How to Install a Shade Sail with DIY Cable Railing and a few tips to make it go smoothly | Tutorial

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hey everybody welcome back to another episode of Rob built I'm your host Rob and today I've got a shorty but a goodie actually was my nickname back in high school anyway [Music] today I'm gonna be teaching you how to hang a shade sale this is a really simple project in a very low cost you can get shade sales anywhere from twenty to a hundred dollars depending on the size that you need now if you look behind me you see that I actually already have a shade sale shade sale shade sale Shade Sail shade sale hashtag this is my first attempt at doing it and it's a triangular shape which in theory sounded good but it doesn't actually give me a lot of coverage you can kind of see the shadow here I'm pretty sure but the actual coverage is like very small and you need to sit in that one spot to get any kind of shade which sort of the B which sort of which sort of defeats the purpose if you want to do a triangle shade sale that's totally fine but you're going to need to do multiple I'm gonna be teaching you how to do a rectangular one today now a couple things to note when you're doing this you can use rope mine actually came with rope or you can use cable railing if you want kind of a more aesthetic modern look which is what I'm gonna be teaching you how to do today and whenever you're hanging your shade sale you don't want to hang it perfectly flat you actually want to do you want to do it at an angle because they're not quite as porous as you think so whenever it rains water doesn't actually go through it it runs off if you can help it you want to try and control where that rain is running off now you can actually do this multiple ways you can completely raise one side of the shade sale and lower the other or you can take every corner and put it at a different elevation personally I like stretching it out as much as I can and giving every single corner a different height because it gives it kind of a quirky circus tent type of look of course it's personal preference and everyone's entitled to their own wrong opinion so you don't have to hang yours like mine they're a really man you're driving a truck in the middle of the day there are a hundred different ways to hang a shade sale this is just one of them now something else to keep in mind is you don't want to get a shade sale that's the exact size of the area that you're trying to cover you want it to be a little bit smaller because you need to leave a little bit of room for the actual rope or cable to grab on to whatever you're attaching to my deck is 18 feet by 8 feet I chose a shade cell that's 6 by 15 feet to give me a few feet on each corner because I want my cable to show a little bit more because I think that kind of adds to the look now let's get into the actual components that you're going to need for this build all right you got your tensioner also called the turnbuckle turnbuckle you've got a crimp and this is what you're going to be running your cable through now there are a couple ways you can get this you can get a kit on Amazon depending on how big the kit is it could be $10 to $30 now you can buy these pieces from Home Depot they sell crimps there and they sell turn buckles they're given that you're only gonna need four I would recommend doing that I had a couple left over from a railing tutorial that I did a couple months ago so if you're interested in learning how to do cable railing on decks or stair railing be sure to check that tutorial out and then I've got this cable right here it's a three millimeter cable you can get this from Harbor Freight a hundred feet of this for ten dollars which i think is probably the cheapest deal you're gonna get home depot also sells this but I think it would be about twenty dollars and then lastly you've got your slagging tool this a slaking tool or a bolt cutter to actually make your crimps so here's how this is going to work when you're doing your actual cable railing you're gonna run your cable through your crimp and then you're gonna put it through your turnbuckle then you're gonna take your cable and run it through the other side of the crimp like so okay once you have it through you're gonna pull your crimp up like so and then you're going to crimp it down with your bolt cutters I'll do this on camera I'm probably look like a fool that's okay and it's crimped you're gonna want to completely open your fasteners to the widest position so you have more leeway for actually tightening your cable I'm moving my camera because it was getting very hot in the grass okay so your shade cells gonna have a corner like this you're gonna do the same thing with the other side of your cable this isn't exactly it but you know for the purposes of for demonstrative purposes so what you're gonna do same thing run your cable through no problemo run it through this corner run into your crimp again and then crimp it crimp it down now depending on where you're actually hanging it you're gonna have to pre measure out your cable you want to try to be as exact as possible here one thing that can't stress enough is the importance of planning and pre