How To Install A Wall Mounted Hood Fan!

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you're gonna be renovating your own space then do yourself a favor and buy quality appliances stuff like this from Zee line is amazing because they have these kind of features you can do your own maintenance and repairs you can take care of maintaining the surface of the stainless steel so do yourself a favor spend a little extra money get good quality appliances and you increase the value of your home and the quality of your life so just to bring you all up to speed with what's going on in the process here I had my plug installed here originally I knew it was kind of temporary because we hadn't really finalized the design as far as which hood family were going with we had a few options available I knew I needed power up here and you don't have to be a plug but it in a location so originally we thought we were gonna be using a hood just kind of a flat bottom it would look something like this right and then the side of the hood is gonna be very vertical and my plug is covered by that little Tower that goes with it but it turns out we end up getting something a little bigger it has a different design it looks more of something like this all right okay problem now my plug is completely buried behind hood so I had to cut a hole reach in find that power supply pull the wire loose connect it to a new box now it's floating because I have to put a six-inch exhaust the tower that it comes with is only nine inches wide and you really don't want to have a cavity more than eight just to be on the safe side so what I'm looking at doing is I want to put in my exhaust from the outside get it ready to be connected to the top of the unit which sits around here and then I'm gonna find a location for this and I might even just have it sitting here I don't really know yet we're gonna figure that out later there's a there is some wood up here that I can screw it to and I'd like to have it mounted if I could but at the end of the day once this is all installed if I have to have it sitting here it's not the end of the world because it's behind something that's all fixed and attached to the wall and it's completely enclosed with the cover on so let's get into locating the outside drilling this out and installing our exhaust vent once we have that we're going to measure off our location put in our our screws so that we can mount the unit on the wall then we'll confirm the location and then everything is level before we proceed with connection now you can see I'm dealing with the old wooden siding here and there's two layers and there's nails everywhere so the last thing I wanna do is pull out an expensive 6-inch round drill bit and core drill this so what I'm gonna do instead is I'm going to use this to isolate the few locations outside so that I can cut the siding on the outside nice and clean it's getting cool outside and that means that if I use any kind of cutting tool or risk shattering that siding that's gonna look like crap so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to drill through take the grinder out cut a nice circle then I'm gonna take the sawzall and I'm going to connect all the dots and then we're gonna have a beautiful looking hole on the wall and daylight yeah we've got a couple inches of wood to get through that's for darn sure the reason I'm drilling so many holes is because when I'm on the outside using the reciprocate er I can just connect the dot kind of like kind of like that old little metal tracing game in school you know they give you a picture with nothing but dots you have to connect all the dots I'll just going to take the reciprocate ER and go from one hole to the next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] that'll burn it takes a little bit more time to be this exact but the smaller the hole easier it is this finish nice damn okay so we're done with that tool now we got to go inside figure out how much we've got to cut back off that material and I'll show you why okay so before we go put that in there's a couple things we want to go through when dealing with hood fans one of the concerns that you're gonna have is if you can imagine this just this being the wall and this being the mounted head fan look how close the exhaust is to the wall so when I install this I have to make a 90-degree turn to go at the wall so there's my flexible ducting and I'm gonna get relatively ninety degrees and this is the piece that goes into the inside my wall so I've really got to be able to get that in there a couple of inches so let's take a look and see if this works first okay yeah that's gonna fit inside and I mean just freakin barely so here's the consideration if that fits inside and then coming off the wall a couple of inches sorry I need to make sure that my hood fan cover it's gonna leave me enough room so what I want to do is I want to actually cut this back to about a couple of inches inside the depth of the wall so that this isn't on my wall and this connections happening inside my wall that makes enough sense you know it's funny because there are a lot of different hood fans out in the market and a lot of different situations for install and in a lot of cases if you don't buy the right product you're going to have to install your hood fan and then do while your ducting after the fact and you aren't going to have the flexibility that you need