How to install Windows 11 LTSC Made for Old Computers

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Hello friends welcome on this video Daniel is here  from tips to fix and today in this video tutorial   I'm going to show you something cool Windows  11 ltsc this is the moment that we was waiting   for on Windows 11 for Old Computers officially  Windows 11 eot Enterprise ltsc is the version for   these old laptops guys so as you know now I have  here my old laptop we don't need to bypass any   requirements okay so this version of Windows not  require TPM 2.0 and do not require new processor   but it will support all processor I'm going  to show you exactly what I mean and what's the   minimum also Windows 1124 H2 uh will be released  on October I mean about a stable version preview   version is on the installator program and I did  another video tutorial for that how to install   just click and see today I'm going to show you  how to install this Windows 11 l TSC evaluation   copy is official is online by Microsoft we have  to go on their website to download the software   directly from Microsoft website Microsoft released  this for testing let's go ahead and let's see the   system requirements so here it is please select  your windows 11 iot Enterprise LTSC download so   so we have here two isoy this 64bit processor  AMD Edition or AMD Edition so we have both the   and here it is the ISO file Windows 11 iot  Enterprise ltsc 2024 evaluation copy this is   released in 22 May so a week before okay so and  another version of this uh Windows 11 Enterprise   is armm 64bit and this is for mobile processors  so you can use this for M2 if you are a MacBook   Pro you can use this version for testing  and I did another video tutorial for this   how to install Windows 11 on M2 M1 M2 or M3 Apple  processors then see the other video tutorial that   they did for this topic download this version and  try out and let me know write me in comments if   you are on Mac okay so another thing prequests  this is very important before you install this   copy is evaluation guys it's not a stable version  yet and this is for testing purpose this is the   reason why Microsoft posted this for us to do  testing and see how it works okay do not attempt   to upgrade a preview version of Windows with a  with this software because you can't go back if   you decide that you want to install Windows 11  Enterprise ltsc using this ISO file you won't   be able to uninstall it guys there will not be  an option to go back okay so after you install   Windows 11 iot Enterprise evaluation copy you  won't be able to use the recovery partition   clean installing for your former operation system  will be required so if you wanted to give it a try   and you wanted to use it you wanted to see it and  test it and everything I suggest you back up your   system back up your data back up your hard drive  this is the reason why I did this video tutorial   that before you install for yourself see it  to me okay see it here okay I'm doing a clean   install today now let me show you the minimum  requirements this is very important guys look at   this guys minimum system requirements for Windows  iot Enterprise preferred minimum requirements   optimal minimum requirements here it is Windows  11 ltsc it's coming later this year that's great   news guys look now optional minimum requirement  1 GHz processor two cores 2 GB Ram all of these   uh drives TPM optional look secure build optional  you can keep it off TPM you can keep 1.2 or you   can keep 1.0 whatever optional dtic dtic 10 that's  great so custom size optional but wait a second   let me show you something this was for ltsc but  what about Windows 11 non ltsc okay 23 H2 is the   moment that we are right now the stable version  but what to expect this October or September   24 H2 or later optional look at this now hey guys  Windows 11 24 H2 minimum requirements TPM will be   optional secure bot will be optional and minimum  minimum memory will be 4 GB RAM and minimum   processor is 1 GHz and two cores this is great and  Di is 10.0 so I'm going to install this Windows 11   ltsc I'm going to create this bootable USB drive  uh without needing to bypass anything just uh burn   this ISO file to my fles drive okay and then let's  see if this will work so you need a flash drive   this one is uh 64 GB but make sure to be 32 or  16 minimum 16 or eight but 16 GB flash drive Min   is 3.1 yes I will place this on the computer  now what I I'm going to do now what I'm going   to do go ahead here on the first post and now you  see please select your windows to Enterprise just   click this and I'm able to download it 1 minute  so this is the S suggestion how to create your   boa flash drive now with Windows 11 inside but I  don't wanted to do those a lot of commands here on   uh CMD and what I'm going to do I'm going to use  rofus just to burn this ISO file on my USB drive   okay just to create a bable drive not for system  requirements nothing you will see it right now go   ahead and download Rufus because it's the best  for doing this uh bootable drives you can use   Rufus not only for Windows you can use ruus for  everything if you want it's just an EXA you don't   need to install anything guys okay double click  Rufus here it is here we have both rofus and the   ISO file that we download just copy the path now  I'm going to use this it says CD room but it's not   CD room the the name of my flash drive is CD room  it's not CD room it's flash drive but