How to increase your Eman! By Shaykh Dr Tahir Wyatt Dubai 2018

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come Delilah I don't wanna stay in a hole when I stuff it all when I will do we let him in short all the unforeseen hours say a TI marina may I think in la falda Madalena on me you little fella had yella what shadow and la la hey la la whoo the whole - Eddie color white shadow anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu sallallahu Hardy why the early he was sorry he was suddenly missus Neiman Kathy Olin in al-madinah and my bad a lot of my aluminum and fauna one finer be my limp 10 I was a dinner in in man was Lena Shannon a good little what I taken who seen a tougher time we ask Allah Subhanahu WA Tana to bless this gathering to make this gathering a source of good for us in this life and the next to send down his tranquility upon us to encompass us in his mercy we ask a loss of Hannah what's a de for sincerity in all of our statements and actions before addressing the topic of Eman how can we strengthen our faith which i think is a very important topic I just want to thank the organizers of Hamad bin zayed family gathering and all of those who were instrumental in making tonight's talk a reality the the topic of amen amen itself is the greatest of all pursuits it is the noblest thing that a person can strive for an attained in this life and for those who attain Amen they will have a good life and they will be the ones that are rewarded in the hereafter tremendously a loss of Hannah who wa tada says in the Quran Minami Lozada him I mean that getting on that boat mean on but I know yen who hired and play eBay when an ahjussi a new home accent abhi accent in my kennel yeah my noon Allah and Allah says whoever amongst you does righteous deeds whether male or female provided that they are a believer provided that they have a men then we will give them a good life and he that is in this life and we will reward them in the hereafter with the best of that which they used to do and it is through faith truiy men that a person enters paradise and they are saved from the fire it is through a man that the person taste real sweetness of life and the rewards of a man and the effects that a man has on the heart are innumerable and for that reason it is the first priority of those who are in tune with its value now when we look at the topic of Eman there's no doubt that he men needs to be renewed from time to time that a man may be strong at some points and and weak at other points and every single one of us that is sitting here today recognizes that life has its distractions that many sometimes you may be focused and you may really be you know striving but then there are things that take you away from that path that distracts you and cause you to lose focus and for this reason everybody is in need of renewal to what they call touch deed to renew your faith and our prophet idea is salat suicide an informed us of this and we really need to pay attention to this hadith because the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said in an email the yes aleppo Feige ophea Hideko khmer yes luck a thought listen to this the province of lighting with some says here that a man will fade away in the heart just like the thobe or just like a garment or your clothes fades away it wears away so if you think about it for example the prophets on them here is given giving us an example of something that is intangible meaning a man but something that is tangible you thought right so if you wash your throat the thought that you have on today or whatever clothes you have on today is this garment that you have on today going to be the same five years from now ten years from now after you put it in the washing machine so many times it's going to the color will begin to fade it's going to lose some of its fibers in other words it's going to wear away and the Prophet idea is salon to a said I am said that this is the example of a men it fades away in your heart the same way that a garment fades then the prophet sallal RT was sanam said fess Allah and you jet didn't Amana vehicle you become so ask Allah because of the fact that that your faith fades away ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts me ask a lots of how it's honor to renew our faith this hadith is collected by Al Haqq him and his rooster the rock and the table irani and many of the scholars of hadith including an amendment at Benny Rahim ojala have graded this hadith as authentic now the reality is is then we when thinking about faith and comparing it to a garment when you first buy a garment it has a certain appeal to it and that's how faith is faith can become so strong that you actually taste the sweetness of faith you know the profit idea is salat to a sedan said telethon when Kuna fihi what are the Rehan a halal with an Amen that there are three qualities whoever has these three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith you will actually inside of you taste a a sweet taste from faith with your heart the prophets of Loyola son him said what are these three qualities that Allah and His Messenger be more beloved to you than anything else that's number one number two that you love a person only for a la strada sake and number three that you hate to return to cooker the disbelief the same way that one hates to be thrown into the fire if a la Santa Anna and his messenger are more beloved to you than anything else then this means that you put the pleasure of Allah Sanatana over the pleasure of people that you are seeking a loss of Hamlet's a displeasure and you're not seeking to please anyone at the expense of Allah some parents are displeasure and you love someone only for Allah only for lusting not because you're from the same country or from the same tribe or from the same family or you have mutual business interests you love them purely because you see them as being a person who is close to allah spirit dad and so you love them for that reason and you hate to return to disbelief after a loss of habitat has saved you from it the same way that you hate to be thrown into the fire a person who has these three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith however if that person is not careful they may lose the ability to taste the sweetness of faith if you think about a person think about your favorite dish your favorite dessert when you have a cold what happens your congested you can't taste it anymore why because you're