How to install a walking foot and what its used for

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hey guys and welcome back for another video today I wanted to talk to you guys about the walking foot so if you haven't heard of one or maybe you got one with your sewing machine and you have no idea what it's for or maybe you're just too afraid to figure it out like I was for so long this is the walking foot so this is how it looks it's very intimidating not like all the other little feet that you got in your sewing kit there's this arm thingy here and another thing there and you would be surprised maybe you saw this too this is actually an accessory for the walking foot so I'm going to show you guys how to install it and then just give you a little demonstration on how it works and what it's used for so the first thing you're going to do is remove your current foot and of course every machine is different and there are different walking feet as well but this is where you're going to use your little screwdriver that you got in your son kit and we're gonna go in and we aren't going to unscrew the screw that is holding on your foot so your foot can some most feet usually just press that little button it comes off you slide it out and then you put your new foot under but this is the whole mechanism so you are gonna take off that piece that clips onto your foot and that is where the little screw on the side is and you're gonna take your screwdriver and then unscrew it so I didn't have to unscrew it very very much but that is that little mechanism so we're gonna make sure that keep those two together just so we don't lose because this is very important because I use it the majority of the time yeah I'm gonna set that aside and then we will bring this guy out so this is a little bit finicky to put on but basically okay that plastic piece is going to go around the screw and then this arm is going to go through or go around the little pull that see the screw here that keeps your needle in so this thing that goes up and down that's where that longer one's gonna go so you're gonna have to get it on to that shank and on to that at the same time so I'm just going to slide it in but you're probably gonna need to unscrew your screw a little more just to give yourself a little bit more room and that should slide in fine and when you're about to slide it in bring that arm up and then you should have both on at the same time and then we're just going to screw it make sure it's nice and tight and you can lower your presser foot and tighten a little bit more so here you go so you can also list it higher right when you use your presser foot because there are little teeth under here and it can catch on your fabric well there's a needle right now but I'll pull that needle up there is little feet because it is grabbing your fabric so the whole idea is that now there are the little feed dogs at the bottom which are all those little teeth that's what they're called are called the feed dogs and now this mechanism has its own feed dogs so now you have instead of just one set that is pulling your fabric long now you have two sets simultaneously pulling your fabric which is really great because when you are doing something such as quilting or if you're working with a very slippery fabric and it has a tendency to shift that is when you would need this foot so maybe you've done other projects in the past with your regular sewing foot but you know and you had a hard time so you're just like I'm never doing those projects ever again maybe go back to those projects and then try it with your walking foot and you might be amazed especially when working with such as if you're making card slots for a wallet you know that is a really great thing to go over but I did I I sewed my daughter's quilt top and I was having a really hard time with the regular sewing foot and then someone just said why don't use your walking foot and I was like oh so I finally figured it out and now I don't know why I waited so long it was one of those works works in progress you know that I my daughter would be like when's my blanket gonna be done I'm like so anyways so we're gonna do a little demonstration so I just made a pretend quilt sandwich so it has three different layers and this is great because you know with the layers even when you pin them things can still so just like with any other foot see how I'm going to put my fabric on her it gets a little bit stuck just because a little teeth so I'm just gonna lift it up further and then it can be a little noisy so I'm just going to get it started so as you can see the little feed little feed dogs are pulling at the top and then they're pulling at the bottom mine's a little squeaky okay so what's that little arm for well this little arm there's actually this is actually a guide so let's say you are doing quilting and you wanted to make all of your lines one inch apart then you put this little guide on and we're going to put it in through the hole in the back of the mechanism so you can put it on either side you're just going to place it through the hole and then put it at your desired length so let's say I want it to be one inch and then make sure that my needle is one inch so it's in the proper position so that it can be one inch and then also straight line and then I will move over line this up with my stitched seam that I already did and then I should have a perfect perfectly spaced quilted pattern so let's give it a try there you have it I didn't submit my threads which I do not recommend but as you can see those two lines are perfectly parallel to each other which is pretty neat not that one these two so I hope you learned a little bit I hope this made things a little bit less intimidating and I'm sorry if I'm a little chatty but I do love talking to my viewers so if you liked this video and you want to learn about more of the feed that came with your sewing machine then leave a comment down below don't forget to subscribe and follow me on all my social media Instagram and Facebook all linked below so thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys in my next tutorial bye guys [Music]
Channel: Charmed By Ashley
Views: 89,391
Rating: 4.900393 out of 5
Keywords: walking, foot, install, installation, installl, quilting, fabric, slippery, working, how to sew, minky, sandwhich, learning, tips, sews, sewing, tutorial, demonstration, easy, feet, brother, machine, juki, singer
Id: 3StM2uPWrZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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