this is the   name I will select the image Windows 11 ltsc open  up here it is partition uh you are running on all   laptop right because we are testing on all laptop  it's not fbii mine is MVR okay it's BOS version   and MBR you see very old stuff I'm not trying  with API because I know that with API is for   new computers and here it is now I'm going  to click Start remove system requirements I'm   going to remove all of this I don't want Rufus  to touch this ISO file this will be untouched   and let's try uh how it is without without  touching anything here guys okay okay I just   remove all of this and then click okay now I'm  creating the bable of flash drive it's 4 gab 4 GB program okay so we are ready and good to go okay  the flesh is ready okay let's put this flesh drive   on uh my lap laptop and now turn on your computer  make sure that you are going to um entering on   a boot menu so in my case it's F12 but uh your  computer maybe is escape or F2 or to get access   on this boat menu okay my case you see is F12  maybe yours is uh F9 whatever what you are going   to do you just go ahead and search in Google with  your computer model then you will find very easily   okay now let's use my USB drive you see here is uh  my USB 3.0 click enter now press any key I press   space now you see that computer is loading and  it's loading the window now we are we are ready   okay so the installation process started select  language interesting okay English English we don't   have any other language here click next you see  the keyboard input next again install Windows so   I agree with everything will be deleted uh if I  include files and apps and settings okay I agree   with this and then click next okay we are getting  a few things ready okay accept this license so I   told you is evaluation copy for 90 days guys  okay do not perform upgrade from your window   10 now here on this dis partition what we are  going to do you see this zero and this one don't   touch dis one because it's USB drive what I'm  going to do I'm going to delete all the partitions   on dis zero delete the first one delete the  second one yes and then you will be you will see   one unlocated uh space one big drive you see here  232 gigabyte okay I'm going to use this right now   good don't touch this okay now you click next  here now we we will see next window here it   is ready to install click install then we are  done here we are installation process started   and we are good to go this process will take  not more than 10 minutes it's super fast it's   super light it's not that heavy 94% just just  a moment 99% and voila this is the moment now   here it is let's connect with Wi-Fi right now  and then we will continue with Next Step let's   see what we have singing options domain and  joining instead that's good put the name okay   it's next no password it's light version you see  it guys it's really light not not that much time   to install it I don't want to share my location  and find my device I'm okay with this you see   there are not a lot of questions here not so  with few steps you can have Windows 11 ltsc   your update is in progress interesting view feel  free to walk away or check out the latest Windows   feature I mean you can cancel these features and  security updates if you want because there is an   option here to cancel you see cancel this we can  finish updates if you want but cancel for I don't   need okay continue I don't need the update now I  need to see Windows how it is we can get updates later guys look at this hey here we are  we don't have any pinut programs here   it's very light you will see Windows  11 IoT Enterprise LTSC evaluation   okay and the installation was great without  requirements without nothing let's go to settings   here is settings and see all settings what we  have here here it is this is my computer my processor and the version is 24 H2 and is Windows  11 iot Enterprise LTSC evaluation copy this is   the version that we tried and we install okay  so you see guys this was amazing Windows 11   ltsc version is great for all computers this was  an test as I told you it was an evaluation copy   if you wanted to try installing on old computer  but make sure do not upgrade your Windows 10 to   here because it's not stable it's not for that  you can go back so make sure if you upgrade uh   you can't go back on earlier versions okay if you  already are in Windows 1123 H2 and your computer   is not that fast I did a video tutorial for that  how to spit out windows 11 15 tricks and another   one is what to do right after installing  Windows 11 10 tricks go ahead and watch   this video tutorial and I'll don't forget to  subscribe tips to fix for more videos like   this and I'm going to say as always God bless  miss you see you on the next video tutorial
Channel: Tips 2 Fix
Views: 40,918
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Keywords: How to install Windows 11 LTSC, windows 11 ltsc, windows 11 iot enterprise, windows 11 iot enterprise ltsc, windows 11 iot enterprise install, windows 11 24h2, how to install windows 11 on unsupported pc, upgrade to windows 11 on unsupported hardware, upgrade to windows 11 without tpm, install windows 11 on unsupported hardware, how to get windows 11, New Windows 11 LTSC Made For Old Computers (Installing and Testing), how to install windows 11 ltsc, this pc can run windows 11
Id: DGHV69pGYf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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