently it supports ISL most new switches don't have that at all so in this case we have to specifically tell it to use that one cube for chunking so I will say switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q and now we can say switch port mode trunk and I'm going to say spanning-tree portfast trunk and if we wanted to we can also restrict the VLANs that we're going to be using so if we do a new show VLAN oh for sure we're going to use the only and 200 201 and it's using one right now for the management so we could say switch port trunk allows VLAN 1 200 and 201 I help if we type in VLAN all right so I think that's all so the only other thing I'm gonna do here is since we're going to be using the layer two iou image which emulates a layer 2 switch well layer 3 switch technically multi-layer switch sometimes there's issues if it sees B PDUs so I am going to put in here a spanning tree bpdu filter enable to prevent some of the issues with that so that looks so now I believe we have everything that we need from the switch foundation level so now we'll just go in here and go to our configuration one thing I didn't do in the previous video that I thought maybe would be good to add is to set the time configuration because one thing that can be kind of annoying is even though when you boot up your house you set up MTP and all that when you initially boot it a lot of times it will pull the date and time from here so it's not a bad idea just to go ahead and set up your NTP and date and time on here ahead of time just so that whenever you boot up or add a new image it's going to have the right date and time right when it boots up so I'm going to say start date time was host and NTP settings I'm just going to add NTP server here and we'll say okay and it's actually thirty-six okay so now that we have our time configured we'll go back over to our networking and go to properties and in this case we're just going to be adding the additional VLANs for the virtual switch again as a reminder from the previous video we were talking about this is a virtual switch and we can add additional virtual switches and use other interfaces or make it silos but in this case we're just going to use this one and I'm going to choose add and then the first one will say this is going to be the flat network which was VLAN 200 and we're going to add another one flat one and that was schema and tool one all right and we close that so now we have our network interfaces now we're ready to go now before I add gns3 let's just check to make sure that viral is still up and ready to go that was a the 204 yeah didn't change all right so here we have our viral server and what I've already done when I try to make this video last week is I downloaded the VM maestro so that when we load it you have a desktop icon it makes it smaller and so when you load it here you can see down here doing a server information check and actually come to think of it because I recorded this video last week and ended up scrapping it because of all the technical issues with my server one thing that I did do is when you first load this is go to preferences and node subtypes and choose this set Oaks that's the screen here go down and choose the stitch from server and then this will pull down all the stuff you need and as you see here when you click on this guest icon you want to make sure all these are green for when you get this set up and it's in simulation rule mode right now so I'm going to just click over here on design and then this is where we can actually start building our topologies again this is from the previous video that never actually came to be so I'll redo this here in a little bit and we will get more into that so first let's get the foundation for gns3 and now that we're back on the server and we have our network interfaces configured I'm going to say file and deploy OVF template and browse and we'll go to my downloads now in the previous recording last week that end up scrapping I try downloading both versions just to see if there be a difference than there wasn't since currently the free labs beta for genus 3 is on 152 I'll go ahead and install this one because then I can show you for those of you that are following along you're going to see how to do this on your home or if you don't have the resources let me show you how you can easily integrate this then with the free lab beta if you just want to play around with it so we're going to click on this and click on the genus 3 OVA template and we're going to choose next and next again and we can just call this gns3 this format we'll use thick provisioning and for the main host we're I'm just gonna keep this on the standard VM network which has DHCP on it and finish now before this is going to upload and that's doing that if you go over to gns3 comm obviously this is where you download it and 1 5 3 is the current and what I did was I went to when you click on download choose this download the genus 3vm and you can choose the VMware ESXi oh I'd actually just threw it into my download queue so that's new usually it would take you straight to github and then you would download it so this they must have added this within the last week since last week so that's kind of cool makes it easier so yeah pretty pretty straightforward and simple there and then also on initially when I set up the free lab beta and I was talking about I couldn't get the iOS XR working but it worked on 144 I found that is because they have these appliances to go to the marketplace here click on appliances this is going to have all the stuff that you need and essentially you just manually install it now I haven't done it yet but we'll do it here to see how well that works all right so now that the gns is complete the OVA