to make that corner make that installation this product here that comes with the Z line hood fan is amazing because for me it's too long but I have the luxury out of being able to unscrew the end measure the length that I want I'll follow the XS screw that in back on again and I'm in business okay so the way I'm going to finish this off later is I'm gonna be filling this cavity with expansion foam all right it's the only way that I can get anything close to resembling a good insulation level which means the first two or three inches of that cavity is going to be foam I can actually cut my tin way back inside there right then I can put the exhaust on screw it from the outside put on the protective seal even though there's a light rain and it's only a couple of degrees outside the exterior caulking that we purchased there's something no problem to perform and cure in that kind of weather scenario so I'm more than happy to take care of that today get that all finished up and sealed up and then once we get this installed here I can foam this area then we can worry about mountain hood there you go I by cutting a nice perfect circle you got lots of meat to screw to these pieces in here just don't over compress because you'll end up distorting the siding here we go across the top a little bit on the nails on the screws sorry I'm using exterior deck screws so they won't deteriorate but the cocking is the same color as the hood fan so this will blend a lot nicer and then if it does happen to rest somewhere in the future that solves that problem now when you're cocking make sure you in behind the flange and these gaps because that's where the wind is going to drive the rain and that's how that's going to get in so what I want to do now is I want to actually measure the height from my finished hood fan up into the screw mount now that's tricky but since they give us this packaging I'm gonna just use it as my square there we go I'm gonna mark a hole on my Saira phone and I'm gonna trace the line for the bottom BAM now I can measure so I want to put my screws 12 and 3/4 higher than my finish of my hood thing so let's take a look and see what her options are now I want my husband to finish on the raised side of this bevel tile you can see there's a bevel line here okay I'm just gonna mark so you can see what I'm thinking here that's the bevel so anywhere underneath this bevel is a nice flat surface for the most part which is ideal for the hood the hood fan should be 30 to 36 inches higher so I think so to go in 30 we're gonna go for the 31 mark just just below the bevel line remember in earlier videos we use the laser level to put our plugs on the wall to set our countertop height to install all of our tile everything everything in this room even the windows has been done with the laser level so by using it now we're gonna guarantee everything is going to be absolutely perfect this one thing you just don't want to live without so that makes it 12 inches there 12 and 3/4 is too close to the top of that tile I think we're gonna drop it down just a bit yeah so we're gonna wait for the bouncing to stop I'm going to trace my line or my screws are gonna go to that grim line cuz that grout line is actually my center because that's how we establish the tile when we installed it right there our center line okay now we'll turn the laser off because we don't need it anymore we also want to know exactly how far between the holes we are so that's four all right the holes are centered exactly seven inches so let's translate three and a half inches each way and then confirm that we got that right yep so that's where I'm gonna be drilling to put my holes it's that simple nice [Music] [Applause] [Applause] sweet rid of all this picture time in Italy if you follow our videos you know I love using the quarter inch yellow wall plugs buy them in one pack I use them for everything that way only ever have to buy a quarter inch drill that gives you a really good grip these wall plugs are economy now we want to hold them off from all a little bit because it slips over then we'll tighten them up so this fan is a Z line snow-white stainless steel finish designed to go with my dual fuel stove and as a result of that then you had to upgrade the power this up to 760 instead of your traditional 400 CFM just because whenever you're doing with gas appliances you want a little bit better exhaust okay here we go now some of you might actually even enjoy doing this I really am NOT a big fan of all of this packaging on the stainless steel I get why they do it but the amount of fingerprints and everything you leave on the stainless when you're taking all this off I just don't think it's worth the benefit of protecting it but hey Who am I to complain here we go okay okay wait too much cheese in it all right yeah yeah we got it run the screw mill I'll just tighten her up so before we go any further I should mention that z-line is supplying the appliances for my kitchen just want to be perfectly honest here now the reason we were absolutely enthralled with the idea of doing this collaboration is appliance educator is a group of guys that are really working hard to try to develop themselves as an authority and helping people install appliances and they've got a YouTube video and a lot of blogs and a lot of vlogs all about information to help people so they contacted us and said hey can we do a collaboration I