How To Install Car Mods in GTA 5 - EASY Step by Step - GTA 5 LSPDFR

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hey this is Mike with the benzo effect Channel welcome back guys hope everybody's doing great today this is going to be a car install tutorial for GTA 5 now you can use this in story mode as well but for those that play lspdfr I think this tutorial is going to be invaluable because it's going to help you a little bit with texture loss and we're going to install two car packs in today's video If this video helps you anyway be sure to hit the like button and if you're brand new to the channel for like subscribing we love to have you over here let's go ahead and get started we're going to pull up our main game directory and this is where your GTA5 is located at now some of these files are going to be raar files now they'll all look like a set of books right now because I have WinRAR installed if you do not have WinRAR or 7zip or a program like that you may not be able to open all of these files so go to Google type in WinRAR for free or 7zip for free and then you'll be able to install this pretty easy so the very first thing we're going to talk about is texture loss A lot of people get texture loss with GTA 5 and what we want to do is if you have lspdfr installed go up here to your folder called lspdfr go ah and click on that and then click on a file called lspdfr it is a config file you might see the word lspdfr ini I and we're going to double click that and it should open a notepad if it doesn't in open a notepad you're going to right click you're going to go to open with and you're going to find your notepad program the very first thing you want to do is when you open this is the very top file right here I'm not sure why they have it set as default as true so when you install LSPD fire for the first time and maybe this is the way yours is set up now it may say true that needs to say false and when it says false go ahead and save it right there we're going to back this up to the main game directory and the very first thing you want to do this is something I never spoke about with my YouTube channel it came out about a year ago it's called GTA resource adjuster what that does it helps allocate memory for your gameplay so what you want to do is open this file right here and then there's going to be another file right here just go and open this up and you're going to take the uh resource adjuster inii and then the GTA resource adjuster ASI and we're going to install those you don't really need to read me but you're going to pull this right right into the main game directory I already have it installed but I'm going to go ahead and replace it that's perfectly fine but you may be installing it for the first time and so you would just drop it in right there into the main game directory and then the next up is going to be the Els that is otherwise known as the emergency lighting system for your police vehicles so we're going to open this up now this is a raar file so you'll notice right here if you can't open that once again go to Google type in win R for free and you'll be able to get that so my advice is go to the installation files and go ahead and open this up and then go to Grand Theft Auto 5 and then notice this is the grand aify right here this is your main game directory you're going to take all of these files including the folder and you're going to drag and drop it right into your main game directory I already have this installed but for the sake of today's video I'll go ahead and reinstall it perfectly fine we're going to go ahead and replace and you just installed Els now another bit of advice I'm not going to go through it because it makes the video too long is go to the documentation folder in case you're curious what the keys are to make Els work uh how to make those work for your controller as well as you know for your keyboard and whatnot it's all covered in these files so I'm not going to go through all that detail because it makes the video way too long so just take a look at that guys it'll tell you the uh exact controls to get the lights to function for your vehicle now the next step is going to be open this right here is called increase Environmental Lighting this isn't this one here is optional you don't have to install this one however if you like the reflection off your emergency lighting system you know the lights that get reflected onto buildings and rocks and Pavements and things like that you'll probably want to get this file right here highly recommend it so we're going to go to increase andmental lighting and then you can have a choice of what you want to install uh you can go to Bright or this one right here uh probably the bright plus reduced traffic advisor is probably recommended is the one that I would go now you can go ahead and click on this right here and then take this ini I this Els and you're going to drag and drop it right into your main game directory and you'll notice it it'll say to overwrite your file the Els inii that we just installed and you want to go ahead and say replace to that but you can experiment with these other ones and see if it works well for you the next step is script to so we're going to go ahead and click on this and it's going to have a bin folder and it's going to have a dput eight and a script took B you do not need this trainer right here I highly advise you probably not to install this one uh most of us use I think they do the the modding for lspdfr and uh for the most part we usually use Simple trainer anyway uh but you can always find that link pretty easy uh but this video is not about trainers we're going to grab these two files right here and we're going to slip it right into the main game directory and we're going to let it overwrite and then also note all the links are going to be provided is the updated links for GTA 5 and also LS pdfr everything that's included in this video is going to have updated links all the next steps are going to be involved going into the mods folder but if you look at your main game directory you may not have a mods folder I have one right here I made a copy of it but for the sake of the tutorial I'm going to make a new one so you may not have a mods folder uh what you want to do is go to the blank space right click go to new make a new