12 Cool Facts about Stop The Ped that you didn't even know - GTA 5 LSPDFR

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there's an entire gold M of knowledge to be explored with GTA 5 police mod especially all the mods that enhances lspdfr that it sometimes seems like there's just too much information out there how do you decide what's worth knowing and what's going to clog your brain with useless nonsense coming up 12 facts about stop the ped that you didn't even know existed we will unrel a dozen Secrets hidden in plain sight now this mod can actually do probably about 50 really cool things it has an ini file that's the config file that comes with this mod it is incredibly large so large in fact I can guarantee you that 99% of you have not read the entire config file so here are 12 facts that you didn't even know about stop the PED number one did you know that you could pull over a vehicle while on foot as long as you have sto the PED stop or slow traffic activated you can interact with the vehicle you can have the driver follow you and you can go all the way to your designated spot spot and the driver will follow you by a car and then you can interact as usual how cool is that number two did you know there's three arrest mechanics with stop the PED you can arrest them peacefully with the menu or while pointing a weapon at them double tap e they'll get down on their knees and eventually put their hands on their head you can also point a weapon at them hold down your e key and they'll get all the way down on their face spread out their arms and then you can go in and make your AR number three now most of us know about the Run key within GTA 5 but stop the PED has a built-in Sprint function you can always change the speed in the config file to make you run just a little bit faster or an Olympic gold medalist oh and by the way St the PED has a built-in tackle feature number four lspdfr does a pretty decent job of putting you in Pursuit just so you can call for backup but what about those times that you just cannot get into Pursuit you can't even report the darn thing thus no backup well St the pit has a built-in Pursuit mechanic works great on foot to you're chasing after a suspect just double tap t and it'll put you in Pursuit that way you can get appropriate backup it also works by pointing your weapon at a vehicle double tap t and the pursuit is on number five several years ago when I was doing an lspdfr live stream I asked the YouTube viewers it would be cool if we can get some hot keys with then stop the bed well by my request the author put them in you can do left control T and you can grab a ped and you can take them anywhere you want press your F10 key and you can search a ped without using any menus you can search on standing or lying on the ground you can also press F10 for a hotkey and search a car after they're arrested you can press the number eight key and they'll call for prisoner transport once they're arrested in the back seat press the zero key and it'll Guide You by GPS to the nearest police station number six most people that play lspdfr automatically think that the people they're bringing into their police car has to automatically be a bad person a suspect what about the witnesses what about that innocent person why can't you just put them in the front seat or they can ride in the back they can go in cuffed or uncuffed doesn't matter you can grab them and put them in or you can just let them follow you in number seven I think the majority of the people that play lsfr especially when they install stop the PED they really like that laser sight on their taser I mean why not it's pretty cool however after you play hours and hours of this mod the laser becomes a little bit overbearing shout out goes to Echo for this tip hold down your T key and you can turn the laser on or off number eight there's nothing worse than when playing lspdfr that you lose your complete immersion get your ass off that police game do the dishes now you heard your mom do the dishes but there's definitely one thing I cannot stand is when the game pauses and there's no background noise you can't hear what's going on around you it's like dead silence and trust me when you're out there on grow Street you need to know who's coming out behind you well just make your game not pause that way you can hear everything going around you that was not my fault number nine you can always dismiss the pet on foot tell him to leave the area but what if you pull over a car that has two people in it the passenger's license is perfect ly fine the driver her license is expired how about you swap drivers have the driver get in the passenger seat and have the passenger get in the driver's seat if someone's already in the passenger seat the driver will get in the back seat number 10 did you know within stop the ped that every single thing you see on the screen text wise you can customize every single thing about it check this out within the stop deped folder there's this localization inii file nobody ever touches that I mean check this out you could change every single thing about stop the PED wording by my buddy how about by my partner call Corner how about call CSI instead of breath Lazer how about PBT portable breath test instead of the horizontal gaze test how about we call this something more official the horizontal gaze nagas requesting CSI beaten on fist fite sounds silly physical assault CPR at today it equals AC LS Advanced cardiac support there's so much you can change here you can spend hours just in this page alone we'll save that number 11 did you know that even though you pull over the driver of the vehicle you don't have to speak to the driver maybe it's the passenger you want to talk to walk over to the passenger side the window will be up once you start to interact they'll roll the window down for you now you can get the passenger's ID my immersion number 12 some people do know this and other people just flat out don't know this all those questions that you see on my videos for stop the PED all those questions that you see in the stop the PED menu you can customize those yourself just edit the questions you can also edit the pet answers you can change the searchable items that you find on The Pedestrian as well as the vehicle too lazy like me just download more check all these out look at all those downloadable content you can get for stop the pet questions and answers and check out all these searchable items for The Pedestrian the vehicle now if you'd like to see more videos like this maybe Ultimate Backup how about that one there's a ton of other ones out there how about lspdfr itself well like the video leave a comment for me who knows maybe we'll do another one that'll go ahead and wrap it up guys thank you for watching I really do appreciate it you guys take care we'll see you in the next Patrol take care and stay safe what
Channel: BlueLine Vibes
Views: 19,851
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Keywords: lspdfr gameplay, lspdfr, gta 5 mods, gta 5 lspdfr, lspdfr police mod, best mods lspdfr, lspdfr plugins, top lspdfr plugins, top mods gta 5, benzo, benzo effect, gtav mods, gtav lspdfr, police role play, lspdfr roleplay, lspdfr 2023, lpdfr, vcpdfr, gta5 police mod, gta5 mods, 12 facts stop the ped, secrets of stop the ped, stop the ped 2024, lspdfr 2024, top mods lspdfr, best plugins for lspdfr 2024, stop the ped
Id: zJgbWApTkkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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