Installing Apache Kafka on Windows 11 in 5 minutes

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hello everyone this is Amrit pal Singh I'm here to uh help you understand to how we can install Apache Kafka on Windows machine so let's get started so I'm having the uh steps available in my notepad file let's get started so very first step is to download the Apache Kafka so what is the link which is the website from where we have to download for that I've already have opened up the official website of Apache Kafka you just have to go to the downloads page this is the link of it and once you arrived on this page you have to click on either 2.12 or 2.13 link we are going to download 3.7.0 version of Apache Kafka which is a recent one and the most stable one and we have to click on either 2.12 of Scala 2.13 of Scala based upon whatever the Scala you are using in your laptop I'm using uh 2.12 so I have already have downloaded this uh setup from the website so how it look like let me show you first it's available in my uh desktop I can show you this is how it look like this is the like uh ZIP version okay Kafka you can see compressed archive folder the current size is 113 MB so we have to just extract this file and once it is extracted I have put it in my C drive and you can see this is the this is how it look like once after it get extracted so very first two steps are done we have to download the setup followed by we have to extract the Kafka archive afterwards we have to configure the environmental variables so we have to click on the environmental variables option of your Windows machine and go to environmental variables here we have to make a entry to the system variable so what is the entry we have to make click on new button once you click on this new button it appear like this right we have to give the variable name and variable value so what's a variable name what is the variable value we have give the variable name as kaore home and variable value is I have to give the path of your uh that folder where it's located in my it's available in my C drive in my laptop so I've given the C drive location here okay it's done then click on okay afterwards go to the path p and make it entry over there you can see it here at the very bottom I meta entry percent P the variable name percentage slash then bin you have to make this entries and click on okay so this step is done now so we are done with the first three steps afterwards we have to configure the configuration files so we have to configure couple of files in this case one is Zookeeper do properties one is server. properties so where it is located it's available under the Kafka folder under Kafka folder we have a subfolder available config under the config we have our two files available zookeeper do properties and server. properties first of all open up the Z do properties and here when you scroll down you'll be finding one variable named data di earlier it will look like this data di equal to uh temp zookeeper so you have to replace this uh this temp with the actual path of your laptop where the Zookeeper is located okay rest everything will be same so you can see now it will be earlier TMP this you have to replace this TMP with your actual location where your Kafka is available so I replaced it is my with my C drive location here right this is done and again the same step we have to follow for the server. properties also in a server do properties again you'll be finding uh let me open up in front of you you'll be finding one link uh one variable name which is logs okay let me uh scroll down a bit and you'll be finding log. DS okay in this case also you have to replace it will be look like uh earlier with the TMP by default you have to replace this TMP with the actual location of your ca folder right rest everything will be same so you can see now in my uh this server. properties it is available uh here it is now been replaced with the c Drive address right this is done okay save both the files and close both the files I'm closing both the files after saving after it is done now we have to start the Zookeeper how we can start we have to just right click on the uh poers shell run as administrator and then we have to go with go to the the where the Kafka is available so it is available in my C drive so let me copy the path you have to just copy till the uh kafka's location here this is the location and copy and then paste it here and then go inside after words you have to run the First Command the first command is you have to start the Zookeeper copy this entire uh command as it is copy and paste it on the terminal okay and then run it once you run it once you click on enter once you enter it it will be look like this okay do not close this window again open up the second window with the right click and run as administrator in the same way go to your uh kafka's location and now we have to open up the Kafka broker or Kafka server again copy this entire line again okay and then paste it on your second terminal like this and press enter and it'll be start running like this okay so afterwards what to do again right click on the uh run as administrator this terminal power shell and open up the third terminal now and third terminal is we have to now check out the scafa services whether is running or not how we can check with the same command that we use for Hadoop also JPS your JPS should give you the two entries here one is Quorum Pier main which is the Damon of Zookeeper one is Kafka which is the Damon of Apache Kafka so this concludes the installation of Apache Kafka I hope you must have understood how we can install Apache kfka on Windows machine thanks for watching guys see you next video
Channel: Unboxing Big Data
Views: 3,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apache kafka, how to install kafka on windows, how to install kafka on windows 10, installing kafka on windows, kafka, apache kafka installation on windows, apache kafka tutorial, install kafka on windows 10, install kafka on windows, apache kafka tutorial for beginners, install kafka on windows 11, install apache kafka on windows 10, install apache kafka on windows, apache kafka for windows, install apache kafka on windows pc, setup kafka on windows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 24sec (324 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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