folder we're going to call it mods M mods now what I'm about to show you is going to save you a ton of disc space for your Grand Theft Auto 5 so you don't have to copy the entire update folder into the mods folder like I used to teach people how to do you know disc space is very precious to us right so I'm going to show you a few tips and tricks on how to get just what you need into the mods folder in order to uh get the vehicles in there but you're going to notice a file called el we'll talk about that file in just a moment but for now we're going to reduce this file and we're going to pull up a program called open four now you can call it open IV according to developers you can say open IV or open four but for the sake of the video I'm going to call it open four now about the open four program now from my understanding at us went to the website and I do believe the website is finally back up uh it was down for like over five months uh due to the uh my understanding had to do with the war between Ukraine and Russia I may be wrong on that but I think the author the mod lives in Russia and so there was a lot of uh issues there with getting the website to work but just in case in the future if you're watching this you know maybe a year from now if it goes down again uh you're going to have two options right here now both of these going to be linked down below and just in case you need them in the future in case the website goes down the top one's going to be more for a mirrored site that way you can get that installed but if you're having difficulty installing the mirrored site then you can go down here and get the offline version of the open for program now you probably don't need to install these from here the links I'm going to give you because I'm going to give you the link for the open website so I would get it from there first because it looks like the website is working but like I said just in case the website goes down you'll have two other options that you can install open 4 so when you pull up open 4 for the first time if you're not used to doing all this then this part here is crucial in order to get the the cars to spawn into the game you need to have your ASI managers installed correctly so make sure you go to tools and then go to ASI manager and then you want to make sure these are in green so if they're in blue I'm going to show you what they look like this is how easy it is to uninstall them by the way so you want to make make sure this one here is installed the ESI loader the open for. ASI is installed this one here is optional however if you work with Rockstar editor or if you plan to you want to go ahead and do like I do and just install all three of these so with that being said let's move on to the next part now for the next step if you go to the mods folder mine is completely empty at the moment and I did that on purpose so what we're going to do is only pull what we need into the mods folder to save ourselves a lot of disc space so what you want to do is make sure edit mode is completely off for now this a little trick that I've learned over the years so make sure it's completely turned off you want to come down here to this folder here called update now everybody has that if you don't have that then that means you don't have GTA 5 installed at all or you're not looking in the right spot because it might be down here so make sure you click on update go to time 64 and then go to DLC packs and you'll see all of your DLC Packs here which is the core game of GTA 5 and for me it goes all the way down to patch stage 28 now I did not update my game for the last probably couple of months and it doesn't really matter for this tutorial for this video because those of you that are watching this video right now may be on patch day 35 or 40 who knows because you know how Rockstar is with their updates so the main tip that you can take away from all this is the later the patch day the better but it doesn't always have to be the latest patch day in order for the vehicles to be installed correctly so for example even though I'm on patch day 28 I can still install these in patch day 24 so the tutorial that I made a couple years ago still uh still works but people want to see an updated tutorial as if it's going to make a difference it makes no difference it needs to be a later patch day is perfectly fine if I wanted to I could install it there so that kind of goes to show you that if you're on patch St 35 when you're watching this video just realize you could use patch St 28 just like I'm using right now so we're going to go ahead and click on patch day 28 and we're going to go to DLC RPF and now here's the trick is we want to get this into the mods folder and this part is extremely crucial otherwise you'll screw up your game so click on edit mode at the very top and then say yes and you'll notice the open for program has put a large red flag up here saying that we're not inside the mods folder and they do that on purpose because they don't want you to screw up your game so we want to work only in the mods folder so we're going to say copy to mods folder now if you have patch day 28 it made to say show in mods folder so now we're inside the patch day 28 and uh let me expand this so you can see it better you'll see GTA 5 mods update 64 DLC packs and Patch St 28 and right now I'm inside the dc. RPF so now let's dive deeper in here let's go to time 64 and notice we're inside the mods folder right here and we're going to go to levels and then GTA 5 right here now go to this one go to this one and then you'll see Vehicles so when you click on vehicles and you'll see all your vehicles right here that are car models based on the core game of GTA 5 so let's go ahead and do this first before you do anything else let's make this a favorite because what if you want to take out the cars later what if you want to replace the cars at another time let's go ahead and go to favorites go to add to favorites right here and you can call it anything you want but I would not call it vehicles. RPF you could say something like this car install here something really simple that's very eye-catching that way you know exactly where your vehicles are and then just click on ADD and to kind of show you what it looks like if you are anywhere in your mods folder it doesn't really