said sure who's your favorite appliance company to deal with they introduced me to Z line well they're not available in Canada yet so if you're Canadian viewer be patient but if you're down the United States they're all over the place feel free to check them out the quality is great it's a family owned company you can't go wrong with that they're made in America so I'm really pleased and so far this stuff is absolutely gorgeous I'm a big believer that if you're gonna renovate your own space the finishings that you put in your house your countertops your kitchens your appliances those things spend good money on that's where you get value in your home okay so that's where the investment is put an investment in good quality finishings that's your wow factor that's your value in your home when you get an appraised so don't cheap out into situations like this this is where you want to save your money the reason you're doing DIY is that you can buy the nice things to put in your house that's where you get your valuation anyway let's carry on with the installation it has LED lights it has three grills that go underneath that are dishwasher safe yay awesome awesome various speeds various lighting here's the cord it just plugs in boom all we have to do now is foam up around the hall and then cut and measure our ducting so that we can finish this off and install the tower the installations not that bad once you get all of the work in the wall done so really the key is if you have the opportunity and unlike myself have this on site before you renovate your space so you can get all your locations perfect before you start ah otherwise this is how you do it if you don't okay I'm gonna set that there now this might seem pretty extreme for some folks putting this much foam in the hole remember I've gone through great lengths try to make a nice thermal and vapor barrier around here and if you want to see how we did it you can watch that other video I'll put the link up here it's a lot of work doing thermal and vapor barrier in an old home but when it's done right oh my god is it ever comfortable you know one of the benefits I almost mentioned is the the snow finish on the stainless apparently they've got special buffing pads that you can use to continually maintain this gorgeous shine we're going to try that it's shipping in the mail so soon as we get it I think we'll try it out on the stove when we install the stove but I'm looking forward to seeing that because that makes maintenance a brand new world stainless is lovely but sometimes it can be a pain to clean apparently they've solved that problem okay so let's rough to make the measurement pull the extender because if I make it too big I can always shrink it right somewhere around here like that okay so just take these two grooves here and line them cut it that's not as easy as it looks so this actually goes inside my steel round I think that's going to be the most challenging part of the fit Oh glad I saved the twist tie for the electrical this is going to keep that out of the way while I do the rest of my install okay sweet I'm really happy with it except for that one spot my deaf name seems to have a little bit of a hole so I'm gonna seal that up with menthol there we go okay okay now for the hard part then when you open your package I'm gonna see this little plastic square don't throw that it's actually important cuz unlike most hood fans that are out there this one comes pretty much restaurant-quality and that is actually a grease trap there's two holes in the bottom of the blower that when you take out your filters to wash you can check this out you can slide it in pour it any of the grease hyssop and dripping inside the ductwork and then you're right back in business again great for maintenance now these are the great covers for the fan is in place and then there's a locking mechanism that's it nice and simple and you will notice that there is no filter in this okay we're not filtering the air here we're exhausting it now if you wanted to have a system where you're recirculating the air back into the kitchen then on the top where we out of the ducting there is a activated carbon filter you can put on that but then you also have to get a tower that has vented size okay so that is an option but for me I like to exhaust the air just makes life simple basically this design is to grab grease and dirt and just collect it okay that's it so that's why you throw in the dishwasher once a week whatever and keep it clean nice and easy so this is the designer series and the color designer basically what that means is it's a lot more difficult to install there are systems out there now you have an option to buy a two-piece sleeves you know one will sit on the fan when you lift up to the ceiling to screw it into a bracket nice and simple this one there's a mounting screw here and that actually attaches just at the top of the housing on the back of the van and then there's this this wall plate actually installs against the wall at the ceiling height okay and it's kind of like this in case you have an exhaust that goes up through the roof and over through the roof since ours goes out the side we don't have to worry about the hole but we do have a decorative trim the crown molding so you mount that on the wall you leave just a little bit of room from the ceiling and then you can slide this crown molding to get that finish that's