How to Install a Wall Mount Vent Hood

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all right hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're going to get started on a couple things inside the house we have our brush nickel hood thingy we got to install a little bit of electrical work to finish off the kitchen then we got to take down some cabinets so we can do some painting and finally finish up the kitchen so let's head into the house i'll show you what we're doing and we'll get started all right guys this is our hood we're going to be installing it is a samsung unit to match the rest of our stuff and then it has a stainless steel little hood thingy there that's too heavy for me to lift for one hand anyways so that piece is the top part here that covers this and goes up it comes with the little vents so that gets us to our six inch round tube that i forgot to pick up today and then of course all the hardware and mounting instructions so this is gonna go right over here on our tile wall we did right up here and we're going to be going 36 inches up from the bottom which is like right around here i think so for reference to the cabinet that's 20 inches so we're going to be going about 16 inches up there because the ceiling is 10 feet tall so in order for this piece to actually get to the ceiling it expands to be twice that tall but we have to have it up as high as possible and 36 inches is the recommended highest height possible so we're going to use that height so first thing we've got to do is go ahead and find center on the wall so we got to find our center mark which should be right about here that should be center so i'm going to put some blue tape on the wall mark center and then we'll hang this guy up it has a line you can see it right here at the bottom that's the bottom line of the count cabinet so that needs to be at our 36 inches so it'll be 36 and then i'll get it centered up and we'll be ready to start drilling holes all right i got this center line marked like i said it was right on this groove in the middle there so it came out like it's going to work out pretty good so now all i got to do is get this thing hung up so i've got a mark with 36 inches from the stove on here and then we'll get the paper hanging and we'll be ready to start drilling holes all right and there we are all installed so now all we got to do is drill out our two holes there there's actually a couple more down here but we'll mark those once we get it set up there next step is we poked a little hole through the paper and marked our two holes so now we're ready to drill those out with a little tapcon bits tapcon bit 3 16 of an inch all right so you can see that these are the this is the hardware that comes with this so these are the wall anchors so they'll obviously go in and as it gets tightened they will i doubt i can squeeze them but they'll obviously expand and grip so those should hold pretty well the other thing we're going to do just because you're supposed to hit a stud and obviously based on where our two outlets are we have a stud right here and a stud right here i believe so actual center right here there's a stud but where our holes are going right here and right here there's no stud so we're going to use those anchors and then i'm also going to put a screw right in the center um there's not a hole on the actual unit for that i'm just going to drill a hole on the unit and that way i get one screw into a stud top and bottom and then we'll use the other anchors too so we'll have six anchors in this thing holding it down so it should work good but so we'll get the 3 16 inch bit for pilot holes and then i have a whole bunch of other bits we'll get widened out to fit this thing i don't know the exact dimensions i'll figure it out here in a minute and tell you before we drill it but that's the next step start drilling holes all right we got the holes drilled but i want to show you one thing really quick the anchor is designed to go into drywall so you can see this piece here and right here those are not flexible they're designed when you hit this into the drywall they keep it from spinning but we're going to be hitting it into our tile so we need to clip these little do's off but we're going to risk breaking our tile so i'm just going to clip these little clippy guy dudes off of here to make this flush and then we should be able to just tap these right in place so we got those clipped off everything else is flexible so let's go tap this in the hole so holes are drilled if you saw i put some tape over it the tape kind of helps keep the drill bit from walking a whole lot so there's our holes they're not perfect perfect all right they're going to serve our purpose so let's try to get one of these anchors in here use our rubber mallet here and if it gets too difficult i'm going to stop because again i don't want to crack the tile okay well can't ask for much more than that that fit nice and tight it's in there good so we'll go ahead and get that other one in then we can hang up the uh what's this thing called hood and then we'll mark out the other holes to drill out all right there's our first test fit oh we got to back up a little bit so that's how we look pretty even on both sides we built this purposely with a little bit of space there's our level so that all came out nice again that's only two anchors so now what we're going to do is we're going to be drilling a hole right here straight through because this is the stud right here so we're going to drill through and hit that stud also we're going to mark these holes down here sorry they're hard to see but there's two more holes there on both sides over there you can see that one good so we're gonna hit those and get those things all drilled in and then