matter say if you just opened up open four and now you want to install a car pack just go to favorites right here patch st28 car install here boom now to save you even more dis space if you want to do this uh we don't really need these cars here because remember these are the core game files that is already inside your update folder that is outside of your mods folder if that makes sense to make things look real clean how about we just delete them out we don't really need them there you go just make sure that you were in your mods folder otherwise you can mess up your game always work in the mods folder okay now let's put this back to the side and this is where we want to be when we're installing the car models so let's pull up the first car pack right here it's called LSPD it's a Houston Police pack uh at least it's uh you know Los Santos lore but you'll get the just if you want to sell other car packs in the future so we're going to go ahead and open this up and now here's the trick with open 4 is it has some issues about transferring files from zip files and raar files and all that stuff has to do with permissions and windows things like that this is going to help help a lot of you uh immensely what I'm about to show you so let's take this folder that came with this download and let's move it on to the desktop you can also do extract too if you wanted to and we're going to work with just this folder right here it's the same folder all right let's open this folder see what we got so you'll notice there's a lot of different folders here but in this particular car pack there is folders among subfolders and so what he did was he labeled it Crown Vic well he doesn't give you just one uh he gave you several different kinds of Crown vix to choose from and uh in order to look at these you could probably install them and then go through the model viewer which we'll probably do in just a minute but you could do it other ways too but this is the best way to do it is just kind of pick and choose what you think may look good and we'll go from there so like say if we want to install just this one right here and you'll notice that there is a police it's a yft file there's a police YTD file and a policore high Y ft file now already know what's going through your head your icons may not look like mine don't worry about it uh what I did was found a file like a yft file it was on my desktop and what I did was I right clicked and I went open with I went to choose another app and then I found my open for program and then I said always to open it up you don't have to do that by the way I yours may look like a plain white piece of paper don't let that worry you but you'll notice one file up here in particular it's an XML file this is the Els file what I was talking about earlier and we'll install that in just a moment now you may have other vehicle files that you in install in the future it may say plus high now you probably should install those but for the sake of this vehicle it only has three files but yours may have four so we're going to pull this into here but notice it gets transferred really smooth with edit mode being on and with it being on the desktop and a folder it's not being pulled from a zip file or a raar file so it makes transferring files a whole lot hell of a lot easier all right now we got the first vehicle installed right there now I do want to tell you about the 25 megabyte hard limit imposed by Rockstar so Rockstar Games has a hard limit set at 25 megabytes roughly of what you can use for a vehicle even if you have a really high-end PC a fancy graphics card and if you install another vehicle in the future that has a extremely high amount of megabytes for a YTD file and then all these other files with that vehicle if it's over the 25 megabytes then you may start incurring you know some more texture loss now I do have a video that is on my patreon account I'm not trying to sell it but I have my patreon set at a Dollar by the way way uh if you want to take a look at that you can do that and I help people lower their textures uh so that you don't even notice the difference but it falls below that 25 megab heart limit imposed by Rockstar and that way you have a a really nice frames for your game and a really nice gameplay session so that's something to think about we're going to move on to the Els uh for this particular vehicle really fast and we're going to go ahead and get that uh into open four and the easiest way to do that is find your Els that is inside your open four and notice there's an Els folder right up here right there and if you go to pack default it is right there now you won't have all these other files I apologize I meant to take these out you may just have like a police. XML perfectly fine so we want to get this into open 4 I found it easier to just you know throw it into open four but if you want to pull up remember that file I was talking about earlier right here this is your main game directory it's the same way of pulling this up and then opening this like I said pretend these are not here and then taking the file and moving it over here so if I did that it would say repl place that's perfectly fine because we're going folder to folder but what if we're inside open 4 what if we want to make this a favorite as well this is what I would suggest that you do is we're inside the GT5 Els pack default say this is a favorite it's a very small pathway but you'll thank me later because when you're installing new vehicles you're going to want this as easy as possible so I'm going to say El files here and we'll say add so once again if you're just like right there you're in mods and you want to you want to throw in a El file really fast go to favorites we're going to go to Els files here and you'll go right there take that file make sure edit Mode's on and drag it right in here now notice there's not going to say anything about replacing a file so open 4 is very unforgiving when it comes to that so just be aware of that now we're going to go back to the patch day 28 for the vehicles remember we already have that saved as a favorite and we're right there so we installed the els for that vehicle now let's take a look what the vehicle looks like you can click on a yft right up here we're going to double click that and we're going to see what the vehicle