sick because your ability to taste has been affected by the congestion the same thing is true with the heart that becomes congested with sins and and distractions and what's gonna happen even if it tasted that faith at one time it's going to lose the ability to taste because it's sick and this is why we have to work on our hearts so that we can remove the congestion from it that we can remove the effects of the sins on our heart so that we can taste that true faith and this is why and when we look at the issue of faith a person and this is important for us to realize we shouldn't take faith for granted we shouldn't think that because we have a certain level of faith that we can never lose it well the other we left because there are people who have tasted faith and then lost faith this is why any man Sufi an authority by him over love to Anna when he was asked does Amen the increase in decrease and he said yes II do Hetalia kun and allergy battle he man can increase until it's like a mountain by Uncas hat layup calming who Shane and it can decrease until there is nothing left from it and this is why it is so important for us to have what we will call Phil of amen true understanding of faith a Buddha radi allahu ta'ala anhu the great companion of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam he said men fill collab D and Y anima a is Eid man who am young couse he said that from the true understanding of an individual is to know is his Eman increasing or decreasing this this requires some effort on your part to really think about yourself is my man going up or is it going down and then he says woman Phil calamity and ya annemun as I thought to shape I'm in and natty and from the Phil from the true understanding of a person is to know his weak points where the whispers of shape on enter in other words a person after really examining him or herself has to see where his weaknesses learn how to close that door that so that shape on does not enter upon him let's take for example a great be bad that many of us fall short it that is the worship of gratitude sugar a lot of times when we think of worship somebody's going to say salat give us a cat fast Andromeda what about the better of your heart one of the greatest forms of worship and Islam is sugar but shape on enters upon us and causes us to be ungrateful for the blessings of a loss of Hamlet Anna and we should recognize that how do we know that because it is the desire of Shaitaan to keep us away to keep our hearts away from truly being attached to a lost parent attic so if you are attached to the dunya which is temporary you can't have that same attachment to a loss of Hannah Tyler how does this relate to sugar or gratitude and relates to gratitude because of this if you are constantly looking at what other people have and then you want to have what they have because you see it to be better then you are going to be attached to the dunya you're going to chase after that and don't look at it as just material things if you're not content with what a loss of camera data has provided you with then you're not gonna be grateful so you'll find a man who says to his wife you should be more like so-and-so's wife she cleans the house she cooks some three hot meals every day and she helps the kids with the homework what does this mean it means he doesn't he's not he doesn't have sugar for the wife that he does had he's comparing her to someone else's wife she responds in kind says you should be more like so-and-so's husband because he got her three maids want to help the kids with the homework one to cook three hot meals every day and want to clean the house and you should be more like him what's happening here everyone is looking to those who are above them you have a 2016 automobile the 2018 rides by side of you and you say that car is better than mine and so this is a way shape on is entering upon you and the profit ideas Sonata sedan told us to close that door so that we could be thankful to Allah Sanatana how did he tell us to close that door the prophets Allah lioness Adam said under Rule 11 who were s fella minkum look to those who are below you well that some guru with a man who were folk akong don't look to those who are above you for who edged up and led tester hoon Amma to lie at a comb because it is more likely to prevent you from belittling allows favors upon you look at this because this is a door upon which and this is what telling us radi allahu taala ain't no from the thick of a person your true understanding of faith is to know where she found enters from what are your weak points and this is a weak point for many of the brothers and sisters always looking at somebody else and if you're looking at those who are above you your heart is going to be attached to that and if your heart is attached to this dunya it is impossible for it to have the attachment that it should have to the hereafter and so a loss of Hannah who what's Adam and so it is important for us to recognize where the shape line comes in and it is also important to recognize that a man is a favor to blessing from allah subhanahu wa tada and when we say a blessing it means that a loss of her in Allah Azza WA JAL hands his faith and he gives it to whom He wills well o laughable illogical water mud - who let tobacco misshapen in the Kalina if it wasn't for allah spirit Allah's favour upon you in his mercy you would have been following the Shaitaan except for a few of you and what does the Shaitaan want what Subhan Allah think about this a client think about when allah spirit eyelid tells us the story of the shape line and Adam I need a soul out to ascend and he commands all of the angels to bow to Adam and amongst them was the shape I'm and he said I'm not bowing to Adam I'm better than him you created me from fire and you created him from clay so when a lots of helmets are either cursed him he responded by saying about the children of Adam about the human being similar a tienda home in vain EAD him woman hug he him want a mani and when Shama idiot then I'm going to come to them he tells a lie I'm going to come to you to the children of Adam I'm gonna come from the front from the back from the right from the left and what's the result well lad said you do extra home shack Guinea and you will find that the majority of them or what not thankful what's the opposite of that Alec offer and actually one of the linguistic meanings of Cofer is to be ungrateful and so this is what Shaitaan aspires to