the designer finish its sleek there's no joints right you can wipe it down and clean without slicing your hand off and on that exposed edge and it looks pretty good so this is what we're going to do and because of that we have the ability to cut it to size now I've never been a big fan of cutting stainless steel I did go to the store and I picked up a blade from my grinder here's hoping that it works no here's that location for the mounting screws talking about so you want to measure from that groove up to the ceiling now since the crown molding is 2 inches thick we got a lot of mercy here so for the purpose of making our cut we're just going to take a little bit off the top we'll go 18 and a half just so we don't have any issues now I know I'm a safety second kind of guy but to not wear glasses right now would make safety third [Music] [Music] citizen all right so it's just stroke of genius the engineering here remember our screw holes are 7 inch apart to the middle of the screw this mounting flange centerline same gap 7 inches which means I can take my laser level throw it on the wall hit my screw and then my spot on the roof is exactly the same spot so I'm gonna put this up here not tight though remember the finished trim goes over top so we're gonna drop it down just to here okay Merc my spot I'll move the laser line to the other side do the same and most critic did you two do this will ensure that my tower is exactly level I'm just loving it there's nothing on this wall that wasn't done with a laser level gotta buy that tool it's in her Amazon linger okay so now this was actually behind okay we'll get the set screws yeah loving that okay that's very discreet love that and now the moment of truth oh very cool okay you're interesting no I know it looks a little ugly up there reality is is my house is booed the last corset tile I installed it because I wanted to see how I'll be was and talk about options we decided we're gonna pull this off we're gonna be putting a 3/8 inch piece of good one side plywood all the way across and then we're gonna add a new crown molding to the both sides the room to balance the look at it's the only way we can do it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this off for now I'm gonna get all that installed and then we're gonna reinstate this later nice and tight so let's take a look at this boom nice it's got the backlighting one of the reasons why we did the herringbone tile is because we wanted a fan with backlighting a lot of times the lights are here but that's not needed because we have lots of lights in the ceiling this is where you need your light that's awesome here's the fan we're gonna go through the different stages here this is a cooking temperature just cooking speed sorry that right there is running 400 CFM no problem at all right of course you can ramp it up depending on what you're doing if you've got all six burners or your stove going and you got smoke and steam and grease flying everywhere you can crank her right up all right there you go all the power you need and at the same time the lowest decibels imaginable this is all right so the hood fans all installed let's take a peek at the lights now you're gonna notice this is a white and this is a yellow the reason for that is I've changed this light bulb because I have a ton of pot lights in my room they're all like 4,000 color temperature and the yellow lights here really stood out and said hey I'm yellow so what we're gonna show you now is how to replace it because we contact the Z line and they sent up some replacement lights and the best part about this is if you're renovating and you're doing the same thing just light here pops right up okay and it has a little harness on it disengage it's just to click together so you can swap out the light nice and easy I'm wearing this headlamp so I can see what I'm doing in here okay there you go no boom now everything is white light just like the rest of the house and that is a quick easy fix so glad the focus is Uihlein figured out how to do that that's a DIY repair beautiful now I got Gardens downlight likes just like the rest of the room if this information was helpful for you and you're no longer afraid of installing one of these hood fans then subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet don't forget to hit the notification bell and if you are subscribed to the channel double check your notifications make sure they're on so that YouTube will tell you every time we put a video up usually nine o'clock Saturday night Eastern Standard Time so now if you need help with your renovations consider joining our membership program for five bucks a month to get access to me I guarantee and answer your questions you can send us emails and pictures and will correspond to help you with your project if you're looking for more information because maybe a big renovation like this isn't in your budget you're looking for more of a remodel consider clicking the link right here we have a second channel that has a lot of design videos in it and we have a kitchen remodel there that's just a real quick makeover I think it costs less than a thousand dollars that would be a great idea
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 599,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff
Id: 8kYBBV4mkCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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