looks like this is a model viewer and you can move it around just like this and you can zoom in a little bit but this is very reminiscent of the Houston area you know the liveries and whyn not so it looks pretty nice and clean in here and so that's what that particular vehicle looks like but what if you wanted to replace it with the other vehicles uh maybe a different light bar for example uh let's back it up and how about we do a a crown B Freedom classic Livery let's see what that looks like we'll just take these files and we'll throw it in here and now let's take a look look this is a classic Liberty right here somewh of a white with a little bit of blue see what the big Liberty looks like take these three files thr it in here notice the kilobytes change and you'll notice that we're kind of pushing that uh 25 megabyte heart limit uh perfectly fine for now if it's a 26 27 megabytes perfectly fine it's not going to make a big difference we're going to double collect this and uh you'll notice that this light bar is actually in my opinion I think a little bit better just changes the light bar Graphics so we'll go next out of that and uh pretty much the the XML would be probably the same but just in case let's go and install that one as well go down here to Els police vehicle right here let's go and throw that in here just in case I doubt it's going to make a big difference but since it's a different light bar it might all right now we're going to go ahead and go back to the uh the vehicles again that's why having it a favorite is uh really so invaluable you want to get back to open four where the vehicles are pretty fast so now let's back this up if if you really want to see what the select top version looks like I'll just show you really fast so this is a place four so so let's go and install this one so now we have a place and a place four so might as well right so this is what the place four looks like actually that's nice I like it yeah this will be in the highways but maybe you have a different one you know that you want for your Highway division you know maybe it's a charger or something like that that looks a little bit more for a highway suitable highway but this one's nice all right now let's go ahead and do the place four remember this is a el file right so we're going to go back here again there's a lot of jumping around I apologize but it works better this way take it like this throw that in there there and now we're going to back it up again and now we're going to talk about these other vehicles here so over to the left just to recap we have a police and we have a police four slot uh already filled into our arsenal of police vehicles okay so we want to fill the police two and the police three as well so if you look at to the right right here he gave you some more choices to go with we have a a 2020 fpiu and uh which I would probably install this one you can install any one you want and we also have the Tahoe but uh say if we open the uh Tahoe for example I was going to show you what they look like you remember we went with the liberty for the Crown Vic so if we go with the 2014 Tahoe Liberty and you notice it's a police slot and so you could rename this if you feel like it because it'll replace this one we don't want to do that so we could rename this I'll show you how to do it in just a second but we want to make sure we are coordinated and so let's go back again and then what if we want to do the 2020 FPU so it's Explorer if we open this and now it's a police three slot so we know this one will go in the police three slot so uh we'll go ahead and install this one first and then I'll show you what to do with the Tahoe in just a moment so we're going to take uh this one here has a plus high slot by the way so we're going to take all four of these files and we're going to push it right into uh open four and we're going to let it drop so now we have a place uh we have a place four and a place three so we're missing the place two which we'll talk about in just a minute this is what the place three looks like with the Weston push bar that's pretty cool looks like a paint is dripping or something like that and you don't have to use this pack you could always use a different pack this is just showing you how to get the vehicles in the game so maybe we'll go with this one as the place three and then here's the Weston push bar so we need to get the uh Place three uh that's an XML remember it's the Els file it tells the lights how to flash so we're going to go to favorites and we're going to go to Els files here and we're going to take this file and throw it into open four so now let's go back to Vehicles go back to favorites and go to patch day 28 car install and now we're back to this spot let's back this up and I would go through all these vehicles but you guys could probably get the gist of all those and you can get an idea install these and then click click on them see what they look like so we're going to make the video go a little bit faster here so we have the 2014 and uh we can go with the Liberty uh perfectly fine so if we go to 2014 Liberty and once again it is named police but we really need it in a police 2 slot well the Der remedy that is we'll take the police right here and then we're going to press f2 on the keyboard and we're going to say place two going to add a two at the end of that same with this one right here click right there press f2 so you can rename it and then press the two and then one more you to be really careful with this one press f2 and you want to put the two right here not back here so now we have a place two slot and we'll talk about the handling ID in just a minute we're going to take these files right here and we're going to pull it right into open four and let it fall now one more thing we're going to do is this place right here it needs to coincide with the vehicle name so once again just name it place two and that's how you do that go to favorites go to Els files and we're going to take this police two and drop it right in here to open four let's go back to vehicle model and just check out what the police two slot looks like now and click right there and this is what it looks like uh the uh 14 models are not bad they're a little bulky to be honest they're a little bit fat bodied you know in my opinion but I