has been deployed I'm actually do a few edits first first thing I'm going to do is edit the network interfaces because we want to add a couple more now and we'll call these let's see yeah so to make these a 1000 and first one is going to be flat and the second one is going to be flat one all right so these are set to be connected at power on I'll get there and then we can also increase our CPUs and memory to whatever you want let's say or whatever your system can support and if you need to do Hardware reservations so instead of being dynamic and get the guaranteed CPU or memory this is where you do that under resources but I'm just going to leave it as first-come first-serve and we'll hit OK now we're not done just yet because watch what happens when we try to open or run this as is we hit the play button see right here at KVM support available false that's not good because you definitely need that and it's going to ask you to disable it because it's an QM you will VM will crash you want to disable and get lower performance I'm going to say no for now and shut down the VM because we'll will fix that here all right so now that that shut down we'll need to manually edit this and to do that we are going to go back over to our main ESXi configuration and choose security profile and under services we are going to temporarily enable SSH so I'll hit start now I will open a putty session I can find it there we go and we are just going to SSH to the IP address 10 10 10 11 in this case yes and login with your administrative credentials and it's root all right and hopefully let's see let me see if I can [Music] make it bigger for you guys let's look in this and some post zooming post editing you can see this but you can see here we've got our file system so we want to change directory to the VMFS not devices volumes and then data store and you can see we have our gns3 directory so switch there and here's our gns3 files we are going to edit use VI and the gns3 DMX and then somewhere in here usually I put it near where the CPU information is but for example somewhere in here I'll press if you haven't used VI before you press I to insert and then you can start typing and I'm going to say vh v dot enable equals true then I'm hit excape and then colon and wq2 right and quit that's pretty much it so I can exit out of here and I can stop the service and hit OK and ok now I am just going to remove this from inventory for a moment so that we can then import it back in with those settings that we just made so we're going to browse the data store go gns3 right click on our vmx file and choose add to inventory next next finish and that's it and close that now we look here everything's still the same good to go now we can go ahead and power little open console and power this on and we should no longer get that warning should say KVM is enabled all right so now you can see UK VMs available true and then here is the IP address it's two one two and you have your SSH dns three information images and projects are located under opt and gns3 so I use winscp to modify this because one of things that won't have to do is upload the images that we're going to use so from here we can actually go to the shell and X typing PWD get a bearings on where your home directory is this is actually if you're using the IOU this is where you're going to put your license file as well so so if you do a google search on the cisco iou key gen bat pi it's a Python script that you can actually generate the key it's pretty much based on your host name so if you don't change those name from gns3 it probably will work but if you want to change your host name for whatever reason and have your own custom key that's what you use I think there's a gray area and legality with that so like I said just google it in that regard yeah I'm not 1% I paid Cisco for a 30 node subscription every year so and it's essentially everything in viral with the iou is essentially what it is so maybe that's just me justifying but you know but at any rate that's where you're where you can get it and what you can do is they'll generate the file for you and let's see I can't copy paste in here very well or at all I should say so I'm going to edit this file or create a file I should say IOU RC - for you RC there we go um it has nano so I guess I can do it there usually it's the other way around most it's good to know VI because pretty much any UNIX based system you get into will have VI and not nano but in this case it's the other way around there's nano but no VI so let's see we'll say license and gns3 VM that's going to be your hostname and then see some 1 3 6 3 v FD 3 B 3 a 1 3 a d0 oh my number lock was off so now if we do LS lah there's our I owe you our C file and then you want to make that executable so all right so now it's green you see read/write for everybody and then the images are under opt gns3 images well solicit e so we can say make their images alright then CT images and then this is where we create the sub directories of iOS IOU and QEMU alright so we got our sub directories there now I want to do is use winscp to connect and I'm a changes to SCP and then ssh to the 10-10-10 for guys i am on call this week i got to grab this so I'll be right back alright I'm back so see where was I so we are alright so we are the 10 10 10 - 1 2 - 1 2 and it's gns3 gns3 by default so hit login yes now we're in the home directory here and where we want to go is to the opt gns3 images and under iOS we will go to if I go to my downloads so I've got these two images here so I'm the copy these over it ok alright I'm going to do the same for IO you grab these two images copy these over and it doesn't look like I downloaded the let's see let me check my network once again alright so