How to install a stair handrail and railing on stairs uk

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I so welcome to our another one our videos and today we're going to pop a banister back up so we've got this handrail some nice brushed steel sewn to steel brackets with screw this and they were about a six pound each right so tools you're going to need important either steel ruler which is easier and I'll show you why in a minute at least ninety in length 90 centimeters or a tape measure yeah either one be ideal yeah spirit level to be handy yeah six mill masonry drill bit you tell those got different bit of the end here yeah it's a spade bit type you know that's six mill Rahl plugs to go in there six mill Phillips screwdriver start the shank to the head Paul Phillips yeah a pencil pen and already done a video on this a short line what shorten it we should make a mark then do the videoing sections because there's a few bits to it to get it right and in line with building regs as well which is important so what the building regs say they say that this banister cannot be any lower than nine hundred millimeters or any higher than a thousands of 90 centimeters or hundred centimeters okay so what's going to ease your sway leveling this up has run a slow the beauty with one of these is you could measure straight from there just push it down you've got can't pretend you can get in there and it needs to be from here push it down yeah before I measure yeah I need to take account the width of the original 10 feet banister which is 4 centimeters so that's the width of this from there to the underside top support yeah that's 4 centimeters and I don't vary and that goes underneath like that to support it so I need to know top to bottom with that what they so that is 8 so we've got 12 centimeters we've got to take that off the height where you're situated so if we're gonna put it out 90 which is a minimum that I'd have to be 78 okay yeah we can't add it to the 90 the minimum because it's gonna be a thousand two which is to hike on any high and a thousand so I reckon if I did 85 marking on 85 and add four for this sum for this 12 that give me 87 so that's what I'm going to do okay yeah and we will do this video in pitch obviously we've got to measure doing the job in the first place yep let me make sure it's straight look I've got a little spirit level as well just make sure the lot rule is straight this is where I think the rule are still really is helpful and they're not fortune these know they know and that she couple about so I want 87 there so I know when I screw my thing in I've got there I've also made another line if it helped anybody for the thousand so I know I can't go past that you see it there yeah there's a 90 of those thousand minimum maximum okay for that is a point that right so obvious I need to go all the way up the stairs now going to do so you make you make these intervals don't you and then one or all straight line between them all so we got 87 at the bottom we need 87 at the top to make sure this is level as well push that rule the dancers you listen again it's important you do this right so again 687 is there right so okay I had my bracket on there in a minute [Music] and that at the moment is 90 was I've gentleman on there yeah how many reason you put the bottom screw on first with it allows you just to tilt it a bit just about four fours obviously it's not straight is it's angled now that's going up so we'll do that but I'm gonna in the second video will just like to measuring the banister and space in the brackets there's lots different opinions on space and Brack is how many do we have we've got four and it's just over three meters there okay so it's Basu something sensible Yeah Yeah right right so now we need to get a line from top to the bottom I've been doing DIY for a long time that's um complicate stuff but you know what I've never used a chalk line right so Anthony's come back to this alien news this few moments on this it needs to be to do yeah so I'll go yeah so we're gonna do a chalk line singing me jig will show you that how we got on with that and then we'll do the spacing of things right see you in a minute right welcome back oh yeah right so which what about using the chalk line which we've done we've basically aren't held this bet and something else has gone to the top of the stairs but we've marked across points of 87 you literally hold one end and the other end fairly tightly and then you just get the getting going to ping it yeah ping it like a bow and arrow we've got the line right and we have measured it up is what station 87 so it's a lie is a quick and accurate way doing it there's my chalk line and there's the 87 and I've checked the top it's fine it's all the same all the way down right so basically we've got to decide now right welcome back I'll decide the brackets I don't wake up practice a little think about it I was here we banished has to be different then so in there what I decided to do was do ten centimeters from the end to start fraction that's each end so now this is just over three meters long and then I did but I did 87 centimeters between them okay the next one along and then that's a meter there there shouldn't be any further apart than a meter so hence 1087 a meter and then 8700 M so that's that's why did that you think about it so right there we got trouble line and now what I need to do I'm going to do it this way and I'll say it's the right or the wrong no I'm totally gonna do it on my own yeah like I can hold the bottom free karma and what I need to do you see that hole there at the bottom there sorry coals this one there yeah I'm just gonna position that we're watching here yeah so if Daniel positions out don't need to be up on the chalk line if you can just get one on there down there yeah that's in the middle of that trouble building writers were on the apparently banister first two steps I write my glass holders in the middle of the chalk line here which is yeah yeah yeah one or two so I'm starting here if you look at this chocolate don't here Logan the drill there and come off and I might get Daniel to do you get yours on the bok choy climb yeah take that yeah I'll take recording for the boatman right welcome back I think to the third part of the video right so what we don't we've got chalk line we've got brackets on we've held it up where the banners we want it and we've drilled the hole in the bottom bracket and the bottom hole right by putting it in the bottom hole it makes sense that allows me to do this ya mean right here now we're going to get my bottom holes top in the bottom we should go see I've got a funny feeling that a mr. do it would be wobbly so I'm gonna yeah you can actually bend a little bit said so