still like them now we're going to talk about the uh the sheriff Vehicles now uh we're going to talk about that uh as well so let's go ahead and exit out of this and we're done with the uh LSPD Houston Police pack for the place place two Place three and place four so we're going to go ahead and installed the share pack now we're going to go a little bit faster since you probably are getting the hang of this and then we'll talk about the better Radiance to make the lights look better in just a minute and we're going to talk about the vehicle metap file as well and we're going to make a correction to one of the handling IDs so let's go ahead and go to the hcso which the Harris County Sheriff Office pack and it looks almost identical to the real life Harris County in Texas and these are going to be at Los Santos lore so once again get in habit of taking this dragg it onto the desktop that way it gets transferred uh files a little bit easier so now let's open up the hcsl pack and you'll probably get the hang of this pretty fast and he does provide some templates if you're really into making a livery and it'll give you the layout what the Livery is supposed to look like so let's open up the hcso sheriff pack and we have an fbis which is going to go Sheriff you can see right there there's the FPU and then there's the sheriff uh Sheriff 2 rather and then here's the ghost Livery if you want to do a slick top that could be FBI maybe we'll throw that in there in the FBI back it up here's a Tahoe and that's the sheriff 2 as well and we'll do the fpis first and we'll take all four of these files and we'll throw it into open four that's not bad this is one of the fp's but it's uh really remarkable how much it looks like the Harris County uh pretty cool right and once again since you're getting the hang of this we're going to install this Els as well we're going to go a little bit faster now let's see what this one here looks like now this the Legacy right here uh looks like the light bar changed uh really nice I love the the light bar in this one yeah I like this one probably a little bit better so we'll stick with the legacy on this one notice the fpis Legacy it doesn't have a Els file because it's the same thing as the other one uh you don't really need to have really uh that particular Els file so you don't really need to install that one for this one if that makes sense now this folder right here if you click on this it has a ghost select toop right here if you're interested you could do go ahead and do what I'm about to show you however you may not want this in the FBI slot perfectly fine to rename this to something else if you want but if you want to you maybe make this as a highway you can do place four you know like what we did earlier but if you want to this in the FBI slot might as well we're going to throw that in there as well and this is what the FBI looks like so it'll be um you know more of a sheriff style you know Livery ghost Livery pretty nice I like it one thing particular about open four I forgot to mention uh this is really common to see a wheel missing and sometimes they're way out there this is just a model viewer to give you a rough representation of what the vehicle looks like don't let this worry you like you did something wrong perfectly normal and now let's install the Els a lot of bouncing around here but it's better to do it this way so that way you don't forget to install it and we're going to go back to model for the patch day28 and now if we want to to we could do the FPU and the share two slot if you want to go to the Tahoe you can always install this one too and the share two slot which is probably what I'm going to do right now so we're going to go ahead and install this one right here and grab all four these files and drag this into open four and here's what the share 2 looks like right here yeah it's pretty nice I like this one and then we want to get that sheriff 2 as well into El take this drag it in here okay and to wrap up the vehicle model install that we just did we have the police police two police 3 place four and then we have sheriff and Sheriff 2 and an FBI slot uh already filled in here now you can also do FBI 2 you could also do park ranger which is p Ranger and you can also do the police bike as well so those are some more options that are considered replace vehicles that would be patrolling naturally with you throughout the city or even County so now let's talk about uh the Graphics part really fast and that is how to get the lights brighter how to get the lights to be more Vivid and otherwise it will not work correctly and you'll have a kind of a dull police light bar so even if you installed a Graphics Pack uh maybe besides nve that's a different but if you installed like visual V or visual vanilla things like that if you installed that you still need to come back afterwards and install uh a visual enhancer like for example better Radiance so better Radiance has a pretty decent you know visual setting and we're going to talk about that now and how to get it into your game uh now I'm not really a big fan of Radiance V uh it's another visual enhancer you know for the place lights it looks way too bright so we're going to go ahead and drag this right here and pull this onto the desktop we're going to take this folder let's go and open this up see what it looks like and you can probably do right here this one's probably better is the better Radiance Brighter Day police lights however if you have visual V installed the graphics mod you'll want to go probably with this one right here better Radiance version 3 for visual V so um I don't have visual V installed I have nve installed so I'm just showing you guys how to install it if you have these other Graphics mods so let's pretend that you have maybe visual vanilla maybe uh you might can still grab this one but for the sake of argument we're just going to grab this one for now but you can experiment with the other ones if you wish we're going to grab this and we're going to get this into open four so I'm going to show you where it goes a little trick of the trade is turn off at a mode once again let's turn it off and back up a little bit and we're going to go back down to the update folder down here so let's go to update and you're going to click on this file right here