now once we recognize that this faith that a la serena Tata has blessed us with is in his hands then it becomes upon us to ask a la strada for it and when we have it to ask a loss of Hanna Rattata to renew it in our hearts and this is why the prophet Isaiah salatu wassalam says at the very end of the hadith after he tells us that he man fades away that we do what vessel Allah and you jet did Al Amana vehicle you become so ask Allah subhana WA to Anna to renew the faith that is in your hearts this concept of renewing faith the attempt to renew faith has to be something that we do on a daily basis and brothers and sisters in Islam I really want us to understand something here and that is that we have to work hard for this you know subhanAllah many of us work hard for a lot of things if you want a certain degree you're gonna go out then you're gonna work hard for you want to continue education you're gonna go to work and you're gonna come home and then you're gonna study for that degree because you want to move up the ladder and you're gonna get involved in different businesses because you want more money the things that you want in life you work hard for it and it's the same thing when we talk about Amen we should not think that it just going to come by samosas that we don't have to work for we have to work for it and this has to be a daily struggle there's a daily struggle that we go through this concept or the idea of renewing and strengthening our faith and there are three things that we're going to concentrate on tonight meeting later on these three things if you do them be it Neil and Tyler you will find your faith increase and each of these three things have sub components but I want you to think about the three the first is beneficial knowledge on a daily basis the second thing is righteous actions on a daily basis the third thing is being keenly aware of those things which eat away at your faith on a daily basis if we can do these three things they'll be ending Lantana our faith will strengthen our certainty will increase and we will be of those who please allah subhanahu wa tada take them with me one step at a time the evening light on it the first beneficial knowledge the prophet Isaiah is salatu wassalam said may you read Allah will be he higher on you 15 whoever lost Hara tada one's good for it he gives him faith he gives him fill in the religion and what we have to see what we have to understand here is how how can someone strengthen his faith if he doesn't know the things that help him to strength his faith strengthen his faith I mean this is pretty obvious how can you avoid the things that eat away at your faith if in fact you don't know what they are it think about a person who is allergic to certain foods a lot of people have peanut allergies for example and they eat of certain foods that they didn't realize have traces of peanuts in them so they eat the food and then what happens there's an allergic reaction they get hives they can't breathe properly because they didn't know what they should avoid so it goes back to what knowledge you have to have knowledge of those things which strengthen your faith and knowledge of those things which decrease and eat away at your faith so that you will avoid them the problem with many of us and I'm just gonna be frank is that we neglect religious knowledge and neglect it we totally neglect the attempt to learn more about our faith as if it's not useful for us we have time for everything else we have time to go to the gym we have time to to watch the news we have time to check our facebook pages and social media and all of this other stuff but we don't have time to learn more about our religion we're not talking about going and studying six years in a foreign land and no no we're not talking about that we're talking about a daily attempt to learn a little bit more about Islam if you have time for nothing else and you can't dedicate a whole lot of time for whatever reason perhaps you're genuinely busy you're working to support your family taking care of your children you have to make time for the book of a loss of habitat you must on a daily basis reading the Quran on a daily basis will change your life it will affect your life it will increase your faith a la strada told us as much in the Quran in the moment we noon alladhina either dookey or Allah what he lets hooloovoo whom were either truly Attalla him heir to who said that to me man why don't be him yet avocado the believers are those who and there are only those the believers are those who when allah style is mentioned their hearts tremble in awe of allah spent on it and when the verses when the ayats of the Quran are recited there a man increases these ayat increase them an email Wow that'll be him yet silikal and they put their faith in a loss of Hamlet Anna look at the effect that the Quran had on the people who came before us or not you know many of you know this story when the the Muslims the early Muslims the early followers of the Prophet idea salat wa salam were forced to make hitler they were forced out of Mecca they had to go to el Habashi Abyssinian and many of them went they left 80 some of them also amongst them who was attempting to make Hitler to Abyssinia was a bucket acidic well the allahu today what happened when he was on the way to Abyssinia he ran into a one of the people who used to trade with him his name was Ben did him that and he said well but good where are you going he said I'm my greeting to Abyssinia because my people have forced me out he said you can never be forced out you are a person who feeds the poor you take care of the sick you take care of your neighbors you will be under my gy what they used to call it under my protection he actually went back to Mecca with Abu Bakr and he told the leaders of Korus a bucket is under my protection and so they wouldn't harm him what happened a bucket began to pray audibly in the they call it Dafina which is like a courtyard of the house like the front yard of the house Abu bucket would go there and he would read the Quran and the wives and children of those leaders of Quraish used to come and they would listen to a book and recite the Quran and they became affected by the Quran and so what happened was the leaders of Croatia went back to it bended him then they said listen we're respecting the fact that Ebel buckers under your protection but you have to tell him to stop reciting the Quran because it's affecting our wives and our children