How To Install A Sewer Ejector System

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hi everyone I'm getting the plumber and in this video I'm gonna show you how to connect a sewer ejector system like this so right now I've started off just with this area here where the last plumbers could not connect the sewer ejector system they didn't know how they built a bathroom and they didn't know how to connect up the system here's the basin we're gonna be using a pumps gonna go down below so right now you see a few pipes in this area let's concentrate on these black ABS pipes right here is a bathroom inside there's the bathroom that the other plumbers built they could not figure out how to drain the system because it could not be a gravity drained so I'm gonna install a sewer ejector system in this area here right there is the toilet area they've got one outdoor sink right here and then that third pipe that we're gonna be connecting up is the floor drain for the bathroom and also the lavatory sink connection so those three ABS pipes right there we're gonna have to connect up into that system and that system can accept you know toy toilet sewage and other water and that'll eject it into the regular drain system underneath this person's house so working in a garage area right here and we're gonna start digging it up right in this area here and then stalling it so let's get started and I'll show you exactly what to do we've got three different sizes of pipes coming out here and there's a two-inch coming out for the floor drain and lavatory there's an inch and a half for that outdoor and the three-inch for the toilet there and our Basin accepts a four inch so we're gonna have to kind of kind of configure all this stuff in a tight little area right there and this is what makes it tricky for this job if it was one pipe which is the kind of standard connecting in there it would be much easier alright so we're gonna get started digging this thing up we like to use a little chipping hammer here with the shovel hit on it and kind of loosen this dirt up it was pretty Adobe like stuff here and we just started digging it up mainly by hand but using that chipping hammer loosen it up for us as you can see okay so now we've connected our outdoor sink here now I've got an inch and a half to two inch no hub coupling right there so that was our outdoor sink connected with combi connected to the floor drain and the inside lavatory sink right there and then finally our 3-inch toilet the wall hung toilet there is coming out and it goes to that Y which I'll put on a little piece of three-inch there and connect it up to our basin and so this is our main line basically at that point right there for all these fixtures here all right so here we've dug a three or four inch little trench here the circumference of the basin and we're gonna put some gravel in the hole there and that is to prevent the basin from floating up this is an outdoor system and if rainwater or something should get into that trench that water is gonna have drain underneath that gravel a little bit and prevent it from floating upwards also it helps us to kind of level it out a bit and I'll show you more on that in a second okay so we're just leveling it out as much as possible right now with our eye in the shovel here and just kind of stepping on it making it as level as possible but right here I'm doing the main leveling I'm getting that base and I'm using the weight of it just to kind of go back and forth back and forth and if we need to add a little gravel in one area we will do that but it's important to get this thing pretty well level okay so here's the basin and it comes with this this is actually a rubber gasket and that reduces it to a four inch it's just a pushing thing and the company says just push it in and that's all you need but I've added some silicone on there just to give it an extra little security so the water doesn't leak there so it's a pushing gasket that comes with this Basin right there and I added silicone in there and then now a four inch pipe could go in there I'm dealing with three inch so I've got this right here which is a four by three bushing four by three ABS bushing and I'm just gonna slide that inside there rubber gasket right there and what I'll do also is I'll add some silicone to that just to give it and you know more security just so it doesn't leak and they say it will not but I'm just gonna add it there and then I will glue in an ABS 3-inch pipe and so it'll end up looking like this when it's all glued in together all right so it's all glued together and that's what it looks like I've got a slope on all of these this pipe going into the base in there because this is all at this point gravity fed it right into the basin and once it goes into the basin our solar pump will eject it into the regular sewage system so that's the whole setup and the model of this basin it's a solar or solar as they call it Basin is right here 31-17 48 that's the one we use and there's a bunch of different sizes that you can use you know some are not as deep so we've leveled it out there pretty well with the rocks and stuff like that but that is the setup with our gravel down below a few inches there I'll put a little on the top also around there here is the two inch that goes to the house this goes underneath the house you know several feet away 20 feet away and I've already attached that to the main sewer line with a like a 2x4 four by 2y or something that's a maple plant by the way not something else and here is the lid for the basin here and some of the stuff that comes with it here is the rope seal that comes with it and it's just a sticky seal that goes around and a few places and I'll show you how to do that in a second there's the lid with the three holes on top that can be those two are going to be the discharge and the bigger one will be the vent so the two-inch will be discharged and or vent either one and the other one is going to be the electrical and there's the electrical grommet right there and those two gaskets are the vent and the discharge pipe so you can see how it's done with as instructions give you the those bolts and the nuts and stuff like that the washers I'll show you how to get all of that together in a minute there here is the Zoller sump pump that we're using and this is good for this particular one is good for you know toilet waste you know some of these are not made for that this particular one is and so you can see what this one looks like here and this is the model number that I'm using for sewage waste right there they haven't this thing's really heavy duty and heavy and they give me a handle right there you don't want to lift it by the float or something like that so pick it up by the handle if you're carrying it the one I've