here's some we could use the test these are actually from last year I get a I know I've got some newer ones somewhere just got to find them but for this purpose we'll just go ahead and upload this for now and while that is uploading let's go back to our downloads and we will go to the TNS 1 5 2 all-in-one installer so that we can install gns3 on this machine now keep in mind we're going to be using this remotely if you want to you could install it locally but I'm going to use this hundred percent remote it's also how the free lab beta works if you want to use wind pcap for oh that reminds me - what we have to do is well let me finish my cut what I was going to say is that to be in promiscuous mode so normally when you know layer queue packets or frames come in and the Mac is not destined for it it will discard it winpcap essentially allows that process to ignore that process so you can see all the layer 2 frames that are broadcasted out in Wireshark so you can you know see what's going on the wire so on this machine I'm actually not going to do it because this is my actually my gaming PC but all I really need is the gns3 and I'll use super putty for visual not going to install anything else and just go ahead and install this and again you can install whatever you want and say no I'm not going to start doing a 3 just yet because there's still a few things we have to do so I'll uncheck that and hit finish alright now let's go back to our console here and what we want to do is make these the iOS I owe you and QEMU images executable as well so go see the iOS and we could th mod 7m7 star dot image now if we look now these are all executable and we just do the same for these so then I guess you just you start out start to whatever whatever works for you and alright and then we'll just wait once this finishes well I guess it's almost done all right so now that it's finished uploading now we can do the same thing and there we go so now I think I think we are done with gns3 from the baseline config so we can exit out of here and close this and we can disconnect from here and hit OK all right so now we have our gns3 and viral running so I am going to now load up gns3 by default it's going to try to use the local server and we're not going to do that and I'm going to choose this don't show again and cancel the setup wizard and I will cancel this as well for now and now we're going to go to preferences and under server I'm going to uncheck I'm not going to use the local server and I'm not going to use a TNS 3vm server but I will use the remote server and I should say I'm just showing you this for demonstration purposes but what you may want to do is change the on the gns3 vm appliance change the IP to a static IP instead of being DHCP but in this case I am going to use 10 10 10 - 1 - and not require authentication ok apply and we'll set up our iOS routers so if we say new we're going to say run on the remote computer and you see it now has the server we selected and you'll see the two images that we uploaded so we'll start with this one this is the m11 through series so say this is M 11 and you can change the default amount of RAM and what interfaces that you want to have so if you want to add some gig interfaces for example maybe some T ones well probably not now but for old times sake and then of course use the idle PC finder this will launch the spin up of the image remotely and look for the idol PC value and it should find one all right so here it found the image we'll hit OK and finish and then we will add new again going on remote computer and we'll choose this is the s for image the same thing here you can just choose what kind of interfaces you want idle PC finder alright now we have our value hit okay and finish and then for the IO you say new run IOU on remote computer and so we got the l2 image in the l3 image so l2 will just call something like that and finish pretty simple and then we'll do the same thing for the layer three image and call this iOS router 15 6 3 4 - oops no 15 550 all right so now we got those now for these [Music] there's another step I need to do first normally on the version one for you would do that but now you have to import appliance and we are using the Cisco IOS are here this is my first time doing this by the way I just read about last week router images ok remote computer history to my parents is ok you can continue ok so this is the one I have okay see so the following versions are variable firo xrv check the status of the foot of the files required to install alright so it wants a specific file let's see which one with the one we uploaded all right well if you guys have a Cisco account you can go to I go to the viral media scorp calm and click on the download viral link and there should be the iOS XR and this fan we can use iOS XR 601 or 600 so here's 600 I'll here's 601 right here so we could actually download both I guess if we wanted to so we can download this one and this one alright so we got the 600 and 601 I'm gonna open up one SCP again I guess you plan on logging into it more often you would want to save it so oh 10 10 10 - 1 - gene is 3 ps3 save all right well again then we are going to go to actually it's op gns3 images qm you and i we can actually delete this one because we're not going to use that after all and this is downloading slow alright so while this is downloading let's switch gears for a moment and go over to cisco viral and let me close this and just create a new topology just give a name dot viral and by default you can have a management network and I could have a whole section just I mean there's a lot to viral and all the different things you can do I guess what I'm going to do is set it up similar to how we're going to set up gns3 so I'm