How to install a window air conditioning unit through a wall.

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today I'm going to be installing the Friedrich window mounted air conditioning unit except I'm going to be installing it through the wall there's some significant advantages of throwing installing it through the wall one it doesn't block your view through the window and you can actually open up your window now if you see I've mounted up really high this way it does not get in the way of any furniture you could have you know tables and chairs pushed up against the wall it doesn't interfere this is a view from the outside of the shed now it's actually this is a tiny tiny shed or it's a tough shed that would converted into an office and just gets too hot in the summertime all right let's go take a look inside the Tough Shed slash office this is a 120 square foot Tough Shed So it's a 10 feet by 12 feet it's all insulated with drywall and it's been painted and texturing as floors and this is the location right there on the wall up high where I'm going to install the air conditioning unit and again it's having it up high is perfect because it's away from all any furniture and also ever once I installed one down low it was blowing all my paperwork all over the place it's just nice to have it up high you know one thing you want to make sure is that you check to make sure there's no wiring right in that area and so you can use a stud finder that has electrical sensors that you can determine if there's any wiring and there is obviously you're going to have to do some watering work fortunately when I designed this I made sure there was no wiring in that particular location because I knew I was going to going and they're producing you so this is my strategy you have three studs and the wall I'm going to build this box that's just like a sixteenth of an inch wider on each side than the size of the air conditioning unit I'm going to cut this one stud then I'm going to install I'm going to put the Box the frame I'm going to slide it right into the wall and attach those screws there there into that stud into that stud going up instead on the bottom and you don't have to do anything at all with that stud and the cool thing about this is you don't have to do any drywall work you're just going to put some trim right over the edge like that do some trim there maybe trim on the top trim on the bottom and other sides you won't have to do any drywall work and same thing on the outside you add trim it'll cover up any of the spaces so it's a great system it's very efficient and there's the AC unit it is a Friedrich model for a room that's 150 square feet so this is 120 square feet should be more than enough one of the key things when I take measurements for the frame you have to account for these little these little Clips a little things that stick out on the side you have to make sure you add a little extra for those like at least quarter inch extra and then also you want to same thing for the height this little round thing here it sticks up that's going to add a little bit and you want to check the bottom to see if there's anything sticking out at the bottom so it looks like I took a measurement this and this actually the same height but you do have a little bit oh it's just styrofoam okay there's another screws sticking out that's good and on this side okay I think I got it we're just going to take our measurements there it's 18 and 5 8. I'm going to add yep so 19 inches that'll give us plenty of clearance for those little tabs on the side the 19 inches is the width foreign here is the frame that I've slid over the air conditioning unit it was almost the perfect fit and the sides are as perfect 1 16 of an inch gap on either side the top bottom there was a little bit too big of a gap it was I actually had to go back and trim off 3 8 of an inch off one side to make it fit perfectly first thing I'm going to do let me take this Keyhole saw I'm just going to stab right in here I don't know exactly what the names of that stem is all right so [Music] okay all right now foreign Sawzall and this thing's coming handy so much all right so we're looking out we got a outlet right there works out quite well [Music] what's your knock attack next you're going to take your frame and you're going to slide it into the opening that you just cut you want to make sure it fits really well you may have to trim off a little extra the drywall or the studs and then you also want to make sure it's totally level that is critical Next Step the holes along the edges all four and then we'll take a Sawzall I want to cut that opening out the cool thing is on the other side the outside cement board covers over the frame that helps prevent any watering getting in we're also going to put some caulking [Music] okay all right build Milwaukee Sawzall nice Long Blade I'm just going to cut straight down from hold the hole connect the dots there we go we've got a brand new window there's air conditioning the air just Flows In here there's just a couple of edges where I need to uh touch up shave a little bit more off right so there's the hole from the outside let me try see if it fits so use a Sawzall I cut the little edge off there what about the top and bottom it's funny just sixteenth of an inch makes a huge difference I just give it a try again foreign let's see here that's all right you can see all the legs they're quite great in the middle of the stud there you can see it now yeah those are right in the middle of stud over here I'll just leave them right there okay it's time for some trim again this is uh two and a quarter inch wide or should say thick by 5 8 of an inch deep and what I'm doing here is I'm screwing in the trim and uh ideally I'm going to be taking it off afterwards I just want to get it all fitted then I'm going to take it off and paint it in between painting it I'm going to caulk all along the edges there to prevent any events or air coming in or bugs being able to come in foreign [Music] strips let's see this uh two by fours is set one inch so I added each of these first strips is a quarter inch thick so I just added a couple on the side on that side and then I'm gonna add some more right here I've got the foam insulation it's a good shape foreign this will also lock the air conditioning unit in place all right so we're gonna go ahead and wait I'm gonna wait for that to expand and dry I'll cut it off with a utility knife and then I'll put the trim back up actually I could probably go ahead and paint the trail while since it's off right now [Music]
Channel: Ed's DIY Handyman Show
Views: 125,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install window air conditioning unit through the wall., How to install an air conditioning unit in a shed. How to install a Friedrich air conditioning unit., Air conditioning in shed, Tuff shed air conditioning, Through wall air conditioner, How to cool a tuff shed
Id: dJm2ajwdbHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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