got here is a 25 inch cord also they I think the other one is a 9 foot cord so I've got 25 foot cord you can see they are asking to drill a 3/16 hole for air lock in the discharge pipe and they want that pretty soon after that male adapter and so I've got a piece of two inch ABS pipe that I'm screwing in with that male adapter and I'll put that 3/16 inch hole I'll drill it into the pipe right there and water does shoot out of that thing but it just goes right into the basin anytime that that pump is activated by the float system so as water fills up in the basin that white float we'll kick on and pump will obviously start drinking so here I am drone 3/16 inch hole and I like to get it somewhere where I'm not gonna spray my face if I'm working on this thing down in the base in there boom that's it just one side real simple to do that okay so here's the rope seal that they have which is just a real sticky type thing that's gonna insulate this thing and prevent water from leaking out so they want some of the rope seal on this electrical grommet here on the inside there as well as the hole in the middle and the slit right there they want it all packed in there when we eventually put that electrical cord through the top of the base in there they also want it on the outside of the basin here the outside lip and around the circumference and as well as the inside around the circumference of the basin so they want two pieces and they do offer plenty in the packaging of this rope seal so we'll put it there we'll put it on that Center electrical grommet right there and I'll show you how to do this right now I like to work from two different sides when I'm installing this drainage system like this so you can see I started that out dream work on the other side there a little bit just so I can see where that pump ends up okay so here we go with the rope seal we've got it around the inside there and we're starting on that outside and that's all you need just a little bit like that any more than that's just gonna go out on the sides you can see I put some on the reverse side of that electrical grommet there to those other ones the vent in the discharge pipe don't really need it because they've got that thing super tight that gasket and a little soap is helpful in when installing that more on that later and as you can see my assistant here it's just kind of putting that rope seal on there just cutting it with a utility knife and making sure you don't drop it in the grass so I guess he just pulled it off on that one because it'll pick up super sticking and it'll pick up any grass or dirt real you want to keep that thing nice and clean when installing obviously so pretty simple on that one that's how you install the rope seal [Music] ok so now we've got the lid on with the discharge pipe abs coming out right there I just put that on with ABS coupling on to that 2-inch ABS pipe that was attached to the pump and we're starting to get these bolts on one at a time just a little at a time because it's a little hard to long these bolts with the bolt holes up into it and we just start a few of them and get it a little tighter and tighter and tighter as we go around you can see that electrical grommet in the center is the electrical cords coming out of there and we're ready to get a vent pipe in that left hole there and he's just kind of packing that stuff the Rope seal in place as he's tightening these bolts a little bit one at a time so that's all that is done okay so here's our setup with our check valve and our service valve here this is the discharge pipe and so all the raw sewage is going to the mainline this way you can see the arrows that's my check valve or one-way valve so the sewage doesn't go back into the pump there's a ball valve which I'm using as a service valve in anytime I have to service that pump down there or this check valve here or if anything goes wrong you can turn that ball valve off and you would have only a limited amount right there of sewage water that would be stuck in the system instead of having the whole line filled with sewage and coming back on you possibly so that's what that setup looks like right there alright so now we're ready to get our final piece in here which is the vent line you can see we've got a little dish soap right there these things become really tight and the dish soap just kind of loops it up for us here is what we're using instead of event this is called a mechanical vent instead of running it up through the roof and you know around that eave there and having it all ugly and stuff we can put this mechanical vent that'll sit right there instead and so the air can come in but the fumes will not escape so you won't smell sewage smells coming out of that mechanical and so we'll just you know simply put that rubber grommet in there you know with our little soap here and you can put some soap where the pipe goes to right around that area it really helps because it's super tight alright he's pushing that thing down and then we'll get our 2 inch abs vent pipe stuck in there a little bit you can see how tight that is and without the soap it's really hard to get in there so just kind of shoving that in and it's gonna sit just like that and that that's gonna work just fine for our vent and that is our final piece all we have to do is plug this guy in make sure our ball valve is open and I'll wait for that glue to dry a little bit longer and then we will test our whole system by running all of these at the same time running all the fixtures and running letting that water go out checking if there's any leaks anywhere and after that we're ready to bury this one up and complete this project as you can see here we're starting to bury we've already checked and we're just really compacting it really well we've got a four by four a tamper wouldn't fit in this area real well so we got a four by four and we're right there and we're just compressing that dirt really nicely down there and this is what its gonna the end result will look like and this bathroom is ready to be used and we can even add a little more dirt to that later but that's it that's pretty much it guys hey if you enjoyed this video please hit that thumbs up button and like it it really helps with the channel I'll leave a comment below let me know if you guys are doing a job like this one and please don't forget to subscribe alright we'll see you next time
Channel: How2Plumb
Views: 110,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How2plumb, How to plumb, How to, Moen, leak, Water, Plumbing, How to fix, remodel, Kohler, how to install, Sump pump, submersible pump, Zoeller, Zoeller pump, basin, sewer ejector, sewer ejection
Id: rKBhSPtC3o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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