and so even it did him that went to Apple bucket and he told him what the leaders of collation Abu Bakr said you can take back your protection I'm under the protection of a loss of habitat he continued to recite the Quran look at the effect that it had on people were not even Muslim you know jubair have been muttering well the allahu taala ain't no he narrates the story about how he first accepted his land he heard the prophet alayhi salatu salam reciting sorted up tour salah tell motherland and when the prophet isaiah salatu was-salam got to that I am fully human lady che in MML honda-kun were they created and who were they created from nothing Jonnie people were people created from those who deny allah spirit addict mmm old hollywood or are they themselves the creators which is impossible no one could create themselves debatable to him says that this was the first time Oh Wilma what got an email he told me this was the first time that a man penetrated my heart and in another narration caught he says Canada cut be your teeth it was like my heart was about to take flight because he he heard the Quran and he was affected by the Quran this book of Allah spirit I analyzed with gel says that it is blessed key tab one ends and now Hui alaikum wa barik own Mubarak this is a book that we have sent down to you that is blessed to be recited for Baraka and Ramadan we pick up a family because what because we want but no Li a debt bottle ayat so that it's ayat can be pondered over so that we can reflect over the Book of Allah sanitizer not simply that we recited the Quran is not going to have that effect on us if we don't ponder over its I add some you may say but we don't know Arabic how can we ponder over the ayat of Allah so parents either you can still ponder you can read a translation of the Quran and still reflect over the meanings of the Quran will you be like the one who is a scholar of the Arabic language and who understands the nuances of no but you will still benefit still benefit from that this has to be a daily exercise a daily exercise do not take this lightly do not say to myself or to yourself that you're not going to change anything in your schedule well lie I don't care how busy you are you make time for the things that you love you do all of us do no matter how famous a person may be no matter how much money they have no matter you make time for the things that you love and we should love this core aisle it's the speech of allah subhanahu wa tada but cut ends na alaikum keep tab and fee he dick bucum after that top ki-moon Allah spirits Allah says we sent down to you a book in it is your mention it is a book that honors you as many of the scholars and chefs here say it's a book about you why don't we ponder over subhanAllah and wine brothers and sisters in this land many of us we have people that we love close relatives one of them may write a letter to you think about a person who has left you a la Santa Ana called them back if they wrote a letter to you what sound advice you would cherish that letter this was the last thing that they wrote to you they gave you advice they they told you certain you know gems about life and you would cherish that because it was to you and they're sharing this with you they weren't good for you what do we think about a las Heras either he didn't send down the Quran simply to be recited he sent it down for us a guide in life in the head of Quran yeah Dean little--it II hear up on need this Quran guides to the path that is upright and so we have to make this Quran a part of our lives and don't be frustrated if you find that the Quran does not have that effect on you immediately Janna you start tomorrow you're reading the Quran and you don't find that it has that effect you see somebody else read the same thing they start crying and you're trying to figure out why are they crying and I'm not crying why are they being affected by this and I'm not being affected by it maybe because your heart is hard it's going to take time it's going to take time don't expect immediate results you have people who go on you know crazy diets because they want to lose weight but they quit the first day I didn't lose 10 kilos it's the first day you're not going to lose 10 kilos in one day from doing this diet it's gonna take you some time reading the Quran depending on how your heart is is going to take time but guess what if you give it a chance it will penetrate your heart you have to try you have to set aside time every day and I recommend that you do that after fudger or at some point in your day before your day actually gets started dedicate that time to the book of allah subhanahu wata'ala also under the the topic of beneficial knowledge and this is not something you have to do daily but it is something that you should do regularly and you know better what your schedule is if you need to do it on a weekly basis okay but you need to take out some time to dedicate to the serie of the Prophet I didn't salatu wassalam and reading about the lives of his companions but their love child I know because they were those who actualized faith they lived amen when looking at their lives you will grow to love them and when you love them you will emulate them and when you emulate them you will get what they got which is an increase in amen evening ladies I added so much of our time is spent reading about people who do not share our values they do not share our outlook on life whether they be politicians or biographies of other famous people whoever they may be but we do we spend that same time do we dedicate enough time to the sunnah of our prophet idea salatu wassalam and his serie and the serie or the lives of the companions of the messengers of the lyre they were so now the last thing under the the topic of beneficial knowledge and this is something that when I say the last thing that I mentioned tonight bade me man it doesn't mean that it is the least of what we've discussed that is to study the names and attributes of allah subhanahu wata'ala and everything else that is going to help to solidify your connection with the loss of hannah Ouattara i know a lot of people who tell their children to memorize the 99 names of Allah have any of you heard this before yes or no okay memorize the 99 names and they think that that is the meaning of the hadith of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam where he says that Allah so Allah has 99 names a hundred minus one whoever I saw a hat enters