going to say a shared flat network but under extensions I'm going to change this to flat one and I'll tell you why in a minute third when we get there so essentially anything that I put in here is going to have a management of the shared flat network I don't know why that keeps changing let me save flat flat one hmm kinda weird so let's see so what I'm going to do is let's put in a an iOS router yeah nx-os throw in the a sa and then I throw in a flat Network this should be just flat let's all right so on the back end okay that's what we want to see where you're on the main plane here say flat one and this guy here flat again I'm just showing one of many ways to do this I'll have separate videos on viral if you guys want this is just going to be a quick just to show you how it works type thing now we can interconnect these so I'm gonna add the layer 2 switch in there and we can just connect these up unlike this [Music] we can call this one viral r1 when X OS and buy a roll yes a reason I'm doing that is and we could say viral switch reason I'm doing that just so when we look at CDP neighbors and different things we can distinguish the different environments [Music] that should be entry no I'm not using the s net I use l2 flat so so let's see alright so now that our files are downloaded let's go back here and upload these and again I cannot give out these images however I do have the gns3 free lab available that I have these on so if you want to use these remotely you can connect just go to Wojtek info under just on the main page here we get the collaboration and the gns3 routing just use the gns3 routing and i have the information how to connect and essentially you're just going to use this here the genus 3 that free lab dat local LAN port 30 80 just like I always set up but instead of it being on your local machine it's going to be using my server so you still can get hands-on with this even though I can't give you the image while that's uploading let me just start this let's see if thumb it barks at me it may not behave as expected all right Oh huh interesting I think I've done that before I want this one the iowa's vl2 not I will help you let's try was barking at me so I'm going to say shouldn't be any errors so let's see make sure the flat one and this is value flat okay start this up as valid validation warnings on the launch it anyway for now this is the newer version and we want to switch we'll say yes and our upload just finished so now actually we got to go and make those executable again alright looks good let's go back and try again alright ready to install ready install hit next yes okay so [Music] there's that one thought I was going to install both like I have never tried this before and I could look at the instructions - okay that could always help but let's go ahead and build the topology here some add a couple of the iOS X ours and I'll put in come some of the io u--'s put one of each so we'll call this one r2 - I'll owe you this would distinguish it and then for our switches we can put in our put in a couple switches here and here we're going to put in our cloud and we run this on the remote server and if we configure this we are going to want to add the East one each one is going to be that flat and e2 is going to be the flat one so in theory we could add both of them if we wanted to but in this case I'm just going to have this connect to the flat network on each one and we'll put it on each 0 0 on the l2 switch and we can just connect the l2 switch to different interfaces here actually - like this we'll just get these connected and put on management alright I should change one will add another connection there all right number one for management all right so from a proof-of-concept standpoint I think this should be good we'll just call this a u-tube test and it's go ahead power this one up to you all right now up into this point everything you've seen it was recorded last night however I came across the GM s3 bug in the process of making this video and while I was editing and the 30 minutes of troubleshooting to end up just being a gns3 bug kind of took away from the flow of people that are trying to follow along or what have you so I'm just going to continue from here insert this new video to pick up where this one left off and then the troubleshooting stuff I'll add at the very end as an option for those of you that are interested in that piece so at any rate we have this now powered up and one thing that was in the previous video that is probably cut out right now was earlier in the video I was I forgot to go back to it but one of the configuration changes that I did was on the flat networks we go to edit here and security we want it to the default is reject for promiscuous mode and so we want to check the check this box and choose accept to override the default this will allow the MAC addresses that aren't destined for the actual ESXi server to pass through so I just did that for both flat and flat one even though in this video we're not really using flat one to action though I didn't say this is the default we're not using flat one in this video but this is all I did was change it from reject to accept and okay alright so now that we have that let's go ahead and double click on login through the console to our i/o you too and if we want we can say host name let's say switch switch - and if you look at we'll just look at one of these interfaces here you can see by default all of the interfaces are set up as routed interfaces so like I said what we're going to do is change these all to switch ports so you can see what we'll do is say go to config T say int range each 0 0 - 3 e 1 0 - 3 e - 0 - 0 - 3 + e 3 0 2 3 and 4 these will just say we'll say switch port to make them