How to Add a SharkBite Slip Ball Shutoff Valve to a Water Line; Copper or PEX DIY plumbing project

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today I'm going to be walking through how to install a shut off valve in a copper pipe when you don't have an end of the pipe it's just in the middle of the pipe you need to put a shut off valve and what I'm going to use is I'm going to use this uh shark bite slip ball valve and what you can do is you can cut a 2in piece out of this half inch pipe and the amount you cut out depends on the diameter of the pipe so I'm going to cut out a 2in piece slide it down and then slide it up and then we'll have a shut off valve in the middle of this pipe now why do I need to put a shut off valve here in this pipe well this pipe goes to a sink that's in the bathroom on the other side and I'm having a leak right now in that faucet so I need to replace it but that faucet does not have shut off valves in its supply lines and the vanity is so small and so tight I can't actually get in there to install shut off valves I'd have to remove the whole vanity so because I have access to the wall in the back of it I'm going to put the shut off valves here with this pipe and this pipe and then I can shut the water off just to this sink it also supplies the toilet in that bathroom but that's okay and then the rest of the house can still use water while I'm working on fixing that sink so the first thing we need to do is to go and shut off the water at the Maine and drain all of the water out of these lines by opening up the faucets that are on this line opening up you know any top or showers to let all the water drain out before we cut the pipe so shut the water off either at the main valve or if you have shut off valves somewhere else in your system like I do here I'm going to go ahead and shut both my cold and hot valves so now I can start draining the water out of all of those lines so I'm going to this is the faucet that's dripping that I have to replace so I'm going to open open it up start draining the water out this bathroom also has a shower so I'm going to open up that start the water draining now you have to open up the other faucets and on the line because otherwise it won't all drain out it needs the water line to have air coming in at the top so it all drains down so while we're waiting for the water to drain out of the line we can go ahead and Mark uh where we want to make our cut so again we need to cut 2 in out of this pipe and we want to make sure that when we're marking it the valve handle is going to move like that so we want to make sure it's not impeding anything up above if it's going to be up above if you're doing it this way then again nothing down below I've had to remove a shelf that is usually here so I'm going to go ahead and Mark my 2 in uh about at this level on this side you can see there's an electrical cable so I want to make sure that it's not going to have a problem if I install it this way it's not going to have a problem this handle isn't going to hit that so I'm going to have to be up about here so we go ahead and mark the two Ines that I have to take out I'm using a permanent marker because that's going to um show up otherwise you just use a pencil you may not see it on the copper so you can see the two marks there when I'm going to be making my cuts now this pipe again I got a lot of room around it but this pipe over here is right up against that 2x4 so I'm going to have to uh release that bracket there that's holding the pipe onto the wood the 2x4 so that I can have a little play with it so that I have enough Gap in the spot where I need to cut okay so I've loosened this pipe up top there got a little bit of flexibility in it I'm going to take my pipe cutter and cut this pipe at the marks where I've got it and I've got some uh sanding cloth to clean up the copper when uh I got it cut with all of these there is a Direction so take a look at the direction when you clip it on which way do you need to turn it now I've got a towel here to catch any drips because even though the pipe is supposed to be all drained there's still probably some water that's going to come out there we go okay so got it just smidge below that line so I want to line this up just okay so now I've got my 2in piece cut out I'm going to use my sanding cloth trying to make sure it's clean and dirt debris from because the shark bite when it goes on it has an O-ring there that needs to cleanly seal with this pipe so you need to make sure the pipe is as clean as you can get it so the other thing when you're using shark bite fittings is to use this tool which is their deuring and and marking tool so you know how far the um the pipe has to go in and so what this does is it has a a little cutter inside to debur so for the appropriate size this is the 1/2 in going to make sure that on each end I go back and forth with the burring tool to make sure I've got it nice and clean and smooth and then I'll use the tool to mark So insert the pipe all the way in and make a mark right at the edge there the same here and what this does is it gives you the confidence that you have inserted the valve properly now to put the valve on you'll see one end says slip end and that's the one you're going to slide all the way up and you're going to we're going to release this grip and we're going to put it all the way down now you can rotate it once it's done so you don't have to um position it sort of rotationally exactly where you want it because you can rotate it after it is on now when you're putting this on WE is it directional no it's not directional so you can put it on however sort of it works easiest for you in this particular case I think it's going to be easiest for me to try and pull it down now that does mean the shut off valve handle is going to come out um but again I can rotate it this way so it's it's hidden in behind the shelf so that's not going to be a problem um it's just going to be easier for me to pull it down so I'm going to push it all the way up first and then put it down it comes with this uh little release tool that you use to release it to move it down okay so now I've got it up above the pipe now I need to use my release tool to release the grip at the top you can see I'm moving it down the pipe and I want to make sure that I get to that line that I marked on the bottom and you can see the line at the top as well so you can see the line at the bottom I've reached that and it's at the line at the top as well you want to make sure you when you're putting it on it is in the open position which is the handle straight down in line with the actual valve so that's how you put on one of these slip ball valves to add a stop valve where you need it in a copper line now I just have to go do in the other one put water there we go so at the lines again rot it if you want to and you can have it open or closed so when you go to the next step is to turn the water on and make sure that there are no leaks so we're going to go do that and then leave them in the open spot then you can close them uh but don't close it to start with because you want to make sure there are no leaks on both sides carefully checking for any leaks at either of the joints water is running through these pipes right now so now I'm going to test shutting it off and double check for leaks up at the top there okay so that's how you can install a shark bite slip ball valve onto a 1/2 in copper pipe allows you to have shut off valves when you need those and you can't put them somewhere else or if you wanted to isolate part of your water system to be able to do some maintenance on it it's an easy simple way to do that I'll link to some of the tools and the products that I used uh down in the description below if you found this video helpful please click the like button and subscribe to the channel so you get notified when I publish new videos if the information in this video is helpful here are some other videos I think you'll also find helpful thanks for watching
Channel: Upgrade Your Home DIY
Views: 19,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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