paradise and they translate I saw her whoever memorizes them so they think that it's just knowing the names of a lost parent aisle in Arabic ninety nine of them and that this is going to be your ticket to Jenna I saw her in in in does not just mean to memorize it means to know them to understand them to worship Allah Sir Henry China through these names what do we mean by that I'll just give you one example from the Quran because as you read the Quran which had many of the names of Allah spent on in the quraían you should be doing this kind of exercise this kind of pondering play it quiet Allah spirits Allah says in the Quran what - what can i little eysies and then he mentions another one of his names whose knows what it is anybody but - what can analyze ease huh rahim allah Strada tells us this is a command what's her what can so this is a command from allah spirit I'll have to what could put your trust in Allah Z's r-rahim allah aziz is one of a lost parents out his name's it means the mighty the one who has strength right and rahim the one who was merciful and compassionate are you why does a lust parent either tell us to put your trust in the one who was both strong and mighty but compassionate and merciful why does the lost parent ion to tell us that ponder over those names because but what in what does talking mean it means that you your heart has true it's Jimador trust reliant upon a loss of henna wa tada because you truly and sincerely believe that he is the one who brings about benefit and he is the one who repels harm and you're optimistic about allah sanatana answering your dua about him bringing good to you so you so lost friends i Highness says put your trust in the one who is strong and mighty because if he's not strong and mighty then he doesn't have the ability to do anything for you out of him compassionate and merciful because it is through his mercy that he will do and make happen what is best for you if he was simply strong simply mighty simply able there are many of those who are mighty and capable and they're not gonna help you because they don't care they don't care about you and even people who are compassionate about you but have no ability to do anything they can't help you it has to be a combination of the two that's what we're talking about when we say knowing the names of a loss of Hannah Tyler because if you know that Allah is Allah zzz and you know that he is a rahim then you will put your trust upon him Subhanahu WA Ta'ala that's what I wanted to discuss with you as it relates to beneficial knowledge I'm going to summarize the last part the last two parts the next one is righteous actions and there are many things that we can do to draw closer to Allah so Allah the most important of them is to be mindful of praying on time that is your connection with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala thick of keeping your tongue wet with the remembrance of Allah sada mentioning him in the morning and in the evening making dua in the more every morning after salat selfish and before the sunrise making those idea those supplications that the Prophet ideas so not too acid am used to make in the morning in the evening but there are other things because all of you heard this before there are other things that we neglect often like for example the fact that the prophets Elijah was sanam encouraged us to remember death often that's the woman Vic it had him inlet death the Prophet Salani was sometimes said remember often that which destroys all pleasure and that is death all of the worldly pleasures and the prophet Isaiah is salatu was-salam said kun tuna hey Zuko Manziel simcha water I laugh a Zulu had written ahead to that key mobile after ah I used to prevent you from visiting the graves why because people have a lot of false beliefs as it relates to the dead they believe that they can help them they can call on them the prophecy some have prohibited all of this our hearts attached to a lot spare Matata we don't call upon the dead we make dua for them not to them but the promise of a son says so for this reason he prevented us from visiting the graves in the beginning he said but now visit them because they remind you of the hereafter they remind you of the hereafter this is something very important that we don't do enough remembering death visiting the cemeteries so that we remember where it is that our final a boat would be it has an adversity rahim allahu ta da he took a friend of his who he felt or that friend complained to him that he had some weakness in his Eman and so he took him to the grave and he said to him if you were in this person's place right here the one who has just been buried what would you wish for it he said I would wish I could come back to life and do more good he said you have what you wish for you're still living you can do good you can change your ways so it is very important for us this is from the benefit things this is from righteous actions the profit idea is selected with sedan went to his companions one morning and he said to them who from amongst you today is fasting I'm a bucket said I am he said who from amongst you today has fed a poor person a buck I said I have and we should think about this are we doing these things the Prophet sorry son have said who from amongst you today has visited someone who was sick Abu Bakr said I have the Prophet Solaria was some time said who from amongst you today has followed the janaza the funeral Abu Bakr said I have the prophets Allah do some time said by the one in whom hand my soul is in these four qualities do not combine in a person in a single day except that he will enter Jenna it's collected by any man Muslim think about the are we really doing these things are we really striving to get closer to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala because this is how our Eman will increase by doing these righteous deeds the last thing that I mentioned in sha Allah Atta is being keenly aware of those things which eat away at your faith stay away from environments that do not aid your faith and all of you know what they are but this requires that you do a little what they call Mohan submits enough so that you take account of yourself yea alladhina amanu talked a lot about the tongue torn up some academically ready a lot of parents Allah said o you who believe have tuck over lost parents Allah fear Him be mindful of him and look forth to which you have looked to which you have put forth for tomorrow in