How to Install Apache Kafka on Windows

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hi friends welcome to another video of big Tech talk in today's video we will learn how to install Kafka on Windows 10 operating system so let's start the video so let's understand what is Kafka Apache Kafka is an open source distributed event streaming platform used for high performance data pipeline streaming analytics and Mission critical application so let's start the process to set up Kafka on our Windows operating system these are the steps which I will be using for the setup I will start with downloading the Kafka from their official website and unzip it then I will make the configuration changes in the Zookeeper and files and then I will start zookeeper followed by Kafka server then we will create a Kafka topic start a producer followed by starting a consumer now let's go to your favorite browser and search for download Kafka click on the very first link which is Kafka Dot so this is official website of Kafka at the time of recording the video we have Kafka 3.5.1 as the latest version so click on the icon over here and your download should start once the download is completed go to downloads folder right click on the file you have just downloaded and extract to Kafka 2.13 if you go inside this folder you will see a tar file so right click extract to Kafka 2.13 now copy the Kafka folder and move it to some safe place I usually do the setup under Big Data local setup which is under d Drive now I will rename Kafka 3.5.1 folder to Kafka now let's make the changes in the configuration file so let's go inside Kafka folder and then inside config folder over here we need to make changes in two files so let's open file and search for log directory I will set the log directory as D Big Data local setup save the file and go back to the config folder now open file and search for data dir I will set the value as d slash Big Data local setup slash temp slash zookeeper and save it now our configuration is completed so let's start the zookeeper now I will go to Kafka directory and over here just type CMD this will open command prompt for this location I will rename this tab as zookeeper as we need to open three to four terminals it will be easy to identify on which terminal we are working on first we need to start the zookeeper and the command to start the Zookeeper is Dot slash bin slash Windows slash zookeeper server start dot bat and then I will provide the configuration file that is dot slash config slash zookeeper dot properties and hit enter okay so my zookeeper started now I will start the Kafka sir so to start the Kafka server I need a new command prompt just type CMD over here and the command to start Kafka server is Dot slash bin slash windows slash Kafka server start dot bat and the configuration file that is dot slash config slash server properties okay so my Kafka server is started now let's create a topic in Kafka so start a new command prompt and I will rename this command prompt as producer and the command for creation of a Kafka topic is dot slash bin slash windows slash Kafka topic dot bat create topic I will set the topic name as my first topic then the bootstrap server which is localhost 9092 okay so my Kafka topic is created now let's put some message in the Kafka topic for that I need to start a producer so I will write Dot slash bin slash Windows slash kaftha console producer dot bat and the topic name which is my first topic then the server which is localhost 9092 before producing any message let me start the country which can consume the message produced by The Producers so let me start a new command prompt I will rename this command prompt as consumer and then I will write Dot slash bin slash windows slash Kafka console consumer dot bat and the topic which is my first topic I want to read the message from beginning so I will mention from beginning and the server which is localhost 9092 now let me arrange consumer and producer side by side so that I can show when I produce a message in the producer it is read by consumer in real time so if I write some message over here and hit enter it should go to the consumer so my first message be this is my first message and hit enter as you can see it appears to the consumer in real time now let's try to send some numbers like one two three four five and it is also consumed by the consumer in real time so you can see Kafka is powerful enough to send message in real time you can produce thousands of message in real time and consumer will be able to consume it so we have reached to end of our today's video if you have any question let me know in the comment section do hit the like button and subscribe for more such video thank you
Channel: Big Tech Talk
Views: 14,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apache kafka, kafka installation, how to install kafka on windows, Kafka install windows, Kafka tutorial windows, Install Kafka on Windows 10, Kafka on Windows, Kafka for beginners, Kafka tutorial, Streaming data, Real-time data, Distributed messaging, Pub/Sub Messaging, Distributed System, zookeeper, kafak download for windows, big data, event-driven architectures
Id: heXd6JA2TQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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