I said woods bill but I guess we do you go your friend up to the top right you coming up if you're coming in an hour I think I know it makes sense to do the top and then the bottom and the top I know it does right but I'm guessing if you really do want it level because some banisters Bend if used to go from the bottom and up but you will need an assistant right so I've got that one in so mines on the line here I'm just gonna push that up onto the line I know Daniels got his where it should be so there then when Elson to put it back on the line I think she's there and I'm just dabbing it with a permanent marker because you won't see that right so now I've got three screws on the leg drop down Kai okay I'm gonna do a separate video in a minute I just want to share something with you there may be a better way of doing this but we're doing it the way we we're doing it sort thing automation bit we bought new masonry bit yeah aash multi construction right breeze I'm just now including this in a video and we'll do a separate wall along with it isn't these alike go through like butter watch this free pound 19 from screw fix-it destination or drop it I've used ok so we've got all our holes lined up start hammer [Music] dad I can't fall that Kenya is probably the best drill bit I've used for a long time so let's just say fit does it again it's just I don't know because it just save you load of grief yeah it's nothing worse than bad ladies you know it's even worth get yourself a new six millimeter drill a number two [Music] which isn't a drill bit the other day and take it from me I wasn't not anywhere near good as that so I need to do this one out of way there so start off a little bit slower [Applause] obviously it's entirely up to you but you should be wearing eye protection don't want to slip damage that things so we're gonna do I've done the bottom one just gonna put them in here for a minute so just to recap your banister can't be any lower than 90 centimeters from the stair the wooden stair yeah this bit here and it can't be any higher than a thousand those the building regs which makes sense we are going to give this a bit of a lick of paint as well aren't we that's not quite a fit I haven't finished painting this bit because I know God do this so so that's basically lined up there and put it's drilled all the house and by going from the bottom up we're able to manipulate they banished away exactly where it should be there is it one to be honest there is a little bit in there there is a little bit of play on this so you can get it as you need to yeah obviously the woods not all the holes stay at Bannister professionals I just try and do a job or go and do it properly but in building regs right so we will come back to this in there we go a couple more minutes so okay welcome back so we've got all the holes drilled we just got a screw son at the moment because I wanted to get paint up to make that hard and pharmaco on here I so use a chalk line which is really good helped as big time I'm being sued Minister sent to everything yeah so question that I would one now is from doing this how easy is it to remove it like school with a blackboard in the chalk so best thing is to show you let's just got rid of rice paint this is final map does it come off nice and easy crown barn on that is no yeah yeah right so that's off so even on a finished painted wall but I've dismiss the final coat so it looks nice it comes straight off so don't worry about it so it's a really easy efficient temporary marking system inside that out or supervisor doesn't brain and you just needed tight each and any ping it just literally go leaves along but a bone error you know kids bone out Dean yeah you do it from the bottom or the top and it just pings it and hits we know once we've got the banner stroke without it'll be a final bit on says he don't just shown you done yeah what we're saying is you know if we make mistakes along the way then we learn by them and hopefully people watching this will go oh right that's why they've done that that's the point of making the videos when I can I don't mind me making errors on video if you support it as fine but it means we learn by and you watching we learn guide basically for example the reason we start at the bottom of the screw with a banister because when I look at this palace now on the stairs it's a little bit alters really old it allowed us to just push it up a bit flex it up and position it up there while we're drilling I'm so you've always got bearing on things I can understand perfectly honest as we slice is open once you know that you might be why the paint on here is satin wood it was brown from screw fix it's not their trade satin wood that's a good time as well needs another coat Sanchez Rico's already I've done the box bottoms finish because I need to put that on I'll just give it a couple coats when it's on takes a while to dry that bear that in mind yeah I recommend satin wood on banisters gloss under coated properly with acrylic um Dakota and two or three coats and then it's going to last you can wipey down obviously people's hands going it all day long okay oh that little bit helps as well right and welcome back to those to the final part video so it's been a couple days since we installed a banister but it's installed now as part of the about previous videos yeah yeah you'll see six months six mill crawl clogs nice drill bit we showed you that eight hundred mil from the end if you say you want a hundred million roughly that's how we did it in the end and into space these two out from that one to that one but that's absolutely fine and really good table brackets from screw fix so it worked for us hopefully and so proof is in the pudding sort of thing and he doesn't move to say no gram that's all stable they saw the nine with building regs so don't forget minimum nine hundred from here yeah nine hundred minimum there and no more than a thousand yeah yeah so between nine hundred and thousand that's everything it can't be any lower than nine hundred and it can't be any higher than a thousand okay yeah but watch our other videos you see that how we did it simple job that's got to be done right because obviously safety and building regs so we'll just watch your videos some things we've done and say professionally but we've done it the right way there'll be one or two mistakes in there but we all learn by the demo we should
Channel: Daniel
Views: 171,090
Rating: 4.0402575 out of 5
Keywords: stair handrail, stair railing, handrail, railing, rail, stair, stairs, how to install, how to install a stair handrail, how to install railing on stairs, uk
Id: ZkDm2mkowH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2017
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