we'll be ready to start on the rest of it all right so we got the uh holes all drilled you can see this screw in and so i'm just going to tighten all these up we'll call this at night and we'll pick back up in the morning all right guys welcome back it's the next day we're going to get going on the hood again as you can see it's all installed it's perfectly level everything's working great there a couple things we learned last night number one when we ordered the hood we are still not used to having 10-foot ceilings so we didn't realize you need an extension kit to get the chimney flue thingy all the way to the ceiling so we've got to order a new uh stainless steel cover that will cover up the actual chimney which is right over here let me grab it for you so i went out just to lowe's today i grabbed a five foot tall piece of six inch pipe so that's gonna go up through the ceiling stick through about a foot make it easy for me up there our last range hood in this house before we remodeled was actually over on that wall so when i get up in the attic the exit for the flu to go through the roof is over there so we're going to go up through the roof here we're going to go straight up and then just kind of diagonal across the roof i'll just uh clamp it along the roof up there to get over to the exit point and then we also have while we're up there this is a long time ago but when we built the island the vent for the sink is actually up in that wall also um and it used to be let's see here so that's where it is now it used to be right over here so it just went straight up and out so we've got to take it up and over and out also while we're up there so and then of course electrical electrical for this is already ran again we used to have a hood over there so there's already electrical for it we just got to get it over to this side and then we're going to wire in this other outlet and with the hood and that should be it so first thing we're going to do is go ahead and get this thing marked to get it put up should be pretty simple just a few measurements a six inch hole cut a hole stick it through the ceiling so here we go all right try to make it so you can see so we have the transition piece installed i measured from the wall which is a half inch made myself a little template out of cardboard this is my center mark so if we recall right on the this side is our center line so i'm going to line that up with that and try not to fall down okay and that's where our hole needs to go oh yeah perfect okay so now i'm gonna make a mess and cut that out okay the flue is in and it sticks up about i don't know 12 13 inches up in the ceiling upstairs fits really tight so next we need to get electrical down to here which is just going to come in right behind the pipe there and then also while we're upstairs we're going to put in a junction box and run some electrical down to this plug this cable is actually disconnected so i need to get it out of there which won't be real hard i thought it was live but then if i'm smart that cable's gray that cable is black because my cousin when he came in and did our electrical work went ahead and took disconnected that one and we ran all new lines for our for our stoves so we're going to pull this out we'll run a new line i'm just a 14-2 down to here put a plug in right there and yeah let's go head into the attic all right guys well we're up in the attic sorry for the glare off the lights um so we got the pipe up here we're gonna go ahead and get the electrical done we're on a platform right now so i'm gonna try to get the wire to go underneath the platform and get over to the other side and if we can do that then we'll get a junction box installed over there and get our two wires dropped so give me just a second to mess around and i'll be right back all right we got the wire pulled under there you can see it right there it's about as close as we can get to the pipe but that's okay we'll put a junction box right over there somewhere then we'll feed a line down to our outlet and then a line back up and down to the vent all right you should be able to see what i'm doing so i'm going to climb around and we'll get going all right so we got that out there it is that is the old wire for the stove so now we're going to utilize that same hole and we're going to drop some 14 2 down there which is right here so we're gonna drop a bunch of this down there and uh go from there so i need my wire cutters we got my wire cutters in here here's our junction box so our old wire came here so we'll put our junction box we'll put our junction box right here all right so we're gonna route that through there then our new piece will come from here and into there so that's going to be our where we tie together and then so what we need to do now is i'm going to i might have forgot to grab my razor blade i did forget to grab my razor blade so i'm just gonna i don't have anything to mark this to make it different so i'm just going to cut a little piece off here using my phillips screwdriver so that's telling me that this is the leg that's coming back up so when i tie these together down there i know which one's which okay so now i need to go downstairs and we will um once i get downstairs we'll get those tied together i forgot my razor blade so i can't do these so we'll bring the razor blade back up get these tied together get them put in the box and then get our outlet installed downstairs and then we'll have a fan so let's head downstairs okay we got all our wires down uh let me see here this is power so this is our run and then this is our wire that goes to our hood yep there's our cut so that goes up to the hood and then this is the wire that goes actually physically to the hood so i'm going to move that over there