all switch ports and will say spanning-tree portfast showing status [Music] and we'll do the same for switch one hand let's log in here and actually so can take T hits up there oh and just copy this paste that in there say switch port and spanning-tree portfast now you can see a chunk is formed here and by default it's an ISL so show in trunk so you can see there's ISL chunk created we can leave it that way for now and you can change it to a toe 2.1 q if you want but for this example let's make all the gns3 devices so we have this is this was our physical hardware emulation so it's using the actual software for the hardware so it sees it as a 70 to 100 router or semi 206 VXR router so on this one let's give these four the fourth octet we'll give them starting with like in the tens and then viral 20s and then we can add the csrs at the end and we'll use those in the 30s to make them all interconnect so again if we look at our interface here fastethernet 0/0 is going to the switch so let's give this I P address of 172 16 0 11 normal shut and we'll set a default route - I remember if I showed this or not but I'm on my home router if we log in show run in VLAN 200 which was our flat view in so this one here I have it set up as 132 1601 so we can set a default route here as well and also actually on the switches let's turn on VLAN one give them IP use as well as a in view n1 and we'll do the same here and on these let's also set the the default gateway to 172 1601 and do it here too that so back to router one here let's see all right so now we can actually ping the default gateway which would mean then if I pull up well we can actually get out of here clear this let's let's set up quell net here so go config T line vty 0 4 and we'll say the privilege level for these are 15 no login transport input telnet and so now if we telnet to once 92160 11 now we're in router 1 and you can see this is the 7200 so we're going from my PC through my real switch and into this server through gns3 likewise with the iOS X R we can go ahead and configure that these are a little bit different in that for one that has a default username of Cisco and Cisco when you first log in so it will go config T and this time we're going to say telnet ipv4 server and 2 max servers v and then we need to send time on a different subnet just like we did on the iOS router we need to give a default gateway so let's say a router or static and address family ipv4 ipv4 unicast and we'll set our default route to once or to 1601 and get back to the main config and commit that and then on our well and actually I should have configured the interface so - so we're we can use management or get 0/0 on they use the management interface here so int management zero and then we'll give it I P address 122 16 0 so we use two three so how about four and end or commit and and now we go in exit out of here now let's see if we can get to I should have given it like 12 I was thinking the switches but you get the idea so I'll just put in four here okay Taemin out yeah because we got to turn up at the interface III all right no now try that again hit up Pharaoh all right and then Sisko all right so now I'm in there so all good there so you kind of get the idea so it's basically coming in through this cloud interface going up through the layer 2 switches or multi-layer switches but just using l2 and yeah so you basically configure these however you want and usually you would configure it within this environment but the whole purpose of this videos is to show how you can take these different environments and integrate them with real either a networked lab or just your home network for management out whatever you want to do as a matter of fact we could even integrate it I use OSPF on my internal network and we could even add OSPF if we wanted to but actually I'm going to go to some of the viral stuff first but that's kind of the idea and those of you that are doing CCNA one of the nice things with this weather using viral or gns3 if you're using these multi-layer switches for example if I bring these up you can practice layer 2 stuff one one thing that I had just mentioned was that it said it was the trunk that negotiated was ISL but what you can also do is like you will get the V TP status and show VLAN there's just one here but for example I could do this you say VLAN 20 and 30 something like that so then you can see a show VLAN you've got you nine twenty thirty days I can show VTP status you can see these are still independent still has that but if we say say like BGP version 2 and VTP domain call it the next night nine for example now if you look over here show VTP says it's learned VTP and shows view in now you've got the VLAN 20 and 30 over here so it's just kind of handy because you can do a lot of layer 2 stuff spanning tree was a big one which will be at the end for troubleshooting I was using spanning tree for a lot of the troubleshooting Windows a problem with that DNS 3 bug and testing layer 2 this is one of the things I was doing as well so just so you know that that is there so now let's go over to our Viral and likewise here let's see let's go to our the set up on these are a little different these ones you have to click over it click and gns3 you double click to console this one you have to find them over here and right click on them to telnet to the console port and you can set these up to actually use your external whether it's putty or secure CRT let's see here and this one is a we look by default the layer 2 switch is set up as a switchboard automatically so we don't have to make any changes there let's go and configure router 1 here let's see I just told you that and I'm still double clicking on it so right click over here tell it to its