measuring now remember I said that my cell shade is my shade sale I don't remember what it is anymore honestly with the pandemic I don't remember who I am anymore Who am I so remember I have about two feet on each corner for me personally so I want to make sure that I give myself two feet starting from the turnbuckle turnbuckle to here to the other side of the cable because remember we need it to be very tight so if it's two feet from here then we can start tightening the turnbuckle and creating tension if you make it too long you're not actually gonna be able to tighten your Shade Sail and you're gonna have to start over on that corner all right we good we good baby let's get into it first thing you're gonna want to do is lay out your shade cell to approximately position it in the space that it's going to be covering you want to measure out the space from your shade cell to your wall or post on both sides and make sure that it's even take your time making micro adjustments until it's perfectly even because it's ultimately going to determine your cable lengths I had about two feet of space on each side of the sail so I rough hung the first corner using 24 inches of cable then I did the same thing on the other side just to double-check that my math worked out I didn't have a lot of cable on me and I didn't want to have to go out and buy more so I really made sure it's a triple check my measurements from there I started tightening my sail by pulling my cable tight then I double check to make sure that I had 24 inches of cable on both sides before making my final cuts you don't want to completely tighten your cable at the very beginning of this save that for the end but you do want to have your cables relatively tense notice here how the left corner is higher than the right that's intentional as I'm trying to create a slope for rain runoff okay so one oh I'll just edit that out another thing that I forgot to mention whenever you're actually trying to hang the Shade Sail the loop on the cable you're gonna want one of these open-ended hooks right here let's screw on one side and then it's a hook right here just use a drill to do your pilot hole and then it screws right in these were already in for me so there's no need for me to reinstall it I thought about unscrewing it and then pretending like I installed it for the tutorial but I'm a man of integrity kill me no sue me what's that felt pretty sure that my measurements checked out then I started assembling my cable rail components remember you run your crimp through the cable then your cable through the shade sale loop and then your cable back through the crimp and then you crimp your crimp with a bolt cutter you can cut your cable in a variety of ways I chose to use a grinder for this because it's fastest just be sure to wear safety goggles unlike my dumb self because it's a very dangerous tool from there I started gradually tightening each cable by rotating my turnbuckle I wanted this to be a little tighter to make sure that my back corner of cable measurements were even more precise then I made my final crimp and cut with an angle grinder and moved to the back corner once I measured and assembled my back cable it was time to hang my back hook again I drilled a pilot hole to make screwing this in way easier it's not a hundred percent necessary per se but there's also no reason to be a hero Steve just take my advice on this one and then it was time for the last corner setting process here only this time the hook is even lowered to create my rain slope so at this point all four corners are at different elevations and now for the final payoff tightening every turnbuckle turnbuckle by hand you'll notice that I actually rotated my turnbuckle and the back left corner in the wrong direction so that corner came flying off rookie mistake I don't even know why you're following this guy and once everything is tightened you are all set and ready to sit under your newly installed Shade Sail with a nice ice-cold crispy boy or the Kroy or whatever your beverage of choice is all in all this was a very simple project that I think anybody can pull off and if you don't have any power tools you can definitely make deal with the provided rope that comes with your Shade Sail if someone is helping you then this project should take less than an hour all right I guess that's all don't forget to exterminate that subscribe button and hit like it really would mean the world to me and my dog Ellie I guess I'll see you on the next episode of Rob bill where I teach you how to properly tickle a ferret
Channel: Robuilt
Views: 349,699
Rating: 4.7381592 out of 5
Keywords: How to install a shade sail, how to hang a shade sail, shade sail, diy shade sail, shade sail install, diy sail, rectangular shade sail, DIY cable railing, cable railing shade sail, shade sail with cable railing, backyard shade sail, installing a shade sail, do it yourself shade sail, shade sail installation, backyard shade, shade sail installation ideas, shade sail how to, how to install sail shade, rectangle shade sail, triangular shade sail, sail shade installation
Id: 0gBvctFS118
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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