Unusual install of a Toilet, First you'll ever see, Anyone can do it too - Parts used below

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[Music] hey guys we finally got down here to the property and we're permanent now and so i've got the big trailer i carry out on the oil field i got my little job trailer there we've got everything else i've got my semi truck trailer set down here and it's going to be a miserable miserable job to unload this uh unloaded one already um got my motor home sitting out here there's my house on the other side we've got 41 pecan trees out here and i'm going to be showing y'all some cool videos here and uh let's take a look here um one of the things is is i've got a really big shop building it's kind of big you see in a previous video uh cara's got her gardens going everywhere huge trees all over this property and it goes on for a long distance out there um i think i got 36 fruit trees out here too so it was an improvement from idaho uh truck made it had a little bit of damage but we got her home now let's get inside here and i'm going to show you something important and if you've got a concrete floor and a shop building like this and you're wanting to put in a toilet sinks and other things let me show you a trick you're going to like this hey guys it's been a long time since i've done a video and we are getting back in the swing of things but i'm showing you something right now that a lot of people wish they knew more about not katie kd comes everywhere i go but i'm showing you a rear outlet toilet that you can mount if you are like in this condition uh floor is a little dirty dirty right now i've been working but there's water lines and this is inside my shop now uh in this in the hill country of texas this ain't uncommon to have a floor drain and a you know country shower and that's what this is now on the other side of the walls over there is the shop and i have my computers and stuff set up over there air conditioned um very heavily insulated um i don't know if you can see that there's a bunch of phone crap everywhere now um this toilet is unusual because it's generally made to be a macerator so it fits in your basement a lot of people don't understand how to go this direction and end up with this result and now what i've got here is i've got some very wide bolts that are carriage bolts and i nicked a little bit of this concrete now these are just 16 inch inch and a half concrete step stones now what it does i epoxied them to the floor clean the floor with a little acid so you can see the different coloration there with a little muriatic acid and rinsed it out dried it well and then i bonded technically these blocks to the floor now you'll see so the blocks are 16 by 16 so it's 32 by 16 perfect layout for a toilet you see now this toilet here has a very unusual connection here this is a rear outlet so you'll see here there is a special fitting this fitting here i'm going to show you the number and name on it and every one of these parts that i used and where i sourced them at i'm going to give it to you including this one right here because are you tired as hell and look at the picture there you see where that's at where the flush valve's at that's called a flush valve with a little flapper goes now now look at what comes with these toilets nowadays this thing here sits four and a half inches above the bottom in your toilet so you've always got a pond of water left inside there it just it's just more grubberment crap so avoid the grubberman crap and go get you this here repair but it restores original factory performance and it really kind of is a little hint there what it does is it takes a 1.6 gallon toilet and jacks it up to a 2.2 so you get a solid flush now this toilet here is a full standard weir now you know what a weir is a weir is the water that would be trapped in a pure a p-trap that prevents your sewer gases from coming back so the toilet has a standard full weir so in other words it goes down and comes back up that's a p trap and we call it a p trap because it's kind of uh shaped like a p all right but it's not urine related however it's a p-trap for that reason but it's actually considered a backflow sewer gas prevention or a weir so that is the that is the water level that's in there now this is a a santa flo toilet and there's a couple different brands that they sell that are like this but this one is the only one that you can use this setup on so let's go out and shop out there and i'm going to show you how we set that up and you'll see in here let me take take all this off here and all of this was done for about 240 bucks so you'll see in there that flush valve and then using the same original supply i didn't change any of that so that tank ended up getting a good three quarters of a gallon more water and when i do this to these you don't have to flush twice so i'm sure you know a 1.6 toilet 1.1 is 1.2 you're flushing twice 90 of the time and that's just foolish so all pax water line this is all out in the open no big deal nobody's a juvenile here um and you can do this in your shop too and this allows you you see to do that and then the pipe will run along the wall and be hung and strapped off go through the outside and then it'll just have a sanitary tee with a clean out shooting down okay so let's step out here right quick okay out here here's some of my pecs lines this is the toilet it is a santa flush and they are made like everything else in china but you don't have to order these from china i'm gonna put a link to where you can get these at and this is the unique feature here now this is a furnco a furnco is a long life rubber adapter but it is three inch plastic socket by three inch that makes sense to you so what does that mean this the bell that's the socket okay this is a street 90 so that would be the pipe that's technically the pipe size od of the pipe so this part here would fit on the pipe side and this part here would actually fit on the outside of that socket now how is that important why is that important well let's take a look here now look at the size of the outlet here they've made it for a santa flow not not all the brands but on these they've made it to where it is the same size so how does that work well now in my case i always double band so if you'll see here fernco has provided you with space for double bands on all of this and this is a 50-year fitting so you ain't got to worry about it so you'll see it that it goes on here and it fits firmly so sometimes people will put a little bit of water or soap on these and you'll see it goes right on of course you'll have your two bands that'll go on it and you'll offset your bands we'll go back in there and i'll show you how i do the offset and then you only torque these down to their firm you don't gotta crank them down you're not trying to hold back 80 pounds of water pressure now over on this side we have the pipe size socket remember and pipe so we're going to show you here i'll just take that off of it this is how now in my case this is what i did all right it's like that and then i used a combination now combination y is a standard fitting standard t but with a full for like a double 45 or a y with a 45 in it to give you a upright you see now in my case i do it like that and then i can tie in the vent directly right here next to the toilet you see and it goes up it has plenty of room the tank is about a half an inch on the inside of that missing it now the tank is a glacier bay