console port let's say no we don't want to enter the initial configuration dialog all right and once we're and we can see our interfaces this is te 0 1 so go to G 0 1 give the IP address of 172 16 at 0 that 21 and then we will also give it a static row if you only have logging synchronous enabled you can just press control L and that'll refresh the page log in synchronous essentially does that automatically for you but I haven't set that up yet so control hell kind of makes it cleaner when you'll get status messages as you're typing so one point to 1601 let's see let's just pain 1 7 to 1601 we can do that so then we'll do the same thing here Miami to I 0 4 and privilege level 15 no login and transport input telnet I just do that in lab environments just because it's convenient to be able to log in without having be prompted so so here now you can see we're in the iOS v from viral from my regular home network likewise from here we could even do a telnet 120 to 16-0 11 second type and see now we're in the gns3 so I'm on my home PC going through my real switch to one server with gns3 or I should say viral then out from Matt virtual instance within viral back you might switch to the other server that's run in gns3 and back to me so kind of cool exit out of there and again likewise we can do the same thing for nx-os now X OS does not support multiple VDCs or layer two or Zacks stuff but for layer three it's it's good to get practice and admin admin is the default I believe the admin admin yep then on this one let's see we are on shows here looks like east to one so these two one give it I P address will say I 1.2 16 0 22 and shut give the IP route think you can do flash notation on here and then we need to say feature telnet so let's see now bring up my home device again this was on 21 was it 22 and our admin admin already messed it up admin admin alright so now you see we're on the nx-os and good to go and likewise we can do the a SA so I think this is kind of main concept that I want to show you how tabs it's all integrated all meshed initially like I say I was going to do this just on have all this on one server and the end result was the same because I was having server issues I have gns3 on one server and viral on another but as you can see it still works and integrates all in one even with the real hardware set up this way so the last thing we'll do is the other mix to the puzzle is for the CSR 1000 bees that run as standalone instances in ESXi so again we can deploy OVF file and I'm going to choose the CSR 1000 V and I'm actually going to show you to two things one what we'll call this one CSR o one and this is going to be on the server that viral is on and for the network interface I'm going to choose flat here so it's going to deploy here now I'm going to do something a little bit different on this one will on our network configuration here I'm actually going to add a new one and I'm gonna call this trunk save that there and we're also going to deploy the OVF here as well and this time I'm going to choose trunk here okay so then I'm going to open the console here and power it up and these will take a minute to boot so I will pause while these install alright so one of them is already here so I'm just going to say no for the initial configuration dialogue alright and and you can see here on this one that there's this crash and it reboots this always happens the first time I install it when I set the IME CCIE vive CCIE version 5 lab all with the CSR 1000 bees every install after you get the dialog it crashes reboots and then it's fine so this is a FYI alright so here we are after the second boot after the crash so try the scan and say no and at this point we should be able to start doing our configuration so we look at our interfaces we have gig 1 2 & 0 so 0 1 & 2 essentially and if we go to edit settings we can see these are all set up for the flat network so if we were to go to config T and we'll just say g0 IP address 172 16 0 obj 30s so 31 and give it a static route oops cab turn on number lock here so I'll hit my ctrl L again and strike it out all right so by default looks like you have a VRS and it's on Ethernet 0 so let's just do no eres board in MGMT ints so we'll just kill the vrf all together no from that top level no VRS definition and VMT ints why I could have sworn I've removed that before it's been a while so let's just do this of sig T I'm already in convicting so mg 0 no IP address and int G 1 an IP address 122 16-0 31 shut there you go alright so [Music] [Music] CSR some like that so now again bring up my regular desktop tell Matt to 172 16-0 31 now we go now we have our iOS XC and if we go to our second one now remember I set this up as a trunk right so question if we go to g1 and put in IP address until you to 1602 now shut and so you can already tell there's different behavior right all right talk about nameservers words are getting that from close these broadcasts and see the 10 10 10 so this is kind of a it's already cheating a little bit I was going to ask you if this would work as is I think you probably have an idea that it won't so here we have our interface and if we try to ping 1 7 q 1601 it's going to fail why because we have our virtual switch right and the default made of VLAN is 1 with this one when by specifying the flat network we are telling the virtual switch in the configuration here if you're part of flat one I'm going to tag it with VLAN 200 but when we set a trunk that's all the ports so what we would have to do in this case is go see if we go edit here you can see that these are all all the interfaces are set up this trunk so what we would do is go to int g1 and IP address and say int G 1 dot 200 well the number this number is arbitrary but usually best