so first thing we're going to do is go ahead and get these cut down then we'll have to finagle a box in there and get it screwed in and then we'll be ready to put our plug in and then go back upstairs and hook everything up and we'll see if we can do this without a time lapse it shouldn't be too difficult okay there's that part and we got our two cords so if i can measure that should slide right in there oh i can measure and then we're just going to use a screw to hold it in place so i want to make sure i get it back behind the drywall like it would naturally be so that's going to be like that sorry you probably can't see because my elbow's in the way and we're going to run a screw through here [Music] [Music] not the first time we've done that okay so now we got our outlet in so we need to get our wires cut and ready so i'm going to make a mark so i know which one's which so this is our h our hood and this is our line all right now i just got to wire that up real quick which isn't terribly difficult we'll cut these back and we're going to strip these down without cutting my fingers off wire strippers all right let me get my outlet okay there's that and then we just got to wire in that guy which is just connecting black to black white to white green to green i'm gonna do that real quick and then we'll head upstairs all right let's get this junction box taken care of and i do need to go get covers i thought i had a cover so i didn't get one from the store so i have to go back and get a cover for this okay that's that we're gonna go flip this breaker on and see if we catch the house on fire moment of truth oh very nice okay light oh sweet uh medium huh oh that's nice there's a boost cool and then timer i don't know what it does i guess i need to read the instructions okay and then shut it off nice works awesome all right ladies and gentlemen and just like that two weeks have gone by and snap-a-roo here's our new piece so for reference this piece here sorry that's my foot that is the original hood that comes with the hood or the vent whatever you want to call it and then that is the one that comes for the 10 to 12 foot ceiling so obviously you can see the huge difference so now we're going to get this one the big one installed up into the hole there's our hole up here so there is what we're looking for so now we're going to be covering that all and the only thing extra sorry with all the moving is here's where i'm editing this video where'd my bracket go i dropped the bracket oh the bracket's over here bracket so we have to mount this bracket it goes flush up against the ceiling all the way up there flush against the ceiling right up there and then we just got to center it up so really just got to get it behind the pipe there make a couple marks where it's centered drill a couple holes stick in a couple screws and then we can take the whole hood and set it up on there attach it at the top attach it at the bottom bang boom bao dun skis so first thing we're going to do is we have to set the hood up there get it pulled up make a couple marks so that we can get our bracket centered up and then we'll go ahead and drill our holes all right you just see the top of my dirty refrigerator here so i got the hood set up in place it's leaning right now because the extension's not up once the extension goes up it'll sit into place here so we'll try to get the extension to go up hopefully yeah yeah okay and then all i'm going to do is get this thing up into place so that's kind of how it's going to sit i'm going to hold it there i'm just going to use a little pencil to make a mark on the tile oh my gosh don't fall and i'm going to be using that mark as my guide so the bracket can go either way and again it's going to go all the way up against the ceiling [Music] and behind our wire [Music] so that is pretty square right there like that and i'm going to drill on these outside ones because i can't get to the ones okay holes are drilled um i forgot that because we're so high up we're going to hit the 2x4 header so we don't need the little wall inserts we can just go straight screw action so we're gonna set our bracket back up here [Music] mango bango bingo like so yo and i'm going to drop our screw in there bingo bango all right so now all we got to do is take all the wrap off of the yeah there they are over there behind me take the wrap off of the vents and then we'll put it all up here as one piece screw the bottom in screw the top in your mouth your uncle bango bango i don't know why i keep saying that so we got our set screws here and then all i got to do is lift this thing up into place and drop a screw in here so here we go we all get up there oh much better okay there's that one you're not able to see this other side come on all right okay there's the top piece all in and beautiful then we just have two screws that go underneath the bottom here all right everybody here she is all in final form looking amazing everything still works i didn't cut any lines all right guys so i hope you enjoyed this video i hope this helps you on your home projects don't forget to subscribe like and leave a comment we'll see you guys on the next video thanks for watching [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CustomDIY
Views: 15,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, do it yourself, custom, home renovations, kitchen remodel, samsung, range hood install, oven vent hood install, wall mount vent hood, how to install vent hood, how to install wall mount range hood, home remodel, range hood, vent hood, oven range vent hood, installing range hood, how to install range vent hood, wall mount hood
Id: xO4-INHEjR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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