How to Install and Run Microsoft Office on Linux Ubuntu (2024 Tutorial)

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Hey guys what's going on today I'm going to be showing you how   to get office installed and working on  This should also work on Linux Mint.  or other similar distros I'm not using any  virtual machine, there's no gimmicks or anything.  This is genuine Microsoft office  not online. Like the true full   copy of Microsoft office running on two. I've got the full suite installed and I haven't   encountered any problems yet but just as a proof  of concept, I'm gonna go ahead and open up word.  You can see that it looks like normal. I can start a document Can start typing,   I can mess with everything, change the  font, change the size, it all works.  The way that it should which is nice. So yeah without further ado   let's go ahead and get started. Alright so the first thing you're gonna need is an   offline 32 bit installer. For Microsoft office. 2013 seems to be the version that works best.  I've seen some people be able to get 2016 to work. And I'm sure that it could work if you fiddled   around with it but 2013 seems to work  perfectly and it doesn't really you don't   really lose any features compared to 2016. So I'll have the link to download the   version that I'm using in the description. basically you're gonna download it and extract it.  And then what you're gonna do is  install an app called play on Linux.  So to do that, you're literally just gonna go to  your terminal Sudo apt get install play on Linux.  It's gonna ask for your  passwords, you can enter that.  I've already got it installed so  it's not actually installing it.  And then after that you're going to  install something called wind bind.  So Sudo apt get install wind bind it, enter  same thing, I've already got it installed   but once you've done that you're gonna  go ahead and open your play on Linux.  And you can see I've got  everything installed already.  But what you're gonna do is hit install   and you're just gonna search for  office in the search bar here.  And you can see there is kind  of some support for 2016.  Again I haven't really messed around with it  too much but since the version I'm using is   2013 I'm gonna click on this, I'm gonna hit  install gives me a note that it is in test,   excuse me, that it's in testing. Then you're just gonna hit next   next. It is going to ask you for a setup file. So again you're going to download the file that   I will provide in the description, extract it  and then you're gonna hit on setup dot E. X. E.  You're gonna go ahead and open  that you're gonna hit next.  And I've already got it installed so  it is giving me the option to override.  But for you you just be able to hit Yes but I'm  just gonna install it from scratch for the proof   of concept so I'm gonna give it a second ball of  installs here and while this is happening it's   gonna probably prompt you a couple of times. It'll be like you're missing this or that   dependency. Would you like  us to install it for you?  You're just gonna hit, yes. That might pop up two  or 32 or three times but it's creating the virtual   drive so you're gonna have to wait a couple  of minutes while it does that and there we go.  So now I have the office installer up I'm  gonna accept the terms I'm gonna continue that.  I'm gonna hit install now and it  should just install with. No problem.  All right and you can see  that it has just finished.  So you're actually just gonna hit close here.  You're not gonna continue online. Hit close.  Give play only a couple of minutes and it should  populate here with all of the office applications.  There we go. And you can see it also  makes the shortcuts on the desktop for you   which you can get rid of if you don't need  them but you can see that it's been installed.  So I'm just gonna hit next. It'll close out.  I can even close out of this completely  and the full office suite I've already   created kind of unfolded for them  but it will all be on your main menu.  So you should be able to click on these first  time, it might take a second or so to load.  Actually that was relatively quick and it's  gonna say first things first blah blah blah.  You can just ask me later. Same thing when this pops up, you   can just close out of it and then you are good. You've got Microsoft office installed and working.   So yeah that is pretty much all for this video. If you run into any issues just drop me a   comment and I will try to help you troubleshoot. But as always, thank you all so much for watching,   please make sure to like and subscribe to the  channel and I will see you guys in the next video.
Channel: Looeelooee
Views: 254,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Running Microsoft Office on Linux, Using Microsoft Office on Linux, Microsoft Office on Linux Ubuntu, how to install microsoft office on linux, installing microsoft office on linux, Microsoft Office on Linux tutorial, Linux Ubuntu Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Linux Ubuntu installation, Linux Ubuntu Microsoft Office guide, Microsoft Office Linux setup, Microsoft Office Linux compatibility guide, microsoft office on linux, linux microsoft office, linux, ubuntu, microsoft office
Id: LH-6tp-KBuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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