How to Install and Configure a QB-Core Server | Complete 2024 Guide for FiveM

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welcome back developers my name is David and in today's video I'm going to show you how to create your own QB cor server with air node hosting first of all go to their website at air node. NL then you'll want to log in or create an account for me I'm just going to log in I already have an account after you've logged in you'll want to go to your dashboard if you cannot find the dashboard just click home and you'll be redirected to the dashboard then scroll down and you will see over at Services effects server hosting you'll want to click on effect server hosting then you will have eight servers and we recommend buying the1 one it's amazing and it's it's cheap for the stuff you get after you bought the server you want to go to your mailbox you want to log in and you will see a email telling you that your account has been created search for your email and open it then you will see a blue button here click on it uh if you cannot click on it just press this link under it then you'll want to create a new password make sure you will remember this password so with this password you're going to log in and um you're going to go to the panel and if you want to change some files add resources to your fm server and stuff you will need this password to lock in your FTP to add the resources or files or whatever so make sure you will you remember the password then you want to go back to the login and login and then you will see this screen um which whatever uh effect server you bought then you want to click click on manage server then you will see this screen don't worry yet um this is very easy you want to go first all to file manager and then you want to click this button over here and then click on delete don't worry we're going um don't worry about this it's just for now then you want to go to database you want to create a new database I'm just going to call my QB simple and and click on create database or I I guess not I guess I'll just call it QB server and create a new database then you'll want to go to um I believe Network and then you want to create a new allocation and then copy the port make sure it's the uh secondary one not the primary Port the secondary Port I'm going just copy it then you want to go to start it over here you're going to scroll down and enable thex admin if you like thex admin I'm going to enable it because it's very useful tool and put in the port I don't have a steam web API key you can just make one that's very straightforward how to put in your steam web API key then the FM server uh version you want to copy this link over here or it will be in the description too and open the link then you'll see the latest versions I'mma pick the latest version which is 7257 then 7257 is latest version and that's it everything automatically saves if you don't see a save button don't worry about that and then you want to give your server a name I'm going just call my air Noe and then the you can configure max players um you cannot have more than 48 players if you don't have a subscription uh I might just put eight and then your 5m license key you want to get your fm license key by going to this link over here open new tab there it then you want to register a new server uh for your own records just put in the server name or just put in uh a note and then the initial IP address you can find it by going back to the panel then go to cons and then copy IP then go back and press paste uh paste it in without Port make sure you move the port cuz it will glitch out then click here other SL home hosted and just put in air note then I'm not a robot and then press generate after that you will copy your 5m license key go back to Sero uh to your panel go back to uh startup and you want to change the key I'm placeing the key um then you want to go to settings and press on reinstall server it will take a few seconds and I'll be back when it's done all right now that's done um you want to go to console and then press on start let everything run and then you will get this message over here um if you don't see just scroll up a bit and then you want to copy this IP make sure the port is um you also copy the port too uh you want to copy it or you can press on it okay uh and copy your pin and link your account now just press and continue create a master password make sure you remember it too and then create um create master then you will see this page over here you just want to press next and then I going just call M air note this is my server name and then you want to click on popular recipes then search for QB core framewor and press on that uh if you want to change the path which is um I don't I don't really recommend changing the path but for E I'm just going to change the path and use the server initials so just leave this PA and server initials uh I'm going just call mine actually air Noe that's it um then just press save then go to recipe deployer press next you don't have to change anything here press next and then you want to put in your effect key again so go over here go to Startup oh it did not save apparently let's get the key again after you copy the key you'll want to go here and paste the key again make sure um to press and show session right database options we're going to show the options you'll have here a few options database host Port username password name so uh to get to get all your database information you want to go back to database and then the database host is um can see the database host is this here the endpoint just copy that the port is the same Save Make sure you do not keep the port here um and then it should look like something like this of course you'll have another IP address because it's different uh then the database username it will be this string over here and then the password will be this and then the database name you can find the database name back here just copy that over here and P it then all you just have to do is R recipe now we're just done with the hardest part now we'll just let it load and I'll be back when it's done loading all right so Min is done just press on next by the way if you have any errors you can always contact uh air noode uh over here with your chat system then here uh did not uh press on save and run server yet um we're going to change a few things so the the end points we're going to change the port to find the port again want to press on copy IP you want to open the notepad or something and get these last numbers over here you want copy them and replace them both overl PCP and UDP with the ports then again you can change the max layers we have I will have eight the sing AP I don't have any you can set Ts for example RP and stuff Department of Justice doesn't really matter then the uh Ser key uh do not delete I want to keep it um then the um server name the this name will come up in the server list I'm going just keep a air Noe and then the project name will be uh when you click on the server like it's the little card I will show you later and then you have the um description of the server let me just put here cool RB server by aode and then you can set the lockal uh to n us um then you can set the server logo if you have a logo uh if you don't have a logo just leave it be uh then you'll have a game bu just keep it like that and then you will have the MySQL connection string so this pretty much connects to your database then you will have some configs and then the QB core you startet is the is the third eye people say when you hold alt I'm going I'm going to enable it by uh removing true and replacing it with uh false with true and then you have some more stuff over here don't need to worry about everything is looking good and just press on save and run server there we go now the server is is starting up give it some time about 5 minutes because QB C has a lot of resources um I don't have that I don't have a powerful server because I just got the free server I'll just slide a load for a bit and um I'll be back when it's done loading all righty everything has been built my server is online um it obviously takes some time because it's just the first time the server starts it has to build everything uh I'm just going to give it another restart because why not all right I have restarted Ser server everything is done loading uh now let's open 5m oh all right I have to open I guess um so it's either you're going to find the server by searching the [Music] name uh this is the server if you cannot find in the list it takes some time to load anyways it takes like 30 minutes if you cannot find the server it's normal just get like 30 minutes then uh if you cannot if you don't find the server in the um server list you'll just press fa on your keyboard and then press uh type in Connect and then the IP address and you should be loading in we've successfully loaded in our C cor server let's create a character real quick all right [Music] select where you want to go load all right uh you can create your character I'm not going to create it uh at a moment and then this is the third ey I was talking about you have to hold alt to see your third eye um which you've enabled and then you have to press right click after you know dies go so the eye goes blue when to press right click to see all the options that come and yeah this is your TV cursor now I'm going to show you how to access the files and and how to install SQL files or database files so I'mma exit the game all right um for that you want to go back to the panel and then uh you want to install um then when CP it will be Link in the description uh just download it the 62 bit or the 32 bit after you've downloaded it and run the installer installer and stuff I'm going to go to settings over here and then click on launch SFTP should automatically say this um allow the site to open uh SFTP link and you want to uh press on always allow just for ease of use and then choose application uh this is my application when CP I just downloaded earlier and then just open link then you want to put in the password you made earlier to create your panel account um let's log in all right after you've logged in successfully um you want to go into you will you do not want to um go into these ones you want to go into the folder air node actually we can even delete these ones but I'm not going to delete it at the moment because it takes some time I'm going to go into here and then you want to go into resources and you will see here all your resources um that you have and if you want to install SQL files you want to go back to console PHP my admin uh select database server one if your login does not work you want to press on database server two but by theault it's database server one make sure oh make sure you copied your username I'm going just select and press contrl C because I have some issues and then password again copy the password paste in and then log in and you should he is here see your QB core server and um if you want to import SQL files for example your phone or something just press on import then just browse the files and then just press import and you'll be automatically imported if you have any SE files that's it thank you for watching and have a great day
Channel: Airnode Hosting
Views: 528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fivem, qbcore, qb-core, setup fivem, 5m, fivem server
Id: atQEncjViy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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