called update RPF click right there then you're going to go to common and then data and your visual settings are going to be right there but don't replace this one the very first thing you want to do is turn edit mode on turn edit mode on and say Yes notice it's going to get flagged because it's not inside we're not inside the mods folder yet so once again uh copy the mods folder if you already have this pathway it'll place a show in mods folder uh for those of us that do not have this file in there for that pathway we're going to click on copy the mods folder so now you'll notice we're inside the mods folder with the mods folder update update RPF common and data and it's that file right there and we're going to do make sure Ed mode is on and you're going to pull from that folder and you're going to replace it right here I already have this installed I don't want to replace my other one but that's how you do it you just drag and drop it right into there and you'll probably notice the kilobytes change and also the word encrypted will disappear when you do that and that'll work for your visual enhancers to get the lights to look a little bit better now one thing we're going to give you a little tip on inside the game which I'll show you in just a minute is how to make sure that they're not Dull and how they stay dull and one little trick of the trade is a vehicle meta file which we need to install as well because you remember those packs that we just installed for example the LSPD pack if you open any of these files it doesn't really matter but notice there's no vehicle meta file there's nothing there even even right here there's there's no vehicle metap files anywhere so I'm kind of glad I'm showing you this because I'm going to show you a little cool trick that uh will come with this download is called higher and lower LOD fix and what lods mean is that it keeps the uh the vehicles uh you know from disappearing on you at a certain distance like what you're seeing on the video right here can't stand that and then also it'll keep the lights from floating above your vehicle from your maybe you're a couple hundred feet away it'll keep that from happening as well this will be more of a permanent fix and then it'll also take out the tint off your windows and light bars uh so that way you can get that real Vivid lights that you always wanted so that is called the higher and lower increased LOD draw distance so it'll increase those draw distance for you you can do like I do and use this as a base vehicle metap file for any future vehicles that you plan on installing so let's go ahead and open this up now when you open this RAR file you're going to see two folders there's a high-end PC users and there's a low-end PC users so so just a little bit of advice uh you know more is not always better when it comes to modding uh so I have a really good high-end PC personally and I decided not to use the high-end one why stress out my computer even more right I found that the low-end PC worked perfectly fine so uh I would advise you to probably go with the low-end one but if you're really confident you got a really really fancy computer you know from NASA or something like that then you probably want to go with the high-end but for those of us that are just not quite sure I would go with the low-end PC users as it would work perfectly fine we're going to drag this onto the desktop so let's open up the low-end PC user one and you'll notice there's several different files right here and uh you'll notice right away he gave you uh the original right back here just in case something breaks or something's wrong or if you're not happy with it which I think he will be personally he gave you a backup copy of that I really like when modders do that and then he gave you other options here to choose from I would probably go with this one right here is the lower increase in visible modded cars and wheels for example at a distance and plus the LS fix that is the wheels sometimes will disappear at a distance and then also a big thing with modding these cars is that some of these the car modders themselves will forget to take the tent off of the vehicles themselves and the light bars uh which would result in a dull light bar no matter what you do so this right here fixes that so there's no more tinted police emergency lights as well as a vehicle uh the the vehicles themselves it'll take the tent off the windows but here's the cool part what this author does even more is if you dive in here notice he gives the pathway already so we're going to go to this pathway in just a minute which I'll show you so it's going to be mods there's going to be an update there's going to be an update RPF there's going to be a common and then a data and then levels it seems like a very long pathway so I'm going to kind of guide you through it you can see how long that pathway is so you can see the pathway right there we're going to get this into the mods folder but remember we may not even have it in the mods folder yet so let's take off the edit mode completely uh turned it off let's get out of the mods folder first let's go to update let's go to update RP PF make sure add muds off by the way update RPF we're going to go and I'm reading right here how to do it common data levels GTA 5 and your vehicle meta file is going to be right there but remember don't replace this one turn edit mode on now and say yes and uh this case already had the pathway and you probably already did it as well when you replace uh duplicate by the visual settings more than likely let's goad and go to uh show in mods folder this is just a good way to get you know that particular pathway into your mods folder say L and securely so that way we don't have to copy the entire folder you know all the elements of all your DLC packs in there which will save you a crap load of dis space so now we are back in the vehicle meta file we want to be able to change this file later and you know what's coming next let's add this as a favorite go to favorites add two favorites we're going to call this vehicle metap file here just like this and we're going to say add because undoubtedly you're going to need to come back here again you know maybe to change a handling ID or something like that so just kind of be aware of that so this is the meta file that