if you want to buy one for like 40 bucks go to home depot those bolt holes on a glacier bay will match this tank the ring the seal everything will match you put your rubber grommets underneath they'll show you these little rubber grommets and i'll get over there and show you those and the tank mounts and you just firm it up to where it don't don't rock any you don't over tighten those the way i put my bolts in was like i said it's just a pair of stainless steel five inch long um carriage bolts that i made little nicks in the bottom of those two concrete things and i closed them together on it with the epoxy and let them dry and then set the tank over it and of course i used flex 230 around the base of that so that you want you don't get fracture from concrete and you don't get any and that's very very aggressive adhesive also but you can still cut it with a knife if you have to remove the toilet so the flex 230 you all seen that in my other videos i'm a firm believer of some really good stuff so there you see that there's the toilet the toilet runs about 170 dollars that fitting there i'll put the link to that because it is it just don't pop up unless you have the numbers and stuff i'll put a link to that and you know the rest of the fittings you can get them anywhere um if you know anything about plumbing it's pretty simple now in this case here i don't if if you want to go just straight out the back of your wall you can also just put a standard piece of pipe in it and you can put a regular tee if you want to here or put a longer piece of pipe and i'll just kind of slide it on there so you'll see so you want to be able to vent this as soon as possible now you can put that to where it comes up in a in your wall and this comes outside and then just puts you a street 90 turning down to however you want to go to your drain field or your country septic however that works right kate so that's how it works now if you're going through walls you can also use what is called a septic tank grommet septic tank grommet requires you just to do a four inch hole saw hole and you put this through a metal wall or whatever you want to go through and the pipe fits very snugly so that again being pipe sized it fits very snugly into that and it is a very tight 25 psi water seal so that is a septic tank grommet you see that if i can remember i'll try to put those down too all right back to the other side over here we are making progress but it is a huge freaking mess two semi trucks and stuff guys it's not fast we've had a lot of storms a lot of flooding in the hill country so um and we have got all our so oh there quick i'll pause it and jump over there this is uh this is our office slash shop and here is one of the rooms here i'll turn this power on so that you guys know there is a huge pack of steon panels right there and then i've got an additional 50 100 watt panels so that's 30 i think 600 watts and then so let's get over here it's all the shop stuff in here all right sorry it's dark in here i don't like the bright light now under here let me turn this light on under here you will see around here is be a rubber grommet that will come with your if you get the glacier bay tank it goes up in the bottom of your toilets um rear flange okay for your tank mount that rubber grommet they don't show you in the instruction it goes up into that and then your rubber washer goes around your screw or your bolt going down now these like i said work them down slowly make sure that all you've got to do is make sure that your your uh your tank doesn't have any movement you don't you just want to tighten it enough to where you don't have any movement and then adjust of course your flap to where it just raises up you're not trying to make don't try to make your flap do that hard you just want it to raise up and let the air bubble that's inside of this raise it the rest of the way so that you're not running your tank otherwise you're going to be putting more water down your fill side and wasting a lot of water for phillips speed on that all right so what do you guys think i am sorry i have not made a lot of videos that goes up up up and it's got a hole right there for the vent going out the roof of the shop my whole shopping here is all red iron all heavy stuff so um this ain't too bad i've got it plumbed right now for a wall hung sink i'm waiting on the hanger but it's all ready for it and pretty simple you can see it's called that's called a dirty arm so in other words it's a wet vent but if you uh if you don't make it too long then you don't have a problem with um track uh the trap being drawn dry and you always want to go full two inch minimum of course that's two inch there is for the uh vent for the toilet toilets have a lot of volume so all right let's get back out here right quick but katie there's katie's food stuff and there's emma emma's out running around like a crazy girl 14 year old broad all right so if you have any questions and you need like an alternative and you're trying to figure out how to do this and i can help what seat goes best trying to get you under 250 to get your whole thing done is very difficult but that special fitting man it it it just makes life awesome makes it awesome you can do it so simple now the product's a sani flush um i don't work for uh who uh i don't know ferguson's or something i think is the ones that import these or bring them in i don't work for them guys um they sell them through amazon cheaper than they are at most ferguson's and they're always available there so that's why i'm gonna put you in amazon link to them that uh no hub i can't remember where i got that but i'll see if i can find a link to that might have been on amazon also and all the rest of this this whole building is being insulated with six inch foam this used to be dock foam and it never got used in the water it just stayed in the warehouse look at it but we're going to be using it in these walls like everywhere else in this shop i got 65 pieces of this stuff four by eight sheets so it's working out so far but y'all stay tuned we are going to be doing a lot more videos and i've got so much crap to deal with y'all pay attention just boxes and boxes and boxes of stuff everywhere batteries everywhere um look at this even even more solar panels everywhere got me a little scooter i'm gonna be doing a video on that soon you guys you stay tuned you're gonna love this that is a 36 volt scooter and i've come up with a way a cool way to put 40 volt tool batteries on that scooter and a two-way switch stay tuned to that all right more junk more to do lots of foam lots of crap everywhere um we're gonna do a lot of videos on this stuff too i've got probably a dozen pcp guns i've never videoed on we're gonna we're gonna get into those all right guys solar wind and toilets stay tuned man [Music] [Music] right you
Channel: Јоhn Daniel
Views: 482,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Fix A Running Toilet GUARANTEED, Toilet Flush Valve Gasket Repair, Basement Toilet, Macerator Toilet, Leaky Toilet, Off Grid Toilet System Septic, Toilet Flange Repair, Best Way to Unclog Toilet Bowl, Weak Flushing TOILET, Rear Drain Toilet, SaniFlow toilets, Rear Exit Toilets, Saniflo 083 White Toilet Bowl, SECRETS Home Depot Doesn't Want You to Know, Plumber secrets, Easy Way to do your own plumbing, Toilet Running, side flush toilet
Id: j9YOd9UNLt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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