Launch Your FiveM Server Today: Quick and Easy with RocketNode Hosting

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[Music] foreign [Music] with rocket node and in this video I'm going to be showing you a quick and easy tutorial on how to start your own 5m server using our quick and easy hosting platform so the first thing you want to do is open your browser and we're going to navigate to our website which I'm already here but if you're not is the domain go here and now we're going to start the server buying process so what we're going to do once we're here is we're going to click on 5m server hosting and you're basically going to select the plane you're looking to use um you know to start you could start with like a six or eight gig plan anything below this is solely for development purposes I'd say and you know it really depends on the scale your community if you're looking to have 50 to 60 people on the time you might want to go for a 16 gigabyte RAM plan or higher you know if you're looking for it to just be you and a couple of friends you know maybe being the four to eight range it really depends exactly what you're looking for and you could always upgrade or downgrade at any time so you know you might want to start at the four gigabyte plan and upgrade to the 16 gigabyte plan which you could do and you will not lose any of your data it will be an instant upgrade so once you figure out the plan you want to buy you're going to click select location we currently offer six locations um Texas Oregon Virginia London Sydney and Singapore we're constantly adding to this list but you know for the video's sake I have a server deployed in Virginia but it really depends you know wherever you are in the world you want to pick the location closest to you so that you have the lowest latency and the best performance so once you go through that you purchase a server and finish the checkout process you'll get an email um giving you panel access which will bring you here if you go to this is pretty much exactly what you'll see and this is just the test server we have up to show you guys but so yeah this is how we'd start the process so immediately you will be greeted by this nice looking panel exactly how mine looks um we're running in Virginia for this example so now all you have to do since our panel makes it very easy um all you have to do is go to Key Master dot which all this will be in the description by the way and this is so that we can make our license key um so that our server could run and populate on the server list so now we're going to click register a new server display name I'm just going to put test you can put your server name it's totally up to you um initial server IP address it's gonna be everything before the port so we're not going to do um this and the port so it's solely going to be this beginning part here [Music] so we're going to copy that paste um you know all your server IPs are going to be different so mine's not going to be the same as yours necessarily so make sure you copy it directly from here and do not copy the one I'm using because it might not be yours um server type I always do VPS and provider um you can put anything I'm going to put rocket node because we're using rocket node and then we're going to generate the key once this loads we're literally just going to copy this key go back to our panel go to Startup and write in the 5m license we're gonna plop it right there now if you're looking to change your host name say you want to call your server you know Lanes past server there you go so now when we start the server it's going to pop up with the name Lanes test server um TX admin's not enabled now um we can enable it if you click this button but you know I'm just not because I'm not a huge personal fan of it um in terms of server update here if enabled it's basically gonna pull the latest version of 5m for your server every time the server starts um this will not interrupt your files at all it just pulls the latest version but you know some Frameworks some custom ESX QB core will require specific 5m version so basically whatever your developer whoever the file developers of what you're using tells you to use um you know that will determine if you could enable this or not in the event they want you to scan a specific version you'll basically click that off and then put the version here but most things work on the latest version so we're not going to be worried about that in terms of next players obviously this is how many players can join your server we do not at all limit players but in order to go above 48 players you're going to want to look into the 5m patreon which will allow your license keys to handle above 48 players but that is not a limitation set by us um so now we can go to the console and start it very fast um and you know especially with the kubernetes it's gonna automatically connect you to the most optimized node and this is where where you know you're really going to see those performance increases um you know that you wouldn't otherwise see at other providers so let's just like wait for this to load give it a sec so when this comes up it's basically it already has the latest version so you know it didn't have to redownload it and boom look how fast that started obviously this was the first time of us starting it you know the second time third time there's gonna be caching so it's gonna start even faster than that so now that we're started um this is not an error at all it's just installing yarn which on first install you know that's what it does so we're gonna wait for yarn to finish and then we'll restart it just so you can see how much faster it actually is after the second or third start um while that's downloading I want to just go into some of the other things we offer within our 5m hosting um the biggest thing is the framework installer um you know we've built this customized solution so you could one click install a QB core ESX review menu server with one click of a button um you know so it's really up to you what you want to do um once this starts we're gonna go ahead and actually do a QB core install um just you know to demonstrate it but it's the same process with the sxv menu so don't worry about that very easy everything's very easy and they're user friendly so now this started so we're