other words you have to think about that not tomorrow as in Saturday tomorrow as in that meeting with the lost hanataro model d allahu tiger and who said take account of yourselves before the time comes when you will be taking account of and wait your actions before your actions are wait for you so stay away from environments that eat away at your faith be careful who you take as a close friend be careful who you are around on a regular basis because as the Arabs say I saw hips ahead your friend is going to pull you in some direction your friends the people who are close to you the profit idea cilantro Sonam informed us that the example of the righteous companion in the example of one who is not righteous is like the one who sells misc and the one who blows the bellows the blacksmith the one who sells miss you want to smell something good from him at the very least he may even give you some at the very least you can buy some from him and you'll smell good but the blacksmith know you're either going to smell a foul odor from him or he is going to get you dirty the same way he is so you have to be careful of those who you are around just like you are careful about the environment that you are in these are two very important things that we have to beware of that eat away at our faith the last thing that I'll say about this and this is a sensitive topic we have to be very careful about these devices so-called smart devices they have opened up a door of evil for many people and it doesn't mean the device itself is evil no it means that it is being used in a way that is causing a lot of harm and a lot of damage to people's families beware of these devices beware of what your children are watching fear Allah Santa Ana and know that the Shaitaan enters upon your heart from two main areas from your ears and from your eyes be aware don't let if you see something that is haraam turn away from it don't let your eyes keep following it because it'll enter into your heart and it will decrease your Eman and don't listen to those things which call you away from the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada and Elisha what Jill knows best or some along with Santa Mubarak and I never you know Muhammad and I please excuse me for going over the time that was allotted to me may Allah reward you or do share Toraja for this resting topic and we are running out of time otherwise we'll keep listening for this lecture for hours lecture our Shaykh is also appointed as been appointed to teach in the Masjid Rasool Allah and the prophets Masjid Medina and let's take this utilize this opportunity for asking him questions we will take three questions from brothers three questions from sisters who would like to ask assalamu alaikum okay I would like to first thank you for the beneficent knowledge love her my question is regarding you know the prophets of Allah Islam said if you see something even try and stop it at your hand if not then you have to turn if not then you know at least feel bad in your heart then in day out especially for the place where I am in I see many people quarreling sometimes by passing by the road or they smoking in all I just you know because I don't know them so I don't advise them is it a sign of my weak Iman I just feel bad in my heart but I am NOT able to you know can say to them you know stop or something like that oh yeah from the love salatu was-salam wanna know Sheila alright the question is a very good question and that is that the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam has mentioned to us and this authentic hadith that the brother mentioned mama I mean come on Cara well you by year will be Yeti whoever from amongst you sees any evil then let him change that evil with his hand now the those who have the ability to change evil with their hand are those who are in a position of authority so in your house you may change something with your hand but if you don't have authority over someone then you you can't change it with your hand I'll give you an example smoking smoking cigarettes it's something that is evil come on but you can't walk up to somebody on the street that you see smoking a cigarette take the cigarette out of his hand or his mouth throw it on the ground stomp on it and say I'm changing the evil with my hand so you have no authority over this person but in May a lost man Tyler protect us in our families if someone in your family your child or something like that you have authority over them and they smoke you can take it out and because you have that right because you have authority all right the second level is if you don't have the ability to change it with your hand then change it with your tongue meaning you say you you say something about it you say something about and this in general most people have the ability to do this what would stop a person from saying to someone else brother I want good for you the same way that I want good for myself and a la strada has commanded us in the Quran to stay away from killing ourselves that's up to lymphocercoma don't kill yourself so actually I'm advising you to not smoke because I would want for you what I want for myself what's stopping you from doing that the only thing that would stop you from doing that is that perhaps you feel it's not going to be beneficial that this person is just going to keep smoking or maybe you don't have time and you're rushing off or whatever does it necessarily mean that you have weak faith because you haven't said anything no that's not necessary maybe there's something else that is going on but it could be an indication that you are fearing the people below who Haku and Tasha but Allah has more of a right to be feared and everyone knows their own situation the the least level of email of amen as the prophet Isaiah so that's what I mentioned is that when you see this evil if you don't have the ability to change it with your hand and you're not saying anything then at least you should hate it or dislike it in your heart that is the least level of amen and this is why environment is very important because if you are an environment in an environment where there's constant Mongkok there's constant evil what tends to happen is that you become accustomed to the evil so you no longer even hate it in your heart because you're so accustomed to it and that that's again that is why you have to be very careful about the environments that you put yourself in this is the weakest level of a man that you hate it