practice is to make your sub interface number the same as the VLAN so in Cate encapsulation dot1q 200 and then give it IP address 172 16 0 32 and so now as you can see we can ping and see hostname will say c CS r r2 and this one doesn't take flash notation so no big deal and so again go back here we'll exit out of here and now go into our 32 and yeah so let's see this works that alright so there you go now one last final thing for the GN s close these out one last thing for those of you using gns3 but don't have the images or whatever the case may be if you want to use something like this with the free lab I'm going to stop these so like I say I'm going to try to keep this out online as much as possible but again I got to kind of watch the power bill but for the time being it's I'll post on here if it's not going to be online but essentially all you have to do is take this here connect to the VPN the split tunnel VPN and then all you're going to do is the same steps that we did before except for server and remote servers because this remote server is technically if you have your own ESXi and it's still in the same physical location the way that I have the free lab beta is once you're on the VPN it's as if you're on the same network oops I accidentally copied that so but basically just put in gns3 the free lab that local and keep everything the same hit OK and ok now actually the only thing then too is you need to add the devices again so even though you have we've added like these routers here these are for your own ESXi if you are following along for the free lab you're just going to do the same process a new Oh X and actually I need to connect to some on my DSL modem need a cable modem and I need to connect into the DSL modem so I'm just going to use any connect to connect to connect anyway and I keep the username posted on here I change it every once in a while but so free user paste in the password connect anyway now I'm gonna say run on the remote computer and I'm going to choose the DNS free lab that local and you can see we you still have the same images so I can select I can choose this one and name it say em free lab and just like we did before set the interfaces the defaults you want you can always modify these later of course and you use the same idle PC right ok finish next and likewise do that for the rest all right so and then same with the IOU and we get to say L to switch free lab pretty simple and and within the next day or two I will add those other images I have to edit this and then go to bed I won't be on call next week so I'll have more time to tinker but you'll do the same thing you'll download those oops not that you will do the import appliance that you downloaded use the iOS XR and you'll choose the genus three and oh I guess I already have them on there I didn't realize I had uploaded those so yeah so you're actually ready to go so we give a new this one free lab all right so so now when you go look at your routers so now if you build a new topology or what have you these are going to be your ESXi and then the ones I labeled free lab are ones that you're in use if you're on the VPN for example and if you have the IME workbook and our subscriber to them I did put the one of the full scale labs that you can download I actually already downloaded this on the yesterday on the video I had to edit out but you can just download that and when you load this you can see it has everything in there for you and as long as you have that DNS three issues still hit play and it'll start all the nodes as you can see here and when you double-click on these these will boot into the bassline configs with the dmvpn and you can you know go to town with your config so I believe that's all for this video again I will add to the end some of the troubleshooting from yesterday when those the gns3 bug and yeah so I hope this has helped you with getting your lab set up and you know if you have any questions let me know but as always thanks for watching and I will see you guys in the next video Oh on the real switch seen that MAC address let me see you where I forgot was go over here to network settings these and I'm actually going to do it on the main network configuration here over to networking properties flats edits and under security here promiscuous mode we want to accept so let's see yep see now I can thing okay flat network and then back in through here to this device like say there's something going on here I'm not sure offhand what it is but basically you get the idea so what I end up doing is on another machine is I just set up another topology and used Wireshark between the links because I was able to reproduce this issue with a different topology so I could see that our messages were not getting reply however layer 2 messaging seemed to be working just fine so VTP and DTP in CDP was working between the up links but not layer 3 so here I was just testing some of the creating VLANs and looking at the game line messaging or vtp messaging I should say and eventually when I was playing around with the spanning-tree settings enabling and disabling bpu filters whatnot even though it was negotiated his trunk ports it started getting these bp2 bpdu inconsistent errors and shut down the port so I eventually just went ahead and did a soft reboot of gns3 and all issues cleared up
Channel: wmx99
Views: 10,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cisco virl, vmware, esxi, home lab, ccnp, ccna, ccie, configuration, virtualization, gns3, hardware integration, networking, routing, ova templates, study, ios-xr, csr1000v
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 22sec (5002 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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