we're going to replace and we're going to take this and we're going to drag this right into open four and you're going to see the encrypted disappear and you might see a very slight kilobyte change uh very possibly just to show you a little bit of change took place and you may not even see it at all but you'll notice the encrypted word disappear so now that is installed and we're going to talk about one more thing and then the video is almost done now we're going to make some changes to this vehicle metap file but first we need to have something like a visual representation as to what we're changing so let's go back to face first let's go back to our patch day 28 remember where all your cars are installed and's take a look at the vehicles now the place slot is going to be fine that is going to be a Crown Vic uh perfectly fine to the way I know the vehicle metap file is going to be set up it'll still work for this mean the handling ID to keep the car from flipping on you so that one's fine however if you go to place two we click on this there's going to be a Tahoe in there it's a beast now this is not meant for police slot to it will not work uh you can get it to work in game but your car will flip undoubtedly so we need to change the vehicle metal file for this one that's place two so we're going to keep a mental note of that that's the Tahoe uh let's go to place three and it's going to be the fpiu slot so we're going to make a slight change to this one uh however it probably still would work for Place three I would not flip on you it shouldn't but it might but I got a handling ID that will correct it just in case it does let's go to sheriff style vehicle and it's going to be an fbis this may look really tame to you but it will flip on you if it is in the sheriff slot and notice the tires over there perfectly normal for the model viewer we're going to change the handling ID as well on that one the sheriff 2 slot uh this one here is probably going to be safe for Sheriff 2 I should not really need any kind of um you know uh calibration with handling ID however to make sure I'll correct the handling ID uh for most tahos uh even you pretty much every year model it should work and I'll show you how to do it in the next part of the video so we're going to change the the vehicle metap file on this as well and we're going to go relatively fast so it doesn't make the video too long so that isn't FPU as well there's a place four slot I should probably work for place four and it should probably work fine so we probably won't need to change the handling ID on this one so now let's go to the vehicle meta file I remember we already sa that as a favorite vehicle meta file here we're going to make a change to this file right there now you don't want to double click you want to right click and go to edit that is how you edit this file now remember our place two slide is the Tahoe so the best way to do this is Click right here at the very top and then do left control F to search and we're going to find place two type in place two and notice it's finding a place two which I do not want that one so I'm going to press F3 on my keyboard and I'm going to keep scrolling down until I get right there so right now the handling ID is set to police 2 which is uh what it supposed to be according to Rockstar now this will cause my vehicle to flip because it's a Tahoe it'll just flip around the corner if you're going high speed so I'm going to go ahead and Link you to a thread that is on the lspr site it'll help you with the handling IDs and it'll help you better understand what I'm doing here so I just happen to memorize all these over the years so what will work for a good Tahoe is a ball or two so you don't have to remember all this but you can follow along with the video but if you go to that thread it'll help you have a better understanding how to do the handling IDs so remember what I did right here is I just double clicked here pleas two we're going to change this to baller two now it does not really need to be in Upper caps but I went ahead and just left it like that now if you misspell this if you accidentally forget the r your game will crash so you have to be really really delicate with the way you spell things it's extremely important if you also have a space like this then it will also crash your game so you want to make sure there's no space and it looks just like this follower two add the r and it looks just like that now that is for a Tahoe only now if you're interested I'm not going to go into too much detail with this video because it's already getting too long if you're interested in getting more intricate numbers and uh some good values that I have personally then you may want to look at my patreon once again I go through audio files to help you with engine sounds to make this sound like a Tahoe and also go through audio files help you make a charger sound like a charger so I'm not going to do it in today's video because that is on patreon and once again it to set as low as possible at $1 and You' make Corrections right there but I'm not going to talk about it in today's video we're going to move on to another vehicle so we're going to go back to the very top again just so we're making sure we're in the right spot and we're going to go to place three this time so we're going to take out the two replace it with a three so notice it found it pretty fast so right now this is the fpiu now typically a fpiu you know the Ford Explorer will work pretty well with Place three however if I really want to make sure it works well take this handling ID going double click I'm going to name it grle now it's really easy to misspell this word in fact there was a car Moder just recently on the LSP site that uploaded their packs and they upload about five or 10 packs a week I think you guys probably knew who I'm talking about uh but he misspelled the word gresly in his download so he had it as gry and that will crash your game and people come to me wondering why their games crashing well you have to be really really careful what you download and what you install that is why I always suggest you go by the higher lower LOD fix vehicle metap file and you come back personally and make sure things are spelled correctly uh so it should be grassly that'll be uh good for almost every single