in your heart and allah salla knows best we'll take another question from the sister site anyone who want to ask Salaam alaikum I think you said Allah Allah thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of the group tonight my question is regarding the visiting of the graves have the Prophet a subtle Salam asked first for us to stay away and then he asked us to again join and go to the grave to remember the people who are dead and for the Hereafter can you clarify that for women as well there's certain Hadees is that you probably understand my question yeah I understand the question the Prophet idea is selected with Saddam said Latin Allah who is a world right uncle would may the curse of a loss of Hannah who Wattana be upon those women who frequently visit the graves that hadith is authentic but it's different linguistically so want someone who does something frequently visits frequently visit is different from the term ze rot which means to visit period and so the scholars differ about this particular issue in terms of women frequently visiting the graves and this is not something that's desirable period across the board however they differ over the permissibility of women visiting the graves at all some of the scholars say that it is impermissible at all for women to visit the graves and many of the scholars say that it is permissible as long as she is restricted by what we would say who the Sharia or the legislative restrictions in other words she's not mixing with men she's not wailing at the graves and tearing her clothes apart and these type of things like that and I don't know what the rules of this country are so I will not speak specifically about the permissibility or impermissible 'ti in any particular land but as it relates to alpha Phyllis Lambie and from a pure fit perspective it seems to me to be the stronger opinion that it is permissible for women to visit the graves with the restrictions that were mentioned as long as it is not a frequent visit of the graves well lahu tada Adam just like a look at any question from the brother site I cannot pay school so I can come to whom and prayer mashallah by Sokolow Caitlin my last minute Ali rewards you for your question may reward you with the best and it's a great question and so he says that I cannot pray at school can I wait till I get home to pray a loss of heaven tada says in the Quran in the salata can autonomy Nina t7 no Putin then the salat has been prescribed upon the believers at fixed times if a person is a resident then they have to pray at the times that were fixed by a loss of Hannah tada and that was through gibreel who came to the Prophet idea salat to a sedan at two different times to clarify when the beginning of salat is and when the end of salat is and therefore it is not permissible for anyone to delay the salat beyond its ascribed or appointed time unless he has a valid excuse for example due to illness or something of that nature other than that the person has to pray at the times that have been prescribed by allah subhanaw taala and I will tell you from personal experience as many of you know I'm from the United States of America and even in the United States the children which which obviously is secular it separates between church and state even in the public schools the children are afforded the opportunity to pray but it usually requires some parental intervention and so for the parents who are here don't leave that to your children don't leave that to your seven-year-old your 8 year old your 10 year old even your 15 and 16 year olds to be responsible for the the making some type of arrangement with the people responsible at the school or the the leaders of that particular school don't make your children be responsible for that there needs to be a group of parents who go and have a discussion with the principal or the vice-principal and say look at this time of the year and this is especially true in the winter time because the salat goes out I need or an asset come in very quickly to have a discussion with them and say look you know my child praise is a Muslim afford him the opportunity to pray in school and be able any China those who Romania tequila yellow Maharaja whoever has true top-level Australia as the gel will make for him a way out it's like a locker question from the sisters zach allahu khairan chief Oracle of Fig you mentioned something very important today about that ball in Quran and how the people were affected non-muslims at the time of abu bakr siddiq now it is so sad to see that in 2018 we have so many Muslims who don't understand Arabic language and this is so sad that even this our lecture should be should be addressed to Muslim people tonight in English so many or many times I myself asked myself why is it that so many Muslim countries their first language is not Arabic and it's caused so much problem so much ignorance for a lot of Muslims around the world what could be done about this wave my lost faith Allah bless you for your question and it is a it is a good question and indeed it is very important that we that we value the language of the Quran that we value the language of the Quran and that we strive as Muslims we should make an attempt to learn the language of the Quran because it will open up doors for you what can be done alhamdulillah there are many centers around the world probably in almost every city where the Arabic language is taught Arabic language is taught here in dubayy the Arabic language is taught it's up to individuals to push themselves to strive to learn the language should we the people who are in charge of Taoist centers and these or Islamic centers outside for example other countries should there be a greater effort on our part to teach people the Arabic language to teach them the importance of learning it no doubt about it but the end of the day people have their own languages in Allah so Allah created us that way and many people have accepted Islam after reading the Quran or a translation of the Quran I should say in their language there was something about the translation that penetrated their heart it wasn't lost in the language I've read some books as a side note of Christians from the 18th and 19th centuries who used to praise the towhead of Islam what were they doing they were reading a translation of the Quran by George sail who was an Orientalist who did not particularly care for Islam with the Muslims his translation was not the most accurate of all translations