going to click restart it just has to match to the optimize node most of it's not even loading time it's just getting you on that most efficient server so that the server runs so smooth it's and fast as possible um you know we also offer up to 17 terabytes per second DDOS protection which is well above industry standard um you know which will defend most cyber attacks which is great most providers do not offer this so you know especially for the price point there's a lot of stuff that we offer that you know other providers simply can't in this market and you know that's why we are one of the largest providers today so let the slow download complete that's just the updating obviously of the uh version and then boom look how fast that loads boom and we're online so pretty much that's that's it I mean you literally within a couple of minutes have a full 5m server ready to use um for file manager so you want to add scripts right you would basically just add them directly into this resources folder um here let's pull up a basic script so let's pull up this script this is one of my favorites because it's so easy to use the second so it's just my horrendous home internet okay perfect only took 20 years um okay let's go here 's my Internet is just top notch okay well looks like we're not doing that script um let's see we might be able to find it directly on GitHub all right sure let's do this I don't know why five and performance were down but you know that's out of my control we could close out of the key master by the way and now we're literally just gonna drag this into resources look how freaking fast that is and now literally we just unzip it delete the zip I always remove the master at the end but it really doesn't matter and then oops copy this rename uh then we just go click file manager server.cfj and we are going to ensure that and boom save content let it save the server.c of J all right cool and now we're gonna restart it and now that script will be in the server while that's running let's try to load up 5m I honestly have not uh been on 5m on this computer in a while so this might be a all right I'm okay so I don't know how to turn my volume off but you know we shall make it work so now we're gonna copy our IP address with the port and it's starting right now so let's let's wait for it to start with the new script and so we could really see it give that a second okay cool it's on f8 we're gonna do connect and then paste that puppy in and this is the default game build so let's just start that up right and now it's just reloading on that new game build that was just because on a um I was playing an older version before so you know I haven't played on this computer in a long time load okay cool again oops it's even it's already connecting great even better so now we're loading in this is the default loading screen that's just in 5m could have made this tutorial a lot shorter I just really want to demonstrate to you guys you know how great everything works and how fast and easy the whole processes let's see what the command does should have probably did that before uh downloading the script okay let's stick them in blush oh great so it's restricted all right so we're not gonna be able to use it because it's restricted but we'll try it say hey at least you know it's in because it says access tonight ideally we should have unrestricted it which I'll do now but I'm not going to go into it again because then it just will work as it should um we're gonna go into the resource big and turn that to false and safe perfect um yeah so now the last thing I really want to show you guys because I really wanted to make this in depth and go over everything is we're going to install QB core as like just a test run just so you could see doing one of our Frameworks so we're going to click install this is going to take some time because it has to pull these files and put them in and sets and it sets it all up for you which is great so just give that a minute perfect and you know now join the installer just installing the last of those files and then it's going to be one click Start and you'll have a full QB course server it's really great the technology that we've put together here and you know you guys are really good enjoy it where you guys do enjoy it I should say you know we're one of the highest rated hosts in the space and boom now we're in so now we're gonna go back to the console and literally just click Start and watch you're gonna see a full QB core server in a second it's really amazing that a second and here I'll even boot up five I'm gonna go back into it to show you guys and it does put in a a new default game build because this one requires a different one but you know that's for most QB cores so let's get into it perfect and you know now it's pretty much basic uh um basic Cubic Core just put sure great oh God oh God Bender now good okay cool let's show you you know it's obvious obviously it's fully working QB core so you know we could pretty much fate quit yeah you can found that here you're in your apartment same as it usually is I'm just gonna wait for the screen to be off black So Okay cool so f8 quit yada yada yada fully working QB server there you go so you know in this tutorial we went over how to set up a basic 5m server within in a few minutes how to use the framework in store installer to install you know a qbquarius XV menu whatever you know you're looking for and you know even at it add your own scripts so you know we're gonna be uploading a lot more content to the channel and if you don't already have your rocket node 5m server go get it best fastest most reliable five I'm hosting on the market hope you all have a good day and if you guys have any questions please leave a comment below and we'll get back to them as soon as possible thank you guys
Channel: RocketNode Hosting
Views: 10,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FiveM Server Setup, RocketNode Hosting, Easy Server Creation, Custom FiveM Server, FiveM Tutorial, Gaming Server Setup, Online Gaming, FiveM Server Guide, FiveM Hosting Tutorial, FiveM Quick Setup, DIY FiveM Server, Game Server Hosting, how to make a fivem server, how to make a fivem server 2023
Id: I9yg8Ht0MQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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