explorer that I've ever used it'll work just fine and then we're going to go ahead and move on to the next car let's the very top again it's always best get in the habit to go up here and remember the police force slot in my opinion is going to be fine it's the Crown Vic uh you can just leave it as as it is and then we're going to move on to the FBI slot uh first we're going to FBI now remember the FBI slot we have another FBI not to confuse you but we have an FPU and the FBI so we're going to highlight FBI we're going to take that out and we're also going to call it gresling as we've on to the sheriff we have an fbis in there remember so here's a sheriff this will cause the vehicle to flip and for a fpis a really good one this is just an example and we'll go with fugitive for fpis today now it depends on the year model there may be one that's the fugitive may not work really really well for depending on the year model so it may be slightly off but for the most part I think it'll work for most every single fpis out there and it works pretty well for my game anyway but you can go with fugitive as a good starting point and then we're almost done guys we're going to go over here to sheriff 2 hit found it right away now FBI uh would probably work for a Tahoe I haven't had any issues but uh just in case we'll go baller 2 baller 2 is a pretty good one for most tahos uh however FBI 2 would work perfectly fine as well and I do believe that's going to cover all the vehicles we installed today uh once again if you're confused about the handling IDs you can always look at my patreon I go through it step by step in great detail that also give you more handling IDs and what they give you on that thread that is on the LSPD site that I'll link down below so we're going to save this make sure you save that and remember I also covered the audio hashes which will help you with the vehicle sounding files you like a good one is for the charger and there's a bunch of other ones out there if you really want to get that really good muscle car sound it's all covered under patreon video and so now with all that being said the last thing I want to show you is what they look like in game so we're going to go through this really quick and just kind of give you a quick brief demo let's go okay here we are inside the game now there's a couple ways you can spawn the vehicles if you don't have a train or if you just don't wish to use a trainer you can always do it the rage console you can just press F4 and just type in you know like for example spawn police you do it that way that's probably the easier way to do it if you're just want to get one vehicle now to make this video go a little bit faster I'm going to use a trainer called Simple trainer well because it's simple uh we're going to be spawning these in really quickly and activating all the lights at the same time going do a place Cruiser uh place two slot Place three slot here's the unmarked Cruiser which is place for the sheriff slot and then Sheriff SUV this a sharei two slot okay and so this is what the vehicles will look like and uh you know all the way down from down here to the FBI slot technically and so the lights look really nice now I'm using a graphic program called nve that's natural vision evolved so I have more control over how bright the lights are so uh for more information about that you can always visit my patreon but this is what it would look like right here I won't go through all that all that too much but I can make it zero and notice the lights are off all the vehicles and then we'll say 500 to bring all the lights up just like that uh but for more information you give visit my patreon it'll tell you how to do that and now the to make sure the lights are functioning correctly let's get into a good one uh you want to make sure your settings uh with GTA 5 Okay itself uh you want to press Escape go to uh the settings go to graphics and then click anywhere down here and then go all the way down the very bottom or towards the bottom and you want to make sure your post effect settings are on very high or Ultra there's not a big difference between you know to be honest between Ultra and very high as far as what the uh the lights look like as far as more vividness is that a word I don't know but make to make a more Vivid more light appealing so I found that very high is fine and Ultra is fine so you could use either one of those uh but I won't go through all the rest of these details but the post effect settings is a must you need to have that like that otherwise the lights will look washed out and Dem and if they still look washed out in Dem uh that is because you installed a graphics mod and you forgot to install you know another visual setting on top of that Graphics mod for example like better Radiance that we installed earlier now I'm not going to go through all the details of all the lights to make them do this and to make them do that and to make them do that because that is in the documentation that is already provided if I did that now it would make the video another 45 minutes so I'm not going to do that so we're going to go ahe and head on out guys if you got any use of today's video be sure to hit the like button leave a comment down below cuz you know yeah you know it's YouTube now that rankings are on YouTube and I thank you guys and if I earned your subscription we like subscribing we love to have you over here till next time take care and stay safe hey there now everything in this video is timestamped so before you ask your question ask yourself did benzo cover it in the video You're doubting yourself huh well read the damn description you nubcake kisses [Music] okay
Channel: BlueLine Vibes
Views: 39,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta v, gta 5 car install, gta 5 car installer mod, how to install cars in gta 5, gta 5, gta 5 car install in pc, how to install car pack in gta 5, how to install thar car mod in gta 5, lspdfr cars, lspdfr cars disappear, lspdfr cars flipping, lspdfr cars pack, lspdfr cars not showing up, lspdfr cars mod, lspdfr car install 2023, how to install cars into lspdfr, benzo, benzo effect car install, lspdfr, gta 5 mods, gta 5 car mod install
Id: OqyH0OnDDsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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