but they still the tow he shines through and there are many other aspects of the Quran that even in translation it's not lost so here we have to balance between two things we have to recognize that with the 1.6 1.7 billion Muslims that we have in the world not all of them are going to learn the Arabic language even though they should be striving to learn some of the language especially the vocabulary of the Quran at the same time for those who do not learn the Arabic language it should not stop them from pondering over the book of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala well o Adam like Allah here we'll take the last question from the brother site what's the question from how could we improve us children our in our Eman mashallah that's a great question and I think that the the best answer that I can give you is one of the most you know let me take a step back young man and for all of those who are listening to this answer amen increases with thy obedience to Allah spanner to Allah and His Messenger and it decreases with my SIA to sum everything up this is Amen it increases when you obey Allah and His Messenger and it decreases when you disobey Allah and His Messenger for the children specifically one of the best things that you can do is be dutiful to your parents be dutiful to your parents or been wildly Daini Sanna be kind to them what did the concept of bit ly lead ain't being kind to your parents obeying them being dutiful to them because your parents beaten Allah will guide you upon a path that will get you closer to a lot of parents out and that is their responsibility and I don't think that you would be here tonight asking me that question except that your parents are striving to help you go on a path that will get you closer to a loss of heaven tada and that will bring you happiness in this life and the next obey your parents be dutiful to them if they tell you to do something then do it if they tell you stay away from something stay away from it because they have your best interest at heart and a loss of Hamlet sada has told us in the Quran yeah alladhina amanu who and full circle well aleikum Nora oh you believe save yourselves and your families from and your family from the fire save yourselves and your families from the fire so as children that is the best thing that you can do obedience to your parents because they will instruct you in the obedience of so a lot of Hannah horchata reading the Quran like your parents do the all of these things are important well Annavaram Allah Allah increase our Iman and last question for today from sister site any question my question is like you said safeguarding our Iman we should avoid gatherings where there are like evil acts and which might bring our Iman down so my question is it's like it's gathering amongst the relatives where you very well know that there will be some evil acts and even to the tune of missing the prayers and it's like after effect of such gatherings is that on your mind and on your Iman is very bad so in a very polite and subtle way if you avoid those gatherings is it confined only to the tune where it's important or emergency you go and visit them and not too much in too much indulgence that's my question the Prophet ideas salatu was-salam has commanded us with Silla to blame that we keep family ties familial ties even if those family members are not Muslim there many of you have accepted Islam your family members may not be Muslim when the family gets together there's going to be a lot of Moon Chi in those gatherings you have to be able to weigh the benefit and the harm I believe that if a person is strong in faith that if they are reading the Quran every day that if they are praying five times a day and they're adding on to that they're no - those voluntary prayers that they are truly from the people who tried to get close to Allah so parents attic I believe that one of them can affect again gathering of ten of the others not on a regular basis I'm not talking about everyday and that's why I think that I mentioned regular indulgences and those type of gatherings but from time to time you know what's going to happen at that gathering you go prepared you've you know like you're going to battle and you put on your armor you you go to those type of gatherings prepared once a lot time comes in you say it's time to pray they don't want to pray with you that's fine but you step off and you pray believe me be in the leg you'll have an effect on that gathering you will have an effect on that gathering if there is something that is being said maybe people are sitting around all they're doing is talking about other people and you can say you know we should busy ourselves with something else we shouldn't just sit around and talk about people we shouldn't eat the flesh of people you can be someone who commands the good and forbids the evil and shallow at it and you go into that gathering is better than you abstaining from it however if you know yourself and you know that you don't have that kind of ability you don't that you don't have that kind of personality you know you're not at that level as we may say then as was mentioned in the question if you can politely subtly excuse yourself from that type of gathering or be seen but not actually mix and this is going to be better for you and better for your faith we ask a lot of how much data by his beautiful names and lofty attributes to increase us in a man alum have been anal II meant was a you know vehicle abena well-kept the healing and cofre coalition so Hannah but because of Belleza t I'm a seafood sedan when I don't more saline or hamdulillah he banana me it's like a local chef for sharing the formula of increasing knowledge I'm ELISA fragile increase or Iman I'm Alice amicus the state was on the street but I'd like to thanks also the organizers of Zion helmet family gathering and this is the end of this event Salaam walekum at lower cut
Channel: Wyatt's Wisdom
Views: 3,401
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Keywords: faith, eman channel, eman, ali dawah, tahir wyatt, will smith, madinah, NAK, tahirul qadiri, salafi, deobandi, the merciful servant, mufti menk, abdur rashid sufi, hoblos, debate, exposed, islam, muhammad, quran, dubai, sudais, afasy, UKIM, IPCI, IDCI, IRF, IERA
Id: i0J9m7CGpNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 28sec (4168 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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