How to Install a Shark Bite Slip Fitting #DIY #SharkBite #plumbing

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so for today's project we're going to put a t on this water line right here all right i already marked where i need the t and since this is uh an added t there's not going to be enough flex in this line to do a traditional tea and so i went to home depot took a look and i got the shark bite slip tee these things these things are really really cool um we'll show you how it works uh a big fan a big fan of shark bite so other things i'm just going to put an extension on the end of the tee and put a valve on here and then i'll finish the plumbing a little bit later but since i have the water off for another repair now it's a perfect time to do this tool wise pretty pretty simple pipe cutter pipe cleaner you know marker to mark with and i'll have a tape measure to mark where where we need to cut the pipe so following the instructions on the back of the thing for the slip end i used to do is cut a two inch section of pipe so now i'm going to measure off of my mark is my center so i'm going to go an inch and an inch and we'll do a quick mark so i'm going to put it two inches i'm going to put the one inch on there mark it and mark it so this is the area i need to cut off so using the pipe cutter i like this little guy it's uh used for tight spaces this isn't necessarily a tight space but it's still just this thing works just really cool so you put this on there you snap this black part down and then you just rotate it you want to squeeze it you don't have to do anything else you just you just have to rotate it a little water coming out even though i drain the line it's all right we'll get that cleaned up when we're done and let's cut the other side all right now we've got our two inch section removed so now i'm going to clean up those pipes so to clean up the pipes dry it real quick probably a little bit of water leaking out but that's all right i'm going to use this half inch brush all you do is you give it a spin as you push it in and you feel it go all the way and start backing off this is newer pipe here so it's not that dirty but you can still see how it got shinier and that's what you want to do so we'll do the same thing on this side [Music] now if we were soldering this water would be a problem because it would cool the pipe down and the solder wouldn't take but since we're using the shark pipe fittings it's not going to be a problem for us so the short bite then you make a mark one inch over so it's gonna take one inch we're gonna make a mark and that is where we want the shark bite to end up on the one side so out of the bag i'm going to take this this fitting here so we'll do is we'll push it on here and we'll push it back to here and then we'll push it the rest of the way over so i'm just gonna take it on this side and push it all right now it's not gonna move you know these things are made to lock into place but this comes with the little little uh little release thing so what you do is you clip that on and you push it over and it's going to push this plastic part in and the whole t will start moving [Music] turn that around here [Music] it's moving once you get it aligned line that up and just keep it moving kind of [Music] moving i want to get to here and just keep working it over [Music] just a little bit more [Music] uh all right [Music] and that is good to go so now we need to put our extension piece on all right for the extension piece we're gonna do we need to clean both ends of the pipe so we use our pipe cleaner a couple spins at least it's nice and shiny we'll do the other side as well we're going to grab a paper towel give it a little brush you can see this stuff comes off all right so that's nice and clean so we take our shut off which is right here and another shark bite fitting on and off so that would be off this would be on so i'm going to leave it off and all you do is line up that one side give it a good push and you kind of hear it click in most of them are designed so you don't see the the shiny part anymore and kind of that's how you know your depth so now that we have this side we're gonna take it over to our t take this over to our t line it up with the and support and you just feel it click right in now it's going to be it's going to kind of rotate on us which is fine once i get the other pipes on there and i properly brace it i want to worry about it but for now it can point down it's not going to hurt anything so i'm gonna go turn on the water and we'll check for any leaks all right so as we saw the first time i turned it on it was uh spraying water out over here i didn't have it tight enough so we kind of slip it back over it seems to be working working good now so that was exciting but yeah this is why we videotape it and we learned you know once i saw the water going i uh shut it off right away to make sure we were good so now we're we're not leaking at all we want to be sure we can kind of open this up a little bit to let any air see so we're charged up everything seems to be working now uh no leaks at this point so we'll keep an eye on it but yeah we should be good i think i just moved it over just a little too far when i put it on this one i took it too far out on this side so that's all fixed looks good if you have any comments please leave those below and hit subscribe thanks
Channel: Everyday fixes and DIYs: How do I do that?
Views: 120,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QJFY47UdV00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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